Wasted away again in margaritaville

( NEW ORLEANS ) President Barack Obama will be here July 25th to address the National Urban League conference and have a campaign fund raiser at the famed  House of Blues.

I suggest he donate left over food from this fundraiser as a tangible way to touch desperate lives beyond distant policy making and social service delivery.
The CBD area where this will be held is quite a study in stark contrasts: people asleep on the sidewalk; begging food money in front of fast food places and asleep in doorways of closed businesses at night.
I call this ” micro-good. ” Whatever meals this provides won’t end New Orleans hunger forever. That’s something we must do whenever our hearts and political will reach that zenith.
One more unsolicited request: have the President give out some of the food. This one act will say more about his stance on combating poverty than all the budget items argued in Congress.
Mr President, this one proposed act of micro-good could set a presidential precedent for generations!
As my late grandmother and Obama supporter used to say on the eve of great events, ” This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! ”
NOTE: If you think this is a good idea suggest it to the Obama reelection campaign:

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention and homeless outreach. (504) 214-3082

George W Bush & RLSH: Unlikely Parallels

Nadra Enzi

Mr Beckwith, 78, was a retired New York fireman who travelled to Ground Zero to help with the rescue operation. He was pictured with George W Bush on a pile of rubble on September 14. He lives in Baldwin, New York, with his wife. While writing about how both the former Bush Administration and the public missed a golden opportunity to revitalize civic participation in crime prevention and homeland security the following eureka moment happened:

” What if the growth of the media-dubbed ‘ real life superhero ( RLSH )’ movement was a response to absent roles offered to concerned citizens after 9/11? “
Observers note how September 11th spurred quantum growth in creative activism. On a personal note my ” Capt Black ” activist title was born in 2008 as a response to needing to do something extra about crime and domestic issues.RLSH take their good intentions; imagination and limited budgets ( lol ) to America’s streets to inspire fellow citizens to get more involved instead of waiting for someone else to handle problems.The relative lack of helping opportunities may have helped catalyze this unusual interpretation of civic duty!Non-partisan, RLSH focus on the essence of helping others instead of ideological sparring. That’s not to say some aren’t politically active, myself included.Political advocacy has its place but primarily ” real life superheroes ” focus on crime prevention and humanitarian outreach which is to our enduring credit.
It’s too easy to get bogged down in bickering as even I as a politically active RLSH will be the first to admit.
President George W. Bush obviously didn’t think his September 14th, 2001 Ground Zero speech would unleash costumed crusaders nor even prompt costume-optional ones like me ( lol ).
The fact that this happened is something liberty lovers on all sides of the aisle should celebrate. The most unlikely parallel between George W. Bush and real life superheroes is we took his call to action and ran with it in ways that challenge conventional wisdom to this day.
Isn’t that what free people should do in times of crisis great and small?
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082 and [email protected]



Nadra Enzi
Capt Black at 6:10am EASTERN Thursday 8/17/11 Capt Black will be discussing Flash Mobs; Rioting & Obama on the Bill Edward’s Show, Coastal Georgia’s leading conservative talk radio show. (912) 947-1290 is the call in number. Check it out early birds!!!
EQUATION FOR DEVASTATION: Social decline + prolonged economic suffering + a president whose delivery is seen as falling short of campaign rhetoric = potential riots easily overshadowing those following the first Rodney King verdict if we’re not very alert.
BTW, this isn’t Obama-bashing by a long shot!
This is an appeal for coalition building between police and the public, especially segments most vulnerable to seduction by thugs and political operatives to misbehave like European soccer hooligans! Episodes like this aren’t only wrong they also give government license to shred what’s left of the constitution in defense of law and order!
I hope none are naive enough to think that Obama ( or any sitting president ) wouldn’t crush preelection disturbances with a hand heavy as any assumed Third world dictators or communist premieres would use.
Black America’s social powder keg has been smoldering since the Bush era. The current Administration added jet fuel to these social embers. Whether they ignite remains with individuals involved and relationships ( hopefully ) in place throughout society.
I don’t want Black youth or anyone used as cannon fodder for thugs and political operatives.
Perceived lack of presidential follow through; misery and ( anti ) social networking can easily duplicate ” London riots ” in America if conditions deteriorate.
People seeing themselves as outcasts have little compunction about rioting.
Society ignores this fact at its peril!
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your ” super” through creative crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. ( 504) 214-3082


The Many Superhero Faces of Barack Obama
Black folks need to take the cape off President Obama and try one on for size ourselves!

Warning: this isn’t an anti-Obama rant; far from it! It’s a call to action for a community that has had to save itself as opposed to awaiting political help from on high.
Things are so bad ( Black male unemployment alone is at a 40 year high! ); morale so low and prospects so bleak that Black folks need to “suit up” and creatively tackle this Depression. 
I’m not preaching separatism by the way- I’m preaching survival! On an integrationist note the moans and groans figuratively heard across town are our White country men suffering too.
My fevered imagination pictures two limping figures holding onto each other hobbling toward the sunset- one t-shirt reads, “Black Power?”; the other, ” White Privilege? ” each agreeing they’ve seen much better days. Against this backdrop, the old animosities are luxuries we can ill afford.
On the plus side “superhero” mindsets often  emerge from periods of unrelenting mass misery. That said, the Hood should already resemble Gotham City, awash with crusaders and self-appointed knights jousting a misery index swelling to gargantuan proportions. 
Our unsolved crime rate; our chronic life style mortality and other issues are to critical to accept thinking the president is going to swoop down from the sky to save the Hood or Black America period!
Turning this tide around on our own offers the country a model for recovery that doesn’t bust budgets nor gut entitlements.
There are Black folks who’ve been wearing the “cape” of community uplift for awhile. I’m just trying to increase their ranks.
Sisters, brothers- take the cape off Obama and try it on for size where you live!
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your “super” through creative crime prevention; homeless out reach and political advocacy. (504) 214-3082