Do you ever look behind the scenes at events where you participate?

When you step up and help, I ask you to step back and look as well. . .look at those that are setting up tables. . .or signing people in. . .or after the event. . .those that are sweeping up the mess everyone left behind. . .or putting chairs away. . .or picking up the garbage. . .
Any event. . .great or small requires work. . .not just showing up and walking for cancer. . .or delivering toys for tots. . .it requires a great deal of effort and planning. . .by people who are not only participating in the given event. . .but by people who are up for weeks if not months prior setting up every detail of the event. . .
The domino process to get something off the ground. . .is vast. . .expand that if it is more than just a few people. . .contacting people. . .getting people to accept the responsibility to work behind the scenes. . .raising money to just hold the event. . .permits. . .refreshments. . .publicity. . .getting tables to set up. . .or table cloths. . .or auction items. . .the list goes on only as far as your imagination will take it. . .
Each volunteer. . .again I’m talking about those that man the tables for those who march. . .participate. . .or enjoy the event. . .i’m talking about the background. . .
We have all seen them. . .the runners. . .who take messages back and forth. . .those that keep the event running smooth. . .the 10 year old who helps carry the water that you drink or the 50 year old who signs you in and gives you the t-shirt that someone else had to run their behind off to get. . .just so you can take something home. . .
It doesn’t matter what area you’re talking about. . .politics. . .charity. . .school. . .community support. . .or support for the penguin swamp rat. . .whatever it is. . .it takes action. . .it takes motivation. . .often times the only reward is the complaints that the water was too warm. . .or the t-shirt isn’t the right size. . .or the gift was not what was expected. . .
Going to an event is a great experience. . .helping out a worthy cause is a tremendous opportunity. . .and a valued obligation. . .if you are only attending events. . .or helping out your neighborhood by walking a patrol. . .keep in mind that there are people who have busted their behinds to make the event happen. . .they are not looking for recognition. . .or applauds. . .they are doing it for the love of others. . .but this does not mean you should simple take the gift and move on. . .a simple thank you. . .or politely stepping in when you see others harassing them because it wasn’t perfect. . .taking the time to say thank you can make a world of difference in someone’s life. . .
It might prompt them to take the next step and do greater things in the world. . .who knows. . .what I do know is that it does depend on you seeing more than just the end result. . .you need to learn and appreciate what it takes to get to that end result. . .don’t forget to say thank you to those in the background. . .life would not be as good as it is if they didn’t step up. . .and at a minimum. . .saying thank you is the right thing to do. . .everyone brings something to the table. . .small or large. . .it’s all important. . .recognizing that is a great beginning in making a difference. . .dc