Stunned Americans and good people globally await revelation about WHY suspect James Holmes went on a historic masked murder spree that one ” real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” activist named Anti Hero labeled as the work of a ” real life super criminal. ”

Let’s take comfort in stories of real life heroism which media is sharing.

Even in the face of such terrifying danger some thought of others and acted accordingly. Caring about the next person even if it risks our lives is one sure defense against what I hope will NEVER become a trend:” real life super criminals” using comic book culture to embellish rampages.
Our hands are full enough with so-called “normal” sociopaths; gangs and the like.
Marvel at the real life heroism Holmes encountered.
As always my thoughts and prayers are with the victims; their families and nations wondering if anywhere is safe anymore?
NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082. [email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my citizen patrol efforts which support civic duty and due process.

Nadra Enzi
Cap Black Anti Crime Activist

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Proposed Standards for the RLSH Community

Okay, let’s break this down into each separate component. Some people honestly act like there is some sort of hidden clause or tricky “small print” that they have to watch out for before agreeing to these standards.
“LET IT BE KNOWN That we, the undersigned, do hereby agree and affirm:”
… If you believe in the standards, shouldn’t standing up for and endorsing them be something to be proud of?
That Everyone has the Right to feel Safe in their own homes, and in their home communities.”
… Anyone object to this statement?
“That it is the responsibility of Concerned Citizens to help Create and Maintain Safety, and Reduce Suffering, within their home communities.”
… That is why we do what we do is it not? Because we understand that our communities need the help of everyday citizens and volunteers?
“That Concerned Citizens can Respond in a Lawful Manner to Safely, and Effectively, Reduce Violence and Criminal Activity within their communities.”
… Does anyone feel the need to break the law to make a difference? Does agreeing to obey the law make you nervous for some reason?
“That Everyone has the Right to Dignity, Respect, Fair Treatment, Safety, and Choice.”
… Any problems with this? Does anyone have a good reason everyone isn’t worthy of respect and being treated decently?
“ARTICLE ONE: ORGANIZATION – Signatories have the Right to Lawfully organize and structure themselves however they wish, free from outside interference. No rule, nor restriction, shall be made to infringe upon this Right.”
… Does anyone feel that someone else has the right to tell them how to organize their own group, or tell them what to do (as long as they aren’t breaking the law)?
“ARTICLE TWO: JURISDICTION – Signatories shall be free to operate without restriction within their home territories, provided they stay within the boundaries of the established Laws and Regulations of said territory.”
… If you’re not doing anything illegal, and aware of the local laws under which you can legally operate, is there a problem?
“ARTICLE THREE: FUNDING – Signatories shall have no responsibility for the expenses of any individual, or group, other than themselves.”
… Should any other RLSH, or group, be responsible for your expenses? If someone donates equipment to you, that’s fine, but should anyone expect other RLSH to give them free stuff and money? Hell No.
ARTICLE FOUR: MEDIATION – Signatories shall have the Right to seek Fair Mediation in matters involving possible disputes between Signatory individuals, or groups.”
… If someone makes an accusation, someone else needs to act as a mediary to clear up the matter, otherwise we end up with more drama and bullshit backbiting. There are always trustworthy volunteers, so agreeing to this doesn’t mean you agree to “jury duty”.
“ARTICLE FIVE: LEGALITY – Signatories affirm that they are private citizens, not Law Enforcement Officers, nor do they possess any special arrest powers, and shall abide by the Laws, Rules, and Regulations of their individual home communities.”
… If someone has actual arrest powers they’re already bound by specific laws and policies. This statement is for everyone else that says they understand they’re nothing more than citizens, plain and simple.

What Martial Art Should An RLSH Learn?

What Martial Art Should An RLSH Learn?

Next, after you have learned how to defend yourself, what constitutes defending yourself, and the knowledge necessary for covering yourself legally, you must then learn what are called, “Control and Restraint” techniques, as well as the laws governing, Use of Force, and, Citizen’s Arrest, in your location. All too often people interpret such phrases as, “you may use what force is necessary to stop and detain a suspect”, as meaning they can pound on someone until he submits to their holding him prisoner. This is a grievious misinterpretation on their part. The general rule for application of force is that only necessary force may be used. When force is applied by an individual (for example, to protect life, or property), the amount of force permissible is, likewise, only that which is reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. You are not authorized to beat the crap out of a rapist, or a child molester. The amount of force that can legally be used is only that which is necessary to stop and detain the suspect. End of story.
posted by Silver Sentinel @ 2:37 PM

Ordinances Concerning the Feeding of the Homeless

Ordinances Concerning the Feeding of the Homeless

Reviewing a number of these laws has shown that the average RLSH has no concerns whatsoever.  Preparing a pot of soup, or making some sandwiches, does not generally fall into the scope of these ordinances.  There would only be a problem if the RLSH took it upon themselves to set up a “feed”, a prearranged time and place to meet and give food to the homeless.  But any clever RLSH group worth its salt would simply make friends with an existing organization, such as a church, or soup kitchen, and work under their direction, thus passing legal scrutiny.
Passing out packaged foodstuffs, or foods prepared at a place of business, where the product already meets currently established health codes, is not illegal.
posted by Silver Sentinel @ 11:56 Pm



I call these crisis  “the Big Three Evils.”
We must oppose them without hesitation nor excuses!
Otherwise we’re worthless.
While I type and you read people are being brutalized who don’t have to be; are hungry literally surrounded by food and without shelter in the shadow of sorrounding structures???
Such avoidable misery puts the lie to arrogant claims that humanity is so advanced. Creative activists in the “real life superhero ” ( RLSH ); extreme altruist ( X ALT ) and citizen patrol ( CP ) communities have made opposing the Big Three Evils their industry standard.
Violent crime is the visible destruction of what happens quietly regarding hunger and homelessness. Notice sirens wail and flashing lights regarding violence but none upon discovering empty stomachs with no roof overhead?
Creative activists role is to spotlight the Big Three; help them on our own and rally citizens into the greatest potential mass movement possible: arresting violent crime; hunger and homelessness until they cease to exist.
High flown rhetoric? Perhaps. But stopping the Big Three Evils isn’t impossible. The micro-good creative activists accomplish on budgets infinitely less than those of the Department of Health and Human Services or USDA is daily proof.
More than any terror cell or rogue nation the Big Three Evils of brutality; hunger and homelessness test assumptions about being co-called caring human beings.
Every violence victim; hunger victim and homelessness victim are points on the Cosmic Scoreboard for the Big Three Evils.
Each small act reducing the Big Three Evils counts on the Cosmic Scoreboard too!
Suiting up and taking to the playing field of real life against the Big Three Evils is the only choice that makes sense!

CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention and provides safety first hand as a FREE! Security activist to select people and causes. (504) 214-3082 [email protected] is where can assist  my PERSONAL crusade against brutality; hunger & homelessness.


"Lame Duck" but no less important missions:

EXCITING: Driving across the State to a con to meet Celebs and talk up the Public. Telling people about doing the right thing, with a Gimmick or Without…and basically Recruiting for the cause.
EXCITING: taking the Supermobile at Warp 9 to St.Pete and running up a parking garage when you hear a chick screaming or maybe even preventing a mugging.
NO SO EXCITING: Spending half the day sitting in the Social Security Office, then on the phone pushing more one’s & zeroes then are on Zimmer Barnes Gimmick to try & help a 91 year old lady get additional assistance to make ends meet. Really to no avail either.
But the reality is that this kind of mission is no less important then the other two.
It’s not all glamor, gals, and Galactus.


Phoenix Jones is a young Black man and self-proclaimed crime fighter in a socially progressive city ( Seattle ). He famously has a two-fisted approach to stopping urban crime.
To his credit he’s living proof that all young Black men aren’t what I call “chocolate klanmen” thugging their way through life.
As an older Black man who’s also in what the media calls the ” real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” community I’ve marveled at Jones’ color blind acceptance from the press, liberal and conservative. This argues well for where America is since its most famous costumed crusader is also part of the late Trayvon Martin’s generation.
I’d assume ( thank God ) Phoenix didn’t grow up under Jim Crow-lite like I did. His biography shows challenges in his upbringing which are indicative of our era.
My acute concern as a RLSH while Black is that Phoenix needs to be very, very careful during his interventions. Already arrested once ( case dropped ) local police are not exactly thrilled with his activities. While no racial angle has emerged it’s worth noting nonetheless.
He’s still a Black man using force and detaining White people- even in the liberal Pacific Northwest that’s risky.  The same caveat applies to Black suspects he encounters. One biased cop; upset complainants   plus one biased prosecutor equals life changing potential trouble for this young man.
My analysis might be a little too Old School for Phoenix reality but is offered anyway. As a Southern RLSH activist who began in progress-challenged Savannah, GA., being Black while wearing a mask ( “superhero” or not ) would have created more problems than it would have solved- like being mistaken for a criminal and shot by police! ( LOL ).
Phoenix Jones is the flip side of the Trayvon Martin tragedy: instead of a victim or too often for young brothers; a suspect, Jones is a self-appointed crime fighter or vigilante depending upon opinion. Should scores of other Black men follow his example will society be so accommadating?
Black while wearing a mask Jones isn’t a ” Black “activist vocally focused upon racial issues. He’s no cowled Al Sharpton and thus accepted much more readily. His brand is simple: red-blooded American male decides to do something about crime beyond fuming or dialing 911.
All I’m saying is, ” Be careful brother. ”
People have mostly accepted you for what you say you are but beware those who can’t accept America’s number one “real life superhero” being Black. Look at the grief President Obama gets in some quarters and learn.
My duty as a fellow anti crime activist while Black and male is to pass this unsolicited advice along to Phoenix Jones.

Phoenix Jones; race and being a real life superhero has yet to become a viral debate topic. Perhaps it never will.

But, you never know what direction this stuff can take- esepcially if people begin plotting against you for whatever reason.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention and homeless outreach. (504) 214-3082


Heaven Sutton was killed while selling candy on her front yard
Chocolate klansmen recently murdered yet another innocent Black child, Heaven Sutton of Chicago. That this tragedy occured in President Obama’s home town hasn’t been lost on critics from the Right.
My take is slightly different on this case. When my personal chocolate klan watch zeroed in on this case I noted once again that it illustrates the limits of Obamaism.
Milliseconds after the president’s historic victory role model proponents touted it as a near-biblical paradigm shift for inner city Black families.
Filled with symbolic pride chocolate klansmen and peers would stride purposefully away from violence; drugs and career dysfunction to become solid citizens patterned after the new arrival in the Oval Office.
It didn’t quite work out that way. Obamaism failed to convert millions. That’s not the president’s job nor is ongoing urban carnage his fault.
Thinking Black male criminals are lemmings needing the right rhetorical rodent to lead them is the problem. Criminals while Black are free moral agents just like thugs of any other color.
Assuming less is archaic racism of the first order! Chocolate klansmen are murderous; larcenous vandals because they choose to be. There isn’t some White Republican in the wood pile hidden away shoving bribes and guns into their hands to occupy the inner city.
Americans while Black holding chocolate klansmen accountable will save innocents like Chicago’s Heaven Sutton, as much a  ” hate ” crime victim as the little girls murdered by classic klansmen September15, 1963 inside a Birmingham, Alabama church!!!

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwis...

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwise from top left, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwise from top left, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair)
It isn’t President Obama’s fault that suspect Jerrell Dorsey may have decided to be a chocolate klansman. He’s not a slave nor an indentured servant.

Heaven Sutton’s death indicts once again the slave-making myth that Obamaism will magically make thugs and other low lives mend their ways.

The president is doing his job whether some agree with it or not.

Our job as Americans while Black is legally punishing baby killers and as individuals, not becoming chocolate klansmen ourselves.

Individualism not Obamaism is what will save the next Heaven Sutton from chocolate klansmen .
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention.
CAPT BLACK: (504) 214-3082
Nadra Enzi

The Combative Mindset and Self-Defense

The Combative Mindset and Self-Defense

There are literally thousands of websites, martial arts schools, and “self-defense” instructors, that preach the old axiom, “To survive violence, you must become violence.”  They would have their students and admirers engage in conflict with the mindset of hardened warriors, only to end up in jail, a hospital bed, or in the ground.  Their advice appeals to the angry, the scared, and the overly imaginative, but not to reality.
posted by Silver Sentinel @ 8:50 PM


Saving the world on a sneaker string budget is what activists of all sorts and average Joes and Janes do daily without fanfare or, cynics accuse, impact.  My short hand phrase for such modest philanthropy is ” micro-good. “

While not as well financed as the United Nations or the USDA, micro-gooders nonetheless possess certain advantages.

There is no exacting, time consuming grant review process one endures until “yeah” or “nay” is heard. Micro-gooders decide with the aid recipient(s) before them and thus by pass bureaucratic inertia.Micro-good has the distinct advantage of operating beyond the clutches of big government and what I call ” big Givers ” i.e. well known charities whose paperwork pyramids delay service delivery to those in need.
I prefer micro-good because of its availability.
I regularly give food; small amounts of money and other iteams without awaiting permission from some distant home office. Other superhero themed activists alongside conventional micro-gooders offer on site help while big givers are inside far away service centers.
One model isn’t better than the other but the case for micro-good ( especially in this grinding Recession ) needs to be made. Big government and big givers don’t often visit doorways; libraries; abandoned buildings; alleys and confrontations to assist people.
The war against hunger and homelessness extends beyond budget debates; soup kitchens and EBT cards. Along with such large components are micro-gooders acting as frontline troops against persistent problems big government and big business haven’t conquered either.
Conventional Left/Right bickering doesn’t serve Americans whom the safety net perhaps hasn’t caught.
Into this void, undeterred by its enormity are micro-gooders who help when the offices of big peers are often closed.
Folks don’t worry about not being big enough to eradicate hwat has plagued mankind for millenia.
Micro-good is what free people do within the scope of their imagination; limited resources and network.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention & homeless outreach. [email protected] is where dollar super power can be sent to help me help others.

CAPT BLACK: (504) 214-3082

Nadra Enzi