Archives 2012

Personal Home Security

Personal Home Security

?Now it certainly is not my intention to alarm anyone, but I would like to bring up an important detail to those who may not have thought about it.  If you are involved with neighborhood watch, or community safety patrols, it is important to be aware of your Personal Home Safety.  While other homes in the community may be subject to criminal activities, as someone who actively reports on such activities to the authorities, you may find your own home targeted frequently by vandals, or worse.  Harassing phone calls, graffiti, the loss of family pets, vandalism of your personal vehicle, these are just some of the revenge tactics assholes (not always just the criminals you report) may engage in.  It is important you protect yourself and your family.
posted by Silver Sentinel @ 2:01 AM
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Big Bad Boogeymen

New people, especially [but not always] fakes, are paranoid about letting their faces be seen, and will go to great lengths to buy full face covering hoods, gas masks, and other head gear.  With very few exceptions, the more face that is covered, the more likely someone will be an asshole online.  They use the anonymity to act in ways they never would if their identity became known.  This is why the most popular superheroes are ones that reveal their faces, or show a good portion of their face.  Men like Thanatos, who wears a full face mask because what he does actually does involve real danger at times, goes out of his way to be accessible and friendly.
posted by Silver Sentinel @ 12:32 PM
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Who Says I Can't Be A Black Conservative Real Life Superhero?



Icon, Milestone Comics character.

*The above comic book character is an alien who landed in slave era America and is a devotee of legendary Black conservative Booker T Washington. The series addressed what it means to be a Black conservative in modern times.

Icon is a particularly timely back drop for this post’s topic:              
who says I can’t be a Black conservative real life superhero? 

American Blacks who think for ourselves make some White folks nervous. Ones like me seem to give some of them hives!
I’m a real life superhero ( RLSH ) activist who openly promotes conservatism and other American traditionalist solutions to crime and poverty RLSH combat.

The RLSH community is known for its charity and open-mindedness. My being Black was never an issue within this  creative activist group.

After I let it be known I was conservative and promoting this as a RLSH approach to crime and poverty is when some famously open minds closed a bit.

Most haven’t changed their interaction but some have distanced themselves while others have became estranged.

One, a Gay, pro-abortion activist named Zimmer Barnes, tried to smear my activism as “criminal” and even “racist” because I didn’t share his anti-family radicalism.

Another motive was my membership in a creative activist group he co-founded but was expelled from. I quit the group after it became clear my conservatism offended its more extreme left members.

Zimmer’s failed smear campaign joins those of other self-appointed anti-Black conservative crusades. This form of racism meets silence from the liberal mainstream, including the NAACP, in which I’m a life member.   

Google the hate toward US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Congressman Allen West and activist Deneen Borelli.

While not a conservative, a classic recent example is the pornographic frenzy actress Stacey Dash experienced for endorsing Mitt Romney. 

Ninety-nine percent of real life superhero activists are above such prejudice or at least disguise it well. 
RLSH tend to be, as a group, liberal. This fact doesn’t stop them from assisting police and self-funding outreach. These two facts alone should quiet conservative skeptics quickly  dismissing them as another group of anti-social progressives.

This majority liberal community has a healthy tradition of self-help and can offer conservatives significant insight.

Conservatives, conventional,and otherwise, welcome American Blacks who are patriots with open arms. We share the recognition that Black America is in the grip of super villains far worse that what Marvel or DC comic offers.

The values heroes I discuss and share are all colors. Americanism is a system not confined to any one ethnicity. 

Obviously as a real life superhero activist I’m not super powered. I am powered by America’s super principles, available to all!

Much of what RLSH do is apolitical: stopping fights; giving out food; offering inspiration to the depressed or ill. Many wish to keep it apolitical to avoid partisan ugliness seen elsewhere.

RLSH and related creative activists are involved in the Hurricane Sandy relief effort. That’s the kind of people they are- always willing to help!

Neutrality in this politically charged era is a noble sentiment. I still consider it limiting, but well intended. 

Last year, I stopped two assaults on children; two adult suicide attempts and one shooting. I also secured various protest marches; gave food to the homeless ( including my annual Birthday Food Give Away ) and promoted  numerous Republican causes.

As a creative patriot, there is no limit to my activism. A political philosophy I and other conservatives consider destructive has to be opposed in the inner city and throughout America.

Ignoring this means ignoring a major driver in why there’s so much fatherlessness; crime and bad choices in communities like mine.   
While some have unsuccessfully hinted I shouldn’t, my ” Cap Black, The Hood Conservative ” role is my creative patriotic contribution.

Who says I can’t be a Black conservative and a real life superhero activist? 
My daily answer is ” Yes! “

Photo: Always wanted to shot this brother in #BlackandWhite #washingtondc #DepartmentOfEducation #JourneyForJusticeRalley <a href=
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative. asks:
” Why Can’t I Be A Black Conservative Real Life Superhero? “
(504) 214-3082
Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 

” Be your OWN Superhero!”

Well…that was interesting & weird.

I got done with my client & dropped his check off at the front office when I hear this faint “beeeeeeeeeeeep” and I say “Damn that’s annoying. it’s not a car alarm…it sounds more like(I look up & see smoke pouring out of one of the apartments) a FIRE Alarm!” I look behind me & one of the managers is coming up behind me dressed as a cat & I yell “call 911 you got a fire!” and take off over there. The front door is open & I run in yelling hello & it turns out to be some Old man who left eggs on his stove & they exploded. :/ so as the smoke is clearing & the manager is chewing his ass I leave & think “Hmmm…this is the second small episode I’ve been involved in within like a week” usually these things start happening to me & then something BIG happens I need to help out in. I wonder what is coming?

Man-Tracking for Search and Rescue Operations

At the time I’m writing this, it is Fall in the Adirondacks, an area that is mountainous, and covered in endless miles of forests, rivers, and lakes. Thousands of hunters, hikers, photographers, and even locals just going for a stroll, leave the roads and pathways to make their way into the Great Outdoors. Some of these folks, both experienced and inexperienced, sometimes get lost or injured, and need to be rescued. This is what most people think of when they think of Man-Tracking, but this subject encompasses much more than that. Man-Tracking is about the location missing or hiding people for either rescue, or fugitive recovery, even in urban settings.
posted by Silver Sentinel @ 6:13 AM
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CERT Training

From the Citizen Corps website..

“The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community.”

As an active CERT member in my community, I can not recommend this program enough to other capes and regular citizens alike.  The training is free, but invaluable.  It also opens the door for RLSH and citizens to work with local organizations, and the authorities, during times of emergency where untrained volunteers would be more of a liability than assistance.
As RLSH work towards legitimacy and acceptance in their home communities, taking actual training and working with existing organizations is important, if not vital, to accomplishing those goals.  Certification, training, volunteering, and service mark the difference between active legitimate RLSH, and their keyboard counterparts.  Being a superhero is much more than being photographed with women outside of bars, or having a thousand friends on Facebook.  It’s about doing what you can to make an actual difference in your community.

No Super Powers & Police Powers

Anyone interested in becoming an active RLSH neighborhood watch patrol needs to understand that they have absolutely no rights, privileges, nor powers, over and above what every other citizen possesses.. and absolutely NO POLICE POWERS! 
This can not be emphasized enough.  Several RLSH have actually been arrested for interfering with police during the performance of their duties, or for confronting citizens in an illegal manner.  Wearing a mask and cape makes you no different than the people you seek to help.  Remember that.
Also keep in mind that criminals do not have more rights than you do, but they do have the same rights you do, and those rights have to be respected or you will open yourself up to the legal troubles of possible charges and/or litigation.
Might does not make Right.. nor does thinking you are right make you right.  You can make a difference on the streets, but not if you are no longer on the streets.  Know the law, know the consequences of your actions, and stay out of trouble.
Stay Safe

Do you ever look behind the scenes at events where you participate?

When you step up and help, I ask you to step back and look as well. . .look at those that are setting up tables. . .or signing people in. . .or after the event. . .those that are sweeping up the mess everyone left behind. . .or putting chairs away. . .or picking up the garbage. . .
Any event. . .great or small requires work. . .not just showing up and walking for cancer. . .or delivering toys for tots. . .it requires a great deal of effort and planning. . .by people who are not only participating in the given event. . .but by people who are up for weeks if not months prior setting up every detail of the event. . .
The domino process to get something off the ground. . .is vast. . .expand that if it is more than just a few people. . .contacting people. . .getting people to accept the responsibility to work behind the scenes. . .raising money to just hold the event. . .permits. . .refreshments. . .publicity. . .getting tables to set up. . .or table cloths. . .or auction items. . .the list goes on only as far as your imagination will take it. . .
Each volunteer. . .again I’m talking about those that man the tables for those who march. . .participate. . .or enjoy the event. . .i’m talking about the background. . .
We have all seen them. . .the runners. . .who take messages back and forth. . .those that keep the event running smooth. . .the 10 year old who helps carry the water that you drink or the 50 year old who signs you in and gives you the t-shirt that someone else had to run their behind off to get. . .just so you can take something home. . .
It doesn’t matter what area you’re talking about. . .politics. . .charity. . .school. . .community support. . .or support for the penguin swamp rat. . .whatever it is. . .it takes action. . .it takes motivation. . .often times the only reward is the complaints that the water was too warm. . .or the t-shirt isn’t the right size. . .or the gift was not what was expected. . .
Going to an event is a great experience. . .helping out a worthy cause is a tremendous opportunity. . .and a valued obligation. . .if you are only attending events. . .or helping out your neighborhood by walking a patrol. . .keep in mind that there are people who have busted their behinds to make the event happen. . .they are not looking for recognition. . .or applauds. . .they are doing it for the love of others. . .but this does not mean you should simple take the gift and move on. . .a simple thank you. . .or politely stepping in when you see others harassing them because it wasn’t perfect. . .taking the time to say thank you can make a world of difference in someone’s life. . .
It might prompt them to take the next step and do greater things in the world. . .who knows. . .what I do know is that it does depend on you seeing more than just the end result. . .you need to learn and appreciate what it takes to get to that end result. . .don’t forget to say thank you to those in the background. . .life would not be as good as it is if they didn’t step up. . .and at a minimum. . .saying thank you is the right thing to do. . .everyone brings something to the table. . .small or large. . .it’s all important. . .recognizing that is a great beginning in making a difference. . .dc

America: Super Hero Nation

Imagine a super-smart; super strong every man; war hero; former police commissioner; who topped it all off by becoming president of the United States!!

Doc Savage? No.

Definitely Superman, right? Nope
Batman? Gotta be Batman? Not even!
A man in a batsuit, with a cowl on his head, a utility belt, and a cape flowing behind him.

Teddy Roosevelt holds this distinction of being a larger-than-life example of what America can really produce!
teddy roosevelt

President Roosevelt reminds us how using our nation’s super principles can produce results just as miraculous as those of fictional super heroes.
Our values produce real life super heroes of every size, shape and color. This universal wealth is what allows Americans  to triumph.
As two political parties peacefully ( for the most part lol ) battle for the White House during a really bad economy it’s worth remembering that America, for all her faults, is still a super hero nation!
Have you found your “super ” today?
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
(504) 214-3082
Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
#HoodConservative Online Newspaper Traditional Values From The ‘Wrong” Side of Town! 
#CapBlackTheHoodConservative Blog  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America’s Cultural Implosion! 
” Be your OWN Superhero!”


The Black Panthers are supporters of Barack Hussein Obama in his quest for reelection as President.

Where were UN vote monitors in 2008 when members of the new Black Panther Party intimidated White citizens entering polls? 
Silly me, I forgot the UN supports bands of thugs strong arming elections- that’s how the leaders of most of its member nations got in office.
Please review the following:… New Black Panther Panther head says they may patrol polling places for the 2012 election
Is it too much to ask the Obama administration to tell the UN we can monitor our own elections???
I forgot, since suspected conservative election fraud is the cause I guess the government is welcoming them with open arms.
Politics trumps national sovereignty it seems.
* Specifically the monitors are with a UN partner organization named the Organization For Security and Cooperation In Europe ( OSCE ). I won’t state the obvious that the United States isn’t Europe. 

HOODCONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The ‘Wrong” Side of Town! 
#CAPBLACKTHEHOODCONSERVATIVE, MY BLOG  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America’s Cultural Implosion! 

” Be your OWN Superhero!”