Archives 2010

Phantom Zero's Outreach Check List

Foods need to make sense. They need to be “functional foods” which can be easily stored, easily stashed, or easily or eaten “on the go.” Most homeless people have no can openers, no heating elements, limited access to anything which would allow them to use anything with preparation beyond adding water (and even water is scarce). They usually only have personal storage space, so large items are out. The more compact, and the less perishable, the better.
Non-perishable items can be stored for a later time. Don’t overstock yourself on perishable items, as you may be overstocked with extras which will go to waste. This is especially so for the same type of perishable items–repetition is boring.
It is sometimes difficult to find that fine line between quality and quantity. Certainly, some of the cheaper, more basic things will keep someone alive (as attested to by the offerings of many homeless shelters), but I’ve found that the act of charity should also bring with it an acknowledgment that you care–and better quality and variety foodstuffs and drinkstuffs can mean just that.
The best way to serve these things is by making a large box with a variety of items, offering what you have, and letting whomever decide what they want. It’s always good to have someone stand by your main supply whose job at any given stop is to fill boxes when they run low on one supply, or need to be completely refilled. A box should be kept filled on standby.
Of all these items, clean drinkable water is the most important.
(You can live up to three weeks without food, but only three days without water). Expect to hand out twice as much water than any other item–more if the items you hand out require water to make.

__No Preparation (Pre-packaged; Individual Size; Non-Perishable)

___Cereal Bars/Granola Bars


___Crackers (plain or flavored)

___Dried Fruit/Fruit Leather

___Energy Bars

___Freeze-Dried Vegetables

___Jerkey or other Shelf-Stable Meat (or meat substitute equivalent)

___Nuts/Seeds/Baked Soybeans

___Peanut Butter/Nut Butter

___Shelf Stable Fruit Cups/Applesauce Cups

___Shelf-Stable Cheeses

___Shelf-Stable Pudding Cups

___Trail Mix/GORP

___Vacuum-Packed Fish & Chicken (pull-tab or pouch)

__No Preparation (Perishable)

___Fruit (sturdy, low-tooth fruit preferred)

__Requires Preparation (Perishable; Cold Service)

___Cereal Packs (how-to below)*

___Hard Boiled Eggs

___Logan Bread (how-to below)**


__Requires Preparation (Hot Service)




__Requires Preparation (Non-Perishable)


___Ready-to-Eat Meals

___Soup In A Cup


__No Preparation (Non-Perishable)

___Bottled Water

___Juice Boxes

__No Preparation (Perishable)

___Bottles/Cans of Fruit/Vegetable

___Shelf-Stable Milk/Milk Substitute (High Temperature/Short Time Ultra Flash-Pasturized)

____Note: Once opened/made, these dairy products can spoil.

__Requires Preparation (Perishable)

___Powdered Milk

__Requires Preparation (Non-Perishable)

___Instant Beverage Enhancers – Cold (Iced Tea, Kool Aid, Lemonade, Powdered Gatorade, etc.)

___Instant Beverage Enhancers – Hot (Instant Cappuccino, Instant Hot Coco, Instant Coffee, etc.)

_Other Items



___Hard Candy

___Plastic Sealed Packs of “fun sized” Candy (M&M’s, Reeces Pieces, etc.; loose foil wrapped chocolate melts)

___Sugar Packets (for beverages)


___Containers and Serving Utensils for Bulk Items (Large Stable Pots for Chili/Soup/etc. and ladles)


___Cups (Hot/Cold Beverage)

___Soup Cups


___Utensils (forks, spoons, knives; individually wrapped preferred)


____Note: I’d advise caution before handing out drugs of any sort. Over The Counter drugs are still drugs. In high, or even moderate doses, they can have adverse health effects. If you do choose to hand these out, make sure they are clearly labeled and “single dose” packs, and never hand out more than one pack at any given time.

_Over The Counter Drugs

___Acid Controller Tablets (Pepcid AC)

___Antacid tabs

___Anti-Diarrheal Caplets (Imodium A-D)


___Pain Killers/Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory (Aspirin/Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen)

_Nutritional Needs

___Electrolyte Packets



___Adult Diapers

___Baby Wipes

___Hand Sanitizer

___Lip Balm

___Toothbrushes & Toothpaste (travel size)

___Women’s Products

_First Aid/Other Medications

___Basic First Aid Kits (band-aids, antibacterial ointment packets, etc.)

___Cough Drops/Throat Lozenges

___Foot Anti-fungal Ointment

Clothes should be clean and preferably new (or well laundered).  For outer clothes, the less conspicuous and the better they blend with the background in an urban environment, the better.



___Thermal Underwear


_Basic Clothes


___Jeans (the sturdier, the better)


_Winter Clothing



___Hooded Pullovers

___Knit Caps


___Warm Coats

_Sleep Utility


___Sleeping Mats



___Plastic Bags/Garbage Bags

___Refillable Containers  (Aluminum/Plastic)


___Can Opener

___Duct Tape



___Clear Plastic Tarp

___Hand Warmers (chemical activated)

*Cereal Packs (to be added)

**Logan Bread (to be added)

PATROL 9/3/10 or "Did we just prevent a mugging?"

Symbiote came to town for some TJ buisness that ML wanted us to get out of the way. We needed to do some early saturday banking so Sym came to Clearwater the night before.
Pefect opertunity for a patrol.
We headed to ST.Pete as they have a high Mugging/purse snatch/break in rate & headed out on foot.
Stopped every now & again by people who thought what we did was cool.
I swear to God, as were walking through the park by the Pier Some guy sitting by the fountain says “hey man! Do you know Zetaman?”
So we talked to him & his pal for awhile and found it wild that Zeta even had a fan on the oposite corner of the continent. The guy told us a wild story about how he & his ex were a Clown team who would juggle with each other, each one using just one of their arms to make the Juggle. Without her, he couldn’t juggle at all…sad.
There are a TON of Dark long brick alleys with patrons from the AMC theatre walking thru them to their cars so we spent a LOT of time watching drunken kids (Mostly young girls) walk to their cars thru the dark alleys (W/O them knowing we were there of course) to make sure nothing bad happened.
So we get to a corner, and there is this group of kids, one tall skinny boy (and I mean boy) with a bunch of young girls (And I mean girls) walking up the street away from the corner.
they pretty much ignore us which is fine and we are still standing there getting ready to go the opposite direction when this scary, rough looking dude with a Roofers tan, ratty jeans, and a tee covered in paint litterally shoots past us after them with a towel over his shoulder, he has his hands in his pockets, he’s looking all around, and he’s closing on the kids….
Sym & I just look at each other, (aparently he felt it too) say nothing, and start back after the guy.
We’re closing the distance & he’s still intent on the kids, closing fast, suddenly he looks back over his Shoulder, see’s us and his eyes get as big as a anime characters.
He hangs a fast left down a alley and we don’t see him for the rest of the night.
Sym & I look at each other & I say “Did we just prevent someting bad from happening?”
I guess we’ll never know.
Then we met this TINY little dude (see pic) who was a professional Ukelele player! He stopped us for pics & info about the RLSH. Then we talked about Tiny Tim.


Sometimes the only satisfaction is that you tried

Long story short….Put a new Battery in the Supermobile & took it out across the Bayside Bridge for a run, came across this lady & her Daughter & like 4 kids in a Minivan at the side of the bridge that had a chunk of the belt of one of their tires come loose & tear the faring over the wheel well lose.Nobody had stopped to try & help them so the first thing I wanted to do was break out my roadside asistance kit & see if I could re-attach the fairing.
No go, The heat down here turnned my duct tape to soup.
By then a cop had pulled up behind my car which was a good thing because while I’m down on the ground working speeding cars are passing my head like two feet away and the cop hands me his multi tool & I try to screw the fairing back into place.
No go, the screws are all jammed up or rusted.
So I follow the family at like 20 mph with my hazzards on off the bridge & into a parking lot so I can use my floor jack to take off the bad tire & put on their spare.
No go, The frame of the vehicle is REALLY high up in the body (One of those wierd looking astrovans from the 1990’s), My jack doesn’t reach that high. (and I’ve got a floor jack!)
So finally the husband shows up with a big Truck jack to lift the van & change the tire & all I can do is look at the older lady & say “Sorry ma’am, everything I tried just wasn’t much help to you.”
And she said back “You know what? Thank you any way. You we’re the only person to stop & try, and thank you for your kindness anyway.”
Some days that’s the only satisfaction you’re going to get. But it’s enough.


Some of the more interesting Things…

That have happened to me.
I’ve been doing this for a few years & maybe some of it will be useful to someone.

Instead what I found was a Buick broken down in the middle of Gulf to Bay with two young women & a four year old in it! I pulled in behind it, and after a quick assesment determined the battery was the cause. Unfortunatley the battery was too far drained to jump it with my charger. so quickly, when the light changed again I pushed the car across the street (Yes One handed) Into a plaza parking lot, and called the location tag and discrïption into CPD so they would know where they were. after it was established that AAA would come and change the battery and everyone was safe, I got ready to head out. One of the women said “What do we owe you?” I gotta admit I was dumbfounded by this. I said “You don’t owe me anything, I’m a SUPERHERO” (duh) and headed home.
What a night!
I get some road cash at a ATM & head out up enterprise road.
There on the sidewalk is a guy parked in a Hoveround with his chin on his chest out cold.
“Oh S**T!” says the Superhero. “He must have had a seziure or something!” I whip the vette around and pull up to him. Now he’s awake & putting away up the sidewalk. I lean out the passengers window & say “Hey buddy! you ok?”
He swings his head around like he’s one of those bobblehead things you set in sports collectible stores & says “I’m fine man…”
Holy S**T! says the Superhero “He’s drunk!” So I decide to make a citizens arrest.
As I’m reaching for my door handle it dawns on me…
Yeah he’s drunk
But he’s on the sidewalk
He’s driving
But he’s not in a car.
“What the Hell do I do?”
So I did what every red-blooded American Superhero would have done.
I stuck my head out the window said “Ok sir you have a good night” and Drove off.
Is there such a thing as DUI Hoveround?
Finally dropped of the Arma 100 to Clearwater SWAT today! they were training at the substaion by my place so I ran over.
I went behind the complex and there were a bunch of human wrecking machines in fatuquies running around so I figured this was the place.
I walked up to the first guy and said “Hi where’s my pal Billy?” who ran up to tell me I had just met the SWAT commader!
“Oops! sorry sir! I didn’t see any bars on your uniform sir!” He just smiled and laughed, regular guy and asked what i had with me.
I showed him the ARMA and explained how it could have saved that kid who pulled the sword last year.
Now mind you this guy is the commander of one of the top SWAT teams in the nation, but he listened to what I had to say very intently. I could tell he was doing so and was very impressed with that. He held the Shot bag from the ARMA and gave my pal Billy over to me so I could check him out on the weapon even though a drill was going on!
I got Billy checked out fast to get him back in the game, Just as Pinellas Swat Cranked up a HUGE A.P.C. that kind looked like a giant Cadillac V-100. or Soviet BTR-60 on steroids. their snipers had their remmington 700’s tripoded and ready to go and the drill was heating up. It was not place for a superhero so I turned Billy loose, he High fived me and got back in the game. My reward will be when he tells me the ARMA saved somebody’s life. Exciting afternoon!
Yep! You read right! I was leaving work early tonight & headed north Over the Eastbay overpass when lo & behold there’s a Big SUV with it’s hazzards on and a pool of Fire underneath it sitting in the median! another car stopped about the same time I did, both of us FAR away.
I asked them to call 911 and pulled the fire extinguisher from my trunk. nobody is in, or around the SUV, no owner present.
As I’m walking back the fire is growing, black smoke, fire from under the hood, etc. The hood is popped but not open. I DO NOT open it the rest of the way (I’ve seen Backdraft way to many times for that) and instead I stick the hose of my extinguisher under the hood as far as I can without getting burnned. I pull the trigger & woosh! out goes the fire!
“That’ll learn ya.” I smirked to myself and then the fire RESTARTED!
I stick the hose back under the hood again, and dump the entire contents of the extinguisher under the hood! it goes out, Than Floof! it’s starts right back up!
Meanwhile a Largo Police Sargeant & a Cleartwater cop along with a auxilary have stopped & I can hear fire trucks.
The Clearwater auxillary had heard of me, and said “Oh yeah! you’re the Superhero!” while he directed traffic around us. Largo Fire arrived and I told them to be careful as my extinguisher did not put a dent in the fire, “Relax” the fireman said “You just needed 500 gallons of water to do the trick” and it did. My actons may not have put much of a dent in things, but at least it kept things at bay and a gas tank explosion from happening before the fire Dept. could get there. I asked the largo Sargeant if he needed a statement or anything, than took off.
Moral: start carrying a fire extinguisher. Odd that I always find accidents when I’m OUT of uniform huh?
12/28/06 DUI PERSUIT
No sooner did I hit the road than “Hit & Run, dead adult & 3 year old child” Pours thru my headset….
I think I’ve mentioned before how bad this Pisses me off, It happens every day! you just killed a 3 year old. Why don’t they stop! So I race to the bridge and into a pursuit position, I hear the descrïption, it’s a beige SUV. (About as incospicuous as the Supermobile ) He’s already in Clearwater so I start searching the major parking lots for the vehicle while the cops criss cross the roads (I can hear ’em). I gotta admit, I’m a big fan of Law enforcement first, but I wanted this guy. I wanted him bad, I was so hoping his big ugly bloody SUV was going to parked infront of me. Sure I’d have called it in, And hoped the guy got out and wanted to leave so’s I could dim his lights. Anyway all the sudden I hear that they snagged him up on Keene, Felony style (God I hope he resisted) So I went back to my buisness all worked up but happy the guy was caught.
Whoa! Bizzare mission tonight! Found out a officer friend of mine named “Matt” was hurt down on the beach, decided to run out there with some lunch and check on him.
Whilst on my way down there I’m scanning of course and hear this:
So I detour over there hoping to lend a extra car and set of eyes to the search, and lo and behold there sits Two cruisers and a cop who I don’t recognize talking to a young Blonde Woman. The cop goes inside, I pull into the complex drive and ask the woman:
“Is this where the missing little boy is?” she’s obviously distraught and just then as I go to pull out of the lot I hear “Hold it Speed Racer!”
Out comes the cop, with his huge Partner, with there flashlights in my window.
I say “I was looking to help on the call with the missing boy.”
They say “There is no call with a missing boy.”
I say “I heard it over the scanner.”
They say “No missing boy, this is a domestic dispute and you just interupted it.”
I say “Oh shit.”
Now I’m looking obstruction of justice in the face but thank God My names gotten around the locker room.
“I’m so-and-so’s pal from the Gym” No Deal
“I’m The Radio Guys brother.” NO Deal.
“I’m Superhero.”
just then the smiles come on “Oh yeah! we know who you are!” how ya doin’ tonight?” (Ya think they would have SEEN the Big SH on the car & my helmet!)
“Yeah Hero, no missing kid here.” everythings cool.
I say “Sorry for interupting, you guys have a safe night!” and I race for the beach and watch Matt take some guy in a skirt with a filet knife to the pokey…
THIS is what I was trying to make clear to Dark Guardian, you guys have GOT to have Police support! If you don’t have it your screwed! If they impose a few small requests on you, (Forbidden areas of town and such) respect there wishes. The day will come when you’ll be glad they like you back!
Then a Shooting happened.
I know after my last two blogs this is gonna sound like bullcrap, But I swear on my logo this happened tonight…
Me and my Girl went to see Psycho Beach Party in St Pete. Halarious check it out, but anyway as we come off the 275 overpass into Clearwater and there’s a car off the road, and UPSIDE DOWN in the drainage ditch!
One other guy has stopped, and he’s standing next to the victim, a young girl who’s like 25 feet away from the wreck and up on the bank! (huh?)
she’s sitting up and I yell “Is there anybod else in the car?” just as she flop’s flat on her back, I yell to the other stopper to call 911 and jump into the ditch with a splash, and sink up to my ankles in the mud. I yell to the girl one more time “is there anybody else in the car?” no answer the car is halfway emersed in the muck , I fumble around until I find the door handle & it pops, but being in the muck, it don’t budge. All I can think about is somebody hanging upside down from there seat belt head first in the water, or worse a kid in a baby seat. Now, I’m a 215 pound knuckle dragger, I like to powerlift, not bodybuild, but still, don’t ask how I ripped that door open, it just happend.
It’s pitch black in the car and I yell “FLASHLIGHT!” just as some new guy from the bank tosses me one! (great timing!) and I’m down in the car. Nothing, no kid, no adult, nothing. Thank God, now I can concentrate on the victim. Like I said this girl was at least 25 feet from the car, a nurse pulled over (Even better timing) and all this kid had was a broken forearm!
Some other new girl crouching with me says “Girl you have been saved for a reason!” stands right the @$ up and starts PRAYING aloud to Jesus thanking him for this girls life!!! I look down on her holding her head to keep her from moving it and say “I can’t argue with the prayer kid, this is some kinda miracle! I don’t have a clue how you ended all the way up here!” The Fire dept. arrived, she could move everything (Except her fore arm) they boarded her and took off.
Every body at the scene tells me what a great job I did, which they did just as good a job as me. And I took of home to get the muck outta my nice shoes.
I really needed this, I gotta admit after the Airsoft fiasco, I really felt like the “Circus clown” of the super hero community. This pulled my head outta my butt! The fact that I saw a situation and acted instead of reacted gave me my omph back.
MORAL: Just when you think you’ve totally blown it, your luck will turn up. don’t give up being a hero!
10/6/06 NEARLY SHOT:..
decided to head home and call it a quiet night when I saw two officers parked behind a little red truck, working there asses off on the left rear tire. I pull in behind their cars and park, My place is two minutes away and I offer the one cop (Older guy, don’t know him) the use of my floor jack, fix-a-flat, etc. he says “no we have it under control”. so I say good night and turn to leave when I hear “HOLD IT!”
I stop and the cop says “What the Hell is That?” he’s spotted my airsoft Mac-11 and is walking towards me, it’s dark but I think I see his hand on his weapon.
I try to tell him it’s a airsoft, and stupidly reach for it this is when he yells for his partner.Things are deteriorating fast. The guy has no clue what a airsoft anything is, or who superhero is either. Thank God his partner did. The partner says “oh yeah” it’s airsoft with a big smile and take the gun, admiring it I think, and trying not to laugh at his partners dismay.
the first guy calls in my tag, suddenly it’s smiles and handshakes and we appologize to each other and I race for home.
The moral of the story: STOP CARRYING AIRSOFT GUNS! I’m not sure who else does other than The Eye but guys it’s just to big of a risk.
If I twitched the wrong way, BANG! right on the spot! I think what is really bothering me about this whole thing is that we have all accepted we might get killed doing this. It’s a possibility (Hell maybe a inevitability) but I NEVER thought I would get shot by a cop! Never! John Q. Public views us as odd anyway, odd with guns is a recepie for disaster.
I’ve been discussing Green Laser Technology with Prime & Chameleon and I think this is the way we need to go. It’s a lot less offensive looking and just as good of a weapon.
Usually I’m the one who says “be safe” but tonight I’d just be being a hypocrite. I can’t beleive I did something so stupid, so I’ll just say…
…Don’t repeat my mistake

Superheroes Documentary

Superhero the MovieSuperheroes – Directed by Michael Barnett and produced by Theodore James.
Superheroes is a journey inside the world of real-life caped crusaders. From all over America, these everyday citizens don masks, homemade costumes and elaborate utility belts in an attempt to bring justice to evildoers everywhere.
This documentary is the definitive film on real life superheroes.  It features Mr. Extreme, Superhero, Master Legend, Zetaman, Z, Zimmer, Black Monday Society, Dark Guardian, Thanatos  and many more.
Superheroes will premiere January at Slamdance film festival.
Like it on Facebook –

"Enter Witty Title Here"

.. And so this marks the start of what I hope to be a usefull and valuable blog for the people who so choose to bless me with its readership.
A big thanks to Zeataman and Dark Guardian for giving me this blog to post in.
That said, I may not post as much as some; I want to strive for quality over quantity. Nothing is worse then a blog with a millions posts, but nothing useful or interesting to read. At the moment, I just need to figure out how to customize this thing.

NYC RLSH Patrol 12/10/10

Blindside, Samaritan, Zero(Z), Three, Dark Guardian

Blindside, Samaritan, Zero(Z), Three, Dark Guardian

Went out this weekend with Zero aka Z, Three, Blindside, Samaritan, Peter Tangen, and a reporter and photographer from a magazine. We went out to Washington Square Park on Friday night; the park has a history of being a haven for drug dealers. I have been out in the park, taking on the drug dealers for a few years now.
Samaritan had walked through the park before meeting up with the rest of us and was offered drugs by two dealers. I like to get confirmation of who is selling drugs and what they are selling before I take action in the park. I got ready to go undercover, wearing my bullet and stab proof vest and a wired microphone under my jacket.  I walked through the park with Peter a good distance behind me with a camera. The drug dealer approached me and began mumbling something to me. I looked over and said, “what’s up”? He asked if I wanted to smoke. I asked him what he had. He said, “nickel or dime bag”? I then asked what else he had. He said I would need to pay a buck or $150. I asked him again what he had. He responded, “I got eight balls, but it will cost you, you got to spend to get”. I said I would have to check with a friend and see if I can get the money and walked away outside of the park.
After I walked away he spotted the cameras. He walked back over to me outside the park. I was standing with the people from the magazine. He asked if we were filming him. I said, no my friend is a photographer and he always has his camera. The drug dealer then threatened to break the cameras if we were filming him. The dealer has shown to be dealing some serious drugs and now to be confrontational and violent.
The drug dealer went back into the park where; Peter, Zero, and Three were, and began to confront them. Both Blindside and Samaritan were across the park keeping an eye out, in case the situation would have escalated.While the dealer was nearby Peter, Zero, and Three, I then approached a police officer. I told him that there was drug dealer in the park and that I had audio and video of him dealing. The officer said that I had to send it over to the narcotics division. I told him that the dealers were over by my friends. He asked if I was worried about an altercation, and I said yes. After the police officer finished writing a ticket, he came over. The officer asked us what was going on. The dealer started rambling about being filmed, and that we needed permission to do so if it was for commercial filming. He continued to ramble on about it. I got pissed and said, “you are dealing drugs out here and can not do that”! The cop informed him that we could film whatever we want, and that he can not keep dealing out there. The dealer did not respond and kept rambling on about commercial filming. The cop left and we stayed in the park. The dealer kept going on about filming and I yelled at him, “you know what we are going to do , send this over to narcotics”! He responded, “do I look fu**ing scared”? We had an exchange of words, and I told Peter to keep the camera on this scumbag. I yelled at him,” sell your drugs now”. At this point, we were not ready to let this situation go, so myself and Z got our gear on and, the rest of the group joined to patrol the park, with flashlights and cameras. When everyone came together the dealers got scared. We managed to take the park, and the dealers slowly left. I shined my light on a few of them, mouthed off a bit, and they all eventually left.
After being there for a while about 5 cops came into the park. They did not bother us, they were actually very cool and told us to stay safe. We left the park in their hands and went off to do homeless outreach. We did not come across many homeless, hopefully this was because they had places to say. We did give out some blankets and supplies to a few people, which was good.

Real Life Superhero Statement

The Real Life Superhero social movement is composed of many individuals, hundreds strong, united by missions which contribute positively to society through service and self-funded good deeds. We hope to enact social change by encouraging and inspiring citizenry to become active and give back to society.
Real Life Superheroes hail from diverse backgrounds, from all over the United States, from all over the world, taking up a unique visage which draws upon the archetypal superhero from the distinctly American folklore found on the pages of comic books. The eponymous “superhero” within the label each of us has embraced is used to raise awareness and promote the concept of doing good deeds.
Real Life Superheroes have a long, well documented history of participation in positive, pro-social action: organizing blood drives, establishing neighborhood/community crime watches, contributing material goods to the needy, visiting sick children in hospitals, as well as participating in and donating to charity fund raisers. Our ranks have grown in the past few years, but the core principal of upholding ethics and morals have remained consistent. Composed of an informal grouping of individuals, teams, and organizations, we are all good citizens, law abiding citizens, wishing to contribute to our communities in the best way we can. With that in mind, one of our most basic tenets we share is offering our full support to the authorities who serve, cooperating as good citizens should, but never obstructing or interfering.
We have a culture, but we act as independents, of our own free will. We act without any overarching internal mandate. We have no board of approval; We have no director of activities; We have no standing tribunal or body which handles disputes or deals in internal affairs. And while many teams and organizations exist, no individual is necessarily bound by a collective discretion we exercise.
That said, our social movement has no control over the very few individuals who may exercise poor discretion and/or impaired judgment, or whose motives are driven by something other than selfless altruism. Regrettably, these individuals, who take the selfless acts of the many who call themselves Real Life Superheroes to selfishly and duplicitously portray themselves as moral crusaders or vigilantes–who often crave and seek out conflict or publicity for attention and ego’s sake, and in turn receive publicity and media attention for their larger than life egos–are the worst example of who we are and what we do.
Please take time to read about and reflect upon the history of this social movement, and the many good deeds that a handful of concerned citizens have accomplished, before passing judgment or condemning the whole of us prematurely.
As individuals, and as active members and participants the teams and organizations which represent and support us, we assert this above statement to be true, and have listed our names below.