Phoenix Jones: Standard Bearer

Superheroes have leapt from four color entertainment to the evening news. As a member of this community I follow related developments closely.
Phoenix Jones seems to be our break out person- the one deemed a standard bearer for what the media calls real life superheroes ( RLSH ).
As I always preach, simply doing creative good doesn’t mean you’ll be well received. Alongside unprecedented coverage come haters and folks with legitimate concerns. Jones has plenty of both, even within his own extended real life superhero community.
Many of us have done this for years without fan fare. Some are rubbed the wrong way by his notoriety while others, myself included, are enjoying his experience from afar. Whenever you stretch reality the way we do, raw nerves are bound to be exposed.
Much has been made of the intervention where his nose was broken. It serves notice to supporter and skeptic alike that risk is part of the real life superhero experience. The same holds true for public safety professionals; private security security and anyone who has potentially combative encounters.
Phoenix Jones may be a standard bearer for the real life superhero community. Meanwhile there are hundreds of us doing the same and, like Jones, hopefully inspiring fellow citizens to help out.
That’s a standard worth bearing in these uncertain times and for that alone Phoenix Jones deserves considerable credit.
Also, it appears he’s also an African-American beneath his mask. The fact this hasn’t been emphasized implies more concern with what he does, as opposed to who he is.
Not bad considering the state of race relations.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development.

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