Staying "Super!"

Staying “super” requires infinite dedication. The ” real life ” in this media label ” real life superhero ” ( RLSH ) can take the wind out of your sails.
My sails have their share of real life holes shot in them. Vision keeps them hoisted even when motivation is spent and worse, disillusionment creeps in.
Staying “super” is simply holding onto your belief in your higher self and calling. The minute you relinquish either, you plummet downward into the ordinary- a hell from which there is little hope of escape.
Creative activists have to balance real life issues with serving larger-than-life inspiration. To say this can become difficult is an understatement.
We can stay “super” by giving ourselves time to recharge. Too much do goodling can be as injurious as too much troublemaking. Pacing ourselves is key in these situations.
Everyone has a breaking point, even activists busy saving their little part of the world. Ignoring various stressors can have catastrophic consequences.
That’s why staying “super” requires finesse and foresight. Blindly charging full speed without pause ahead invites burn out.
It’s not criminal to admit when you need to chill for a while.
in fact, it’s central to staying “super.”
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes ” finding your super ” through creative crime prevention and self-development in New Orleans. (504) 214-3082