My Opinion of Phoenix Jones

I’ve been aware of Phoenix Jones for about a year now, since he first began whoring himself out to the media. Claiming he was a crime fighter and protector of the city of Seattle.
His arrogance and dismissal of existing, established RLSH was a bit of a turn off, to say the least.
Since then it’s been one interview after another, one news story, one more incident, he got hurt again? Lets not forget about the bragging, boasting, tooting his own horn and abuse of the media to make himself look better and sound more heroic than he really is. Plus how many heroes has he insulted by putting them down and making himself look better?
These are not the qualities a true hero, a true bastion of hope for the masses. These are the qualities of a shallow, self absorbed, narcissistic and insecure individual. These are the things a bully does. Some of his heroic acts include taking crack pipes from people. He’s claimed well over 100 crack pipes taken away from crack addicts. While I don’t support crack, and think its a hideous, deadly habit that needs to be stopped, this is not the way to do it. How does this help them? Where’s the rehab program? Wheres the support and sympathy? As far as I can see, there is none. “No more crack for you!” Sure, it may sound like an accomplishment, but how many of these crack heads were HIGH when he did this? when you’re loaded up on drugs, it’s kinda hard to fight back. This is just my opinion, that’s how I see it. Again, bully mentality. I’m sure his heart is in the right place, but his mind? his sense of reality, is not.
On another topic, keep in mind a lot of what Phoenix Jones has said has been flat out lies. He once claimed to someone privately that he had super powers, similar to Wolverine’s healing factor. Being shot? stabbed? nothing to back any of that stuff up.
I was once assaulted during an altercation with an individual, recently so was my partner Radnor. I’m sure other RLSH have too, but it doesn’t make headline news. Why? Because it shouldn’t. But I digress.
That whole story about him stopping a vehicle break in was dismissed by Seattle PD like it never happened, most likely because it didn’t.
For the last year, Phoenix Jones has tried to hail himself as the greatest RLSH of all time, which he’s also claimed to be, when he once said that all he had to do was stand around and do nothing, he was doing a better job than any other superhero out there on the streets. Needless to say, that’s a little insulting. Especially to people like Dark Guardian, who has stood nose to nose with armed drug dealers and ran them off the street, or Mr. Xtreme who helped police save a woman from an attempted rape, that perp is in prison for life. Let alone the countless other superheroes who every day and night, risk their lives (for free) to help make their neighborhoods and communities a safer, better place.
So what happens to Phoenix Jones when he tries to take on three guys and puts ONE of them in a headlock? The result is a gun pulled on him, and his nose broken. This was earlier in the year. Now why would PJ make such a stupid mistake like that? Because Benjamin Fodor (renowned MMA fighter, not really) is a GRAPPLER. He does holds and submissions, things like headlocks.  Watch some of his fights on youtube sometime, you might see what I mean. He did the only thing he really knows how to do, and thats put someone in a position where its hard for them to fight back. But what about the other two guys? Well, I guess he didn’t think about that. Key word being “think”, and that’s something Ben doesn’t do a lot.
This also one of those types of incidences that completely justifies all of the criticism people give RLSH, in regards to letting the professionals handle this, or how someone is going to get hurt some day. Phoenix, you are not helping the RLSH cause whatsoever, you might just be hindering it.
Which is where I bring up my next point, where Fodor was recently arrested for assault, by pepper spraying several individuals.
And this is where I really feel the need to open my mouth. Sometime in the last two months, Phoenix Jones aka Ben Fodor posted MY video (see below) where my partner Grim and I break up a fight. On PJs facebook page, he accused ME of using excessive force because I brandished my stun gun, warning anyone who tried anything they will be shocked if something else happens. That fight ended peacefully, and no one was further injured as a result of our interjection. And just for thr record, I’ve never pepper sprayed anyone (and I do carry) or used my stun gun on anyone, let alone ever had to assault someone. I’ve grabbed some individuals to get them off of others, or helped the police handcuff people. Other than that? I’ve never had to manhandle anyone. Also that night, the police gave us thanks, respect and appreciation for our efforts that night. Shortly after the fight ended, a fire engine rolling down the street called me BY NAME over their loud speaker system. Can you say respect? Which, sadly is not what I can say for Seattle PDs thoughts of Phoenix Jones. They cant stand the guy. This was the opportunity they had been looking for to get  PJ. This is a whole other discussion entirely, some of which I want to touch on. My friend Tea Krulos, who I met at Comic Con this year for HOPE 2011 was eyewitness to the whole debacle (read it <a href=”“>here</a>. My only problem with this situation is the police are not talking to the people that need to be talked to, like Tea Krulos and it seems Ben Fodors civil rights may have been violated. Thats about the extent I will defend him. But, when you put yourself out there and do the things you do, you make yourself more so a target. Even from the police, especially when you’ve insulted them bef0re, and probably made their job harder than it’s had to be, like in the above circumstance.
Lets look back on how many times he’s claimed he’s gotten hurt. I know of two specific incidences where he’s been legitimately hurt: When he got his nose broken, and when he was in the hospital for internal bleeding. That happened when Jon Ronson interviewed everyone for the GQ article. Plus the other claimed stabbings and shootings. So, iuf PJ is an expert crime fighter, who’s trained in MMA, and believes he should be the only one doing this (because of his “training”) why does he keep getting hurt? Lets look at the police, who have extensive training and procedures for situations. Sure, shit happens and every once in a while a police officer is injured or even killed in the line of duty. Usually due to some chaotic circumstance that no one could have ever forseen. The difference is that is still very rare, while PJ’s seem to be quite frequent. One person getting hurt repeatedly trying to do what he does, while an entire police force with the occasional injury. I’ll admit I don’t have a lot of hard facts to back up what I am saying here , I’m simply stating my observations and opinions.
My point here (as with every incident he’s been involved in) PJ lacks several things: training, maturity, and a grip on reality. He lives and acts like he’s in a comic book. it’s sickening and does not reflect how true RLSH act. Never have I seen or heard of any of the pillars of the community, from Superhero, to Dark Guardian to Mr. Xtreme or even Zetaman act in such a way, ever in their careers, some of  which span over a decade, when Phoenix Jones was barely in middle school. But I forgot, he claims to be the first crime fighter too.
Yeah, Phoenix Jones apologized for saying a lot of those things. But why were they said to begin with? and it’s not so much what he said, but how he said it. Besides, his actions speak a lot louder than words. And I mean his irresponsible, unprofessional and dangerous behavior. What Phoenix Jones needs to do is grow up, take some pointers, and get over himself. He would do a lot better at this if he listened to some veterans instead of assuming he is better than everyone else. I’d even be willing to offer him some tips. But would he listen to anyone? no, he thinks this is a movie or something. He won’t listen, he won’t learn, and he will never get better or accomplish anything of magnificence.
Look at the NYI who has helped apprehend several serious offenders in their city. Rapists, serial assaulters. They’ve accomplished a lot. They are also dealing with the Occupy Wall Street protests and helping keep the peace there a lot. More stuff like that needs to happen.
Now as for what Phoenix did in the pepper spray incident? What he should have done was WAIT FOR HIS TEAM, break the people apart and try to deescalate the situation. NOT run in “guns blazing”. He did not attempt to deescalate the situation and only made it worse. I really hope you change your ways PJ, you are obviously not going to quit, not yet. But you went about this completely the wrong way. The charges against PJ were justified and I kinda wish they would charge him and convict him. I think this only serves to inflate his ego further, believing he is above the law and get away with more next time. Hopefully, I am wrong about that.
Here’s the video where he accused me of using excessive force:

Also lets take a look at PJ’s media. Which he’s had  A LOT of. But he uses it inappropriately, as I stated earlier. He uses the media to push himself and his own image, instead of the causes he is working on. The Initiative used the media to bring attention to the Long Island serial killer, and the Xtreme Justice League used the media to bring attention to the Chula Vista serial groper, who was eventually caught.
The difference is these groups were not for self promotion, but bringing attention to a cause, to a problem. Which is what the entire concept of a RLSH is all about.  Phoenix Jones would rather bring attention to himself, than any cause.

On Surveillance

By the Major
In any patrol, there are two basic attitudes that you can assume: “Fangs Out” and “Low and Slow”:
1. “Fangs Out” is where you are openly patrolling, using your own presence to deter would-be mischief.
2. “Low and Slow” is where you are observing the small fish to get them to lead you to the bigger fish.
In Type 2 ops, the night is your friend. You should be carrying some kind of recording equipment (see above). Stay as close to the maximum range of your equipment as possible. If you are blown (i.e., seen) – GET OUT! Do NOT dawdle! You are way out manned, and way out-gunned.
Contact your local police department, and get a number to their Internal Affairs division. This is absolutely vital, whether you are friends with your local department or not, because you may see some pretty wild stuff involving officers. The key thing to remember is that you do not know what operations your local PD’s undercover unit is running, and you may be inadvertently taping/recording an undercover op in progress. IA is always your best bet, since they will be able to identify any officers immediately.
The other reason is that, unfortunately, you will occasionally run into the proverbial “bad apple” cop on the take. These clowns are more dangerous to the public than any pack of Columbian drug lords, but the best way to bury them is to hand your details to IA – don’t think that you can take them down yourself, alone or in a group.
On general criminals and gang-bangers, get photo’s/recordings of course, and very definitely do not try to “get in their face”, even if you are in a large group. The reason for this should be obvious: gangs and general criminals are usually well-armed, and not afraid to use their weapons on you, and the local PD will take a dim view of you trying to break heads without them being on the scene.
On that note, be prepared to be detained – and possibly arrested for assault – if you and/or your group get into a throw-down…Life’s hard – deal.
On gangs specifically, contact your local PD’s gang task force, let them know who you are and what you are doing, and ask them if they can “loan” you a guide/directory of local gang tags (assuming that you do not know these yourself). That will help you identify specific gang turf, and help you predict potential gang-wars, since the first step is usually “tagging over” a rival gang’s sign-work.
Once you have started building up a database of video files and patrol reports, you’ll need to collate them into a usable format. I’ll start working on a sample form for dissemination after New Year’s. If you do not have MS Office (for Excel), try to download a free office-type suite. Open Office also contains a built-in .pdf-print function, so there are no worries in sharing data via email.
On video’s, be VERY careful about posting actual incident vids on something like MySpace or YouTube, as you can potentially blow prosecutions with “interpretable” videos that can be construed as “polluting the jury pool”. Having DA’s ticked-off at your for blowing a 5-year investigation does not help the cause.
Finally, here are a few links that people find useful: and : These two are good third party agencies to report white-supremacist activities to, as these groups are usually trying to coordinate their operations. Unfortunately, these groups also tend towards tunnel-vision when it comes to racist groups — there are plenty of hyper-violent non-white racist groups out there, but these two groups don’t generally go after those groups with the same vigor.
Although I will not post the links here, you may consider “ghosting” on one of the many racist webboards out there, as they are arguably a greater threat to public safety than conventional gangs. – A real-time tracker of safety and crime/terror incidents; has links to forest fires and HAZMAT issues – A tracker of terrorist groups and organizations – Probably the most comprehensive database on terrorist groups on the web.
Hope this helps.
The Major
P.S. These hardware items apply to remote surveillance.
Try this:
and this:
Recording everything leaves nothing to chance…Although you might try finding a crusading-reporter-type to feed your info to.

How to Describe a Suspect To The Police

How to Describe a Suspect To The Police

To capture a criminal in these highly mobile times, it is of utmost importance for the police to promptly obtain an accurate description. Following are some of the most important identifiers the police need to apprehend criminal suspects. Keep this information in mind so that you can give the police an accurate description of any criminal or criminal incident you may observe.
Location information is critical:
Observe where you are and the exact location of the crime. Try to remember if you have ever seen the suspect in the area before.
Note the time as precisely as possible.
Observe if the suspect is carrying a weapon and, if so, what type-revolver, handgun, shotgun, knife, etc.
If the suspect leaves the scene, note the direction of flight.
If the suspect is in a vehicle, note as much of the following information as possible: vehicle type (auto, truck, van, etc.); color; make and model; condition (dirty, damaged, etc.); and license plate numbers.
Note also if the vehicle has no license plates or a “license applied for” sticker in the rear windshield.
Watch for decoys or accomplices.

a variety of general description information about the suspect should be noted:
Race or national origin
Age (estimated)
Height-use comparisons with your own height, a door, or some other standard measure
Weight (estimated)
Build-fat, husky, slim, muscular, etc.

Facial information is also important:
Hair-note the color, texture, hairline, style; also possible dyes or wigs
Forehead-note forehead height, and whether the skin is smooth, creased or wrinkled
Eyes-note the color, shape (round, slanted), whether clear or bloodshot, and the heaviness of eyelashes and eyebrows
Nose-overall shape (long, wide, flat, etc.) and nostrils (wide, narrow, flared) are important
Cheeks-is the flesh sunken, filled out, dried or oily? are there wrinkles around nose or mouth? are cheek bones high or low, wide or narrow?
Ears-note size and prominence (protruding or flat against head)
Mouth-are lips thin, medium, full? do corners turn up, turn down, or level?
Chin-what is the shape (round, oval, pointed, square)? double chin, dimpled, cleft?
Neck-note protruding Adam’s apple or hanging jowls
Complexion-note pores, pockmarks, acne, razor rash, bumps
Facial hair-clean shaven? unshaven? beard, mustache, goatee, sideburns?
Tattoos-shape and style; on what part of the body

Clothing information is also very important:
Hat-note color, style, ornaments, how it is worn (bill forward, backward, to one side)
Coat-note color and style (suit coat, jacket, topcoat, overcoat)
Shirt/Blouse/Dress-note color, design, sleeves, collar
Trousers/Slacks/Skirt-note color, style, cuffs
Socks-note color, pattern, length
Shoes-note color, style, brand name for sneakers (if possible), condition
Accessories-sweater, scarf, gloves, necktie
Jewelry-rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces
General appearance-neat or sloppy? clean or dirty?
Oddities-look for clothing too large or too small; odd colors; patchwork

Look for other physical features or peculiarities:
Voice-pitch, tone, rasp, lisp
Speech-articulate, uneducated, accent, use of slang
Gait-slow, fast, limp
You will never be able to remember all of these details about any one suspect you may see. But remembering as many as possible can be particularly helpful to the police and to your community.

Tips on when reporting a crime

Dark GuardianFirst off I believe as good law abiding citizens you should report a crime if you ever come across it. If you report illegal activities you are helping make a positive difference in your community. These are some tips about reporting a crime. Make sure to call 911 right away.
1. Be Aware
You have to be aware in order to see what is going on around you. Always keep an eye out. Keeping yourself aware will allow to keep yourself safer and will make it easier for you to spot a crime.
2. Location
Observe where you are and the exact location of the crime. Try to remember if you have ever seen the suspect in the area before. Remember which direction the criminal headed if they left the scene of the crime.
Note the time as precise as possible
4. Get a description
There are many different things that can help identify a suspect. Her is a list.
Sex– Was it a Male or Female?
Height– Try to estimate the their height. It may be helpful to compare to your own height.
– Estimated. Remember to take their height into consideration.
Build– Did they appear fat, husky, slim, muscular, average, etc.
Age– Estimated
Eyes– What color eyes did they have? Were they wearing glasses?
Hair–Note the color, texture, hairline, style; also possible dyes or wigs
Forehead-Note forehead height, and whether the skin is smooth, creased or wrinkled
Eyes– Note the color, shape (round, slanted), whether clear or bloodshot, and the heaviness of eyelashes and eyebrows
Nose– Overall shape (long, wide, flat, etc.) and nostrils (wide, narrow, flared) are important
Cheeks– Are their cheeks sunken in, flat, round, full etc.? Are there wrinkles around nose or mouth? Are cheek bones high or low, wide or narrow?
Ears– Note size and prominence (protruding or flat against head)
Mouth– Are lips thin, medium, full?
Chin– What is the shape (round, oval, pointed, square)? double chin, dimpled, cleft?
Neck– Note protruding Adam’s apple or hanging jowls
Complexion– Note pores, pockmarks, acne, razor rash, bumps
Facial Hair– Were they clean shaven? unshaven? Did they have a beard, mustache, goatee, sideburns, etc.?
Tattoos– Shape and style; on what part of the body
Scars – Size, Shape, and location on body
Hat– Note color, style, wording or symbol, how it is worn (bill forward, backward, to one side)
Coat– Note color and style (suit coat, jacket, topcoat, overcoat)
Shirt/Blouse/Dress– Note color, design, sleeves, collar
Trousers/Slacks/Skirt– Note color, style, cuffs
Socks– Note color, pattern, length
Shoes– Note color, style, brand name for sneakers (if possible), and the condition of the shoes
Accessories– Scarf, gloves, necktie, belt
Jewelry– Rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces
General appearance– Do they appear neat or sloppy? clean or dirty?
Oddities– Look for clothing too large or too small; odd colors; patchwork; rip; tears; holes
Voice– Pitch, tone, rasp, lisp
Speech– Articulate, uneducated, accent, use of slang,
5. Describe the Vehicle
If the suspect is in a vehicle, note as much of the following information as possible:
Vehicle Type– Auto, truck, van, motorcycle etc.
Color– Make sure to et the color of the vehicle
Make– Was it a Ford, Dodge, Nissan, Mazda, etc.?
Model– What was the specific model of the vehicle?
Condition– Was it dirty, clean damaged, dented, etc.?
License Plate– What was the license plate number? What state was license plate from?
Direction– Which direction did they drive off to if they left the scene?
With your help the police can do a better job.
Together we can create a stronger safer community.