Tag Captain Black’s Commentary

Bin Laden's Final Victory?

The now-late Osama bin Laden had to know one day he would die by US or Allied hands. I think he banked on it as the last step in his ongoing mobilization of Islamists and fellow travelers at war with the West.
The above shouldn’t be wildly misconstrued as waffling about the final solution no less than the Navy’s Seal Team Six administered. What he did September 11th, 2001 set into motion this conclusion.
I see this as part of his end game. I never assumed he thought he’d defeat the United States the same way the former Soviet Union lost its bloody occupation of Afghanistan.
Setting a tone for generations was always my view.
Fighting asymmetrical; multi-ethnic ideologies and the cells used as delivery systems is slow, tricky stuff. The process defies easy sloganeering, though New York’s ” See Something, Say Something ” worked famously in the capture of the ( would be ) Times Square bomber.
Like it or not, a hero to large swaths of the world population has died. Whether his message also dies will be determined in coming years.
I think this was part of his plan. While the United States had to hunt him down, it also has to win the propoganda war sure to follow. Whether this proves Obama was right about his campaign and administration focus on Pakistan ( Yes ) or that he won a risky reelection stunt is sure to heat up the airwaves.
Was this bin Laden’s final victory? Our grand children may be better positioned to answer than we in these early days of martyrdom.
We can however focus on changing conditions creating him in the first place.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development and is a self-described ” ATM: Anti-Terrorist Muslim. ”
(504) 214-3082

Capt Black Vs Slum Lord!

( NEW ORLEANS ) J. Geeck, the slumlord where I reside ( until the eviction notice is served shortly LOL ) has refused to repair the rundown shotgun house my finacee and I rented since February. His response to our refusal to fork over more money for no upgrades in return has been:
*Lodging a phony disturbing the peace charge against her that resulted in her arrest April 14th, 2011- 3 days after my birthday food giveaway downtown.
* Cutting off our hot water. the heater is outside on the back porch.
* Making repairs our White neighbors house the day before the First City Court date to figuratively thumb his nose at us. NOTE: They were given until May 4th to pay their rent, an option denied us!
* Somehow summoning plainclothed officers today who handcuffed her without cause for questioning while he was visiting with our aforementioned White neighbors.
The house chipped sides hasn’t been painted in apparent decades; has top screen door locks that come off in your hands; an incomplete kitchen sink nicknamed a ” virtual sink ” because it looks like one without operating in like fashion; a backporch and yard he uses as a dump site for construction materials.
As an activist and NAACP Life member this kind of substandard living racket is an opponent I’ve fought for others and enjoy doing so now on my own behalf!!!!
(504) 214-3082 is my contact number. The slumlord’s number is (504) 812-8811
[email protected] is where donations can be made by PayPal as I prepare to relocate us while seeking a new residence. NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK http://www.reallifesuperheroes.org/wiki/captain-black/

Stopped A Suicide Attempt

Two days ago I had to wrestle razor blades and even a cell phone charger cord away from someone intent upon killing herself. After repeated biting ( of my hands lol ) and battling she finally calmed down enough for self-discipline to prevail.
The irony is I believe in a person’s right to end his life- just not in front of me. Since I knew drug abuse and deep feelings of abandonment drove this sister to such extremes I felt justified intervening.
This was the latest hands on exercise of my politics. I’ve never been able to confine my definiton of politics to elections or partisan bickering, especially as an inner city American.
Urban death culture, a hydra taking on forms as crack; violence; and intergenerational economic and moral poverty render a political dynamic far removed from pristine hotel ball rooms and talking points debated within comfy television studios.
Her injurious cry for help is multiplied by hundreds of thousands within zip codes like mine… and elsewhere. Slow motion self-destruction is the background beat for folks who feel no one cares and in turn often care for no one.
Her decision to stop smoking crack is one huge leap toward being the individual she should be and not what desperation and its companion, addiction made her.
My politics, like the superhero-themed activism I promote, don’t require opposing parties or costumed criminals for opposition.
The super villains I face fill America’s inner city and don’t need partisan labels or colorful disguises to do their dirty work. The suicide attempt I stopped was simply a result of an urban death culture too many feel is the only authentic reality for inner city Americans.
I strongly disagree.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK will celebrate his 45th birthday Mon, Aprill 11th, 2011 by giving food to the homeless in downtown New Orleans
(504) 214-3082

X-ALTS: Extreme Altruism Examined

I’d like to thank Zero ( the original Z ) for creating a phrase for those of us within what the media labeled the real life superhero ( RLSH ) community who may or may not quite fit that colorful brand.
“X Alts” or extreme altruists is his commendable contribution to the lexicon.
Yes I have a code name but I’m a bit costume lite compared to most. Yes I’m a member of this community of creative activists; glory seekers; actual crime fighters and ” visionaries ” but Zero’s new term resonates with me on many levels.
I’m a very creative concerned citizen- that’s it. I’m not a vigilante nor a naive do gooder. I’m simply a highly socially concerned member of the public. Being part of a mobilized, passionate public has been my goal from Day One, along with using my lifelong interest in things super heroic to inspire others.
Zero is a serious thinker about our emerging field of activism. I’m not surprised he coined this phrase and will undoubtedly produce a body of work that will go a long way toward explaining the various tribes under the RLSH umbrella.
Some of us see ourselves as superheroes come to life. Others are creative actvists paying homage to a genre that allows folks to soar above the commonplace. Still more have allowed fantasy to overwhelm their grasp on reality.
Wherever you fit on the RLSH spectrum, we should all thank Zero for his invaluable input!
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development through creative activism. Whether his outreach is RLSH or X ALT is up to the beholder. (504) 214-3082.


Jared Lougher, de facto ” Arizona Assassin ” is my latest pick for the super psycho list I compile.
He stands above regular criminals by dint of ruthlessness; victim status; casualties and possible motive.
This wasn’t a botched robbery nor a runaway domestic situation. It definitely wasn’t an upgrade of old school duels where each side at least had the equal chance fore knowledge and weapons accord participants.
He joins America’s bizarre battalion of super psychos. I won’t bore you my selections but feel free to mentally review your own while reading.
Fortunately super psychos aren’t numerous. Tragically their misdeeds severity overrides scarcity.
Police and psychologists unite to profile such personalities. Motives and actions tend to stretch the definition of reality but must be examined to avoid future episodes.
While comic book super villains don’t exist, real life super psychos are menaces whose death toll sadly isn’t fictional.
Concerned citizens must shoulder the burden of learning how to identify legitimate super psychos before they strike. Fingering people whose politics or other factors you dislike doesn’t automatically equal potential super psycho.
I can hear would-be inquisitors on the Imperial Left and Imperial Right saying, ” Darn! ” in frustration. That said, waiting for government or others to do so may literally be too late in some cases.
Paranoia won’t work nor draconian speech codes fueled by narrow partisan agendas.
Super psycho rampages are often stopped like this one: on scene by folks who ended the madness first hand! That’s how up close and personal this can become.
We outnumber super psychos and this should always be stressed in the reams of print; mega bytes of keyboard typing and oceans of sound bites this attack produces. No matter how horrible the headline, there are still millions more of us whose self-expression doesn’t sink to mass murder and intimidation.
Remember: we.outnumber.them.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info

Ballistic Politics

car0358The Arizona political shootings offer an opportunity for the Administration to either defend free speech ( including that which it bitterly opposes) or criminalize it using this event as a pretext.
Any president would be sorely tempted to brand his foes enemies of the state and history tells at least several did.
I’m being intentionally vague because enough gasoline is hitting this particular fire without by brand of high octane propellant. Folks with impulse control problems on all sides of the issue don’t need more provocation to go postal.
Conservatives wonder when the speech codes will be unveiled? Conspiracy theorists on that side expect government surveillance and dirty tricks to exceed Nixon in the wake of this attempted assassination of a sitting Congress woman and murder of a Chief federal District judge among others.
As a security person and political observer I think we need to recognize the pressure cooker of the last few years is causing some to reach their boiling point. That doesn’t mean that prevailing conditions; talking heads or policy makers can automatically be blamed when these eruptions occur, but they are mitigating factors. Study and preemptive action may head off some of these tragedies.
Ballistic politics are occasions when we need to look closely at just how much we believe free speech is worth. In some instances the price can be life itself.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info

A RLSH Attacked

” You can try pulling the wings off an angel but he remains an angel still. “
-Capt. Black after hearing the following:
A real life superhero ( RLSH ) friend of mine was recently attacked while on patrol. While shaken, this saintly man still wants to hit the streets again to help others.
Simply offering yourself for the public good doesn’t guarantee favorable reception, no matter how well intentioned.
I don’t think some RLSH realize how inadequate they make some folks feel.
The other side of inspiration is indignation. People parading around being their full selves slaps envious onlookers in the face. Being a RLSH takes a rare kind of purity. It’s also a mirror causing some to attack those they wish they could be.
My friend is coping but ironically, the real victim is his assailant and tortured souls like him. Attacking RLSH is a cheap way for miserable individuals to finally feel happy.
To would-be super villains who cross the line into committing real would mayhem, there’s a four letter word for you: sick.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development through outreach. http://www.captblack.info (504) 214-3082.

Bronco Billy

By Captain Black
Clint Eastwood’s 1980 movie, Bronco Billy, fleshes out the all-important theme of following your dreams. Its colorful characters traveled the country performing a Wild West Show and touching lives along the way.
Fast forward to today’s alternately nightmarish reality and content like this deserves closer examination.
His title character escaped the ordinary ( along with a hated job and marriage ) to become a cherished ideal: a modern day cowboy! I’m not suggesting anyone pull up stakes and leave his current life behind but inventory your dreams to see how may you’ve pursued. Often, the only thing standing in our way is self-doubt. Moving that mountain aisde allows you to be literally anyone you choose.
Assisted by his cast, this ensemble of dreamers offer an exposition of what happens when folks take one step beyond day dreams to live what’s within the minds eye.
Billy’s trick shooting skills not only wowed carnival audiences, they also foiled an attempted bank robbery. Imagine the outcome had he chosen earlier to suffer in silence in a life that made him miserable? Obviously most of us won’t stop a federal crime but everyone can enlist in the effort to creatively make a difference.
Watch this movie with that thought in mind.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info

Why Be A Do Gooder?

Why be a do gooder, at my present age of 44 or any time? Society is in Recession/Depression mode so why not ” do me ” and forget do gooding?
I’m a do gooder now because I’ve always been one.
After taming past shyness, connecting with other’s needs occurs more often. Now, I don’t feel I’m intruding upon privacy nearly as much as intruding upon hunger; conflict or despondency.
As a do gooder I’m doubly blessed by what Leigh Anne and Sean Toohy ( of ” Blindside ” movie fame ) call ” Popcorn Theory ” which “…is about noticing others. It starts with recognizing a fellow soul by the roadside as kindred…it’s about acknowledging that person’s potential and value. It’s about seeing him, instead of looking past him…Like with popcorn…the hot ones just show up. It’s not hard to spot them. ”
That’s my approach encapsulated. My Capt Black outreach is where I give food; clothing and crime prevention efforts away whenever possible.
It makes no sense for people to be hungry or cold amid plenty; suffering while surrounded crowds and buildings. In a similar vein, lack of basic safety amounts to a civic plague of stupidity.
October 2010 witnessed near-daily food giveaways as over half my sneaker string budget strategically went to others. Don’t try this at home ( lol ) unless you are fully committed.
You won’t regret it but it may make loved ones worried.
These giveaways happened outside the New Orleans Main Library where the homeless gather among other patrons. It wasn’t unusual to feel ten feet tall afterward! ( lol ).
This month I gave a warm white bomber jacket to a gent outside there I call my ” regular client. ” Despite area warmth, when it’s cold it becomes bitterly so! The jacket literally begged me for weeks to be donated and I felt like jumping for joy when I did it. Still do as a matter of fact.
Why be a do gooder? Because it helps others and helps you free personal, much needed good inside.
Especially these days, we could all use some extra good in our lives.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info

Does the World Need Superheroes?

Originally posted: http://talkingskull.com/article/does-world-need-superheroes
by Niesey
There’s been a lot of hype lately coming from my hometown of Seattle.  Apparently there’s a group of people there who refer to themselves as “Real-Life Superheroes” from the “Rain City Superhero Movement”, and they’re claiming to be part of a nationwide network of crime-fighters.  They’re regular people (who perhaps have read a few too many comic books), that take to the streets in costumes with code names and try to fight crime. The Seattle Police Department has understandably stated some concern regarding the “superheroes”.  According to the Seattle PI article, there have been some events that have led to one “superhero” almost getting shot, and others being mistaken for criminals by citizens:

In one instance, police say a caped crusader dressed in black was nearly shot when he came running out of a dark park. In another case, a witness on Capitol Hill saw the crusaders wearing ski masks in a car parked at a Shell station and thought they were going to rob the place.

The self-proclaimed leader of the Rain City Superhero Movement is a 22-year-old man, that goes by the name Phoenix Jones.  He dresses in black with blue tights (what superhero costume is complete without tights?), and patrols the Seattle streets with his friends…  in a Kia owned by the godmother of one of the “superheroes”…  I guess “Real-Life Superheroes” use economical transportation.  No high-tech Batmobiles for them.
Reading the article on SeattlePI.com piqued my curiosity.  Are there really other “Real-Life Superheroes” in other parts of America, and perhaps the world?  I was amazed to find that indeed there are, and some of them have websites to share their philosophies, list their services, and ask for donations to fund their superhero ways.  There’s Captain B.L.A.C.K. of Savannah, Georgia, Knight Owl from Ohio, and Zetaman from Portland, Oregon.  But I also found that this superhero movement isn’t all that new of a concept.  London also had a “superhero” for some time in Angle-Grinder Man, who said in 2002 “I may not be able to single-handedly and totally cast off the repressive shackles of a corrupt government – but I can cut off your wheel-clamps for you.”  Maybe not all the “superheroes” keep completely within the realms of the law, but it seems that the majority are trying to make a difference in their communities by helping the less fortunate, and doing charitable work.
For people interested in becoming “superheroes”, there are plenty of websites and books to help them.  RealLifeSuperheroes.org recently listed a workshop in Brooklyn, New York, to assist people with creating their superhero costumes.  It cost $20, but included “free beer for those 21 and older.”  Or you could buy the book, How to be a Superhero.
What do you think about the superhero movement?  Are they necessary in today’s society, or are they just another case of a Neighborhood Watch Program getting out of hand, and turning into vigilante justice?  Would you ever consider taking on a new persona and running around in the night in tights? Or should we just stay at home, and let the police do their jobs?