Real Life Super Heroes Helping Clean Up Harrisburg

Originally posted:,0,553298.story
By Melissa Matthews
HARRISBURG—Two friends, who love Harrisburg, are helping to make it a better place. The Keystone Crusaders won’t reveal their real identity, but they do want everyone to help pitch in with their effort.
“The mask helps for the anonymity. We don’t want people to know who we are doing this, we just want people to know there are people doing this,” said Armistice.
Commonwealth and Armistice say they were bright purple and blue attention-grabbing costumes for a very good reason.
“You see two guys walking down the street in super hero costumes, what are you gonna think,” said Commonwealth.
While the initial shock of seeing two grown men dressed up as super heroes is wearing off, you quickly realize, they do have a special super power: “While we can`t fly or anything like that, we got big hearts for everyone in the city and the city itself,” said Commonwealth.
From picking up trash on sidewalks and parking lots, to making people smile and helping the homeless, this duo doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
“You see people trying to improve the city in different ways, this is a more colorful way of doing it and I think it gets people`s attention and maybe get people moving a little bit more with it,” said Bernard Ramer who works downtown.