
Somebody just very politely (from the UK of course) asked me:
“Excuse me sir, can you explain why it’s better not to wear a mask?”
Oh sure thing Brother.
I’ve never been a big one for Secret Identities anyway…it’s just too easy to find out who somebody is nowadays anyway. They would just run my tag if they really wanted it 🙂
aside form the secret ID thing Masks (Cowls especially according to Adam West) just aren’t as practical in reality as people thing they are, this time of year they’re unbearably hot, limit your vision, and God forbid you get into a confrontation & somebody cranks it…you’re blind as a bat & in big trouble. I know they’re a Superhero staple…but I just don’t think they work to well in reality.


Read more

***Thanks to Batman 300 of the Detroit 300 anti-crime group for the tip!LL Cool J, entertainer and fitness enthusiast, subdued burglar in his home, breaking suspect’s nose and jaw in the process!!!
LL held him for police.
Question: will this low life try to sue LL Cool J for excessive force?
I grew up watching this brother evolve from a scrawny kid to a muscled powerhouse.
” MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT! ” ( couldn’t resist it! LOL ).
GREAT job brother LL!

Nadra Enzi
NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, BLACK LIFE SUPERHERO FOR EVERYBODY! promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082 and [email protected]…



( NEW ORLEANS Federal Court House ):
FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m a police supporter NOT a cop hater who loves making them look bad! In New Orleans they’re able to do that without outside help too often.
The Court Security Officers ( CSOs ) are mostly White retired police officers on contract through a private security company to the US Marshals Service, who deputizes them as Special Deputy US Marshals to man the entrance check point and secure court rooms as a supplement to deputy marshals.
I’m cool with the  concept. Gives ex-cops a chance to do what they love in defense of the federal bench. Thumbs up for the concept! 
What I DON’T like is the consistently rude treatment I and other Black citizens recieve upon entry to the federal courthouse, funded by our tax dollars as well as those of sisters and brothers of all colors. Also, the deputy US Marshals haven’t mistreated me or others- only this group!
Today ( 8/20/12 ) was no exception. 
Curt snapped instructions were issued to myself and my companion, a high school teacher/education advocate and we commented upon how we were made to feel like convicts being processed. I’ve gone through before for wearing my Muslim head garb- only worse!!!
These men make it plain they don’t like Black people and treat large groups of us like gang members being detained ne masse!
Inside the court room while parties made presentations CSOs spared no opportunity to confront Black onlookers for such “capital” offenses as briefly turning around to whisper or even having an elbow on the back of the bench???
Each time they walked by me contempt was written on their wrinkled faces. Going there always reminds me of hateful Savannah police officers I encountered decades ago as I walked while Black.
The icing on the cake was when a fire alarm sounded during the US Justice Department presentation. 
After confirmation the court house was evacuated. 
Everyone gathered in the court yard in plain view of court security. When the all clear was given another ” Mississippi Burning ” moment happened: Black onlookers were subjected to the FULL search process while Whites walked back in without being stopped???
I refused to go through with this blatant racial profiling and left.
Is THIS what we pay our taxes for, classic 60s style Dem Crow discrimination in this Democrat controlled city within a facility policed by a Democrat controlled Justice Department?           
More over, how much ” justice ” can Black New Orleanians expect from this Administration’s feds if we can’t even be treated equally at the federal court house entrance???
I support good cops- NOT bad policy.
This is the  WORST policy I’ve seen and coming from Georgia that’s saying ALOT!!!
Nadra Enzi

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, BLACK LIFE SUPERHERO FOR EVERYBODY! promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082 and [email protected]…


Night Vision and the Seven Sisters

By The Rook
Moving about “in the shadows” often, though admittedly not always, means moving about in the dark.  While simply utilizing a flashlight or other light source usually makes a great deal of sense when mucking about in the dark, it generally attracts unwanted attention to one who is trying to remain unseen. Night vision glasses are a marvelous tool, but not always accessible when needed, so it behooves the seeker to learn how best to make one’s way in the dark.
Many years ago, I was employed in a situation where I was expected to “close up shop” in a relatively large, dark network of rooms.  Naturally, I was provided a flashlight but I must admit that I was not always diligent in using it. It was frequently either misplaced or stored in some inconvenient location. I was, at the time, taking classes in the local university which covered aspects of vision that enabled me to learn to maximize by ability to safely work my way through this network.
In order to explain this, I’ll begin with an example. You may be aware of the constellation Pleiades, also called the Seven Sisters. This is a fascinating star group that is visible in the Winter in the Northern Hemisphere (well, almost). The Pleaides have the marvelous distinction of being marginally visible to the naked eye. This “sort-of-kind-of” visibility manifests in an interesting manner. If you were to check online to see when and where the Pleaides were visible in your area, then went outside to look in the precise spot where they were predicted to be, you will probably not be able to see them. However, if you shifted your vision slightly to the side of the location where the Pleaides are located, you will actually see this constellation as a blurry form in your peripheral vision.  It’s nearly irresistible at first to immediately stare directly at this blur to get a better look. Sure enough the Sisters vanish as soon as you do! It seems that this constellation is only visible to the naked eye if you catch it in your peripheral vision. One immediately wonders how this is so, and what on earth it has to do with a one’s ability to move around in the dark.
There are many kinds of cells in the retina.  The two of primary concern to us, however, are the rods and cones, the two major receptive cells.  These cells are responsible for transducing the information light carries into our eyes.  In essence, the more of these receptors get stimulated, the more information our eyes receive.
Still with me?  Hang in there, we’re almost to the practical stuff. Most of the information we get from light is collected by our cones.  These are rather large receptors that are very good at collecting color information.  The trade off for color sensitivity, however, is that cones aren’t terribly light sensitive.  These receptors do not get stimulated very well when the light is low (which partially explains why it’s harder to see color in the dark).   Since color provides us great information and since humans are largely diurnal creatures, this is usually a fair trade.  Our retinas have evolved so that most of the light information focuses right in a small divot in the back of our eyes called the fovea, which is precisely where the vast majority of the cones are found.  In short, the precise place where our vision usually focuses when we look at something directly has great color acuity and poor light sensitivity.
This means that our direct line of sight is probably the worst way to try to see in the dark.
Conversely, the rods are very light sensitive, but aren’t sensitive to color.  As a result, these receptors typically collect in the areas around the fovea, or in the periphery.  As such, our greatest light sensitivity (and best night vision) can be found in our peripheral vision.  This is why the Pleaides are visible only in the peripheral vision (where the light-sensitive rods are) and not in the direct line of sight (where we use our cones).
By using our eyes in such a fashion where we optimize the use of the rods, we find that we significantly increase our ability to make out objects in the dark.  Be warned, however.  While rods are quite light sensitive, the way the rods are wired to other cells in the retina results in fairly low resolution when compared to our cones.  We’ll be able to make out objects, but they’ll be somewhat fuzzy–much like the way we see the Pleaides.
We can do this by “scanning” our eyes back and forth rather rapidly back and forth across the area in which we are moving.  This allows for more light to be collected on the periphery and results in greater stimulation of the rods.   This requires a bit of practice, as some find this experience to be somewhat dizzying at first, and it takes a bit of time to build up trust in what you see in the periphery.  Remember, there is a loss of acuity, so things may look somewhat blurry and unfamiliar at first.  This relatively simple technique certainly does not allow someone to “see in the dark,” but rather takes advantage of low-light conditions.  Given practice and time, you’ll likely be surprised by the results!
Note: This is a brief article I wrote some time ago for the Ninja Information Database. Since I retain all rights to my writings, I also reserve the right to repost it on my own blog.


( NEW ORLEANS ):Cap Black, local anti crime activist ( self-described ” Black life superhero in the tradition of Medgar Evers; Fannie Lou Hamer & Yes! even Daymon Wayan’s Blankman lol ) is seriously considering this high profile act of civil disobedience to high light suffering inflicted by area violence; homelessness & hunger.



christine marcelin brandon adams 300x181 New Orleans Teen Christine Marcelin Killed Days After Boyfriend Brandon Adams Killed in Desire

New Orleans Teen Christine Marcelin Killed Days After Boyfriend Brandon Adams Killed in Desire (NOLA)

” I am an American who cannot keep quiet about the suffering along this beautiful street. This idea kept resounding in my head… Are people in misery worth laying down in front of tons of steel? Yes. Help each other folks- we’re ALL we got! ” -Cap Black, Black life Superhero For Everybody. I’m In GREAT company!

Nadra Enzi

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, BLACK LIFE SUPERHERO FOR EVERYBODY! promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.
[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my Hood Conservative efforts which rescues ENDANGERED traditional values like respect for the law and FIRST ourselves inside ” OCCUPIED TERRITORY  ( THE INNER CITY! ) ” * I can also run down to the nearest Western Union too! LOL




Medgar Evers

Medgar Evers image has always conveyed the strength to shake the status quo to its foundations while respecting the law.
His example is all the more important now as civil rights activism has largely lost its life-or-death dimension. His strength is majestic counter point to recent rampages by men who happen to be White occurring against daily backdrops of epidemic Black male fratricide.
Violence is the language used too often by kaleidoscopic Klansmen public and private to intimidate everyone into subservience. Non-violent resistance tugs at my soul despite being an active self-defense advocate.
But, overshadowed by this giant, if my turning the other cheek will save at-risk lives; feed the hunger and shelter the homeless then turn it I must. Though I reserve the lawful right to use reasonable force after I’ve run out of cheeks to turn.
His example speaks across the decades and urges moderate yet steely determination toward slaying today’s dragons of brutality; hunger and homelessness, whom I call the ” Big Three Evils. ”
Our era proliferates rubbery spines in high places with situational morality and symbolic fingers to the wind of public opinion before taking action. Evers didn’t wait for pollsters and spin doctors- a fact lost on today’s ” leaders. ”
Contrast this with the brutal reality of Medgar Ever’s world, where Americans While Black ( and otherwise! ) walked a tight rope between responsible ” revolution ” ( peacefully challenging the status quo ) and state-sanctioned terror.
That this walk proceeded while promoting civic virtues identical to current conservative talking points is worth underscoring.
I look at him and realize here was the BEST of bygone liberalism, where citizens armed with courage and the Constitution ( not Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book ) endured their government’s resistance until it relented.
When I was born my birth certificate read, ” Negro ” along with all the stark limits it implied when  my mother brought me home to her native Georgia as a two year old.
Any freedom I enjoy is due to a civic constellation of inter-generational runaway slaves; White Abolitionists in every era and a singular shooting star named Medgar Evers who made my life better for his passing.
Medgar Evers is a Black life superhero- for everybody!
Nadra Enzi

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, BLACK LIFE SUPERHERO FOR EVERYBODY! promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my Hood Conservative efforts which rescues ENDANGERED traditional values like respect for the law and FIRST ourselves inside ” OCCUPIED TERRITORY  ( THE INNER CITY! ) ” * I can also run down to the nearest Western Union too! LOL…



Inspiration is what keeps me going.
Consequently I’m always on the look out for people; philosophies, etc that send my spirit soaring.
Here are some fictional real life superheroes whose footage I review when I need extra stardust sprinkled on my motivation:
Hero at Large Poster
HERO AT LARGE (1980 ) I saw this as a kid and decades later it STILL makes me feel like running around in a costume inspiring people! Check out the trailer and tell me how you feel
I liked this movie so much I even bought the trade paperback so I could find out more about what made John Ritter’s characterization tick. Years later after discovering real life superheroes ( RLSH ) this movie lurked in the back of my mind, along with this one:
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze

DOC SAVAGE: THE MAN OF BRONZE ( 1975 ) I grew up on Doc’s Bantam paperback reprints and Marvel Comics adaptations. As THE prototype for iconic archetypes Superman and Batman it was only logical I’d be a Doc-Fan, second generation actually,  since my maternal grandfather and ” man of bronze ” in his own right read the original pulps in the 1930s!!!

Doc Savage no costume  option  also impacted my choice of dress when I decided to place activism under a RLSH user name. I run around in t-shirt and jeans most days.
I wear hoodies and jackets when it’s cold.
Still working on the whole gimmick ( uniform ) thing.
A late comer to my fictional real life superhero list is:
Blankman Poster
BLANKMAN ( 1994 ): This film put all the whimsy and charm of the preceding movies in a context closer to my direct experience, an urban setting where violent crime turned a young Black man’s life upside down.
Same here when Crack hit my neighborhood.
On my first internet radio show appearance as ” Cap Black ‘ ( my RLSH user name ) one of the hosts accidentally called me ” Blankman. ” While my approach isn’t slapstick Damon Wayans send up of Adam West’s TV Batman brought two worlds, fictional real life super hero and factual inner city, together.
For that alone he has my thanks.
While I live a Life Fantastic it’s nonetheless lived in a real world where poverty; prejudice and other leeches sap even the most inspired creative activist- which I why I watch these gents.
Doc Savage; Captain Avenger and Blankman are my favorite fictional real life superheroes- relentlesly wholesome peeks into parallel universes we can visit after escaping the ordinary.
Nadra Enzi

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, BLACK LIFE SUPERHERO FOR EVERYBODY! promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my Hood Conservative efforts which rescues ENDANGERED traditional values like respect for the law and FIRST ourselves inside ” OCCUPIED TERRITORY  ( THE INNER CITY! ) ” * I can also run down to the nearest Western Union too! LOL



<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> 	Wade Michael Page seen as member of End Apathy Band.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

MySpace profile picture of suspect.

SIKH - Wade Michael Page a member of the white power rock group End Apathy, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The gunman who slayed six at a Sikh temple in suburban Milwaukee was identified Monday as 40-year-old Wade Michael Page, according to reports. via MySpace *** Local Caption *** Wade Michael Page was a member of the white power rock group End Apathy, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Wade Michael Page used brutality and bullets to write his name into American infamy. His choice of target, defenseless Sikh worshippers in Wisconsin, comes on the heels of Colorado’s Dark Knight Rises movie massacre.

Costumes; entertainment and conflict are making head lines lately while worried glances are being cast toward a novelty: creative activists the media calls ” real life superheroes ( RLSH ). “

Despite colorful outfits RLSH are by and large known for lawfulness and relative absence of racism or anti-Semitism. A minute number of their estimated 300-plus members have run afoul of the law, with activists named Phoenix Jones; Bee Sting and Beast even getting arrested around the country with varying results.
Of the three Bee Sting is awaiting trial for a fire arms charge.

Creative activists also have more than their share of watch dogs, internal and other wise.  Members routinely advise and when necessary, campaign against members or causes they feel crossed the line.

Real life super villains ( RLSV ) have etched out a space as community watch dogs and in some cases, opponents of all things RLSH demanding costumes be hung up! Ironically these ” villains ” are often supporters of law enforcement and want attention RLSH get redirected to police.
While not suggesting a trend, these recent mass shootings should inspire RLSH to revisit roles as unofficial morale officers for society and diversity advocates.
As economic pressure squeezes more people into acts of misdirected anger the laughter and motivation ” real life superheroes ” provide can’t be under estimated.
Several national holidays wait in the wings, sure to remind broke, disgusted Americans just how little they have for themselves and loved ones.
Inspiring them is a mission worthy of real life superheroes!

Nadra Enzi
NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, BLACK LIFE SUPERHERO FOR EVERYBODY! promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my Hood Conservative efforts which rescues ENDANGERED traditional values like respect for the law and FIRST ourselves inside ” OCCUPIED TERRITORY  ( THE INNER CITY! ) ” * I can also run down to the nearest Western Union too! LOL



Photos of Mitt Romney, Barack Obama.Photos of Mitt Romney, Barack Obama. (AP Photo)
As the presidential season super heats over the coming months race baiters Left and Right will seek to pit us against each other for partisan gain!Speaking as one American, I call myself ” Cap Black. ” Occasionally some try to make it a racial thing by mistakenly assuming I’m only FOR Black people to the exclusion of everyone else???
I’m Cap Black, Black Life Superhero For Everyone ( including crime victims of chocolate Klansmen and abortionists ) because of five principles comprising my definition of ” Black: ”
*BROTHERHOOD: G-d knows we’ll need TONS more of that as spin goes into warp drive!
*LOYALTY: Never forget fidelity to your Country; Family; Community.
*ABILITY: Use EVERYTHING THE Creator down loaded in you at conception.
*COURAGE: Don’t be afraid to do what you think is right- even if you’re the ONLY one who things so!
*KINDNESS: The best social program is voluntarily assisting someone because it’s the right thing to do- NOT because a proverbial ( sometimes LITERAL government gun is pointed at your head! )
These five principles can be practiced by a five foot White Republican woman or a six foot Black Democratic man.
Principles over pigmentation; political party or persuasion is what I’m preaching MORE THAN EVER as Campaign 2012 revs up.
That’s why I’m Cap Black, Black Life Superhero For Everybody because no matter what ship you may have arrived to America in- we’re ALL in the same boat now!
We sink… or swim- TOGETHER!
Nadra Enzi
NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK ANTI CRIME ACTIVIST promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my Hood Conservative efforts which rescues ENDANGERED traditional values like respect for the law and FIRST ourselves inside ” OCCUPIED TERRITORY  ( THE INNER CITY! ) ” * I can also run down to the nearest Western Union too! LOL

Where do they come from?

Why is it there is always some guy who comes along every few years….who lets us know “I’ve never been a RLSH…but you’re all doing it wrong & need to listen to me!” the latest one being some idiot who used footage of me in one of his videos & then posts “Superhero Supports this!” on his Facebook. I wish they’d check with me first. I can’t bitch about the video part…fair use & all & I put it up there so steal away but damn. Who was the idiot a few years ago? “I’ve never done this…but you all need to listen to me! Stop wearing spandex because when people throw MOLOTOV COCKTAILS at you the spandex will melt!” (really he said that)
So I asked back “Jesus Christ! where are you patrolling? Stalingrad?” Then they get all huffy when you point out they’re talking out of their ass.
Seriously…where do they come from?
And why do I know there will be more? I know…let’s run into hospitals & tell Doctors how to do THEIR jobs! That should go over well…