Heaven Sutton was killed while selling candy on her front yard
Chocolate klansmen recently murdered yet another innocent Black child, Heaven Sutton of Chicago. That this tragedy occured in President Obama’s home town hasn’t been lost on critics from the Right.
My take is slightly different on this case. When my personal chocolate klan watch zeroed in on this case I noted once again that it illustrates the limits of Obamaism.
Milliseconds after the president’s historic victory role model proponents touted it as a near-biblical paradigm shift for inner city Black families.
Filled with symbolic pride chocolate klansmen and peers would stride purposefully away from violence; drugs and career dysfunction to become solid citizens patterned after the new arrival in the Oval Office.
It didn’t quite work out that way. Obamaism failed to convert millions. That’s not the president’s job nor is ongoing urban carnage his fault.
Thinking Black male criminals are lemmings needing the right rhetorical rodent to lead them is the problem. Criminals while Black are free moral agents just like thugs of any other color.
Assuming less is archaic racism of the first order! Chocolate klansmen are murderous; larcenous vandals because they choose to be. There isn’t some White Republican in the wood pile hidden away shoving bribes and guns into their hands to occupy the inner city.
Americans while Black holding chocolate klansmen accountable will save innocents like Chicago’s Heaven Sutton, as much a  ” hate ” crime victim as the little girls murdered by classic klansmen September15, 1963 inside a Birmingham, Alabama church!!!

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwis...

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwise from top left, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The four girls killed in the bombing (Clockwise from top left, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Denise McNair)
It isn’t President Obama’s fault that suspect Jerrell Dorsey may have decided to be a chocolate klansman. He’s not a slave nor an indentured servant.

Heaven Sutton’s death indicts once again the slave-making myth that Obamaism will magically make thugs and other low lives mend their ways.

The president is doing his job whether some agree with it or not.

Our job as Americans while Black is legally punishing baby killers and as individuals, not becoming chocolate klansmen ourselves.

Individualism not Obamaism is what will save the next Heaven Sutton from chocolate klansmen .
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention.
CAPT BLACK: (504) 214-3082
Nadra Enzi


The worst part of my crooked ( thankfully former ) employer’s pre-Independence Day pay check delay is this: placing my ability to help on ” pause??? ”
This eclipses any personal threat of lifestyle insecurity- though considerable ( LOL ).
The worst part is the sudden halt imposed upon my giveaways of food and small amounts of money. I live for bridging the gulf between myself and r souls in need.
That’s the gift free people share without some bureaucrat or strongman twisting our arms ( i.e. taxes; repressive regulations; liberty limiting laws etc. )
Critics consider this unworthy of ” real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” themed activism but I counter this is the essence of being a  RLSH.
Micro-good offerings of food; clothing and other items separates RLSH from fictional counterparts. Imagine Iron Man handing out sandwiches or Batman whipping out his Bat-card to pay for free meals inside an inner city McDonalds?
I hate turning down folks I routinely assist- HATE IT WITH A PASSION!!!
God put me here to give comfort in direct proportion to my motivation and resources, not become stalemated by small minds and greed.
Recalling what was possible just last week and even years ago provides some small comfort.
I’m striving to un-press this proverbial ” pause ” and absent outside input must wait until my until delayed check arrives or new work starts.
When your ability to help is on “pause” it’s not a happy time!
Helping others is a form of happiness better than the strongest legal or illegal drugs on the market!

NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention.[email protected] is where you can Paypal donations to help me help others. 
Chocolate Klansmen Alert! & Finding Your “SUPER! ” are his two main presentations offered to raise consciousness about trends in urban safety and creative activism.
CAPT BLACK: (504) 214-3082
Nadra Enzi




Alton L Hayes attacked a White man in a Chicago suburb and told police anger over Trayvon Martin was the reason. He also robbed the victim.

MEMO TO CHOCOLATE KLANSMEN: Please refrain from misusing this murder victim’s name as you plunder and pounce your way through society. This case is too important to be associated with your petty crimes. I know you don’t respect Black nor other lives but for once pretend you do.

“Empty your pockets, white boy ” was his snivel rights slogan as he and an accomplice attacked the victim from behind ( typical chocolate klansman tactic )
. I guess he threw poor Trayvon Martin’s name up hoping it would justify his appalling cowardice.
Trayvon Martin supporters must verbally ( and literally where legal ) pimp slap any thug and assorted sub-species of chocolate klansman misusing his name to justify crime. Once again, these fools give aid and comfort to elements considering all Black people criminals.
This case illustrates for the millionth time how out of control a segment of Black America has become. I pray this is an isolated incident but know it probably won’t be.

He is an Emmett Till of the 21st century. His legacy becomes every good Black person’s job to defend, alongside all supporters.

Black criminals in the past have even dared to attack the late Rose Parks in her home http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=19940831&a…
We cannot allow them to attack Trayvon Martin by misusing his name to justify their evil. His parents have taken the high road in this case and we who call ourselves their supporters can do no less.
Trayvon Martin shouldn’t be used by chocolate klansmen as an excuse to do what they did before his murder- make life unliveable within the inner city and elsewhere!
Keep his name out of your sorry mouths when arrested and take your punishment like men- for once.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082

Nadra Enzi


The Politics of Heroism

One person’s hero is another ones terrorist or extremist. Examples abound: Robert E. Lee supporters are countered by fans of Ulysses Grant regarding the American Civil War, also known as the War Between the States depending upon perspective.
Proponents of Malcolm X and even Dr. King are met with accusations that these men were agents of foreign powers or actively promoted civil unrest. Taking this topic to the real life superhero ( RLSH ) territory I regularly tread and parallels are obvious.
The first real world costumed crime fighter who harms a suspect will be simultaneously hailed and reviled! Imagine if Batman’s bone breaking exploits were real? He’d have the entire alphabet soup of law enforcement hot on his heels. Vigilante-flavored heroism is fun to read and watch but doesn’t play well in real life. Not hating on Batman y’all, just making a point. Whenever an activist with a fancy name and/or outfit can’t differentiate between fantasy and a life fantastic, he/she will find police and psychiatric officials waiting to do it for him. That’s why creative concerned citizens needs to be so careful about exercising creativity.
I use the RLSH example because to some an Al Sharpton is a hero as is a Glenn Beck to others.
Each engenders intense positive and negative reactions which must be taken into account, along with their contemporaries. Like RLSH, perceptions of national spokespersons run the spectrum from sublime to ridiculous. The general populace either revere or revile a veritable Who’s Who of big names and causes. Our job as heroism advocates is to recognize truly admirable people and moments regardless of pedigree. Being open to the best within us opens new doors for much needed mutual respect and personal growth.
Heroism is open to interpretation. Somebody out there actually finds the Ku Klux Klan heroic as do others impressed by the Black Panthers, old school and brand new. As a child of the 1970s and 80s I got to sample tons of factual and fictional heroic examples.
Watergate’s Deep Throat ( later revealed as FBI executive Mark Felt ) was a hero whose whistle blowing deposed a president who went too far with his powers. Service members from any era who threw themselves on grenades to save peers were heroes in my young eyes as were Vietnam protesters who risked imprisonment for standing up for their convictions.
Muhammad Ali, already a personal hero, was made even more so by his stance on the draft. He inspired me to resolve to do the same if a future conflict ran afoul of my morality. I wouldn’t run or hide. I’d simply face the government and fight whatever came my way. Heroism is rarely about doing what’s simple or consequence- free.
My heroes are of all colors; in both political parties; across every ideology and hail from every imaginable profession. I’ve sought the heroic my entire life and can’t think of better subject matter.
What makes someone stand up when everyone else is bowing down? Why don’t long odds intimidate some people? High achievers are living mirrors reflecting what awaits us when we finally escape the ordinary.
Toss in politics and heroism gets ugly as agenda-driven value judgments enter the picture. If it serves someone’s agenda to praise a given person his/her image will dominate the airwaves. The opposite holds true as well. That’s why heroism needs to be rigorously apolitical because anyone can be a hero instead of select members of certain ideologies.
The politics of heroism are messy and demand removal from any interests that don’t celebrate the highest human potential. Sadly, celebrating the highest human potential isn’t what politics often seems to promote these days.
A new politics of heroism is long overdue.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK is a super rights activist who promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info .

Vigilantism and the Superhero

Originally posted: http://mysterio.startlogic.com/WordPress/?p=556
By Brad
As a lifelong reader of comics, I feel like an aging punk rocker, horrified at how my private subculture has been appropriated by the mainstream media. Like an indy music hipster, —dude, I heard it first on vinyl, I don’t even own a cd player— aging comic book readers like myself disdain comic book movies. I read that when I was in high school. The movie totally ruined it.
Comics have become an accepted part, if not the most accepted part, of the American entertainment landscape. Mainstream comics, particularly as depicted in movies, are always dark and gritty. But it’s important to remember that transition didn’t happen until the mid-1980s with Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight and Alan Moore’s Watchmen. Superheroes before that period, who were sometimes wanted by the law à la Spiderman, were never seen breaking the law, but were depicted as trying to uphold it as private citizens. The genius of Watchmen and the Dark Knight is that they follow the thinking process of the classic superhero with two different conclusions. I liked the Watchmen movie, but it glossed over the main point of the comic: the corrosive effects of vigilantism on a society.
I’ve discovered people who are wearing garish costumes and trying to fight crime, but without the benefit of superscience, superstrength or really anything. This is so absurd and charming that one can’t help but support these costumed crusaders. Superbarrio is my favorite of the Real Life Superheroes. It’s hard not to like this over-weight gentleman who puts on a Lucha Libre wrestling mask and has sworn to protect the poor people of Mexico.
These Real Life Superheroes hearken back to another age of comics when morality was presented in simpler terms. We can chuckle at these people and wonder if they’re doing this in earnest or as a form of cosplay. However, the sentiment of the superhero, to go beyond the rule of law and rid the streets of crime, has had expression in the Real World, that isn’t so wonderful.
Bob Kane’s Batman chose his costume and persona in an effort to frighten criminals, who he called a “superstitious and cowardly lot.” The Ku Klux Klan wore their hoods and white sheets to appear as ghosts, to frighten and terrorize Blacks. Placing burning crosses on the property of Blacks was originally an affront to the deeply Christian beliefs of rural Blacks, whose religion and spirituality was their only real possession. It was only later that cross burning was rationalized as a some kind of internal Christian ritual.
The Klan’s illegal actions were applauded and celebrated in D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation. It’s hard to imagine a film about the KKK being presented as the “good guys”, but the film was a blockbuster success. It was the Batman of its day.  After his private screening at the White House, Woodrow Wilson even commented, “it is like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true”.
At roughly the same time as the Ku Klux Klan, there was another costumed group, although this time not dedicated to racism, that decided to take the law into their own hands. On paper, the early Bald Knobbers sound like a decent bunch, similar in concept to Curtis Sliwa’s neighborhood watch group,The Guardian Angels. The Bald Knobbers were a secret society of men, who wore an odd, masked and horned costume, and were trying to uphold the peace. The Bald Knobbers were Missouri Republicans, who were loyal to the Union during the Civil War. In the lawless environment of post-war Missouri, they acted like an unaccountable police force. Unfortunately this group that was formed to protect the people of Missouri, drunk with power, applied brutality and murder not only to criminals, but those they felt who were immoral. They later attacked and murdered people for what they believed to be licentious and anti-Christian behavior.
During Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, more Americans got in on the illegal vigilante act, but this time with governmental approval. The American Protective League, which had around 300,000 members, was not a bunch of costumed crusaders, but a large snitch group, dedicated to disrupting Unions, Wobblies, anarchists, anti-war advocates, and other undesirables. These characters opened private mail, broke into people’s houses, riffling through desks and drawers and found 3 million cases of “disloyalty.” There was even a kid-friendly junior version with the Our Gang title, Anti Yellow Dog League.
I thought of these things after watching the recent Batman movie. It does have an explicit desire to go beyond the perceived limits of law. Bruce Wayne uses technology to spy on every single person in Gotham city. He knows it’s illegal and unethical — it’s clearly an unreasonable search and seizure — but does it anyway. The ends justify the means.  Many people saw a connection between the Patriot Act and other erosion of civil liberties with the viewpoint of Batman. When the Soviets had a massive domestic spying network, complimented by legions of snitches, they probably thought they were doing the right thing too.
The graffiti in The Watchmen comic reads, “Who Watches the Watchmen?” Something to think about in these times.

A RLSH View of Student Klan Robe Controversy

Catherine Ariemma is a Lumpkin County, Georgia AP ( Advanced Placement ) teacher at the center of a firestorm.
She had students dress in Ku Klux Klan robe for a racism documentary they were filming. Black students saw them strolling through the lunchroom and understandably sparks flew.
As a Georgian; Black man and RLSH I fully understand both her intent and those students outrage.
Here is a textbook example of the power of costuming! These images evoked such powerful emotions that it’s now an international scandal.
Members of the real life superhero ( RLSH ) Movement use costumes to inspire and bring attention to worthy causes.
Cases like Ms. Ariemma’s present rare opportunities to demonstrate the power of iconic symbols, pro and con.
Visual shock and awe like this challenges hard wired inequality too often unsaid in public.
I grew up under Jim Crow-Lite combating racist insults and treatment on a regular basis. Comfort was derived from devouring science fiction, pulp novels, comics and history books.
Heroic images from fact and fiction reminded me that the lop sided reality around me wasn’t the only one.
The real world offers few super villains courteous enough to wear outfits screaming ill will. At least with Klan robes on you can see trouble coming.
In suits and ties it becomes harder.
I support what Ms. Ariemma was attempting. Images instruct in ways even the best words sometimes can’t.
Breaking the conspiracy of silence on race is real life super heroism worthy of praise. Too often some envision old black and white footage when civil rights is mentioned.
Civil rights and the power of images is as relevant today as when protesters allowed themselves to be beaten on television to spur legal reform.
Images can either provoke great good or evil. It’s up to the individual to decide how he’s motivated.
To the offended Black children I offer this caveat: if it’s upsetting seeing people in Klan robes, imagine how unpleasant it is being bushwhacked by plain clothed Klan minds?
The real world doesn’t always offer easily identifiable menaces like the Joker or Dr. Doom.
Too often real life super villains wear nice suits and hide behind respectable titles while destroying lives.
I think Catherine Ariemma earned her honorary cape for courageous use of iconic imagery.
You never know where a RLSH may pop up!
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info