Mircro-Good: Its Ebb and Flow

By Captain Black
I don’t wear a special ” Capt. Black ” costume  while in public but like other members of the real life superhero ( RLSH ) Movement I help out where I can.
Wearing one of my Kufi skull caps means I’m on duty. That and the optional Capt. Black t-shirt.
The following is based on the last two days activities:
Yesterday saw me give a young mother struggling with her baby carriage a dollar for the little one ( Recession-era spontaneous donation rate, lol. ) and tell her, ” Capt. Black is always here for you! ” while walking away. In good Lone Ranger style I often don’t stick around.
Shortly thereafter I held the door open for an apparent stroke survivor after he’d struggled to his feet from a wheel chair to enter a gas station.
Inside, I won $4.00 on a scratch off ticket.
Rationalists will call this coincidence while the more metaphysical say the Universe down loaded a little gift as reward for my efforts.
Today I assisted a senior citizen friend across a busy highway to a nearby store on a rough side of East New Orleans. I secured him and carried purchases back to his apartment. He insisted I take what he gave me ( hard to argue with him when he’s loaded, if you know what I mean ).
I resolved to pass this gift along to others while making rounds in the near future.
All this could be coincidence so I leave interpretation to the reader.
Years ago, I used most of an inheritance by donating to charity and investing in struggling businesses. The idea of using it for scarce joy never entered my mind. Resources are the grease allowing the wheels of philanthropy and industry to roll faster. The spiritual heights and connections made from this period of my life remain unsurpassed.
RLSH and other concerned citizens give from the heart and wallet… often until it hurts.
We specialize in what I call ” micro-good: ” acts that aren’t headline making like curing cancer or million dollar giveaways but nonetheless impact quality of life where were live. These small acts take on a synergistic life of their own as our creative approach makes people reflect.
From reflection comes increased incentive to help others at a time when it’s hard enough helping oneself.
As this examination of the past two days shows, the ebb and flow of micro-good touches those offering outreach and recipients alike.
Karma; coincidence; Divine Intervention on a very small scale, I leave the final judgement to each of you.
I close with this observation: micro-good works! Share your instances of unexpected rewards from doing micro-good.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes wellness; crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info