Archives July 2010

Anti-Mask: New York Penal Law

In researching and planning RLSH activities I have found information on New York State’s law on wearing masks in public. To the best of my understanding this should neither prevent a single nor a pair of individuals from wearing masks in public. This law would provide grounds for authorities to charge a group of three or more masked individuals.
Anti-Mask: New York Penal Law § 240.35(4)
New York’s anti-mask law criminalizes the wearing of masks or disguises by three or more persons in a public place unless done in connection with a “masquerade party or like entertainment,” after obtaining a permit to wear masks from the police or other appropriate authorities. The courts have defined “like entertainment” as “social gatherings, dances, and performances that involve masks or costumes,” Under the current law, wearing a bandana tied around one’s face falls within the scope of the mask prohibition.
Read the full law or download the PFD file at

SuperSuperDara – RLSH Spotlight

Location: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Category: Public Service/Activism
E-mail: [email protected]
Stories are key. If you want people to remember ideas so they can change and get better results, tell them stories”
I am here to help preventing the sexual abuse of children by using the Power of Storytelling to mobilize adults, families and communities to take actions that protect children before they are harmed. Sexual abuse of children is a grim fact of life in our society. It is more common than most people realize. Some surveys say that at least 1 out of 5 women and 1 out of 10 men recall sexual abuse in childhood.
I believe that all families, tribes and societies need resolute storytellers to constantly encourage, inspire and guide their people in a positive moral manner!My SuperSuperPower is to enter into people’s imagination and interact with their deepest human emotions in a quick, powerful, free, natural, refreshing, energizing, collaborative, persuasive, holistic, entertaining, moving, memorable and authentic way using the Power of Storytelling.I strongly believe that Storytelling is one of the key fundamental items that can shift things around a bit as far as knowledge sharing and collaboration are concerned because amongst other things it breaks most of the different traditional barriers that have been around our society for so long.That is what storytelling is all about: power to the people to share stories with others so that we could all learn from one another and eventually make our lives better.
Real Life ActivitiesTell stories to the children and adults in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.On the watch for children sexual abusers activity – alerting children about children sexual abuse and teaching them how to protect themselves.
Tools of the Trade

  • Cellphone
  • Children’s books
  • Tales, fables, folklore, myths, legends, and powerful stories.

If you want to be featured on the RLSH Spotlight please send your info to [email protected]

Maior evento de cultura pop reúne 120 mil pessoas na Califórnia

Terminou neste domingo, nos Estados Unidos, a maior reunião de super-heróis do planeta. O encontro foi na Comic-Con, em San Diego. A Comic-Con é o maior evento da cultura pop do mundo. E também reuniu gente que faz histórias em quadrinhos, desenhos animados, programas de TV e videogames.
San Diego, na Califórnia, virou esta semana a capital mundial dos super-heróis. Mais de 120 mil pessoas lotando as ruas e os corredores do maior centro de convenções da cidade, onde realidade e imaginação se misturam.
Prepare-se: você vai conhecer agora o maior evento de cultura pop do mundo. O povo faz fila pra virar zumbi e pra comprar uma infinidade de quinquilharias. Tudo isso ajuda a tocar pra frente um negócio que fatura bilhões de dólares todos os anos. Brincadeirinha cara, roupas, varinha mágica. Só a bola de cristal sai por US$ 150, quase R$ 300. E as bonecas, quase perfeitas, custam até R$ 800.
Quem quiser, sai com tudo o que precisa pra virar o personagem que desejar. Ou, então, para criar novos heróis e novas histórias. E não faltam interessados.
Tudo isso começou lá na década de 60, em uma pequena feira de compra, venda e troca de gibis usados em Nova York, com bancas, que hoje dividem espaço com dezenas de stands que representam a indústria dos quadrinhos, da animação, de programas de TV, cinema e até de videogames.
Um dos maiores negociantes de gibis dos Estados Unidos mostra uma preciosidade: o original do Capitão Marvel, desenhado na década de 60. Preço? US$ 3,5 mil, quase R$ 7 mil.
O comerciante diz: “Nos gibis está a alma de tudo o que se vê hoje no cinema, nas séries de TV e nos jogos eletrônicos”.
Um dos lugares mais procurados por fãs dos quadrinhos é onde estão três brasileiros: Gabriel Bá, Fábio Moon e Rafael Coutinho. Eles são famosos nos Estados Unidos.
Rafael, por exemplo, desenha o American Vampire, a primeira história em quadrinhos escrita por nada mais nada menos do que Stephen King, mestre da literatura de terror. Para eles, apesar da presença da tecnologia, os quadrinhos feitos à mão ainda terão muito tempo de vida.
A Comic Con é como um túnel do tempo da ficção. Passado, presente e futuro ao alcance dos olhos e das mãos, como uma réplica de uma das motos digitais de “Tron, O Legado”. Uma refilmagem de um clássico dos anos 90 que ajudou a revolucionar o cinema feito com computadores.
Mas na Comic Con dá pra fazer muito mais do que só tirar fotografia. E que tal fazer parte da cena de um filme que só vai ser lançado no ano que vem?
Sente na cadeira, obedeça ao diretor e pronto. Você está participando de uma perigosa perseguição, no filme Green Hornet, uma versão para o cinema do seriado Besouro Verde, produzido na década de 60.
A Comic Con teve também palestras com gente do mundo dos negócios da ficção. Em uma delas, polêmica! Sylvester Stallone estrela o filme “Os Mercenários”, com cenas rodadas no Brasil, onde ele disse que “teve mais liberdade para filmar cenas de violência”. “Você pode explodir o país inteiro e eles vão dizer ‘obrigado, e aqui está um macaco para você levar de volta para casa'”, falou o astro de Hollywood durante uma palestra. Só depois da repercussão negativa, Stallone pediu desculpas.
É mundo da fantasia em choque com o mundo real. Nas várias festas que aconteceram por causa da Comic Con, uma foi especial. Pessoas normais podem ter seu momento de poder. Até o repórter…
O idealizador do projeto “Super-herói do mundo real”, o fotógrafo Pete Tangen, diz que qualquer um pode explorar seus “super poderes”.
E, se quiser, também fazer parte de um grupo secreto. À meia-noite, eles deixam o bar. E voltam em seguida, com suas roupas especiais. Estes são, digamos assim, “super-heróis de verdade!”, vindos de várias cidades do mundo. Mas em vez de armas e equipamentos sofisticados, eles carregam água e biscoitos. A missão é ajudar gente que dorme nas calçadas.
Porque usar fantasias de herói pra fazer isso? Eles respondem: “É para chamar a atenção para o fato de que dá pra ajudar quem precisa com ações simples”. E qual é o superpoder que está em ação hoje aqui? “É a incrível força da bondade”, responde o mascarado.
English Translation

Biggest pop culture event brings together 120 000 people in California

Anyone who wants it out with everything you need to turn the character you want. Or, to create new heroes and new stories.
Ended on Sunday, the United States, the largest gathering of superheroes on the planet. The meeting was at Comic-Con in San Diego. The Comic-Con is the biggest event in the world of pop culture. And also met people who do comics, cartoons, TV programs and video games.
San Diego, Calif., this week became the world capital of superheroes. More than 120,000 people crowding the streets and hallways of the largest convention center in the city, where reality and imagination intermingle.
Prepare yourself: you will know now the biggest event in the world of pop culture. The people line up to turn zombie and to buy a plethora of trinkets.  All this helps for tomorrow a business that grosses billions of dollars every year. Just kidding dude, clothing, magic wand. Only the crystal ball goes for $ 150, almost $ 300.  And the dolls, almost perfect, costing up to £ 800.
Anyone who wants it out with everything you need to turn the character you want. Or, to create new heroes and new stories.
This all started back in the 60s, in a small market to buy, sell and exchange used comics in New York, with stalls, which now share space with dozens of stands that represent the industry of comics, animation, programs TV, movies and even videogames.
One of the largest comic book dealers in the United States shows a gem: the original Captain Marvel, designed in the 60s. U.S. $ 3500, almost £ 7000.
The trader says: “In the comics is the soul of everything that you see today in movies, on TV shows and video games.”
One of the most sought after by fans of the comics is where three Brazilians: Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon and Rafael Coutinho. They are famous in the United States.
Rafael, for example, draws the American Vampire, the first comic book written by no less than Stephen King, master of horror literature.  For them, despite the presence of technology, handmade comics still have long to live.
The Comic Con is like a time tunnel of fiction. Past, present and future scope of eyes and hands, like a replica of the bikes digital “Tron, The Legacy.” A remake of a classic ’90s that helped revolutionize the cinema done with computers.
But at Comic Con gives to do much more than just take the picture. And this part of the scene from a movie that will only be released next year?
Sit in the chair, director and ready to obey. You are participating in a dangerous pursuit, the Green Hornet movie, a film version of Green Hornet television series, produced in the 60s.
The Comic Con also had talks with people in the business world of fiction. Sylvester Stallone stars in the movie “The Mercenaries”, with scenes shot in Brazil, where he said he “had more freedom to shoot scenes of violence. “You can blow up the whole country and they will say ‘thank you, and here’s a monkey to bring you back home,'” said the Hollywood star during a lecture. Only after the backlash, Stallone apologized.
It’s fantasy world in shock with the real world. In the various parties that happened because of Comic Con, one was special. Normal people can have their moment of power. Even the reporter …
The mastermind of the “Superhero of the real world,” the photographer Pete Tangen, says that anyone can explore their “super powers”.
And if you want, also part of a secret group. At midnight, they leave the bar. And back then, with their special clothes. These are, shall we say, “super-heroes for real!” From various cities around the world. But instead of arms and sophisticated equipment, they carry water and biscuits. The mission is to help people sleeping on sidewalks.
Why use a hero fantasies to do that? They respond: “It is to draw attention to the fact that it gives to those who need help with simple actions.” And what is the superpower that is at work today? “It’s the incredible power of goodness,” replied the mask.

Decouvrez les vrais super-heros

Originally posted –

Découvrez les vrais super-héros

The Real Life Super Hero Project met des coups de projecteur sur les super-héros du quotidien.
Par Emmanuel Beiramar
28 juillet 2010 | Mis à jour 28 juillet 2010
Les super-héros se classent en plusieurs catégories :
Il y a les super-héros mutants comme Wolverine ou Magneto.
Il y a les super-héros extraterrestres ou venant d’autres dimensions comme Superman ou Thor.
Il y a les super-héros nés d’un accident comme Spider-Man ou Hulk.
Il y a les super-héros sans pouvoirs comme Batman, Iron Man, la plupart des Watchmen ou les héros de Kick-Ass.
Et il y a les super-héros du quotidien. Ceux qui existent vraiment et qui tentent d’aider leur prochain. Ils sont costumés, « Anonyme et désintéressés», nous explique le site de The Real Life Superhero Project. « ils choisissent tous les jours, de faire une différence dans le monde qui les entoure. Qu’il s’agisse de nourrir les affamés, réconforter les malades, ou nettoyer leur quartier, ils sauvent de vraies vies, de façon très concrète. Ce ne sont pas “des excentriques en costumes », comme on pourrait le croire au premier coup d’œil. Ils sont, tout simplement, une réponse radicale à un problème … radical. »
Le photographe Peter Tangen, dont on peut voir le travail sur des affiches de Batman Begins ou Spider-Man, a décidé de s’intéresser à ce mouvement particulier. Il a contacté 20n de ces super-héros du quotidien pour les prendre en photos, dans leur costume.
Conçu à la base comme une exposition, The Real Life Superhero Project a pris de l’ampleur et attire de plus en plus de personnes, qu’il s’agisse d’artistes, de musiciens, de sportifs ou même d’hommes politiques. Le projet leur donne envie de devenir plus actifs, plus impliqués, plus engagés, et peut-être, un peu plus « super » dans leur vie de tous les jours.
Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur le site officiel de The Real Life Superhero Project.
Translation to English

Discover the real heroes

he Real Life Super Hero Project puts the spotlight on the heroes of everyday life.
by Emmanuel Beiramar
The superheroes fall into several categories:
There are superhero mutants like Wolverine or Magneto.
There are superheroes or aliens from other dimensions like Superman or Thor.
There are heroes born of an accident such as Spider-Man or Hulk.
There are superheroes without powers like Batman, Iron Man, most of the heroes of Watchmen or Kick-Ass.
And there are the heroes of everyday life. Those that do exist and trying to help others. They are dressed, “Anonymous and disinterested,” explains the website of The Real Life Superhero Project . “They choose every day to make a difference in the world around them.  Whether feeding the hungry, comforting the sick, or clean their neighborhood, they save real lives, in very concrete ways. These are not “eccentric costumes,” as it may seem at first glance. They are simply a radical response to a problem … radical. ”
Photographer Peter Tangen, which can be seen working on posters of Batman Begins or Spider-Man, has decided to focus on this particular movement.  He contacted 20n of these super-heroes of everyday life and take pictures in their costumes.
Designed from the ground like an exhibition, The Real Life Superhero Project has grown and attracted more and more people, whether artists, musicians, sportsmen and even politicians. The project makes them want to become more active, more involved, committed, and perhaps a little more “super” in their everyday life.
For more information, visit the official website of The Real Life Superhero Project .

Many heroes many missions

Originally posted –
MONDAY, JULY 26, 2010
Many Heroes, Many Missions
To better understand what it is, exactly, that Real Life Superheroes do, we should look at the two extremes of the concept.
“Crimefighters” are the guys (and girls) who go out and actively fight crime.
Some of them embrace the term “vigilante.”
They not only go out and patrol looking for crime- they sometimes invite it to come to them with “bait patrols.” Bait patrols use an unlocked car or even human bait. The bait is made to look like a vulnerable target while crimefighting colleagues lurk unseen nearby. There’s an old saying- if you don’t find trouble, it’ll find you.
I recently wrote an article on a team of crimefighters called the New York Initiative for the New York Press titled “Brooklyn’s Own Superheroes.”
On the other end of the spectrum are “costumed activists.” These colorfully clad people use their superhero personas mostly for things like charity events, visits to children’s hospitals, food drives, blood drives, litter clean ups, and “hand outs.” Hand outs consist of packages of food and supplies (socks, water, toiletries, blankets, winter clothing) handed out to the homeless on street level. Others adopt a specific cause that they try to draw attention to. Captain Ozone, for instance, is a long time renewable energy activist and is organizing a Green Power Rally for the end of this month.

I would say the majority of RLSH have found a balance of activities somewhere in between.
One of my hometown heroes, Watchman, is a perfect example of this. He does charity events and safety patrols. For the last two Christmases he and his Great Lakes Heroes Guild allies have raised money from their friends and family, used the money to buy a bounty of toys and dropped them off at charities that provide toys to needy families.
I have also been out with Watchman several times for patrol. He sometimes patrols on foot and other times in his car. He does the same thing a concerned citizen or neighborhood block watch patrol would do- observe and report any criminal activity to police, and intervene in an emergency.
Other RLSH missions vary quite a bit due to environment, the size of the city and the crime in it, and what the individual feels passionate about.
Polarman, for instance, does the simple but helpful task of shoveling snow for the elderly in his small village of Iqaluit in the Canadian province of Nunavut. The population is just over 6,000 people huddled together on Frobisher Bay. He is a RLSH unique to his environment. Blue Lightning led an anti-smoking campaign in his home state of Michigan, and Superbarrio of Mexico City used his luchador style costume to bring attention to labor and immigration issues.
Atavistik, and his associates live near a large wildlife preserve, which they patrol like costumed park rangers in Mendocino National Forest. Their mission is to “discourage poachers and illegal cultivation of marijuana.”
Scavenger dresses herself in a black spandex mask, long strands of braids exploding out of the top of her head. She has a black corset with long plastic black streamers hanging off her arms to represent wings. Although she does other RLSH activities, a main focus is picking up litter in her hometown of Waterbury, CT. She cashes in recyclable cans and bottles and donates the funds to charity.
Warp Spider exists only as an avatar on the internet. He’s located in California, but his RLSH actions are cyber based. He searches for online predators and tries to educate others on the dangers of online stalkers and was inspired to do this after a friend of his became a cyber stalking victim. “I search MySpace, Zanga and Second Life looking for cyber stalkers.” Warp Spider told me in an e-mail.
There are other ways people were able to find niche roles. Some people do detective work, build crimefighting armor, costumes, and gadgets, offer philosophy, or act as an oracle. An oracle is someone who offers tech assistance by phone during a patrol from their computers.
This, to me, is what makes the RLSH story so interesting to me- an anonymous group of worldwide people dressed as superheroes unanimous in their quest to do good, but taking a diverse amount of paths to accomplish it.
Tea Krulos

Using Sound

Sound can be a weapon, deterrent, and a defense. There are different items that utilize sound that can be very useful to real life superheroes.
Sound can help scare away criminals and attackers by bringing attention to them. The last thing a criminal or attacker wants is people to start paying attention to what they are doing. A loud enough sound can slightly stun and disorient a person.
A cheap and effective tool to have is a whistle. There is a reason police officers have them.
You can buy a run of the mill whistle anywhere, but for a RLSH I would advise buying the loudest whistle in the world the Storm Whistle. This is the loudest whistle in the world going up to 120 decibels.

You can buy and read about them here
Personal Alarms are a good choice. They can go up to 130 decibels and many are activated by a pull pin. Some even come with flashing and strobing light to get extra attention.
Here’s a few to check out
Another item that can be used on different occasions is a bullhorn/megaphone . It can be used if you are doing events, demonstrations, or protests. It is a great way to get attention and have the public hear you.
I don’t suggest doing this, but I have used it to help drive dealers out of their spots by bringing unwanted attention to them.
A simple online search will help you find one. Just make sure to see what wattage it has.
Keep sound on your side and stay safe.
-Dark Guardian-

Malcolm X: Real Life Superhero

By Captain Black
I like stretching the real life superhero ( RLSH ) concept to include figures who don’t wear costumes or identify with comic books per se.
Malcolm X career had numerous real life superhero ( RLSH ) overtones:
* He changed his name, like many creative activists who present themselves to the public with new names.
* He fought injustice at great personal risk. Attacks and eventual assassination illustrate dangers crusaders face in the so-called real world. Anyone who thinks do gooding doesn’t have serious consequences should study his example long and hard.
* He advocated people embracing a larger vision of themselves through self-education and activism. RLSH often describe their persona as fuller expressions of personal potential. Constant skill development is another wide spread practice among Movement members.
Individuals can either live lives of quiet desperation or dare to become bigger than fear and doubt dictate.
Malcolm X exemplified transformation. Real life superheroes also promote transformation as central to improving society. Absent the power of change we become prisoners of a stifling status quo.
Like us his message challenged conventional wisdom. Like us he had more than a few detractors. Like us he believed in his calling and followed it to the end.
Crime fighters in our ranks should note the very real peril invited by actively opposing evil. Actual costumed adventurers will inevitably make enemies, some of whom may retaliate.
Just food for thought as RLSH determine their role in the Movement.
Malcolm X shows us the risks and rewards of uncompromised courage. In fictional terms he was Batman without the mask. Without a secret identity to hide behind he presented himself to deadly opponents every time he left his home.
How many activists, RLSH or otherwise, would do the same?
Malcolm X was a real life superhero who showed this Movement and humanity what is expected of those who stand up without flinching.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development.

How to Describe a Suspect To The Police

How to Describe a Suspect To The Police

To capture a criminal in these highly mobile times, it is of utmost importance for the police to promptly obtain an accurate description. Following are some of the most important identifiers the police need to apprehend criminal suspects. Keep this information in mind so that you can give the police an accurate description of any criminal or criminal incident you may observe.
Location information is critical:
Observe where you are and the exact location of the crime. Try to remember if you have ever seen the suspect in the area before.
Note the time as precisely as possible.
Observe if the suspect is carrying a weapon and, if so, what type-revolver, handgun, shotgun, knife, etc.
If the suspect leaves the scene, note the direction of flight.
If the suspect is in a vehicle, note as much of the following information as possible: vehicle type (auto, truck, van, etc.); color; make and model; condition (dirty, damaged, etc.); and license plate numbers.
Note also if the vehicle has no license plates or a “license applied for” sticker in the rear windshield.
Watch for decoys or accomplices.

a variety of general description information about the suspect should be noted:
Race or national origin
Age (estimated)
Height-use comparisons with your own height, a door, or some other standard measure
Weight (estimated)
Build-fat, husky, slim, muscular, etc.

Facial information is also important:
Hair-note the color, texture, hairline, style; also possible dyes or wigs
Forehead-note forehead height, and whether the skin is smooth, creased or wrinkled
Eyes-note the color, shape (round, slanted), whether clear or bloodshot, and the heaviness of eyelashes and eyebrows
Nose-overall shape (long, wide, flat, etc.) and nostrils (wide, narrow, flared) are important
Cheeks-is the flesh sunken, filled out, dried or oily? are there wrinkles around nose or mouth? are cheek bones high or low, wide or narrow?
Ears-note size and prominence (protruding or flat against head)
Mouth-are lips thin, medium, full? do corners turn up, turn down, or level?
Chin-what is the shape (round, oval, pointed, square)? double chin, dimpled, cleft?
Neck-note protruding Adam’s apple or hanging jowls
Complexion-note pores, pockmarks, acne, razor rash, bumps
Facial hair-clean shaven? unshaven? beard, mustache, goatee, sideburns?
Tattoos-shape and style; on what part of the body

Clothing information is also very important:
Hat-note color, style, ornaments, how it is worn (bill forward, backward, to one side)
Coat-note color and style (suit coat, jacket, topcoat, overcoat)
Shirt/Blouse/Dress-note color, design, sleeves, collar
Trousers/Slacks/Skirt-note color, style, cuffs
Socks-note color, pattern, length
Shoes-note color, style, brand name for sneakers (if possible), condition
Accessories-sweater, scarf, gloves, necktie
Jewelry-rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces
General appearance-neat or sloppy? clean or dirty?
Oddities-look for clothing too large or too small; odd colors; patchwork

Look for other physical features or peculiarities:
Voice-pitch, tone, rasp, lisp
Speech-articulate, uneducated, accent, use of slang
Gait-slow, fast, limp
You will never be able to remember all of these details about any one suspect you may see. But remembering as many as possible can be particularly helpful to the police and to your community.

Meet Middle Tennessee’s Real Life Superhero

Originally posted:
by Nick Beres
MCMINNVILLE, Tenn. –  A small Middle Tennessee town has its own crime fighting mystery man. His name is Catman, and he claims to be a real life superhero living in McMinnville.
He’s one of 350 registered so-called super heroes.
“We’re willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to help other people,” said Catman, who keeps his real name a secret.
Catman wears a costume, but no mask. There’s cat ears, cat tail and a utility belt with flashlight, tools, cellphone and first aid kit.
He leaves fighting crime to the police. Catman says he does make a difference picking up trash, helping seniors, patrolling the downtown.
“You have people who appreciate you when it happens and you have people who think you are a just a goofball,” said Catman.
Catman has been at it for four years and counting.  Locals know the 25-year-old hero.
“Yeah, everybody knows who he is. He’s a good guy,” said Garner Loudermilk, a local merchant.
Catman even has his own Cat Cave in the basement of a home in downtown McMinnville. That’s where he designs his costumes, practices self defense, and studies books to make him a better super hero.
“That’s what it’s all about: Helping people everytime you see the opportunity,” said Catman.
When Catman is not fighting crime, he washes dishes to pay his bills and help people.
Email: [email protected]



A flashlight is an essential piece of real life superhero equipment, and it has many uses.  The most obvious use, is to provide light in dark areas. It is a useful tool in deterring crime.  Criminals do not like any attention brought to them, especially bright lights.  Aside from deterring crime a flashlight can also be a great self defense weapon.  If you get a nice sturdy flashlight it can be used as a small club. If you buy a bright high powered flashlight you can use it to visually impair any attacker or criminal. In order to do this, you would need somewhere around a 200 plus lumen flashlight.
The great thing about a flashlight is that it is legal wherever you go. Many states have laws prohibiting most self defense weapons; however flashlights are good where ever you go.
Personally, I carry a 200 Lumen Husky Flashlight. I bought it at home depot for $25. For the price it is an amazing light to have.

There a lot of great flashlights to choose from. The traditional maglite is good. It can be bright and has good weight to it.

If you want to go higher end I would advise checking out fenix flashlights.
I’m looking to eventually get the Fenix TK45 which has a sleek three light design and can output up to 760 lumens.

Here are some extra links to check out flashlights