Malcolm X: Real Life Superhero

By Captain Black
I like stretching the real life superhero ( RLSH ) concept to include figures who don’t wear costumes or identify with comic books per se.
Malcolm X career had numerous real life superhero ( RLSH ) overtones:
* He changed his name, like many creative activists who present themselves to the public with new names.
* He fought injustice at great personal risk. Attacks and eventual assassination illustrate dangers crusaders face in the so-called real world. Anyone who thinks do gooding doesn’t have serious consequences should study his example long and hard.
* He advocated people embracing a larger vision of themselves through self-education and activism. RLSH often describe their persona as fuller expressions of personal potential. Constant skill development is another wide spread practice among Movement members.
Individuals can either live lives of quiet desperation or dare to become bigger than fear and doubt dictate.
Malcolm X exemplified transformation. Real life superheroes also promote transformation as central to improving society. Absent the power of change we become prisoners of a stifling status quo.
Like us his message challenged conventional wisdom. Like us he had more than a few detractors. Like us he believed in his calling and followed it to the end.
Crime fighters in our ranks should note the very real peril invited by actively opposing evil. Actual costumed adventurers will inevitably make enemies, some of whom may retaliate.
Just food for thought as RLSH determine their role in the Movement.
Malcolm X shows us the risks and rewards of uncompromised courage. In fictional terms he was Batman without the mask. Without a secret identity to hide behind he presented himself to deadly opponents every time he left his home.
How many activists, RLSH or otherwise, would do the same?
Malcolm X was a real life superhero who showed this Movement and humanity what is expected of those who stand up without flinching.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development.

Mircro-Good: Its Ebb and Flow

By Captain Black
I don’t wear a special ” Capt. Black ” costume  while in public but like other members of the real life superhero ( RLSH ) Movement I help out where I can.
Wearing one of my Kufi skull caps means I’m on duty. That and the optional Capt. Black t-shirt.
The following is based on the last two days activities:
Yesterday saw me give a young mother struggling with her baby carriage a dollar for the little one ( Recession-era spontaneous donation rate, lol. ) and tell her, ” Capt. Black is always here for you! ” while walking away. In good Lone Ranger style I often don’t stick around.
Shortly thereafter I held the door open for an apparent stroke survivor after he’d struggled to his feet from a wheel chair to enter a gas station.
Inside, I won $4.00 on a scratch off ticket.
Rationalists will call this coincidence while the more metaphysical say the Universe down loaded a little gift as reward for my efforts.
Today I assisted a senior citizen friend across a busy highway to a nearby store on a rough side of East New Orleans. I secured him and carried purchases back to his apartment. He insisted I take what he gave me ( hard to argue with him when he’s loaded, if you know what I mean ).
I resolved to pass this gift along to others while making rounds in the near future.
All this could be coincidence so I leave interpretation to the reader.
Years ago, I used most of an inheritance by donating to charity and investing in struggling businesses. The idea of using it for scarce joy never entered my mind. Resources are the grease allowing the wheels of philanthropy and industry to roll faster. The spiritual heights and connections made from this period of my life remain unsurpassed.
RLSH and other concerned citizens give from the heart and wallet… often until it hurts.
We specialize in what I call ” micro-good: ” acts that aren’t headline making like curing cancer or million dollar giveaways but nonetheless impact quality of life where were live. These small acts take on a synergistic life of their own as our creative approach makes people reflect.
From reflection comes increased incentive to help others at a time when it’s hard enough helping oneself.
As this examination of the past two days shows, the ebb and flow of micro-good touches those offering outreach and recipients alike.
Karma; coincidence; Divine Intervention on a very small scale, I leave the final judgement to each of you.
I close with this observation: micro-good works! Share your instances of unexpected rewards from doing micro-good.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes wellness; crime prevention and self-development.

Staying Motivated As A RLSH

Staying Motivated As A RLSH
By: Nadra Enzi aka Capt. Black
“You can’t save the world! ” Heard this before? How about thinking it on your own? Concerned citizenship risks emotional wear and tear. Especially our brand. Problems outnumber problem solvers so fatigue often sets in. Especially when feeling alone in your concerns. Most folks hunker down trying to change nothing more than their socks in the morning. World change is out of reach. Crusading isn’t popular like apathy. Apathy is easier and neatly fits  busy schedules.
RLSH retirement levels may match dropout rates in neighborhood watch; citizens patrol and related groups. Life intrudes upon motivation variously: income problems; relationship issues; health challenges, etc. Time outs recharge initiative. Constant performance without rest undermines even peak performers. Beginning this lifestyle is addictive. Constant RLSH activity assures more of the same. Expressing your best self is intoxicating. Without balance, inevitable exhaustion happens. Toss in balancing double lives for those with secret identities and motivation suffers. Burn out is an occupational hazard, especially considering how few try changing conditions.
Motivation for extraordinary lifestyles is highly individualized. One size fits all solutions miss particular personalities. Find out what keeps you and you alone upbeat. List de-motivators to avoid like the plague. Associate with like minded people. Have an active spiritual or ethical practice to stay tuned in to higher consciousness.
Most importantly, recognize you can’t change the world. No matter how many suspects are caught or meals given, crime and hunger continue. Expanding your sphere of influence gradually changes the world around you. As it grows, so does your impact. Being overly ambitious is draining. Or worse, creates bitterness. Better to return to this lifestyle after recharging.  Nervous breakdowns accomplish nothing.
Take time out for yourself; strategically leave the lifestyle to recharge; associate with the like minded; these and other tips keep RLSH and other concerned citizens focused. I learned these tricks as a full time writer/speaker/activist. Even Dr. King took vacations. Corporate C.E.O.s have retreats. We should do no less.
It isn’t quitting. It’s not weakness. Knowing when to cut back is strength. Understanding how to stay motivated helps you to motivate others.
The views and comments of Captain Black do not reflect on the views of the RLSH community.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. and

The Real Superhero Movement As Civic Duty Reloaded

The Real Superhero Movement As Civic Duty Reloaded.
By: Nadra Enzi aka Capt. Black
Civic duty is old as the family unit. Individual responsibility to the group is its focus. Modern America fleshed this out further by instituting neighborhood watch and citizens patrol functions as adjuncts to law enforcement. This support capacity was taken a step further in the form of creative concerned citizens who used comic book motifs to create new crime prevention and emergency need fulfillment roles. Dubbed “ real life superheroes “ ( RLSHs ) by the media this new breed of patrolling citizen is carving a place at the table marked civic duty. To date, concerns about vigilantism haven’t borne incidents of note. Most operate well within the law and are knowledgeable about statutory powers possessed by anyone, costumed or not.
This redefinition of civic duty comes as a supplement of established order instead of a challenge.
Reloading civic duty like this does challenge preconceptions about citizens role in stopping suspected criminal activities. Videotaped encounters at a public park between New York area RLSH and alleged drug dealers alarmed local law enforcement. Their concern was the costumed citizens in question confronted offenders with lengthy records known to carry weapons. These interventions demonstrate the seriousness with which some real life superheroes exercise civic duty. Similar undocumented accounts report citizens arrests made and information provided leading police to purported violators. Beyond dressing up for cameras, this movement has real tactical impact on combating crime without becoming criminals.
The second front operated by RLSHs is humanitarian assistance. While not universally practiced, it has become a movement hallmark to aid the homeless. Colorful personages give food and blankets to the homeless while making rounds. Various costumed activists are known for this even more than fighting crime. Some argue combating homelessness combats root causes of crime. An overriding concern for society’s ignored drives this more than providing creative crime prevention. Patrolling the streets increases awareness of homelessness and the relative lack of mobilization against it. Alongside hospital and school visits, the movement tackles difficult social issues beyond traditional crime prevention.
Reloading civic duty like this opens doors for participation old as the English “hue and cry “system where whistle blowing watchers alerted communities to trouble. It’s new as the latest name of the newest person to don an identity. While reasons for a more engaged public mount, reloading civic duty in such an attention-getting fashion helps motivate folks numbed by bad headlines and an even worse economy.
Real life superheroes breathe new life into time honored notions like civic duty and reload them for a nation desperately needing a more involved citizenry.
The views and comments of Captain Black do not reflect on the views of the RLSH community.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development through his CRIME ISN’T A CIVIL RIGHT! presentation among other efforts. HELP HAITI Y’ALL is its latest urgent humanitarian highlight. [email protected] and (912) 272-2898.