Your foundation and peer pressure. . .

We are all surrounded by peer pressure each and every day. . .wether it’s good or bad boils down to your perspective. . .and that peer pressure interacts with your foundation. . .now. . .what do I mean by foundation. . .it’s something like this. . .what lines in the sand do you have. . .what lines won’t you cross. . .what rules won’t you break. . .i often ask what are your three basic rules. . .or the three tenants of your foundation. . .there could be more. . .but you get the idea. . .what do you stand for personnally. . .okay. . .you’ve got what foundation means for this conversation. . .now back to peer pressure. . .peer pressure. . .or influence. . .comes from friends. . .family. . .tv. . .moives. . .books. . .everything that you see. . .touch. . .talk to or listen to. . .everything you surround yourself with. . .question number one. . .do you watch horror movies. . .if the answer is yes. . .write down for yourself. . .what three things. . .positive things. . .do they add to your life. . .do they build upon your foundation. . .or do they take away from your foundation. . . it’s an example. . .not everything in your life adds to your foundation. . .that’s okay. . .but does it take away from it. . .regardless of your age. . .do you have friends that add to or take away from your foundation. . .nothing exists in a vacuume. . .what you surround yourself with affects who and what you are. . .only you can decide if it’s a positive or negative influence. . .so. . .back to question number one. . .what positive things do you receive from horror movies. . .now take it to other areas of your life. . .friends. . .hobbies. . .etc. . . question number two. . .what is your foundation. . .what three things do you hold sacred. . .and. . .does your life support those three things. . .honestly. . .we are all human and we fail sometimes. . .it’s okay. . .but we should strive to support those things we believe in. . .so. . .back to the question. . .what are your three foundations. . .and does your life support them. . .if you are living your life because of peer pressure that does not support your foundation. . .you should talk to anyone. . .that you respect. . .who has some age on them. . .ask them how it turns out. . .nine times out of ten. . .they would probably say you are heading for a fall. . .peer pressure type friends in your life will bail as soon as you disagree with them. . .or when times get tough. . .those types will not usually back you up when you really need them. . .those that support your foundation will probably support you as a friend through thick and thin. . .their called life long friends. . .the kind you can agrue with and come back later and go out to a movie with. . .they will help keep you straight. . .and they will be there when you really need them. . .fame will only last so long. . .being in the click will only last so long. . .build your foundation and surround yourself with those things that support it. . .you may lose friends. . .but if they are going against your foundation. . .if you keep them. . .you’re going to find the cost to yourself personnally is going to be very great. . .you will. . .over time gain and lose many friends. . .regardless of why. . .it’s called life. . .and it’s okay. . .when you have the ability to choose. . .choose those friends and things that add to your foundation. . .not chip away at it. . .life is tough enough. . .you’ve got to work at it to enjoy it. . .make decisions according to your foundation. . .not because it’s the easy way. . .stand your ground when it goes against you. . .and support those that are in line with your own foundation. . .whatever that is. . .if you have a solid foundation. . .most anything that comes into your life will be affected by you. . .not the other way around. . .but it takes work. . .and effort. . .don’t lose hope or faith in yourself. . .it will see you through most any storm. . .

"Enter Witty Title Here"

.. And so this marks the start of what I hope to be a usefull and valuable blog for the people who so choose to bless me with its readership.
A big thanks to Zeataman and Dark Guardian for giving me this blog to post in.
That said, I may not post as much as some; I want to strive for quality over quantity. Nothing is worse then a blog with a millions posts, but nothing useful or interesting to read. At the moment, I just need to figure out how to customize this thing.

Cali RLSH Workshop

motormFrom Motor Mouth:
For those of you in California, Arizona, & Nevada, I have a surprise for you…
I’m holding an RLSH Workshop, BBQ, & patrol on Saturday, the 28th of August.
– Mega-Rad is going over information gathering techniques.
– Med-X is going over medical first responder training.
– Kingsnake is going over teaching body rolls and anti-gun defenses.
– Motor-Mouth (oh, that’s ME!) is going over public relations & dealings with the police.
A BBQ will coincide with this and later in the evening, everyone present will uniform up and hit the streets of San Francisco for a handout then a patrol.
Anyone that wants particulars (as in the address it’s gonna be at) can just hit me up privately on here.
Also, if you’re coming from out of town, no worries for a hotel/motel room. I can’t promise you a bed but I can offer couch or floor space for sure.
Hope to see some of you beyond my local team there!
– MM
Get in touch with Motor Mouth
Facebook –!/profile.php?id=100001241867072&ref=ts
Myspace –

Entomo il supereroe napoletano

Allarme sicurezza? C’è chi si organizza per fare le ronde, chi propone leggi più severe e chi si traveste da supereroe come nei fumetti per combattere il crimine. Tutto questo può sembrare uno scherzo, ma non lo è. Infatti a Napoli c’è davvero qualcuno che indossa un costume da supereroe e si propone di difendere la gente. Costui si fa chiamare Entomo, ha 31 anni e nessuno sa chi sia. Da due anni pattuglia le strade della città partenopea, mascherato come un supereroe dei fumetti. Non spara, non picchia, ma segnala ciò che vede alla polizia.
Il suo costume è di color verde chiaro con le maniche scure, indossa pantaloni neri e stivali marroni, non ha nessun mantello e si nasconde sotto un cappuccio neroverde. Il suo nome, Entomo, significa insetto.
Restando come i Batman e i Superman rigorosamente coperto dall’anonimato, il giustiziere in maschera napoletano chiarisce subito di appartenere alla “schiera scelta dei Supereroi”, una specie di Rotary della sicurezza che esiste davvero.
Ma cosa fà materialmente Entomo? “Io pattuglio le strade della città – spiega – di giorno e di notte. Non sono un vigilante, non mi sostituisco alla legge. Io fermo i piccoli crimini che so di poter riuscire a bloccare, altrimenti avverto anonimamente la polizia”. Il supereroe napoletano ha anche una pagina, “MySpace”, da dove lancia i suoi appelli. “Essere un supereroe è il gesto più importante che si possa realizzare in un mondo arretrato come il nostro. Utilizzo le mie capacità salvando quel che resta da salvare e distruggendo quel che non rientra nel grande schema dell’equilibrio”.
Ma Entomo non è il solo, infatti in tutto il mondo sono circa duecento i così detti “Real Life Superhero”. Questi signori vestono come gli eroi dei fumetti, aderiscono a regole severissime e hanno anche un capo che si fa chiamare “Super Barrio Gomez” .
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Francesco Pellegrino Lise

A small victory.

I managed to get a long-standing crackhouse (that was “doing GOOD business” I might add) shut down after trying for about a two months. Usually I’m faster than that. It’s now boarded up and being watched for a while by the local Task Force AND neighbors.
Might not sound like much, but my “secret identity” had to do a lot of work, and take a lot of risks to get this done, and location had been a “nice” lil link in a chain for the gang running it. At least this chapter of the gang. I can’t really give out any more details, but have a drink for me >:D