Bin Laden's Final Victory?
The now-late Osama bin Laden had to know one day he would die by US or Allied hands. I think he banked on it as the last step in his ongoing mobilization of Islamists and fellow travelers at war with the West.
The above shouldn’t be wildly misconstrued as waffling about the final solution no less than the Navy’s Seal Team Six administered. What he did September 11th, 2001 set into motion this conclusion.
I see this as part of his end game. I never assumed he thought he’d defeat the United States the same way the former Soviet Union lost its bloody occupation of Afghanistan.
Setting a tone for generations was always my view.
Fighting asymmetrical; multi-ethnic ideologies and the cells used as delivery systems is slow, tricky stuff. The process defies easy sloganeering, though New York’s ” See Something, Say Something ” worked famously in the capture of the ( would be ) Times Square bomber.
Like it or not, a hero to large swaths of the world population has died. Whether his message also dies will be determined in coming years.
I think this was part of his plan. While the United States had to hunt him down, it also has to win the propoganda war sure to follow. Whether this proves Obama was right about his campaign and administration focus on Pakistan ( Yes ) or that he won a risky reelection stunt is sure to heat up the airwaves.
Was this bin Laden’s final victory? Our grand children may be better positioned to answer than we in these early days of martyrdom.
We can however focus on changing conditions creating him in the first place.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development and is a self-described ” ATM: Anti-Terrorist Muslim. ”
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