Tag Washington Post

Superhero Withdrawal

Ever suffer ” superhero withdrawal ” symptoms- the intense desire to return to real life superhero ( RLSH ) activities after down time?
I have and it’s not fun. Other activist communities document similar phenomena. It’s hard to regularly exert tremendous energy and not need a break at some point.
That said, ordinary life holds little appeal for those who’ve escaped its confines. While some happily hang up codes names and costumes, most always return this lifestyle because it’s uniquely fulfilling.
We all need time off. Saving our part of the world one penny and deed at a time can be draining and even discouraging. Taking off the mantle only to resume it after rest and relaxation makes sense. Otherwise burn out happens and that accomplishes nothing good and creates more problems while solving none.
When the symptoms hit ask yourself if you’re really ready to get back into the game?
While fulfilling and fun it can also be draining and in some cases overwhelming. This lifestyle involves much more than just dressing up and being nice to strangers. Beneath its surface are tensions that have to be considered.
Being a RLSH isn’t a job. Often it’s a part time vocation done by very inspirational people who take idealism into new and different directions.
I’ve read of RLSH who said they almost collapsed in the beginning because going out patrolling occupied every waking moment. Once you finally let this personal genie out of the bottle, it’s sometimes hard to manage. Real life superheroes who are parents; have spouses/significant others and conventional careers juggle those daily demands with their magnificent obsession.
The balancing act can get messy, especially when secret identities and extra expenses are tossed into the mix. Whether this is a covert second life or an expansion of your present one, being a RLSH can be quite alot to handle. The more you put into it leads to the realization there is more to be done. Pacing yourself is key to meeting whatever goals you’ve established.
” Superhero ” withdrawal is another way of saying make sure you’re ready to return to this lifestyle. Normal life is hectic enough without being a crusader too!
Don’t worry, the causes you support will still be here waiting for you.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK is a super rights activist promoting wellness; crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info.


By Idea Man
So this will be my brainstorming list for general ideas.  Many of these will have been previously posted in RLSH forums – and some will have been developed with the help of other Real Life Superheroes.  I will add to the list as I come up with more stuff.  Certain ideas will be removed from this list later on in order to give them their own more detailed post.

  • Have a national day where people are encouraged to read from a book about a belief system other than your own.  If you are a Christian, maybe read the Koran.  If you are a creationist, maybe read a book about evolution.  If you are an atheist, maybe read the Bible.  If you are a Catholic, maybe read the Book of Mormon.  It doesn’t matter, as long as you take some time to learn a little about someone else’s beliefs.
  • A play about Real Life Superheroes, written by Real Life Superheroes.
  • Talent show to raise money for charity.  People vote for the winner by putting money into the contestants’ jars.
  • Cities should have a place where people can go online and rank the safety of their neighborhoods.  They could also leave comments about what types of crimes that they know or believe are happening in their area.  This would help cops to know where to patrol and help families decided where to buy a home.
  • Raise money to put youth leaders in the community through the Just Yell Fire Train the Trainer program, so that they can train the girls that they work with how to be safe and defend themselves from an attacker.
  • Get booths at Christmas Bazaars, and give out free copies of the Just Yell Fire DVD for people to give to girls that they know as presents.
  • A book by Real Life Superheroes for regular non-RLSH citizens, giving them advise on everyday things that anyone can do to change the world for the better.  The title could be something like:  How to Save the Day!
  • A non-profit organization that hires private investigators to follow people who harass their exes.  The private investigators get evidence to prove that the harassment is going on, and give it to the police.  They can also be used to prove that someone is violating a restraining order.
  • Self defense training for school children as part of P.E.
  • A reality show that funds Real Life Superheroes, so that they can make a positive impact in ways that our current budgets will not allow.  Sort of a Extreme Makeover: Home Edition type show, but with superheroes.
  • When you help someone, give them a Good Deed Card.  The card asks the person to help someone else, and pass the card along.
  • A club for kids in which the members dress up in superhero costumes and do community service projects.  This could be done through an existing organization, such as 4-H.  The great thing about 4-H is that a leader can start a club about anything.  It is not all about farming and animals.
  • An award that is given out by the RLSH community to non-RLSH who go the extra mile to make the world a better place.  This could involve the winners being dubbed as “Honorary Real Life Superheroes” and given their own RLSH name.
  • There could be a contest held within a community that awards prizes for the most creative picture of someone cleaning up litter.  This will be fun and encourage community service at the same time.  One possible prize could be having your photo published in the newspaper.
  • When a RLSH visits children, he or she could hand out items that give the kids the title of “Honorary Side Kick.”  Individual RLSH could have their own items, or there could be official reallifesuperheroes.org stuff.


Pepsi goes RLSH

Originally posted: www.refresheverything.com/blog/2010/07/21/how-to-be-a-real-life-superhero-with-or-without-the-cape/
How To: Be a Real Life Superhero (With or Without the Cape)
By Rebecca McQuigg Rigal of GOOD
So you want to make the world a better place? Maybe start with your block, or your neighborhood. Maybe start with an awesome costume. You don’t need superhuman powers or otherworldly resources to be a Real Life Superhero, just plenty of passion and a taste for the theatrical. We recently spoke with DC’s Guardian, about what it takes to be a costumed crusader for good. He had these six tips for making the world a better place, one neighborhood at a time.
1) Know what you stand for. It’s not a prerequisite to don tights or a mask, but every Superhero builds an identity around good morals and values.  Likewise, you’ll need a cause (or several) for which to crusade. Look around your community for actions groups that need help.
2) Identify your weapons. And we’re talking personal skills here, not nunchucks.  After identifying a cause, ask yourself what you can bring to the table to help fulfill that need. Take stock of your interests and find a way to donate your time and talents in ways that will be compatible with your lifestyle.
3) Dress for the fight. While it doesn’t take spandex to be a Superhero, always come prepared for the task. Whether the job entails managing logistics for a fundraiser, educating local youth, or just showing up to the right place at the right time with the right supplies, you’ll want to be known as a responsible and accountable crusader.
4) Don’t get mistaken for the bad guy. Real Life Superheroes can be activists, volunteers, educators, or neighborhood safety patrollers, but in order to establish an identity as a community crusader for long-term success, you’ll have to work closely with local citizens, civic leaders, and law enforcement. Collaboration and communication are key.
5) Don’t break the law. Never go above the law, and always stands firm behind your actions. As DC’s Guardian says, “If you can’t stand up and say ‘I did this!’ you shouldn’t be doing it.”
6) Be humble. There’s no such thing as a self-serving superhero, in real life or otherwise.
DC’s Guardian is prominent figure in the RLSH community and President of Skiffytown League of Heroes – a national network of original superhero characters dedicated to performing acts of community service.


By Tea Krulos
Since it was Father’s Day yesterday, I decided to take a look at some real life superheroes and their superhero children. Unlike Hit Girl in Kick-Ass, real life superhero kids tend to be mild mannered and trained in how to use butterfly knives.
Many real life superheroes that have children cite them as a reason for what they do- they want to make an attempt to make the world a better place for their children and inspire them.
The offspring inspire their super parents in return.
Silver Sentinel, for instance created his persona based on a superhero story he and his daughter created together.

OWL’S WELL New Bedford’s Civitron (right) has some potent super genes — his six-year-old son is also a superhero: Mad Owl.

OWL’S WELL New Bedford’s Civitron (right) has some potent super genes — his six-year-old son is also a superhero: Mad Owl.

Kid Civitron
Civitron is from New Bedford, Massachusetts and his 6 year old son has adopted two different hero personas- Kid Civitron and Mad Owl. Civitron explained the origin of Kid Civitron in a phone interview.

“When he was three he was playing with these two little Lego action figures and one of them wore a little helmet and the other was red with black hair. And these two little guys were going on an adventure. And he was playing by himself and I was in the doorway watching him, and he was playing out the adventures of his dad, Civitron, and his dad’s friend, Citizen Prime (a RLSH from Salt Lake City). That afternoon he comes up to me and says ‘Dad, can I be Kid Civitron? My powers are I can run really fast and I can climb mountains.’ I was really shocked, I was really amazed, I never even really thought about it.
He designed his own costume and drew it out. His original suit was yellow, with a red cape; he said ‘when you think Civitron, you think fire!’ So he picked fire colors. He has a mask with a light bulb on it, because he has good ideas. So I got him a cape with fire on the back, and he became Kid Civitron. After that, he found another mask that looked like owl eyes or bird eyes that were angry and he became the Mad Owl and that became his superhero persona. And the Mad Owl became the defender of animals. Any animal in trouble any animal lost.”

Mad Owl got to live out his mission with a stranded turtle at the park.

“We were out on a water bottle mission to the park and he found these two little girls by the pond. And he ran up to them and said, ‘what are you two doing?’ They said, ‘we found this turtle in the parking lot, and we’re trying to get it out of the parking lot and back into the water.’
“They didn’t want to push it or pick it up, or hurt it. And he said, ‘well, I’m a superhero, so I can help.’ They came up with the idea that they would all walk together and take really tiny steps behind the turtle. And as they walked, I don’t know how long it took them, a very long time, taking tiny little steps behind the turtle to get it back into the water from the parking lot.
It’s funny, I think of the scope of accomplishments and the perspective of age, talent, whatever, and he’s done a lot more than I have, just by doing that!”(Laughs)

I asked Civitron if he hopes that Kid Civitron will continue to be a RLSH as he grows up.

“It is up to him. If he wants to do it, that’s great, but the costume part, the superhero part, that’s personal. I don’t want to force that on someone if it is not truly them. I don’t want to be that crazy pageant parent with training and stress. I want to treat it as something positive that could enrich his life. Not something weird and out of the ordinary, but something positive.
It is ok to be creative; it is ok to take that power and control of your personality. Be true to yourself, and do the things you think are important and not think it is weird or odd. I think it has worked. He is really, surprisingly sure of himself. Even where he feels that if he’s not good at something, he is comfortable and confident enough to feel that to know that, and he is ok with it.”

watchmanDanger and Wonderboy
The Watchman, my hometown hero here in Milwaukee, decided to get his sons involved with his superhero act, letting them participate in charity events. They thought of their own names- Danger and Wonderboy. The trio delivered a supply of toys together to the Gingerbread House, a non-profit that gives low income families donated gifts for the holiday season. The Watchman told me about this in person and in an e-mail filling me in on how his end of the 2nd Annual Great Lakes Heroes Guild Christmas toy drive challenge was going.

“I’ll have about $100 to buy toys with. I’ll probably be dropping them off either (December) 19th or 20th. I’m still planning on taking my boys along for the drop, but I have to come up with costumes/uniforms for them. The oldest is sticking with the “Wonderboy” name, while the other one has chosen “Danger” as his name.”

He chronicled the mission in a YouTube video, panning over the stock of My Little Ponies, X-Men, Iron Man, and Star Wars action figures, Barbies, G.I. Joes, iTunes gift cards(“older kids often get overlooked” Watchman noted) and video games .
From his lair in his basement, Watchman described the charity.

“The gingerbread house takes care of needy families. They donate toys to families whose parents don’t have enough money to provide toys as presents for their children. This year they served 600 families. That is up quite a bit from last year. I was fortunate this year in that I was able to triple what I was able to do for them last year.” He also introduced Wonder Boy and Danger.
On their very first mission, they helped me donate the toys, they helped me carry them in a dropped them off at the gingerbread House. Good job kids, I’m very proud of you.”

“I think it is important to help out, especially around Christmastime. You’re never too young or too old to be a hero.” Wonder Boy says to camera.
“It’s good to give to people who don’t have enough. I hope we made a difference.” Danger adds.
Blue Girl
BloodRaven is a 21 year old from Waldorf, Maryland. She is trained as an EMT and going to school for criminal justice. She described her transformation into a superhero in an e-mail interview.

“I became a masked hero during the summer. My boyfriend decided he didn’t have time for me, so I became preoccupied with other things and as a consequence, almost forgot about him, LOL. Learning everything it takes to be a productive RLSH distracted me from problems in my own life and switched the focus to the world in general. I’ve always been interested in justice work, super heroes, comics… it was a natural switch.”

Besides patrolling her campus, she does litter pickups with her two and a half year old daughter, Blue Girl. As a single mother, it is clearly about connecting in a fun way and establishing a mother-daughter bond.

“(One of the most rewarding things is) teaching Blue Girl what’s right and what’s wrong. She won’t ever litter. She picks it up and puts it in the trash if she sees it. She’s two and a half. She knows about bad guys and that heroes are good.”
Getting kids involved, even at this small level, could do wonders for crime rates and litter rates in the future. The problem is that kids don’t really care these days. No one explains why something is wrong, or why something is right. They don’t get that littering is bad because it kills plants, or that it could hurt animals. They’re just too lazy to find a trash can. I wanna do something to change that. Break the cycle. Kids are much too spoiled these days.”

I asked BloodRaven if she would like to see Blue Girl grow up to be a RLSH.

“I’m not sure. I definitely want Blue Girl to be involved in the community, no matter where we are living. All kids should be. I wish my parents had brought that on me as well.”

I think this will be a great follow up story for my future self- will these kids grow up to be real life superheroes like their parents- or will they pull an “Alex P. Keaton” choosing an opposite path…like the path of a supervillain?! -dun dun DUN!

Weird, Wicked Weird: Maine's Real Life Superheroes. Yup, for real.

L-A's Real Life Superheroes
Originally posted: http://www.sunjournal.com/city/story/844777
By Kathryn Skelton, Staff Writer
Her mom thought she was doing drugs, slipping out at night, wandering the streets.
Mom didn’t realize her little girl was actually busy atoning and avenging.
As the self-styled superhero “Dreizehn” (that’s the number 13 in German), she’d slip out and look for trouble, interrupting drug deals and vehicle break-ins. Think “Kick-Ass,” but in real life. Sometimes it worked, sometimes the teenager got beaten up, badly.
Dreizehn moved to Maine from a big city outside New England a few months ago to join her similarly self-styled superhero boyfriend, “Slapjack.” Several nights a week they walk Lewiston-Auburn for hours on end as roving Good Samaritans, looking for trouble.

""Slapjack," left, and "Dreizehn" walk past the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Lewiston on a quiet Tuesday night in May, looking for anyone in need. They will call for police or tow trucks if needed. Dreizehn has broken up a drug deal, for which she took "a pretty severe beating," she said.

“”Slapjack,” left, and “Dreizehn” walk past the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Lewiston on a quiet Tuesday night in May, looking for anyone in need. They will call for police or tow trucks if needed. Dreizehn has broken up a drug deal, for which she took “a pretty severe beating,” she said.

The streets here? Much less mean, in her limited experience.
Most nights their foot patrol means giving bottled water and granola bars to the homeless and maybe yelling at a graffiti artist, all the while costumed and armed with batons, knife-proof protective wear and brass knuckles electrified with Tasers.
Dreizehn and Slapjack are in their 20s. Their parents? They still have no clue.
“You kind of have to be a little unstable to do it,” Dreizehn said. “Going out at 2 a.m. with a mask on and thinking you’re going to save the world, it says a lot about you.”
Origin stories
They got started for different reasons. About four years ago, Slapjack said he read an article in VIBE magazine on the Real Life Superheroes movement, a worldwide community, to which they now belong, of people who dress up, assume names and do varying degrees of charity work and criminal deterrence.
Close friends of Slapjack had their home broken into. Another was hit by a drunk driver, part of Slapjack’s motivation now to hang outside bars. He calls police to report plate numbers when he sees people that he suspects have had too much to drink get behind the wheel.
“I believe in civilian patrols. The police can only be so many places at once, especially at night,” Slapjack said. “I think it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep an eye on their communities.”
He picked his code name from a favorite card game played with his grandmother.
The younger Dreizehn has been going out longer, since 2003.
Self-proclaimed Real Life Superhero "Dreizehn" walks down a quiet Lewiston street in May. The RLS website has members worldwide.

Self-proclaimed Real Life Superhero “Dreizehn” walks down a quiet Lewiston street in May. The RLS website has members worldwide.

“I started out, really, just bored, and didn’t want to cause trouble,” she said.
In looking to thwart mischief, there was also an element of making amends for her brother.
“He was robbing and completely destroying our family through his actions,” Dreizehn said. “It made me want to do something so nobody had to go through the pain I had to.”
She dresses to add bulk to her frame — a compressed chest, a man’s trench, men’s boots. Sometimes, in her experience, just walking up to someone is enough to make them stop whatever it is they’re doing, mainly because she appears to be a 200-plus-pound man wearing a full black and red mask with sheer white fabric eye holes.
Once on patrol, Slapjack found an unconscious man collapsed in the middle of the street and dragged him to the side of the road, potentially saving him from being run over.
But it doesn’t always go swimmingly.
“I got hit by a car,” Dreizehn said. And once, in what she believed was a meth buy, “I got ahold of what they were dealing. I ended up really taking a beating. I had my mask taken off. I managed to crawl and bite my way out of it. I had a death grip on (the meth).”
She picked her code name as a nod to her German heritage.
Why the names at all if everything’s on the up and up?
Their reasons are threefold. First, they say they don’t want their workplaces or families finding out, then worrying, questioning or demanding they give it up. Second, the couple doesn’t want to be harassed; they are, occasionally, snitches. A superhero named “Shadow Hare” began showing his face around Cincinnati too much and “the city completely turned on him,” Dreizehn said.
Lastly, putting on the costume, and wearing the name, is like becoming someone else.
“Your fear goes away,” Slapjack said.
Added his girlfriend, Dreizehn: “I wanted to be able to put a mask on so I could be somebody greater and better.”
They met through the Real Life Superheroes group. There aren’t too many others in Maine. He can name two, “The Beetle” and “Mrs. The Beetle.”
Taking it to the street
They go out on foot patrol two or three nights a week, often between roughly 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. She likes walking both cities. He prefers Lewiston.
Dreizehn and Slapjack cover about 5 miles at a stretch, carrying food, water, note pads, flashlights, cameras, night-vision goggles and cell phones. Ninety to 95 percent of the time, they’re just two people out for a walk. Two costumed, very prepared people.
If and when it comes to it, she’s clearly the scrapper. He’s never gotten in a physical confrontation.
“You’re McGruff; I’m the Punisher,” Dreizehn teased, walking through Kennedy Park on a Tuesday night in May.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday tend to be busiest, with more people on the street.
“But you never know; crime never takes a day off,” Slapjack said.
He keeps a map at home synced up to the local police crime bulletins, looking for neighborhoods or streets with patterns and familiarizing himself with people wanted on warrants.
Lewiston police Lt. Mark Cornelio checked around the station — no one he spoke with was aware of a pair of costumes on the street.
“Without knowing what their crime-fighting (is), it would be tough to say whether we agree with it or disagree with it,” Cornelio said. “My thing, I would rather have people be good witnesses.”
There’s also a reason for official police training and the lessons that come with it, he said.
Dreizehn and Slapjack said they were inspired to make themselves known now because of the “Kick-Ass” movie.
It’s not as easy as it looks on the screen.
“It was a funny little movie,” Dreizehn said. “But it’s completely disillusioned. It’s nothing like we do.”

Past the Mask- Update

20/20 will be premiering a two minute segement on Past the Mask: The Real Life Superhero Project on June 1st 2010. Originally the segement was scheduled for 8 minutes. However, to compensate for the cut in air time, 20/20 will be posting more contenting on their website at http://abcnews.go.com/2020/. This content will be made availible May 31st/
Peter Tangen will be relaunching http://www.reallifesuperheroes.com June 1st with brand new content, interviews and articles not only about RLSH but of Real Life Heroes worldwide as well.

Captain Black on Silver Sentinel

Silver-Sentinel-RLSHAnyone who’s read my articles or knows me is aware of my love for real life superhero ( RLSH ) philosophy.
One day I see it being an authentic academic field. If we do our job well hopefully it won’t be beneath heading, Abnormal Psychology ( lol ).
I enjoy work examining what we do. Beneath the fancy names is alot of deeply intellectual, even spiritual subject matter.
One of the best articulators I’ve encountered is a gentle giant named Silver Sentinel.
Ironically he keeps a low profile but the depth of his insight is attention getting. We’re part of the RLSH who are usually plain clothed while on patrol. He does have a Silver Sentinel outfit for special occasions while I possess a few theme t-shirts. The outfit hasn’t been a big priority and I enjoy seeing what fellow members wear!
Silver Sentinels’ two main contributions to the literature are spot on analysis of parameters we should operate within and purity of purpose that even earns kudos from real live super villains ( RLSVs )-our biggest critics and unlikely supporters.
A varied background as thinker; security professional and spiritual person informs his writing. It offers a balanced vision of how to practically pursue this dream without crossing the line into vigilantism or egotism.
Silver Sentinel has quietly emerged as an important voice for a Movement quietly stretching the boundaries of creative concerned citizenship.
There’s so much more to this than merely eccentric exteriors. There’s a world of internal treasure awaiting patient exploration.
Silver Sentinel’s writing offers as good a road map for navigating the real life superhero ( RLSH ) world as one can find.
Do yourself a favor, read his blog and postings on http://www.reallifesuperheroes.org. He really is a RLSH philosopher king in his own right.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info.

Communication: A RLSH Necessity

You know you’re living right when young people ask you for career advice. In a days time two aspiring members of the real life superhero ( RLSH ) movement approached me- the first on line ; the second by phone.
This is an unexpected bonus to living my dream come true: advising others how to do the same… in their own way. Last year saw me regularly e-mail; chat and talk with fellow RLSH.
I’ve communicated with some of the big names in the Movement. I’ve done the same with not-so big names and people from related groups. As of this writing I haven’t personally met any RLSH but look forward to that footnote in my history. While most of us are solo acts, communication assures success as individuals and as a subculture. I know only too well the highs and lows of visionary living. Toss in this unconventional take on concerned citizenship and there’s a definite need for dialog.
This Movement is too precious to hoard to ourselves. Having experienced its scope I know the temptation to be latter day Lone Rangers. Alot of us are the only RLSH within respective city limits. My hope is we’ll reach out not only to each other always to more conventional concerned citizens. Whether you’re a cyber crusader or actually get out publicly, building rapport helps get the job done. Our impact grows with the amount of relationships created. We’re a broad coalition of very creative ( sometimes cantankerous ) folks who use fiction to leverage fantastic results from ourselves and everyone we meet.
Any real life superhero checklist would be woefully incomplete if it doesn’t include communication as an absolute necessity.
Communication is a super power unto itself, comforting fellow RLSH and inspiring fellow citizens to become champions in their own right!
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. [email protected]  ( Pay Pal account ); (912) 272-2898 and http://www.captblack.reallifesuperheroes.org

The Value of Inspiration-Only RLSH

There are at least two broad categories of real life superhero ( RLSH ) members: those who are exclusively inspiration-only outreach ( food give aways; school visits; comic book convention attendance, etc. ) and others who are actively intervention-only, i.e. patrolling the streets; monitoring suspects, confronting assailants etc. Tension has arisen between each faction and is regrettable. Whether one is providing inspiration or intervention, both acts help significantly change lives encountered.
The difference goes deeper than mere preference. Some RLSH feel it’s inappropriate to seek crimes in progress. They adamantly refuse to confront criminal suspects. Their logic is it can create more problems than the immediate one attempting to be solved. Creatively promoting good citizenship and particularly inspiring young people is their top priority. Anything outside those parameters is usually considered not their role. Hopefully all RLSH can agree that interspiration-only; intervention-only or doing both is up to the individual involved. There isn’t a pecking order where some RLSH are more ” real ” in their real life super heroism than others. Individuality is a Movement strength and allows creative public service limited only by the imagination. It would be tragic if this best practice changed.
Inspiration-only RLSH are good will ambassadors who interact with the needy; parents and children. They motivate society’s most vulnerable by providing memorable moments during hard times. They boost morale for terminally ill children and families who desperately need a dose of wonder. Promoting joy and lifting people’s spirits is an invaluable public service. Inspiration drives folks to escape the ordinary. Inspiration compels people to leave the sidelines and leap into inspirational action.
What’s the value of inspiration-only real life superheroes? It’s measured by every child’s smile; weighed by weary parent’s relief that costumed strangers care about his struggle and counted by each mind influenced to do some good because of their inspiring example.
The value of inspiration-only RLSH is infinite because they positively touch so many lives. They’re not better than those who practice intervention. They just deserve much needed just due.
-NOTE: Inspiration-only real life superhero groups include:
The Skiffytown League of Heroes:
The Floridian League of Adventurers and Superheroes:
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. (912) 272-2898

Staying Motivated As A RLSH

Staying Motivated As A RLSH
By: Nadra Enzi aka Capt. Black
“You can’t save the world! ” Heard this before? How about thinking it on your own? Concerned citizenship risks emotional wear and tear. Especially our brand. Problems outnumber problem solvers so fatigue often sets in. Especially when feeling alone in your concerns. Most folks hunker down trying to change nothing more than their socks in the morning. World change is out of reach. Crusading isn’t popular like apathy. Apathy is easier and neatly fits  busy schedules.
RLSH retirement levels may match dropout rates in neighborhood watch; citizens patrol and related groups. Life intrudes upon motivation variously: income problems; relationship issues; health challenges, etc. Time outs recharge initiative. Constant performance without rest undermines even peak performers. Beginning this lifestyle is addictive. Constant RLSH activity assures more of the same. Expressing your best self is intoxicating. Without balance, inevitable exhaustion happens. Toss in balancing double lives for those with secret identities and motivation suffers. Burn out is an occupational hazard, especially considering how few try changing conditions.
Motivation for extraordinary lifestyles is highly individualized. One size fits all solutions miss particular personalities. Find out what keeps you and you alone upbeat. List de-motivators to avoid like the plague. Associate with like minded people. Have an active spiritual or ethical practice to stay tuned in to higher consciousness.
Most importantly, recognize you can’t change the world. No matter how many suspects are caught or meals given, crime and hunger continue. Expanding your sphere of influence gradually changes the world around you. As it grows, so does your impact. Being overly ambitious is draining. Or worse, creates bitterness. Better to return to this lifestyle after recharging.  Nervous breakdowns accomplish nothing.
Take time out for yourself; strategically leave the lifestyle to recharge; associate with the like minded; these and other tips keep RLSH and other concerned citizens focused. I learned these tricks as a full time writer/speaker/activist. Even Dr. King took vacations. Corporate C.E.O.s have retreats. We should do no less.
It isn’t quitting. It’s not weakness. Knowing when to cut back is strength. Understanding how to stay motivated helps you to motivate others.
The views and comments of Captain Black do not reflect on the views of the RLSH community.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info and http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nadraenzi.