Nadra Enzi
Capt Black
(504) 214-3082
In real life superhero ( RLSH ) terms I’ve literally fought folks Phoenix Jones style; did crime prevention speeches like the retired Citizen Prime and made coalitions the way Silver Sentinel does.
Toss in regular food giveaways in the tradition of Life and my Good Citizens Supporting Good Cops effort and you pretty much have my RLSH menu.
The topic of what makes RLSH “real” rears its pointy head periodically, usually in the wake of national publicity.
I address this topic periodically so here’s the latest opinion:
There’s no pecking order among RLSH and extreme altruists ( X ALTS ). Those imposing them are limiting a limitless concept. Free people can express their vision of creative activism without bias.
It’s not a zero sum choice between crime fighting verses unconventional philanthropy.
The only choice is what kind of creative activism you select.
My choices to date include:
* Regularly buying food for the homeless at a Canal St. fast food restaurant off its dollar menu- remember, I’m saving my part of the world on a sneaker-string budget ( lol  ).
* Giving cold bottles of water to New Orleans Downtown Development District ( DDD ) street custodians and public safety rangers; police and hotel valets on scorching days.
* ( Along with two other concerned citizens ) pulling an abusive boyfriend off the woman and child in a stroller he’d struck until officers arrived.
* I’ve also stopped wto separate suicide attempts this year.
Which actions are more “real” than others?
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your ” super” through creative crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. ( 504) 214-3082

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Capt. Black Video Interview.

Interview with Capt. Black on New Orleans world famous Canal Street about being a member of the ” real life superhero (RLSH ) ” community and why major problems are no excuse not to help the the community.
-NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your “super” through creative crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. ” Find Your Super!: Become A Creative Activist Through Comic Book Themes ” is his latest presentation. (504) 214-3082

Help Capt. Black HELP THA HOOD!

Nadra Enzi
Capt Black
( NEW ORLEANS ): HELP THA HOOD! is my encouragement and food give away campaign for people of all colors who reside within inner city areas. Especially when more Americans are closer to homelessness and hunger than at anytime since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Outreach is the gold standard of creative activism.
Downtown New Orleans is where this currently takes place and first started in Capt. Black’s hometown of Savannah, GA. A new innovation is a ” McDonalds Dollar Menu Blitz ” where I buy a bunch of $1.00 burgers and chicken sandwiches for distribution.  
Any ” super power dollar ” donation is better than none at all. Here’s how you may give:
[email protected] and (504) 214-3082 are my PayPal addresses.
WESTERN UNION; MONEY GRAM AND POSTAL donations may be sent to: NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK 1413 LAFITTE AVE., NEW ORLEANS, LA. 70112 and (504) 214-3082 
Let’s show our fellow Americans that their zip code or lack of income doesn’t make them second class citizens!

Justice Isn't On A Platter.

Nadra Enzi
Capt Black
I don’t expect justice to be served on a silver platter. Where I’m from it rarely is seen on the menu.
My time as a knight errant in the American South teaches justice is the result of sustained effort- not a given.
The people and causes I support are too often swept under the proverbial rug by “supervillains” of real life: racists; religious bigots; homophobes; elitists, etc. whose everyday attire disguises extraordinary evil.
Speaking of supporting someone’s fight against extraordinary evil, I’m assisting Shahed Wali Muhammad, a retired New Orleans police officer and dynamic senior citizen with more illnesses; issues to resolve and initiative than three lesser men combined.
If anything I do it out of gratitude. He’s been a ” Capt. Black ” longer than I’ve been alive; giving away the equivalent of a fortune to family; friends and worthy causes because he could do no less and live with himself. All the official corruption and personal tragedy he’s experienced are recounted in his tell-all book, ” Beyond The Star and Crescent ” http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/beyond-the-star-and-crescent/6036846.
For me he’s a daily reminder that we get only the justice we’re ready to tirelessly pursue. Injustice, especially institutional, expects you to give up… or give out. Institutional injustice can be in the form of biased public agencies like police departments; courts or prosecutors offices. It also comes in the guise of private groups, employers, or worse, gangs and other criminal collectives looking for folks to dominate.
In the face of such odds activists should develop “automatic pilot” to keep themselves going when elapsed time and opposition make our efforts appear fruitless.
That’s why I don’t expect justice on a silver platter. Everyone from Nazi hunters like Elie Wiesel to fellow creative crusaders of the media-dubbed ” real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” movement demonstrate that minus tenacity justice will never be yours.
We only get justice in direct proportion to the amount of time and energy expended- period.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your “super” through creative crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. (504) 214-3082. 

NOLA Public Library Computer Use Allegation

(504) 214-3082
Ms. Valencia Hawkins
Associate Director,
New Orleans Public Library Main Branch
Re: Attempt To Violate My Access To A Public Accommodation.
Greetings Ms. Hawkins:
The director of the African-American Resource Center just brought it to my attention ( at approximately 3: 30pm today, 6/15/11 ) that the Library IT Department ( which has incidentally engaged in blocking of the New Orleans Urban League site along with other reputable Black sites) has stated I’m engaged in “over-use” of the computer here!
Given the literacy rate here any excessive use by a Black man should be applauded. lol.
I used the two hours time on my card and two hours time on the card of retired New Orleans Police Department officer Mr. Shahed Wali Muhammad, with his permission. I am assisting him in his capacity as president of the Kelly Family Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit registered with the IRS.
It was also alleged that I obtained a guest pass today, which is an outright lie and an insult.
Denying Black citizens access to public accommodations was addressed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the interpretation of the Interstate Commerce Clause used to desegregate public facilities like the New Orleans Public Library System.
As a Muslim; Savannah GA FBI Citizens Academy graduate and an NAACP life member moments like these aren’t novel but are no less unwelcome. I think the IT Department is upset I’ve challenged its unlawful censorship several times; and perhaps the race and religious affiliation of Mr. Muhammad and myself- which is to be expected.
I am not engaged in unsavory nor criminal activities ( unlike a regrettable percentage of indigent patrons on these grounds ) and consider this attempt to limit my access to a public accommodation comical.
I suggest those responsible raise their opinion of Black male patrons- or at least this one. Being Black; male and Muslim isn’t a crime- yet!
Thank you,
Mr. Muhammad can be contacted at ( 504 ) 723-1141 to corroborate my claim.

Are RLSH Costumed Necessary?

I have a colorful brand name ( Capt. Black ) but don’t wear a costume ( See picture to the right ). I do stick my nose into matters common to many whom the media call ” real life superheroes ( RLSH ) “.
I like being able to respond at the drop of a hat, without worrying about ducking off to ” suit up ” somewhere. Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as inspired as anyone else by the flashy gear worn in fact and fiction. I like taking this type of inspiration and mainstreaming it a bit so folks can rub elbows with a creative activist who looks more or less like them.
There’s alot of talk about what constitutes a “real” real life superhero. Given how far the concept stretches reality it’s a little silly to even have the argument in my opinion.
Your intentions and actions establish the reality of what you represent- not whether you fight crime verses giving food to the homeless. This community isn’t based upon such either/or propositions.
I’ve had the good fortune to have caught criminal suspects and fed the hungry. One act isn’t morally superior to the other. Both are attempts to do some micro-good within ones immediate community instead of waiting for big name agencies to do it for you.
RLSH; extreme altruists ( X ALTS ) or whatever we’re called shouldn’t bother bickering about who’s “real” or who’s not when our brand stretches reality into shapes some consider unrealistic anyway.
After 20 years doing this stealth mode in other professions and three under the Capt. black umbrella, I say focus more on this great concept of using fiction to creatively address very real problems in society.
Stick to that and nothing but great things are bound to happen. Not doing so creates a media side show worthy of Jerry Springer, which is cool if that’s your goal.
Most I’m sure would agree being a media side show isn’t their goal.
Back to my article’s title, ” Are RLSH Costumes Necessary? ” My answer is like everything else in this life fantastic we practice, it’s up to the individual.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your “super” through creative crime prevention; political advocacy and self-development in New Orleans. (504) 214-3082.

Staying "Super!"

Staying “super” requires infinite dedication. The ” real life ” in this media label ” real life superhero ” ( RLSH ) can take the wind out of your sails.
My sails have their share of real life holes shot in them. Vision keeps them hoisted even when motivation is spent and worse, disillusionment creeps in.
Staying “super” is simply holding onto your belief in your higher self and calling. The minute you relinquish either, you plummet downward into the ordinary- a hell from which there is little hope of escape.
Creative activists have to balance real life issues with serving larger-than-life inspiration. To say this can become difficult is an understatement.
We can stay “super” by giving ourselves time to recharge. Too much do goodling can be as injurious as too much troublemaking. Pacing ourselves is key in these situations.
Everyone has a breaking point, even activists busy saving their little part of the world. Ignoring various stressors can have catastrophic consequences.
That’s why staying “super” requires finesse and foresight. Blindly charging full speed without pause ahead invites burn out.
It’s not criminal to admit when you need to chill for a while.
in fact, it’s central to staying “super.”
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes ” finding your super ” through creative crime prevention and self-development in New Orleans. (504) 214-3082


Capt Black Vs Slum Lord!

( NEW ORLEANS ) J. Geeck, the slumlord where I reside ( until the eviction notice is served shortly LOL ) has refused to repair the rundown shotgun house my finacee and I rented since February. His response to our refusal to fork over more money for no upgrades in return has been:
*Lodging a phony disturbing the peace charge against her that resulted in her arrest April 14th, 2011- 3 days after my birthday food giveaway downtown.
* Cutting off our hot water. the heater is outside on the back porch.
* Making repairs our White neighbors house the day before the First City Court date to figuratively thumb his nose at us. NOTE: They were given until May 4th to pay their rent, an option denied us!
* Somehow summoning plainclothed officers today who handcuffed her without cause for questioning while he was visiting with our aforementioned White neighbors.
The house chipped sides hasn’t been painted in apparent decades; has top screen door locks that come off in your hands; an incomplete kitchen sink nicknamed a ” virtual sink ” because it looks like one without operating in like fashion; a backporch and yard he uses as a dump site for construction materials.
As an activist and NAACP Life member this kind of substandard living racket is an opponent I’ve fought for others and enjoy doing so now on my own behalf!!!!
(504) 214-3082 is my contact number. The slumlord’s number is (504) 812-8811
[email protected] is where donations can be made by PayPal as I prepare to relocate us while seeking a new residence. NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK http://www.reallifesuperheroes.org/wiki/captain-black/

Stopped A Suicide Attempt

Two days ago I had to wrestle razor blades and even a cell phone charger cord away from someone intent upon killing herself. After repeated biting ( of my hands lol ) and battling she finally calmed down enough for self-discipline to prevail.
The irony is I believe in a person’s right to end his life- just not in front of me. Since I knew drug abuse and deep feelings of abandonment drove this sister to such extremes I felt justified intervening.
This was the latest hands on exercise of my politics. I’ve never been able to confine my definiton of politics to elections or partisan bickering, especially as an inner city American.
Urban death culture, a hydra taking on forms as crack; violence; and intergenerational economic and moral poverty render a political dynamic far removed from pristine hotel ball rooms and talking points debated within comfy television studios.
Her injurious cry for help is multiplied by hundreds of thousands within zip codes like mine… and elsewhere. Slow motion self-destruction is the background beat for folks who feel no one cares and in turn often care for no one.
Her decision to stop smoking crack is one huge leap toward being the individual she should be and not what desperation and its companion, addiction made her.
My politics, like the superhero-themed activism I promote, don’t require opposing parties or costumed criminals for opposition.
The super villains I face fill America’s inner city and don’t need partisan labels or colorful disguises to do their dirty work. The suicide attempt I stopped was simply a result of an urban death culture too many feel is the only authentic reality for inner city Americans.
I strongly disagree.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK will celebrate his 45th birthday Mon, Aprill 11th, 2011 by giving food to the homeless in downtown New Orleans http://captainblack.reallifesuperheroes.org/2011/03/16/capt-blacks-birthday-food-giveaway/
(504) 214-3082