Archives July 2012

"Lame Duck" but no less important missions:

EXCITING: Driving across the State to a con to meet Celebs and talk up the Public. Telling people about doing the right thing, with a Gimmick or Without…and basically Recruiting for the cause.
EXCITING: taking the Supermobile at Warp 9 to St.Pete and running up a parking garage when you hear a chick screaming or maybe even preventing a mugging.
NO SO EXCITING: Spending half the day sitting in the Social Security Office, then on the phone pushing more one’s & zeroes then are on Zimmer Barnes Gimmick to try & help a 91 year old lady get additional assistance to make ends meet. Really to no avail either.
But the reality is that this kind of mission is no less important then the other two.
It’s not all glamor, gals, and Galactus.



Black men are routinely portrayed as crime figures- not crime fighters! Those choosing criminality and promoting it culturally ( in music; videos; clothing; etc ) now face rising opposition.
Detroit 300 is a very proactive, majority Black male citizen patrol working with police in a no-nonsense manner to get more chocolate Klansmen arrested!
HURRAY! AMEN! ALL PRAISES DUE TO GOD!!! These groups ( MAD DADS also immediately comes to mind ) represent the natural next step in the civil rights movement- opposing inner city violence without excuse nor apology.
We hae a Catch 22 regarding American public safety. Selective silence on Black homicide is seen elsewhere as support of crime.
Conversely too many Black men opposing crime would invariably prompt cries of ” vigilantism” from alarmed White observers more comfortable with perceived inaction.
While operating within the law, some Detroit 300 members and unaffiliated posers have crossed the line. Thankfully no George Zimmermans have emerged from their ranks and I don’t expect one to. They do a good job policing their own and are vital to culture change where they live.
Their legal war against rogue shooters; rapists and thieves is where the mainstream civil rights alphabet soup should be- fighting destructive elements within Inner City America.
WARNING: Black vigilantism is no better than vigilantism classic. Black versions of Byron Dela Beckwith ( activist Medgar Evers murderer ) and Bernhard Goetz ( New York’s Subway Vigilante ) represent horrific steps backward in advocacy.
Black male citizen patrols don’t have the luxury of violating rights or targeting suspects for summary assassination for at least two reasons.
POINT ONE: Vigilantism is wrong- no matter who does it.
POINT TWO: President and Attorney-General aside, we do not have enough clout among police; prosecutors and judges to provide ( illegal ) cover the way White vigilantes have until relatively recently.
Now, accused vigilantes of any color get tough treatment from the criminal justice system.
It’s against this back drop that the Detroit 300 and other Black male citizen patrols navigate with the danger of vigilantism allegations waiting in the wings more than other concerned citizens doing the same thing. Detroit 300 initial press conference footage.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention and homeless outreach. (504) 214-3082


This is what good Black men must Symbolically do to chocolate Klansmen
knock them off their perch- with the police beside us!

I admit it: I’m a consciously “Black” activist under the “real life superhero ( RLSH )” name of Capt Black. Big surprise huh? LOL.

I’m not a Minister Farrakhan nor arch-conservative Jesse Lee Petersen type. My approach is inclusive while high lighting inequities on both sides of WEB Dubois color line. I’m an equal opportunity advocate for what’s right.
There’s a place for consciously Black “real life superhero” activism. Look at the body count pouring from Inner City America and tell me somebody shouldn’t step up and loudly announce that the once-White Klan has become chocolate in these zip codes?I can’t overlook chocolate Klansmen in order to specialize solely as an anti-police brutality activist.  While on record as opposing police brutality I’m also absolutely against public brutality chocolate Klansmen inflict far, far more often.They stand head and shoulders above external threats to Inner City America. My generation will be judged on whether we allowed this fifth column with baggy pants and worse attitudes to dictate our reality.
That’s my big project- wrestling chocolate Klansmen off their unearned, lofty pedestal and culturally body slam them into the ash bin of history.
It runs parallel with regular RLSH duties of giving out food; small monetary gifts and offering inspiration on a take it or leave it basis. What can I say, I’m a professional do gooder- and proud of it.
Comic books and pulp novels are a life long inspiration. When Crack hit my neighborhood in the 1980s it was my ” Crime Alley ” moment to borrow from Batman’s epic origin. Early in my activism I would ask, ” If urban crime can make a fictional White man ( Bruce Wayne ) dress up like a bat to fight it- why isn’t the Hood overflowing with Batmen? ”
Capt Black is my answer to that question in a “post racial ” America.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention and homeless outreach. (504) 214-3082NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK


Phoenix Jones is a young Black man and self-proclaimed crime fighter in a socially progressive city ( Seattle ). He famously has a two-fisted approach to stopping urban crime.
To his credit he’s living proof that all young Black men aren’t what I call “chocolate klanmen” thugging their way through life.
As an older Black man who’s also in what the media calls the ” real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” community I’ve marveled at Jones’ color blind acceptance from the press, liberal and conservative. This argues well for where America is since its most famous costumed crusader is also part of the late Trayvon Martin’s generation.
I’d assume ( thank God ) Phoenix didn’t grow up under Jim Crow-lite like I did. His biography shows challenges in his upbringing which are indicative of our era.
My acute concern as a RLSH while Black is that Phoenix needs to be very, very careful during his interventions. Already arrested once ( case dropped ) local police are not exactly thrilled with his activities. While no racial angle has emerged it’s worth noting nonetheless.
He’s still a Black man using force and detaining White people- even in the liberal Pacific Northwest that’s risky.  The same caveat applies to Black suspects he encounters. One biased cop; upset complainants   plus one biased prosecutor equals life changing potential trouble for this young man.
My analysis might be a little too Old School for Phoenix reality but is offered anyway. As a Southern RLSH activist who began in progress-challenged Savannah, GA., being Black while wearing a mask ( “superhero” or not ) would have created more problems than it would have solved- like being mistaken for a criminal and shot by police! ( LOL ).
Phoenix Jones is the flip side of the Trayvon Martin tragedy: instead of a victim or too often for young brothers; a suspect, Jones is a self-appointed crime fighter or vigilante depending upon opinion. Should scores of other Black men follow his example will society be so accommadating?
Black while wearing a mask Jones isn’t a ” Black “activist vocally focused upon racial issues. He’s no cowled Al Sharpton and thus accepted much more readily. His brand is simple: red-blooded American male decides to do something about crime beyond fuming or dialing 911.
All I’m saying is, ” Be careful brother. ”
People have mostly accepted you for what you say you are but beware those who can’t accept America’s number one “real life superhero” being Black. Look at the grief President Obama gets in some quarters and learn.
My duty as a fellow anti crime activist while Black and male is to pass this unsolicited advice along to Phoenix Jones.

Phoenix Jones; race and being a real life superhero has yet to become a viral debate topic. Perhaps it never will.

But, you never know what direction this stuff can take- esepcially if people begin plotting against you for whatever reason.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention and homeless outreach. (504) 214-3082

Brian Knobs…The "not so" nasty Boy

Most people think of Brian Knobs as the Robin to Hulk Hogan’s Batman in Hogan knows best & Sports fans probably remember him as the enraged fan that ripped Third Base out of the ground & dropped numerous Atomic Elbows on it when it wasn’t treating the Tampa Bay Rays very nicely a few years back. Wrestling fans know him as a hardcore legend, in the ranks with the likes of Mick Foley Mankind, and The Sandman.
Brian & his Tag Partner Jerry Saggs make up the tag team “The Nasty Boys” and they have a ferocious reputation in AND outside of the ring.
Brian is a Clearwater resident & Icon and I’ve been a casual acquaintance, usually running into him at various functions & gyms in the area and the most recent time I ran into him was at The Florida Supercon in Miami. Being a fan or “Mark” as they call them in the biz I scarfed up autographs from the likes of Greg Valentine, Raven, and Brutus the Barber on Saturday then relaxed in the hotel lounge that night…when along comes Brian, hardly knowing me from Adam, and yells to me across the lounge “We’re going to the V.I.P. party! Come on!”  
Ladyhero & I jumped at the offer & tagged along with Brian and his friends (Including Greg valentine!) to the party where security tried to stop Ladyhero & I from entering, a quick “They’re with me.” from Brian fixed the problem & we were in with the likes of Scott Adsit, Dana Snyder, and Dino Stamatopoulos (all of whom I pointed out to Brian and what they were famous for to really let him know how much we appreciated him letting us tag along). After awhile we headed back down to the hotel lounge where some older ladies came in with a Miniature Yorkshire Terrier and sat across from us. Brian pulled out his phone showing them pictures of his Maltese (swear to God with a bow on its neck) and telling the women “This is MY baby! She’s spoiled!”
Brian kept us all in more stitches then his former opponents and was the life of the Party.
I checked up on him & Jerry at their table the next day to see if they needed anything & thanked Brian for letting us tag along. I guess the point of the story is for all the ferocious reputation I was really surprised to find out what a nice guy Brian is. Never judge a book by its cover & if you ever see him out & about say hi…he won’t drop you through a table.  🙂
EDIT: He DID however give me a bunch of grief for having a Appletini though.


Sheriff Andy Taylor patrolled fictional Mayberry, North Carolina usually unarmed and kept the peace despite a bumbling deputy. Growing up in Savannah, GA in the 70s and 80s it was nice to see a Southern place where police were actually polite.
That was my initial reaction upon reading about Andy Griffith’s death.
Long before the Religious Right emerged, the good Sheriff dispensed justice leavened with biblical insight and championed being a good neighbor- minus sermonizing. No mater your faith or lack thereof, the moral message was clear.
Southerners could relate to his cast of characters: Aunt Bee ( pronounced ” Ant ” Bee ); Opie; Goober and the unforgettable Gomer Pyle. Americans from elsewhere got a peek at what life was like far away from big cities.
These characters and their town offered respite from the eras stressful; even horrific headlines.
His Sheriff Taylor character pioneered community policing decades before the term was coined. That’s an invaluable part of his legacy. He was truly a community member working with other members to resolve problems through cooperation and appeals to conscience.
When he had to sue force it was infrequently and decisively.
That’s what Andy Griffith and his masterpiece Sheriff Andy Taylor meant to me for a lifetime- a model of cooperation and restraint in law enforcement and the judiciary ( Don’t forget, Andy was also the local Justice of The Peace lol )..
I hope his role as a community policing prototype is recognized. What was offered as entertainment instead became a model for real world public engagement.
When Sheriff Taylor had to wear his side arm you knew things were very, very serious.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. ” -Matthew 5:9

(504) 214-3082



Heaven Sutton was killed while selling candy on her front yard
Chocolate klansmen recently murdered yet another innocent Black child, Heaven Sutton of Chicago. That this tragedy occured in President Obama’s home town hasn’t been lost on critics from the Right.
My take is slightly different on this case. When my personal chocolate klan watch zeroed in on this case I noted once again that it illustrates the limits of Obamaism.
Milliseconds after the president’s historic victory role model proponents touted it as a near-biblical paradigm shift for inner city Black families.
Filled with symbolic pride chocolate klansmen and peers would stride purposefully away from violence; drugs and career dysfunction to become solid citizens patterned after the new arrival in the Oval Office.
It didn’t quite work out that way. Obamaism failed to convert millions. That’s not the president’s job nor is ongoing urban carnage his fault.
Thinking Black male criminals are lemmings needing the right rhetorical rodent to lead them is the problem. Criminals while Black are free moral agents just like thugs of any other color.
Assuming less is archaic racism of the first order! Chocolate klansmen are murderous; larcenous vandals because they choose to be. There isn’t some White Republican in the wood pile hidden away shoving bribes and guns into their hands to occupy the inner city.
Americans while Black holding chocolate klansmen accountable will save innocents like Chicago’s Heaven Sutton, as much a  ” hate ” crime victim as the little girls murdered by classic klansmen September15, 1963 inside a Birmingham, Alabama church!!!

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwis...

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwise from top left, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwise from top left, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair)
It isn’t President Obama’s fault that suspect Jerrell Dorsey may have decided to be a chocolate klansman. He’s not a slave nor an indentured servant.

Heaven Sutton’s death indicts once again the slave-making myth that Obamaism will magically make thugs and other low lives mend their ways.

The president is doing his job whether some agree with it or not.

Our job as Americans while Black is legally punishing baby killers and as individuals, not becoming chocolate klansmen ourselves.

Individualism not Obamaism is what will save the next Heaven Sutton from chocolate klansmen .
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention.
CAPT BLACK: (504) 214-3082
Nadra Enzi


The worst part of my crooked ( thankfully former ) employer’s pre-Independence Day pay check delay is this: placing my ability to help on ” pause??? ”
This eclipses any personal threat of lifestyle insecurity- though considerable ( LOL ).
The worst part is the sudden halt imposed upon my giveaways of food and small amounts of money. I live for bridging the gulf between myself and r souls in need.
That’s the gift free people share without some bureaucrat or strongman twisting our arms ( i.e. taxes; repressive regulations; liberty limiting laws etc. )
Critics consider this unworthy of ” real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” themed activism but I counter this is the essence of being a  RLSH.
Micro-good offerings of food; clothing and other items separates RLSH from fictional counterparts. Imagine Iron Man handing out sandwiches or Batman whipping out his Bat-card to pay for free meals inside an inner city McDonalds?
I hate turning down folks I routinely assist- HATE IT WITH A PASSION!!!
God put me here to give comfort in direct proportion to my motivation and resources, not become stalemated by small minds and greed.
Recalling what was possible just last week and even years ago provides some small comfort.
I’m striving to un-press this proverbial ” pause ” and absent outside input must wait until my until delayed check arrives or new work starts.
When your ability to help is on “pause” it’s not a happy time!
Helping others is a form of happiness better than the strongest legal or illegal drugs on the market!

NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention.[email protected] is where you can Paypal donations to help me help others. 
Chocolate Klansmen Alert! & Finding Your “SUPER! ” are his two main presentations offered to raise consciousness about trends in urban safety and creative activism.
CAPT BLACK: (504) 214-3082
Nadra Enzi


The Combative Mindset and Self-Defense

The Combative Mindset and Self-Defense

There are literally thousands of websites, martial arts schools, and “self-defense” instructors, that preach the old axiom, “To survive violence, you must become violence.”  They would have their students and admirers engage in conflict with the mindset of hardened warriors, only to end up in jail, a hospital bed, or in the ground.  Their advice appeals to the angry, the scared, and the overly imaginative, but not to reality.
posted by Silver Sentinel @ 8:50 PM