This week on SUPERHERO ACADEMY…our visiting professor will be the one and only ( Nadra Enzi ) Cap Black.

SUNDAY, JULY 15TH 5pm Central…3pm Pacific
(917) 889-3317
“Join us on an journey to discover ways we can impact the world around us with positive actions and random acts of kindness. We are looking for ways to overcome the negative by strengthening the positive. Here we will discuss the things we have done right, the things we have done wrong, and things we can do differently to make the future better. Welcome one and all to the SUPERHERO ACADEMY…ALSO Please join our CAPE DRIVE for HEART HEROES by donating a cape to a child suffering from CDH…” -Host Crossfire The Crusader
NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention; homeless outreach & political advocacy. (504) 214-3082


 Nadra Enzi

BLACK COP APPRECIATION MONTH ( January 2012 ) is another effort to unite public safety’s two most ( ironically ) balkanized groups: Black male citizens and Black police officers.
In the spirit of Dr. King Black men should recognize brothers and sisters in law enforcement as a ” minority within a minority ” whose unique experiences with discrimination include once not even being able to arrest White people; being subjected to more disciplinary action than peers and the unique frustration of not being ” Black enough for some in the community and not blue enough for some fellow officers. “
Black citizen/police unity creates relationships and shares resources necessary to reduce murder rates rivaling Third World casualties.
In some ways creating such unity constitutes another quantum leap in civil rights.
Eventually this can give rise to teams of Black male citizens and police patrolling high crime areas addressing quality of life and safety issues as shareholders instead of current cold war conditions.   
Is a simple word of appreciation or  ” thank you ” invitation for Black officers to dine at local Black owned restaurants asking too much?
Especially when crime and mutual hostility threaten both Black male citizens and Black officers more than other Americans? 
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative activism in crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. He’s also the founder of Good Citizens Supporting Good Cops. (504) 214-3082 and [email protected]



 Nadra Enzi

Real life superhero ( RLSH ) activists should study the Occupy wall Street movement.
I write this as a member of both dynamic communities. 
Where RLSH illustrate what individuals can do the re-invigorate civic duty, Occupy Wall Street jumpstarted new life into mass demonstrations.
Occupy Wall Street shows us a model of viral recruitment that has changed current political dialogue about vital social issues.
The RLSH movement is great a producing lone rangers and small groups but I’ve always hoped we could evolve one day into mass production.
A RLSH-version of Occupy Wall Street ( minus vigilantism and rioting of course ) could do in days what it’s taken years to produce: thousands of superhero-themed activists.
The day we decide to ” Occupy Heroism ” on Occupy Wall Street’s grand scale is when we can finally impact public policy on vital  social issues like crime prevention and homelessness. 
Sounds good to me.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK is a Free Security! activist and security professional. He promotes creative activism in crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy.
Capt Black
Creative Activist

Good Citizens Supporting Good Cops
(504) 214-3082
[email protected]



Nadra Enzi
Capt Black
(504) 214-3082
In real life superhero ( RLSH ) terms I’ve literally fought folks Phoenix Jones style; did crime prevention speeches like the retired Citizen Prime and made coalitions the way Silver Sentinel does.
Toss in regular food giveaways in the tradition of Life and my Good Citizens Supporting Good Cops effort and you pretty much have my RLSH menu.
The topic of what makes RLSH “real” rears its pointy head periodically, usually in the wake of national publicity.
I address this topic periodically so here’s the latest opinion:
There’s no pecking order among RLSH and extreme altruists ( X ALTS ). Those imposing them are limiting a limitless concept. Free people can express their vision of creative activism without bias.
It’s not a zero sum choice between crime fighting verses unconventional philanthropy.
The only choice is what kind of creative activism you select.
My choices to date include:
* Regularly buying food for the homeless at a Canal St. fast food restaurant off its dollar menu- remember, I’m saving my part of the world on a sneaker-string budget ( lol  ).
* Giving cold bottles of water to New Orleans Downtown Development District ( DDD ) street custodians and public safety rangers; police and hotel valets on scorching days.
* ( Along with two other concerned citizens ) pulling an abusive boyfriend off the woman and child in a stroller he’d struck until officers arrived.
* I’ve also stopped wto separate suicide attempts this year.
Which actions are more “real” than others?
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your ” super” through creative crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. ( 504) 214-3082

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Capt. Black Video Interview.

Interview with Capt. Black on New Orleans world famous Canal Street about being a member of the ” real life superhero (RLSH ) ” community and why major problems are no excuse not to help the the community.
-NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your “super” through creative crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. ” Find Your Super!: Become A Creative Activist Through Comic Book Themes ” is his latest presentation. (504) 214-3082


Nadra Enzi

Capt Black

One fact sets creative activists ( RLSH & X ALT ) apart from their larger communities: our impressive absence of racial hangups (or good sense not to air them- take your pick! lol ).

Real life superheroes and extreme altruist community members come in all shades. That much is obvious. Why we unite around this sub-culture is the next logical question.

The sub-culture we share uses fictional themes to inspire inventive dogooding. These themes transcend racial categories and instead become an entirely new category all its own.

The bonds formed in practicing this sub-culture are often stronger than those usually found in conventional ties.
While politicans; political parties and pundits racebait to promote prejudice for some narrow purpose ( like the 2012 presidential campaign ), RLSH and X ALT consistently demonstrate our one elegantly simple truth:
“Super” has no color.

NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your “super” through creative crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. He also reminds readers that, “…the ‘Black’ in Capt. Black is an acronym (brotherhood-loyalty-ability-courage-kindness )defining five core principles instead of skin color. ” (504) 214-3082.


Don't Accept Limits!

Nadra Enzi
Capt Black
I don’t do limits.
Artificial barriers like fear ( on my part ) or prejudice ( on someone else ) aren’t acceptable.
Telling me expressing myself against injustice will get me in ” trouble ” means accepting an artificial limitation.
After years of getting myself into ” trouble ” I’ve discovered that whatever others threaten only has power if you buy into it. All their huffing and puffing has yet to do anything but indicate they don’t like being challenged.
Whole populations are controlled by limitation acceptance. One underlying tenet of patriotism is resisting covert or overt invasion because the enemy will impose limits upon you after victory.
Civil rights activism and anti-crime advocacy are replete with struggles against limitation. Offenders in government; private industry or even street gangs, despite obvious differences, stand united in their resolve to make others fit involuntary limitations.
Consider the absence of credible scientific evidence to justify limitation schemes like India’s caste system; American Jim Crow; South African Apartheid; Old style Soviet Communism; sexism; homophobia, etc. The list easily stretches toward infinity as one group plots to curtail another’s freedom.
I don’t accept limits because doing so means someone else becomes your absolute ruler. In this context every activist who defies limitation is a reminder that we are limited by others in direct proportion to our acceptance of their terms.
That’s why there are so few activists relative to the rest of their peers. Add unique activist subgroups like real life superheroes ( RLSH ) and extreme altruists ( X ALTS ) and percentages shrink even more! Limitations are one of mankind’s most unkind inventions and as such are not to be accepted in any form or fashion.
If we do, then we have no right to complain about mistreatment.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your ” super ” through creative crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. (504) 214-3082


Nadra Enzi
Capt Black

Barack Obama Superhero

Obama supporters hear growing grumbling in once euphoric ranks.
America’s first Black president and progressive champion has had his superhero image tarnished of late.
Epic joblessness and malaise form potent political Kryptonite.
Republican Congressional opposition rivals that of any comic book arch villain and his followers.
He leapt tall historic barriers in a single bound- a fact even hyper partisan foes readily concede. However, the national day dream where he would bend a broken economy back into shape now teeters on psychic life support.
Obama’s superhero image isn’t totally moribund. Black voters cling tenaciously to his imaginary cape despite crushing unemployment figures. Other minorities and Independents have likewise not chosen the Phanton Zone option thus far regarding his presidency.
The President’s superhero image is giving way to more terrestrial realizations that the change his campaign promised still hasn’t arrived.
That said, 2012 will decide if America still considers Obama its superhero. For creative activists the lesson is as plain as graphic novel pages: never promise too much and do what you promise.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your “super” through creative crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. (504) 214-3082  

Are RLSH Costumed Necessary?

I have a colorful brand name ( Capt. Black ) but don’t wear a costume ( See picture to the right ). I do stick my nose into matters common to many whom the media call ” real life superheroes ( RLSH ) “.
I like being able to respond at the drop of a hat, without worrying about ducking off to ” suit up ” somewhere. Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as inspired as anyone else by the flashy gear worn in fact and fiction. I like taking this type of inspiration and mainstreaming it a bit so folks can rub elbows with a creative activist who looks more or less like them.
There’s alot of talk about what constitutes a “real” real life superhero. Given how far the concept stretches reality it’s a little silly to even have the argument in my opinion.
Your intentions and actions establish the reality of what you represent- not whether you fight crime verses giving food to the homeless. This community isn’t based upon such either/or propositions.
I’ve had the good fortune to have caught criminal suspects and fed the hungry. One act isn’t morally superior to the other. Both are attempts to do some micro-good within ones immediate community instead of waiting for big name agencies to do it for you.
RLSH; extreme altruists ( X ALTS ) or whatever we’re called shouldn’t bother bickering about who’s “real” or who’s not when our brand stretches reality into shapes some consider unrealistic anyway.
After 20 years doing this stealth mode in other professions and three under the Capt. black umbrella, I say focus more on this great concept of using fiction to creatively address very real problems in society.
Stick to that and nothing but great things are bound to happen. Not doing so creates a media side show worthy of Jerry Springer, which is cool if that’s your goal.
Most I’m sure would agree being a media side show isn’t their goal.
Back to my article’s title, ” Are RLSH Costumes Necessary? ” My answer is like everything else in this life fantastic we practice, it’s up to the individual.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your “super” through creative crime prevention; political advocacy and self-development in New Orleans. (504) 214-3082.