Mother of Darius Simmons

Trayvon Martin
Trayvon Martin
Darius Simmons is a Milwaukee 13 year shot and killed by his 75 year old White next door neighbor. John H Spooner is the neighbor’s name and whether it will become as infamous as George Zimmerman remains to be seen.

Black observers should be prepared for conservative push back in the form of local Black-on-Black murder stats should they try to cast this internationally as a hate crime. We can debate conservative motives as either benign or malicious but one point remains: our self-hate crime rate eclipses that of hate crimes from elsewhere.
In my opinion every murder could be deemed a hate crime. This new case happened last week and rises to prominence amid the fog of Wisconsin’s heated recall election won by its governor. A racially incendiary case like this shouldn’t be recklessly tossed atop the state’s hot embers.
Past theft allegations from the suspect and a ” castle doctrine ” law on the books are sure to play into this latest episode of my life’s work: the ( sometimes explosive ) interplay between civil rights and public safety.
At issue will be this astonishing claim: the shooting erupted with the victim’s mother witnessing it and Darius Simmons was reportedly shot again in the back while fleeing!
Wow! If that doesn’t sound like textbook White Man’s Privilege I don’t know what does?!! The case should hinge on this assertion alone.

What we do know is a 13 year old is dead and a senior citizen did it- about as bleak a fact pattern as one will find even by today’s standards.
I agree with progressives that non-Blacks shouldn’t think they can kill young Black men with impunity despite a recent history of just that in America.
I agree with conservatives who note with painful honesty that Black communities are often conspicuously silent when Trayvon Martin and Darius Simmons peers are killed by other Black people. That’s a point I not only agree with but take light years further to consider these killers nothing more than chocolate klansmen.
With race factoring into a heated presidential election and nerves frayed over the Trayvon Martin case the question of whether Darius Simmons is the next Trayvon Martin has possibly historic consequences.
Darius Simmons supporters have their work cut out for them- as do proponents of his being at fault.

Both sides should consider the consequences of rash actions with the fate of a nation literally hanging in the balance. 

NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention.




Alton L Hayes attacked a White man in a Chicago suburb and told police anger over Trayvon Martin was the reason. He also robbed the victim.

MEMO TO CHOCOLATE KLANSMEN: Please refrain from misusing this murder victim’s name as you plunder and pounce your way through society. This case is too important to be associated with your petty crimes. I know you don’t respect Black nor other lives but for once pretend you do.

“Empty your pockets, white boy ” was his snivel rights slogan as he and an accomplice attacked the victim from behind ( typical chocolate klansman tactic )
. I guess he threw poor Trayvon Martin’s name up hoping it would justify his appalling cowardice.
Trayvon Martin supporters must verbally ( and literally where legal ) pimp slap any thug and assorted sub-species of chocolate klansman misusing his name to justify crime. Once again, these fools give aid and comfort to elements considering all Black people criminals.
This case illustrates for the millionth time how out of control a segment of Black America has become. I pray this is an isolated incident but know it probably won’t be.

He is an Emmett Till of the 21st century. His legacy becomes every good Black person’s job to defend, alongside all supporters.

Black criminals in the past have even dared to attack the late Rose Parks in her home http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=19940831&a…
We cannot allow them to attack Trayvon Martin by misusing his name to justify their evil. His parents have taken the high road in this case and we who call ourselves their supporters can do no less.
Trayvon Martin shouldn’t be used by chocolate klansmen as an excuse to do what they did before his murder- make life unliveable within the inner city and elsewhere!
Keep his name out of your sorry mouths when arrested and take your punishment like men- for once.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082

Nadra Enzi



I’m a citizen who patrols the community. Obviously I support this public safety concept.
Police aren’t the only ones who should walk ( or ride ) the streets on the alert for trouble. Nobody should act like he’s above the law while doing so.
George Zimmerman, Florida neighborhood watch captain-cum-possible murder suspect also believes in citizens patrol. State and federal officials will determine if his beliefs include homicide.
News accounts of his fatal shooting of Black teenager Trayvon Martin should cause citizen patrollers to pause and seriously assess what we do.
We aren’t police officers and, unlike bad cops, are easily liable for civil and criminal offenses. Stopping people on the street without evidence of crime is outside our scope. Suspicions should be either documented or reported to police for investigation.
That issue troubles me- greatly.
Playing police officer ( if that’s what Zimmerman was doing ) undermines the citizens patrol concept.
We’re supposed to be vigilant not vigilantes. Confronting people and shooting them if we’re on the confrontation’s losing end isn’t what citizens patrol represents.
George Zimmerman is strongly suspected of acting like a vigilante; has placed an entire movement in a bad light and inflamed already lit racial tensions to boot.
Just what good citizens needed.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention, citizens patrol included. Good Citizens Supporting Good Cops is his group. (504) 214-3082. http://www.reallifesuperheroes.org/wiki/captain-black/