I invite readers to view this video and reflect upon similar scenes seen daily in Hood America. While we know Ghetto women and girls use loud intimidation tactics the unspoken question is:
” Is it now ok to hit women? ” 
Here’s my Face Book post about the case:
” My high intensity activism & security work are centered in the Hood, IRONICALLY the MOST vulgar; violence instigators are Ghetto women and girls, bar none. They earn their chocolate klansmen hairnets daily in public from coast 2 coast! LOL Whether the driver was legally justified remains 2b seen but this much is clear: LOUD; ANGRY Black women & girls hold our public space hostage. What we eventually do about this remains 2b seen. For myself I let them know in no uncertain terms I refuse 2 submit 2 their histrionics. I was raised not 2 hit women. Today’s Ghetto female requires being as verbally firm as one would with a man. That defuses 99% of encounters because 4 all their bluster they’re used 2 intimidation- not confrontation with male strangers. Can’t wait to see what the investigation reveals. MAKE PEACE WITH AMERICA! FEATURING CAP BLACK ( Google me! ). “
Ghetto women and girls are often more vulgar than male peers. Those concerned with ” taking back our streets ” to use a popular phrase now wrestle with how to address such widespread civil disorder.
This case should spark a national debate. We can’t pretend it’s the 1970s when I grew up. 21st Century Hood America has large numbers of loud females who make already unstable environments even more so.
Whatever its outcome this case has brought the morality of hitting disruptive women to the front of the bus in many minds. 




” “I’ll tell you what’s different ( than in other countries ). I’ll tell you what the fundamental difference in America is, it, it is a war against black people in America. It’s black people that 85 percent of people who go to prison in America for taking drugs is black people. They don’t take more drugs, but it’s a racist law against black people in America.”

Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
” I like Branson the adventurer but PASSIONATELY DISAGREE with Branson the narco-policy analyst for disparate impact. Crack dealers & crack gangs destroy more Black lives, directly & indirectly, than all the police brutality & private racist vigilantes in America combined. NOT jailing them at rates consistent with the long term havoc they wreak is racist!  Short answer- BALONEY! “
When what I call ” chocolate klansmen ( inner city thugs ) ” have billionaire White lobbyists, ” saving inner city traditional values is almost lost!
The Crack Lobby elevated chocolate klansmen to folk hero status and thereby signed death certificates for thousands of innocent American Blacks without batting an eye.
Nice work guys.
We won’t be able to survive your encore.
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative urges urban males to MAKE PEACE WITH AMERICA and transform their pain into patriotism. Otherwise we die under the sneakers of chocolate klansmen and their enablers who could care less! 
(504) 214-3082


( NEW ORLEANS Federal Court House ):
FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m a police supporter NOT a cop hater who loves making them look bad! In New Orleans they’re able to do that without outside help too often.
The Court Security Officers ( CSOs ) are mostly White retired police officers on contract through a private security company to the US Marshals Service, who deputizes them as Special Deputy US Marshals to man the entrance check point and secure court rooms as a supplement to deputy marshals.
I’m cool with the  concept. Gives ex-cops a chance to do what they love in defense of the federal bench. Thumbs up for the concept! 
What I DON’T like is the consistently rude treatment I and other Black citizens recieve upon entry to the federal courthouse, funded by our tax dollars as well as those of sisters and brothers of all colors. Also, the deputy US Marshals haven’t mistreated me or others- only this group!
Today ( 8/20/12 ) was no exception. 
Curt snapped instructions were issued to myself and my companion, a high school teacher/education advocate and we commented upon how we were made to feel like convicts being processed. I’ve gone through before for wearing my Muslim head garb- only worse!!!
These men make it plain they don’t like Black people and treat large groups of us like gang members being detained ne masse!
Inside the court room while parties made presentations CSOs spared no opportunity to confront Black onlookers for such “capital” offenses as briefly turning around to whisper or even having an elbow on the back of the bench???
Each time they walked by me contempt was written on their wrinkled faces. Going there always reminds me of hateful Savannah police officers I encountered decades ago as I walked while Black.
The icing on the cake was when a fire alarm sounded during the US Justice Department presentation. 
After confirmation the court house was evacuated. 
Everyone gathered in the court yard in plain view of court security. When the all clear was given another ” Mississippi Burning ” moment happened: Black onlookers were subjected to the FULL search process while Whites walked back in without being stopped???
I refused to go through with this blatant racial profiling and left.
Is THIS what we pay our taxes for, classic 60s style Dem Crow discrimination in this Democrat controlled city within a facility policed by a Democrat controlled Justice Department?           
More over, how much ” justice ” can Black New Orleanians expect from this Administration’s feds if we can’t even be treated equally at the federal court house entrance???
I support good cops- NOT bad policy.
This is the  WORST policy I’ve seen and coming from Georgia that’s saying ALOT!!!
Nadra Enzi

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, BLACK LIFE SUPERHERO FOR EVERYBODY! promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082 and [email protected]…



Photos of Mitt Romney, Barack Obama.Photos of Mitt Romney, Barack Obama. (AP Photo)
As the presidential season super heats over the coming months race baiters Left and Right will seek to pit us against each other for partisan gain!Speaking as one American, I call myself ” Cap Black. ” Occasionally some try to make it a racial thing by mistakenly assuming I’m only FOR Black people to the exclusion of everyone else???
I’m Cap Black, Black Life Superhero For Everyone ( including crime victims of chocolate Klansmen and abortionists ) because of five principles comprising my definition of ” Black: ”
*BROTHERHOOD: G-d knows we’ll need TONS more of that as spin goes into warp drive!
*LOYALTY: Never forget fidelity to your Country; Family; Community.
*ABILITY: Use EVERYTHING THE Creator down loaded in you at conception.
*COURAGE: Don’t be afraid to do what you think is right- even if you’re the ONLY one who things so!
*KINDNESS: The best social program is voluntarily assisting someone because it’s the right thing to do- NOT because a proverbial ( sometimes LITERAL government gun is pointed at your head! )
These five principles can be practiced by a five foot White Republican woman or a six foot Black Democratic man.
Principles over pigmentation; political party or persuasion is what I’m preaching MORE THAN EVER as Campaign 2012 revs up.
That’s why I’m Cap Black, Black Life Superhero For Everybody because no matter what ship you may have arrived to America in- we’re ALL in the same boat now!
We sink… or swim- TOGETHER!
Nadra Enzi
NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK ANTI CRIME ACTIVIST promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my Hood Conservative efforts which rescues ENDANGERED traditional values like respect for the law and FIRST ourselves inside ” OCCUPIED TERRITORY  ( THE INNER CITY! ) ” * I can also run down to the nearest Western Union too! LOL


New Black Panther PartyNew Black Liberation Militia To Attempt Citizens Arrest of George Zimmerman, Man Who Shot Trayvon MartinNew Black Liberation Militia To Attempt Citizens Arrest of George Zimmerman, Man Who Shot Trayvon MartinNew Black Liberation Militia
Ever since the Travyon Martin tragedy I’ve had this on my mind about your group and the New Black Liberation Militia:

Brothers and sisters I hope you don’t confuse press conferences designed to scare White folks with doing something about Black folks American condition?
Hate speech is a constitutionally protected right but why should WE ever use it after all the hate our people endured? No matter how stacked the deck; how rigged the game and nor how crooked the dealer is running around scaring White folks all we can do in the 21st Century???

I’ve been to some of your events and meetings where I’m from because as a free man I need to judge for myself what’s going on in my community.
I’m all for lawful self-defense and creating businesses in our unsafe, impoverished neighborhoods.
That much at least in theory we agree with. It’s the Afro-centric George Lincoln Rockwell ( late American Nazi party founder ) theatrics that we differ on.

Outside of scaring the hell out of most Black folks, let alone White counterparts, what is all this costumed tough talk accomplishing?
I fight Black-on-Black crime; hunger and homelessness- beside anyone, of any color with the same priorities.

Blaming White folks while ignoring our daily national body count is dishonest… and played out.

Chocolate Klansmen in Black skin are hunting down our people more than all the classic Klansmen; racist cops and wanna-be vigilantes combined. Where are your press conferences and calls for bounties when we kill each other?
Our literal life and death struggle is more with people resembling us than hateful outsiders.

When Black power means acting like a Nubian nazi could me out.

Declaw yourselves from White people’s back and stop blaming them all the time for all our problems.

Regularly scheduled broadcasts say who’s killing Black folks the most.
THIS revolution is televised- and on line.
Nadra Enzi
Cap Black Anti Crime Activist

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my citizen patrol efforts which support civic duty and due process.…



I’m a brother on some quiet Batman [email protected]!
Batwing DC Comics Unveils a Black Batman
Bat Wing character courtesy of DC Comics
I will call 911 on you on the low to preserve discreet information gathering or directly act if the situation is too hot to wait for police to arrive.

This is the new Black male citizenship paradigm I  ( and others ) practice and promote. It’s the antidote to thug addiction
intravenouslypumped into brothers minds by adults and (un) popular culture. I know jails are overcrowded but so are morgues with chocolate klansmen’s only gift tot he community!

My contribution to our embattled community is a brother they can trust to advise them on safety and the long hard grind called seeking success without being a criminal.

When it comes to glacial police/community relations here in New Orleans and nationally the logical question is, ”  can brothers who are against crime help NOPD? “


” Yes ” in theory.

” Maybe ” in application.

Black men commit most of our street crime.  Reasonable observers would gather that uniting police and Black men opposing street crime is a no-brainer.

Not quite.

I have relationships with officers as do other anti crime brothers. Such scattered informal associations aside there is no formal coalition specifically uniting Black men with the police ( my Brothers & Badges Together model comes to mind, hint hint lol ). 

Again, most New Orleans street crime is a majority Black male affair. Getting Black men and cops on the same team isn’t a ” racist ” response- it’s realist.

Either we as a society see Black men as more than suspects ( unless employed by law enforcement agencies, etc ) or we don’t.

Keeping anti crime brothers at arms length makes them wonder if liberal accusations about police being eternally biased are true?

I’d like to see Black male/police relations evolve to resemble a real world version of what Adam West’s Batman enjoyed on his famed TV show.

It’s a looong shot but worth the work I and others in this chocolate Klansmen era are making because there is no other decent choice!

All we have is the public safety miracle of all time waiting in the wings if we pull this off!
Surprised smile

Think about it. BE about it!Same Black-Time! Same Black Channel!NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my citizen patrol efforts which support civic duty and due process.…



Jarell Brooks, Dark Knight Movie Massacre Hero

God bless this 19 year old real life hero for saving the lives of a mother and her two children- one of whom is a four month old infant, from James Holmes rampage.

Did I mention young Mr. Brooks did more than her boyfriend, who promptly fled when shooting started???
Young Black men get alot of bad press. While quick to denounce chocolate Klansmen I also quickly recognize young brothers who show the world how we ( and any decent person ) should act.
While pushing Ms. Patricia Legarreta and her children to safety, effectively shielding them with his body, they were both regrettably shot. Hopping on one leg our young hero’s only thoughts were, I have to get this family out, without getting hit myself. I managed to do one” he told ABC News.
Real life heroism.
All young Black men aren’t cowards or criminals.
Many of them do great deeds like Jarell Brooks but are overshadowed by peers hell bent on destroying everyone around them.
Pundits say the Dark knight wasn’t there to save the day. I respectfully disagree.
Young Jarell Brooks and other real life ” dark knights ” rose to the occasion- getting wounded or even killed to protect others- just like the fictional superhero they gathered to watch on the big screen.
Congratulations young brother!
You made my year with this very good news!
Nadra Enzi
Cap Black Anti Crime Activist

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my citizen patrol efforts which support civic duty and due process.…




Black men are routinely portrayed as crime figures- not crime fighters! Those choosing criminality and promoting it culturally ( in music; videos; clothing; etc ) now face rising opposition.
Detroit 300 is a very proactive, majority Black male citizen patrol working with police in a no-nonsense manner to get more chocolate Klansmen arrested!
HURRAY! AMEN! ALL PRAISES DUE TO GOD!!! These groups ( MAD DADS also immediately comes to mind ) represent the natural next step in the civil rights movement- opposing inner city violence without excuse nor apology.
We hae a Catch 22 regarding American public safety. Selective silence on Black homicide is seen elsewhere as support of crime.
Conversely too many Black men opposing crime would invariably prompt cries of ” vigilantism” from alarmed White observers more comfortable with perceived inaction.
While operating within the law, some Detroit 300 members and unaffiliated posers have crossed the line. Thankfully no George Zimmermans have emerged from their ranks and I don’t expect one to. They do a good job policing their own and are vital to culture change where they live.
Their legal war against rogue shooters; rapists and thieves is where the mainstream civil rights alphabet soup should be- fighting destructive elements within Inner City America.
WARNING: Black vigilantism is no better than vigilantism classic. Black versions of Byron Dela Beckwith ( activist Medgar Evers murderer ) and Bernhard Goetz ( New York’s Subway Vigilante ) represent horrific steps backward in advocacy.
Black male citizen patrols don’t have the luxury of violating rights or targeting suspects for summary assassination for at least two reasons.
POINT ONE: Vigilantism is wrong- no matter who does it.
POINT TWO: President and Attorney-General aside, we do not have enough clout among police; prosecutors and judges to provide ( illegal ) cover the way White vigilantes have until relatively recently.
Now, accused vigilantes of any color get tough treatment from the criminal justice system.
It’s against this back drop that the Detroit 300 and other Black male citizen patrols navigate with the danger of vigilantism allegations waiting in the wings more than other concerned citizens doing the same thing. Detroit 300 initial press conference footage.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention and homeless outreach. (504) 214-3082


Heaven Sutton was killed while selling candy on her front yard
Chocolate klansmen recently murdered yet another innocent Black child, Heaven Sutton of Chicago. That this tragedy occured in President Obama’s home town hasn’t been lost on critics from the Right.
My take is slightly different on this case. When my personal chocolate klan watch zeroed in on this case I noted once again that it illustrates the limits of Obamaism.
Milliseconds after the president’s historic victory role model proponents touted it as a near-biblical paradigm shift for inner city Black families.
Filled with symbolic pride chocolate klansmen and peers would stride purposefully away from violence; drugs and career dysfunction to become solid citizens patterned after the new arrival in the Oval Office.
It didn’t quite work out that way. Obamaism failed to convert millions. That’s not the president’s job nor is ongoing urban carnage his fault.
Thinking Black male criminals are lemmings needing the right rhetorical rodent to lead them is the problem. Criminals while Black are free moral agents just like thugs of any other color.
Assuming less is archaic racism of the first order! Chocolate klansmen are murderous; larcenous vandals because they choose to be. There isn’t some White Republican in the wood pile hidden away shoving bribes and guns into their hands to occupy the inner city.
Americans while Black holding chocolate klansmen accountable will save innocents like Chicago’s Heaven Sutton, as much a  ” hate ” crime victim as the little girls murdered by classic klansmen September15, 1963 inside a Birmingham, Alabama church!!!

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwis...

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwise from top left, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwise from top left, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair)
It isn’t President Obama’s fault that suspect Jerrell Dorsey may have decided to be a chocolate klansman. He’s not a slave nor an indentured servant.

Heaven Sutton’s death indicts once again the slave-making myth that Obamaism will magically make thugs and other low lives mend their ways.

The president is doing his job whether some agree with it or not.

Our job as Americans while Black is legally punishing baby killers and as individuals, not becoming chocolate klansmen ourselves.

Individualism not Obamaism is what will save the next Heaven Sutton from chocolate klansmen .
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention.
CAPT BLACK: (504) 214-3082
Nadra Enzi


Mother of Darius Simmons

Trayvon Martin
Trayvon Martin
Darius Simmons is a Milwaukee 13 year shot and killed by his 75 year old White next door neighbor. John H Spooner is the neighbor’s name and whether it will become as infamous as George Zimmerman remains to be seen.

Black observers should be prepared for conservative push back in the form of local Black-on-Black murder stats should they try to cast this internationally as a hate crime. We can debate conservative motives as either benign or malicious but one point remains: our self-hate crime rate eclipses that of hate crimes from elsewhere.
In my opinion every murder could be deemed a hate crime. This new case happened last week and rises to prominence amid the fog of Wisconsin’s heated recall election won by its governor. A racially incendiary case like this shouldn’t be recklessly tossed atop the state’s hot embers.
Past theft allegations from the suspect and a ” castle doctrine ” law on the books are sure to play into this latest episode of my life’s work: the ( sometimes explosive ) interplay between civil rights and public safety.
At issue will be this astonishing claim: the shooting erupted with the victim’s mother witnessing it and Darius Simmons was reportedly shot again in the back while fleeing!
Wow! If that doesn’t sound like textbook White Man’s Privilege I don’t know what does?!! The case should hinge on this assertion alone.

What we do know is a 13 year old is dead and a senior citizen did it- about as bleak a fact pattern as one will find even by today’s standards.
I agree with progressives that non-Blacks shouldn’t think they can kill young Black men with impunity despite a recent history of just that in America.
I agree with conservatives who note with painful honesty that Black communities are often conspicuously silent when Trayvon Martin and Darius Simmons peers are killed by other Black people. That’s a point I not only agree with but take light years further to consider these killers nothing more than chocolate klansmen.
With race factoring into a heated presidential election and nerves frayed over the Trayvon Martin case the question of whether Darius Simmons is the next Trayvon Martin has possibly historic consequences.
Darius Simmons supporters have their work cut out for them- as do proponents of his being at fault.

Both sides should consider the consequences of rash actions with the fate of a nation literally hanging in the balance. 

NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention.