The worst part of my crooked ( thankfully former ) employer’s pre-Independence Day pay check delay is this: placing my ability to help on ” pause??? ”
This eclipses any personal threat of lifestyle insecurity- though considerable ( LOL ).
The worst part is the sudden halt imposed upon my giveaways of food and small amounts of money. I live for bridging the gulf between myself and r souls in need.
That’s the gift free people share without some bureaucrat or strongman twisting our arms ( i.e. taxes; repressive regulations; liberty limiting laws etc. )
Critics consider this unworthy of ” real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” themed activism but I counter this is the essence of being a  RLSH.
Micro-good offerings of food; clothing and other items separates RLSH from fictional counterparts. Imagine Iron Man handing out sandwiches or Batman whipping out his Bat-card to pay for free meals inside an inner city McDonalds?
I hate turning down folks I routinely assist- HATE IT WITH A PASSION!!!
God put me here to give comfort in direct proportion to my motivation and resources, not become stalemated by small minds and greed.
Recalling what was possible just last week and even years ago provides some small comfort.
I’m striving to un-press this proverbial ” pause ” and absent outside input must wait until my until delayed check arrives or new work starts.
When your ability to help is on “pause” it’s not a happy time!
Helping others is a form of happiness better than the strongest legal or illegal drugs on the market!

NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention.[email protected] is where you can Paypal donations to help me help others. 
Chocolate Klansmen Alert! & Finding Your “SUPER! ” are his two main presentations offered to raise consciousness about trends in urban safety and creative activism.
CAPT BLACK: (504) 214-3082
Nadra Enzi