I’m a citizen who patrols the community. Obviously I support this public safety concept.
Police aren’t the only ones who should walk ( or ride ) the streets on the alert for trouble. Nobody should act like he’s above the law while doing so.
George Zimmerman, Florida neighborhood watch captain-cum-possible murder suspect also believes in citizens patrol. State and federal officials will determine if his beliefs include homicide.
News accounts of his fatal shooting of Black teenager Trayvon Martin should cause citizen patrollers to pause and seriously assess what we do.
We aren’t police officers and, unlike bad cops, are easily liable for civil and criminal offenses. Stopping people on the street without evidence of crime is outside our scope. Suspicions should be either documented or reported to police for investigation.
That issue troubles me- greatly.
Playing police officer ( if that’s what Zimmerman was doing ) undermines the citizens patrol concept.
We’re supposed to be vigilant not vigilantes. Confronting people and shooting them if we’re on the confrontation’s losing end isn’t what citizens patrol represents.
George Zimmerman is strongly suspected of acting like a vigilante; has placed an entire movement in a bad light and inflamed already lit racial tensions to boot.
Just what good citizens needed.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention, citizens patrol included. Good Citizens Supporting Good Cops is his group. (504) 214-3082.