There's A Banker In Birmingham England Who Is Patrolling The Streets At Night As A Real-Life Superhero Called The Statesman

Originally posted:
By Katya Wachtel
In the cult comic series Batman (and in the films spawned from the comic) the man behind the mask is Bruce Wayne — a billionaire investor by day, and of course, a crime-fighting rogue by night.
While the protagonist in this story is no billionaire, he is also a financier by day and a “superhero” by night.
In moonlight and masked, there is a crime-fighting man in Birmingham in the UK known as “The Statesmen.”
In daylight and suited, he is just a regular banker, according to the Daily Mail.
This unnamed banker is not the first regular guy to turn himself into a real-life superhero; last month a character — in both senses of the word — called Phoenix Jones began patrolling the streets of Seattle to fight crime.
The Birmingham banker told the paper he has “foiled a drug dealer and prevented burglaries.” His disguise includes a Union Flag T-shirt, combat pants, military boots and a black Zorro-style mask. He wears a utility belt, and carries with him a first aid kit, “a torch to startle burglars,” a notepad and a cheap mobile phone (to call for back-up, should he need it).
And according to the Mail, one of the reasons he has become The Statesman, is to counter his life as a banker:
I work for a large bank dealing with savings and investments. All day I look at numbers and percentages and work out how to make people richer. It’s not a popular occupation but I like to think I make up for this by going out at night and trying to do something to help everybody.
The banker has been boxing since he was 11, and was also in the army.
And why “The Statesman”? Because, “a Statesman is an ambassador, a diplomat and somebody who delivers a message. Something that’s meaningful and positive, and that’s something I feel that represents what I do,” he said.
For more crazy details about The Statesman’s escapades, go to the Daily Mail >