New Black Panther PartyNew Black Liberation Militia To Attempt Citizens Arrest of George Zimmerman, Man Who Shot Trayvon MartinNew Black Liberation Militia To Attempt Citizens Arrest of George Zimmerman, Man Who Shot Trayvon MartinNew Black Liberation Militia
Ever since the Travyon Martin tragedy I’ve had this on my mind about your group and the New Black Liberation Militia:

Brothers and sisters I hope you don’t confuse press conferences designed to scare White folks with doing something about Black folks American condition?
Hate speech is a constitutionally protected right but why should WE ever use it after all the hate our people endured? No matter how stacked the deck; how rigged the game and nor how crooked the dealer is running around scaring White folks all we can do in the 21st Century???

I’ve been to some of your events and meetings where I’m from because as a free man I need to judge for myself what’s going on in my community.
I’m all for lawful self-defense and creating businesses in our unsafe, impoverished neighborhoods.
That much at least in theory we agree with. It’s the Afro-centric George Lincoln Rockwell ( late American Nazi party founder ) theatrics that we differ on.

Outside of scaring the hell out of most Black folks, let alone White counterparts, what is all this costumed tough talk accomplishing?
I fight Black-on-Black crime; hunger and homelessness- beside anyone, of any color with the same priorities.

Blaming White folks while ignoring our daily national body count is dishonest… and played out.

Chocolate Klansmen in Black skin are hunting down our people more than all the classic Klansmen; racist cops and wanna-be vigilantes combined. Where are your press conferences and calls for bounties when we kill each other?
Our literal life and death struggle is more with people resembling us than hateful outsiders.

When Black power means acting like a Nubian nazi could me out.

Declaw yourselves from White people’s back and stop blaming them all the time for all our problems.

Regularly scheduled broadcasts say who’s killing Black folks the most.
THIS revolution is televised- and on line.
Nadra Enzi
Cap Black Anti Crime Activist

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my citizen patrol efforts which support civic duty and due process.…