The Keystone Crusaders aim to save Harrisburg from blight and despair

Originally posted:
Published: Monday, July 25, 2011, 8:49 AM     Updated: Monday, July 25, 2011, 10:07 AM
By JEFF FRANTZ, The Patriot-News
The Keystone Crusaders clean vandalized buildings in a single bound![/caption]
The walls shake underneath the wail of a skidding train.
A sudden splatter of white paint scatters spiders and “Young Prophecy was here 5/21/06” is blotted out, gone from the history of this place.
The Keystone Crusaders have won!
But there are many foes to vanquish in the Market Street tunnel and across the city, broke and nearly broken.
Harrisburg was great once. With their help, the Crusaders believe it can be great again.
Their next nemesis, a looping whirl of black spray paint, taunts them. An emblem of disregard for decency, it steals the eyes of passing pedestrians. It must be defeated.
The Crusaders go to work beneath a urine yellow floodlight, standing between puddles of uncertain origin. With their own supply of cover paint exhausted, they choose new weapons: industrial cleaner and steel wool.
Commonwealth is the inspired leader. He wears a motorcycle helmet, hand-painted blue and gold, gold lacrosse pads, a blue jump suit and work boots. The letter “C,” framed in a keystone, adorns his chest and blue cape. His utility belts sag, loaded with tools to fight his three mortal enemies: Blight, Hunger and Dr. Despair, the monster behind it all.
Armistice, his youthful and ever-loyal companion, hides his wiry frame in a blue track suit, and a wispy beard shows beneath the purple half-mask, tied from behind like the valorous turtle-ninjas of old.
They fall silent, scrubbing so close their elbows nearly touch. Over 15 minutes, the pitch-black paint fades to speckled gray, but the graffiti will not concede. After one last burst of spray, Armistice steps back.
Next time, he says, we’ll be better armed.
He picks his next target and takes aim. Commonwealth takes his trash bag to collect all the discarded bits littering the pathway of honest citizens: the flavored cigar wrappers, the soda bottles, cigarette butts. It’s only then that Commonwealth notices disaster.
“Armistice,” he calls out. “I forgot my dustpan!”
Chapter 2: Months earlier….
He sits alone sketching what he is to become.
Motocross gear for armor. Kevlar-lined gloves to catch a knife, in case some creep refuses to back away from the good people he will protect. A collapsible steel baton in the utility belt, just in case.
In the margins of the page, he crosses out one name after another.
Pitboard? He won’t have time to explain his name while fighting crime.
Dragonheart? Superhero names are not born from a logo on your wife’s hoodie.
Keystone Crusader? Too long. Maybe if it were a group …
A group!
I want to find a crime-fighting partner, he soon tells his wife.
You should, she replies. Did you think I was going to let you go out there alone?
He starts sketching again, a costume of blue and gold. A crusader cross overlaid with the state seal.
He needs a partner.
He knows the man he must call.

Keystone Crusaders Comic

JOHN C. WHITEHEAD, The Patriot-News

Chapter 3: Birth of a partnership…
He started as a mentor.
Living in a rough Pittsburgh neighborhood — a place where you wouldn’t get shot, but you might get punched — he was doing well. The lessons he learned at the Milton Hershey School had paid off. It is time to pass them on.
He meets a teenager trying to avoid trouble. They share the same nerdy hobbies. He wants to help the boy, several years younger, and soon calls him a friend.
Then the bottom falls out. He looses his retail job the week before Lehman Brothers collapsed. He, his wife and their two children are evicted.
When he had nowhere to turn, the boy — the one originally in need of mentoring — offers help. Come live with me and my mother. Stay as long as you need.
And still he is despondent. No job, no money, no prospects to move forward. His car forever running on fumes. Over and over, the words ring through his head: “Nobody cares!”
After a year, he gets an interview for a job near Harrisburg.
A cop follows him into the store’s parking lot, lights flashing. He cries, explaining to the officer why he can’t afford his registration. His potential boss walks past, taking in the scene. After the cop lets him off, he locks his keys in the car. More tears.
Still, the boss says, “You’re hired.” A landlord doesn’t require a security deposit for his new home. He regains his confidence. He gets promoted. Looking back, with the help of his recent success, he sees all the people that kept saying, “We care!” Those people, he realizes, the ones he ignored, they kept him going. They saved his life.
I have to give back, he says, but so much more than before. He finds the Real Life Superhero website, a community of regular people in capes and masks, just trying to help.
That leads him to the pad of paper and the search for a name.
That, finally, leads him to picking up the phone and calling his younger friend back in Pittsburgh. You’re looking to move anyway, he tells him. You want to save for college. I’ll help you find a job. When the time comes, there are plenty of colleges close by.
Come and help me save the city!
The boy, now 19, agrees. I shall be called Armistice.
Only then, does his new secret identity reveal itself. I am Commonwealth! Together, we are the Keystone Crusaders!
Keystone Crusaders on Patrol

Keystone Crusaders on Patrol

Chapter 4: A plan of attack…
We will fight crime!
We will patrol the city’s neighborhoods, deterring punks and acting as a second set of eyes for the police. If needed, we’ll take down a bad guy ourselves, cuff him with the plastic zip ties in our utility belts.
Except, they thought, maybe we shouldn’t.
The city has police. They’re trained. They’re strong. They have back-up at the ready.
We, the Crusaders decided, are relatively in-shape retail workers. Maybe there’s a better way.
Reading what Real Life Superheroes face in other cities, they saw the grind of squaring off endlessly with ne’er-do-wells and negativity.
That wasn’t the idea at all. Commonwealth wanted people to see that someone wanted their lives to be better. In every way, the Crusaders would shout, “We care!”
So, he decided, we will care.
Pick up the trash. Feed quarters into expiring meters. Scrub the graffiti. Collect the dog crap. Give a homeless man a bottle of water.
We will be the good Samaritan personified! If people see we care, maybe they will care. And if we feed a person in need, and that person doesn’t need to mug someone to afford a meal, haven’t we prevented crime? Yes!
Block-by-block, kind act by kind act, we will retake the city!
Chapter 5: Into the streets…
First they must escape.
A superhero never knows when spying eyes are watching for masked men, ready to reveal a secret identity. They emerge from Commonwealth’s lair just outside the city, unmasked, their costumes hidden under rain coats. Only when they reach an undisclosed parking lot do their faces disappear.
They begin — as they have at least twice a week since March — in the Market Street tunnel.
“Good Morning!” they bellow, warming up their superhero voices to the office workers walking west, and the residents heading east.
How can anyone, Commonwealth asks, feel good about their city if their first sight of it is this cavern of filth?
The battle is joined, and Commonwealth’s three utility belts/fanny packs, come open.
A hand-held vacuum for cigarette butts. “L.A.’s Totally Awesome,” the Dollar Store industrial cleaner they don’t bother diluting. Spray paint bought on clearance. Their real superpower is bargain hunting.
When danger arises, they reach for the original crime fighting tools. Broken glass is no match for Kevlar-lined gloves! No clogged gutter can withstand a steel baton!
After toiling in the tunnel, the Crusaders emerge into daylight.
“Can I get a picture?”
The calls start almost immediately, and the Crusaders do not disappoint their adoring masses.
“Would you mind striking a superhero pose?” Armistice asks the beaming admirer. “Everyone can be a superhero!”
And of course, “Check us out on Facebook!”
The Crusaders strut, trashbags over their shoulder, dragging a cooler of bottled water behind them.
“It’s too late to save this one!” Commonwealth moans, after seeing a car with a parking ticket. But his despair does not last long. With expiring meters lining the streets, there are so many innocent windshields to protect.
At Third and Market, they see a man hunched over at a bus stop, his blackened toenails sticking from swollen bare feet. They swoop in.
“Hey, how you doing,” Commonwealth beckons.
Armistice whips the cooler in front of the man and grabs two bottles of water. “Good to see you again.”
The man nods and picks through the Crusaders’ bag of snacks, passing over the granola bars for a few bags of chips.
Around the corner, they see another homeless man, Francis. He pulls out a small flashlight the Crusaders gave him after severe storms tore through the city in May. After a few jokes and some water, he’s on his way.
We know, Commonwealth says, that some of the homeless people we meet have deeper problems. We know they need more than water and a little food. That’s why we want to start carrying contact information for shelters and mental health organizations. But we also know we might be the only ones to show them any kindness during the day.
Chapter 6: A citizen in distress!
The plastic cuffs pull shut, and a dangling “Push here for walk signal” sign at Second and Forster is secure. The wind will not claim this victim!
“Are you guys superheroes?”
Hearing the voice, the Crusaders halt their march toward Midtown and spin around.
“My car won’t start,” Shamicca Gentry says. “Do you think you can help me?”
They freeze.
“Well, we don’t know much about cars,” Commonwealth says, “but we’ll take a look.”
I ran out of gas on the way to physical therapy, Gentry says, waving at her Grand Prix sitting next to a fire hydrant. I put gas in, but it still won’t start.
She pops her hood. Commonwealth leans in.
“Here,” he says, “try it.”
The ignition cranks but dies soon after.
“It’s hard to hear with this helmet,” he says, asking her to try again. He leans closer to the coiled metal.
“I actually know what this is!” Commonwealth exclaims. “This used to happen to me when I was homeless and ran out of gas. You flooded your engine.”
You’re going to have to let it sit for a few hours to let the gas settle, he explains. She can’t leave it in front of the hydrant, Armistice says.
Blast! A nearly perfect rescue cannot be foiled so easily.
They spy an open parking spot across Forster, across a mere six lanes of traffic. The light turns green, and they push.
Secure, Gentry gushes thanks as they feed her meter.
The Crusaders set off again. Before they’re gone, Commonwealth turns back:
“You stay safe,” he calls. “We love you dear!”
Chapter 7: The coming battle
Harrisburg needs saviors.
Financial distress looms over every block. Streetlights are out. Sewer drains are blocked. Street cleaning becomes more sporadic with each passing week.
The Crusaders’ nemesis, the plotting Dr. Despair cackles. Once honest citizens are worn down, he will descend into the streets.
But the Crusaders will be ready! As long as people care, the battle still can be won!
They will not be alone.
Already, Vigil has joined them on patrol. She hunted down Commonwealth and Armistice on Facebook, and then appeared, shrouded in purple.
Soon, Gia will join the fight.
Streak will come forward.
And in some secret place, a Norseman is now finishing his costume.
There is much work to be done, and they cannot conquer every foe.
But the righteous people of the city will not be abandoned in this dark hour. So if you look down the street and see these costumed warriors, do not be afraid.
The Keystone Crusaders have come to fight for our victory!

Keystone Crusaders: More Than Meets the Eye

Originally posted:
Aired July 16, 2011 – 06:00   ET
T.J. HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Nice shot there from WPVI this morning.
I want to take you to something else as we look to the song, “Help Somebody.” we are talking about superheroes this morning who are cleaning up the streets of Pennsylvania. They are doing this literally. Take a look here at the Keystone Crusaders. That is what they call themselves. They are dressed up, yes. You don’t know their identities, but these are not vigilantes, or out there fighting crime. No, of course, they don’t have super powers, but they are doing something that some will tell you is pretty super special.
These crusaders are here with me this morning. Let me bring in, Commonwealth, that is him on the left. That is Vigil, sitting in the back. She is not miked up. We won’t be hearing from here, but she still there in support. Then there is Armistice on the right.
Thank you all for being here. And Commonwealth, I will let you start this off. A lot of people are looking at the screen and thinking what in the world are they doing? First of all, tell me the whole idea. What is the point of the Crusaders?
COMMONWEALTH, KEYSTONE CRUSADERS: Well, the point of the Keystone Crusaders is pretty much to inspire goodness out of others by going around and doing good things, like picking up garbage and giving food and water to homeless. Random acts of kindness. Helping anybody out in any way they need it.
HOLMES: Armistice, helping people out? You talk about picking up garbage and handing out food and water. And doing these acts, but also this includes sometimes, maybe just dropping money into a parking meter of somebody whose parking meter has expired?
ARMISTICE, KEYSTONE CRUSADERS: Yes, of course. Commonwealth carries around a roll a big roll of quarters. If we can save someone a $15 ticket with a quarter, then that is a very good thing we can do. That could be rent money or their food money for that week.
HOLMES: Now, Commonwealth, you all could have done this by walking around the streets and doing it in plain clothes. What is with the superhero get up? Why go that route?
COMMONWEALTH: Well, you know, the superhero idea really comes about when a person sees a superhero, they see more than a person. They see an idea. They see something that may inspire them, that in the future, go out and do something good themselves. Not necessarily in a superhero costume, but just to be good people. Children see Spiderman and they know that is initially good. The idea of being a superhero is we can inspire goodness in others.
HOLMES: Now, Armistice, I have to say, and tell our viewers, you all take this quite seriously, at least the part about keeping your identity hidden. There is no way I can get you to lift up that mask this morning, is there?
COMMONWEALTH: It is not that we feel any real need to, it is more on principle. If you see someone that you don’t know who they are doing this, it could be anyone. If it could be anyone, there is no reason why it couldn’t be you.
HOLMES: What is the-Commonwealth-I guess, what is the idea here? It sounds like you are trying to inspire children with some of the get up and what they see. And you say, like Armistice just said. If you don’t know who it is, it could be anybody. That could be you. How far do you want to take this thing and keep it going?
COMMONWEALTH: You know, believe me, one day I would love to retire the helmet and cape. But as long as the city needs us; as long as the people feel like they need somebody out there to help them. That is how long we want to keep going. As I say, until our legs give out. This is something we feel our City of Harrisburg needs, and-just the people, itself, they need it. You can see it in their faces. Since from when we began to now, their attitudes have completely changed.
HOLMES: Armistice, it is important to note here, and people might be wondering, when do you do this? You all do have day jobs.
ARMISTICE: We do it whenever we find free time that we can put together. The Commonwealth is a retail manager. I work in retail. We always just have to organize our schedules together.
HOLMES: Are you recruiting?
ARMISTICE: Anyone who really wants to help out. Vigil, here, has only been out with us twice now. She is the latest person to join. There are some more people are getting ready. Anyone who wants to join us, why not? You do not need to be wearing a costume to be a good person, is that what you want to do?
HOLMES: And the last thing here to you, Commonwealth. You went through some struggles of your own. You are out helping the homeless now and doing what you can. You had struggles of your own. You probably wished a superhero would come along and help you out?
COMMONWEALTH: You know what I had my own personal superheroes; people in my life that just gave very generously without asking anything in return. They did not wear costumes, they were just genuinely good people. They are part of the inspiration for this. Their amount of generosity for no reason at all, they gained no benefit from helping me. You know, through their help, I was able to get out of what I was in, and find myself-you know, now I’m a superhero. I’m going out and paying it forward.
HOLMES: Guys, thank you so much for being here. This story got a lot of our attention. At first, when we see the outfits and people jump to a conclusion. But once you dig into it and hear the story and hear why you are doing it. It really is a cool thing you are doing. Maybe, really, it will inspire some folks whether they are in superhero costumes or not. Thank you all so much for taking the time. Keep doing what you are doing. We will see you down the road.
ARMISTICE: Thank you.
HOLMES: All right. We are getting up on the top of the hour here. I’m going to run and put on my superhero outfit. I’ll have that for you right after the break.

Real Life Superheroes

Originally posted:
Since the “Dynamic Duo”is taken, I’ll just refer to “Commonwealth” and “Armistice” as the “Philanthropic Pair”.
It doesn’t roll off the tongue as smoothly as the other name, but it does speak more to what the “Keystone Crusaders” do – giving of their time and energy to clean up the streets of Harrisburg.
The “Keystone Crusaders” came about from a magazine article “Commonwealth” was reading about real life superheroes 5 months ago.
“Commonwealth” says, “I thought it was complete, you know, nonsense, until I looked it up and was like wow, you know that’s really cool. They go around and make their cities better places.”
“Commonwealth” and “Armistice” want to keep their identities a secret, so we don’t know their alter egos.
We just know “Commonwealth” is in his late twenties, married with two kids and “Armistice” is a 19-year old who moved from Pittsburgh to be a part of his friend’s idea.
Armed with the utility belt – a staple of a super heroes arsenal, the duo take to the streets to clean up litter.
They even have spare batteries for the homeless whose flashlights might be drained and spare change for the short-changed using laundromats and parking meters.
They also carry a cooler with bottled water for the parched, like Joe Whitfield, who at first glance wasn’t so sure what he was witnessing.

Real Life Super Heroes Helping Clean Up Harrisburg

Originally posted:,0,553298.story
By Melissa Matthews
HARRISBURG—Two friends, who love Harrisburg, are helping to make it a better place. The Keystone Crusaders won’t reveal their real identity, but they do want everyone to help pitch in with their effort.
“The mask helps for the anonymity. We don’t want people to know who we are doing this, we just want people to know there are people doing this,” said Armistice.
Commonwealth and Armistice say they were bright purple and blue attention-grabbing costumes for a very good reason.
“You see two guys walking down the street in super hero costumes, what are you gonna think,” said Commonwealth.
While the initial shock of seeing two grown men dressed up as super heroes is wearing off, you quickly realize, they do have a special super power: “While we can`t fly or anything like that, we got big hearts for everyone in the city and the city itself,” said Commonwealth.
From picking up trash on sidewalks and parking lots, to making people smile and helping the homeless, this duo doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
“You see people trying to improve the city in different ways, this is a more colorful way of doing it and I think it gets people`s attention and maybe get people moving a little bit more with it,” said Bernard Ramer who works downtown.