NOLA Public Library Computer Use Allegation

(504) 214-3082
Ms. Valencia Hawkins
Associate Director,
New Orleans Public Library Main Branch
Re: Attempt To Violate My Access To A Public Accommodation.
Greetings Ms. Hawkins:
The director of the African-American Resource Center just brought it to my attention ( at approximately 3: 30pm today, 6/15/11 ) that the Library IT Department ( which has incidentally engaged in blocking of the New Orleans Urban League site along with other reputable Black sites) has stated I’m engaged in “over-use” of the computer here!
Given the literacy rate here any excessive use by a Black man should be applauded. lol.
I used the two hours time on my card and two hours time on the card of retired New Orleans Police Department officer Mr. Shahed Wali Muhammad, with his permission. I am assisting him in his capacity as president of the Kelly Family Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit registered with the IRS.
It was also alleged that I obtained a guest pass today, which is an outright lie and an insult.
Denying Black citizens access to public accommodations was addressed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the interpretation of the Interstate Commerce Clause used to desegregate public facilities like the New Orleans Public Library System.
As a Muslim; Savannah GA FBI Citizens Academy graduate and an NAACP life member moments like these aren’t novel but are no less unwelcome. I think the IT Department is upset I’ve challenged its unlawful censorship several times; and perhaps the race and religious affiliation of Mr. Muhammad and myself- which is to be expected.
I am not engaged in unsavory nor criminal activities ( unlike a regrettable percentage of indigent patrons on these grounds ) and consider this attempt to limit my access to a public accommodation comical.
I suggest those responsible raise their opinion of Black male patrons- or at least this one. Being Black; male and Muslim isn’t a crime- yet!
Thank you,
Mr. Muhammad can be contacted at ( 504 ) 723-1141 to corroborate my claim.