Go Skate Boarding Day 2011 Video.



Talk about stereotype busters!!!!! Talked today on New Orleans Canal Street to a young man named Patrick whom I consider the dean of downtown Black skateboarders.
I asked him did he know tomorrow ( June, 21st, 2011 ) was Go Skateboarding Day and his response was yes and that he will be videotaping it. From there a great conversation developed.
It’s become common place to see them noisily zooming along in that area. When I was their age, Skateboarding was a White, California or suburban thing to do.
Fast forward to the early 21st Century and young side walk surfers from the inner city have carved their niche in this dynamic sport’s culture.
As an activist I asked him about run-ins with police; how adults can help, etc. since this sport takes place in the central business district or ” the CBD ” in localese.
I quickly realized Patrick has the calm delivery of a presidential spokes person.
We talked about the stereotypes they defeat ( i.e. ” Black boys don’t skateboard! ” ) and the money-making potential if some of these kids go pro one day.
While our topic was skate boarding broader topics therein were liberty; individuality and all these other lofty topics Black boys, alongside peers everywhere should explore.
When I see them zooming down the sidewalk, doing things that would likely injure lesser beings, it tells me the inner city hasn’t been beaten, not yet.
Not with great men like Patrick on the scene.
Happy Go Skateboarding Day!!!!!!!
*** This post isn’t a racial thing by the way, it’s a celebration of the freedom and creative expression that comes from healthy individualism.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes finding your “super” through creative crime prevention; homeless outreach and political advocacy. (504) 214-3082.