Archives 2010

Yearbook 2010


I want to say it was about three or four years ago now while they were shooting “Friendly Neighborhood Hero” I got to meet Noel Niel. The footage was only recently found by the film Maker & sadly there is no Audio, but here it is. Noel was Charmming, The first lady of the Superman …well…everything.
She was the first Lois Lane in the seriels.
Then again in the show after Phyllis Coats
Then she played Lois Mom In the First Chris Reeve (A scene that was cut until the DVD release) Movie
Then she was Lois Mom in Lois & clark
Finally she was Luthors Girlfriend in Superman returns
She had great stories about George, And her & I discussed how she went on the road with him & “Judo” Gene LaBelle who would wrestle against “Superman” as “Mr.Kryptonite” and Ms.Niel would do Dance Numbers to Georges Guitar.
We discussed the difference between working with Kirk Alyin & George, (She had worked with both) But didn’t really get to know Alyn that well as shooting a Serial is hectic.
I told her about the RLSH community & how Men like George were kind of responsible for it. She was quite pleased.
Bringing up “Hollywoodland’ was a taboo subject, & the subject was changed quickly. Frankly I didn’t blame her, the idea of George as a broken down has been who couldn’t wrestle was a joke.

A RLSH Attacked

” You can try pulling the wings off an angel but he remains an angel still. “
-Capt. Black after hearing the following:
A real life superhero ( RLSH ) friend of mine was recently attacked while on patrol. While shaken, this saintly man still wants to hit the streets again to help others.
Simply offering yourself for the public good doesn’t guarantee favorable reception, no matter how well intentioned.
I don’t think some RLSH realize how inadequate they make some folks feel.
The other side of inspiration is indignation. People parading around being their full selves slaps envious onlookers in the face. Being a RLSH takes a rare kind of purity. It’s also a mirror causing some to attack those they wish they could be.
My friend is coping but ironically, the real victim is his assailant and tortured souls like him. Attacking RLSH is a cheap way for miserable individuals to finally feel happy.
To would-be super villains who cross the line into committing real would mayhem, there’s a four letter word for you: sick.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development through outreach. (504) 214-3082.

Questions to the Real Life Superhero Community

From: Echo
Subject: No Subject
Message Body:
Hello Superheroes,
Okay- so my question is: If what you do and who you are is something you’re proud of, why is it a big secret? Why are you hiding your identity if you’re not ashamed? If what you’re doing is charity work, or to benefit people in need, why is it being kept a secret? It seems like people in the “community” are out of touch with reality- you’re not ashamed of the work itself but the lifestyle you’re living that accompanies it because subconsciously you’re aware that you’re too engrossed in a make-believe persona. Friends and family would accept charity work, but they wouldn’t accept delusional behavior- is THAT why you’re ashamed to tell them about it? If it was as simple as “I’m doing charity work tonight.” you should be able to tell friends and family. Men dress as Santa Claus in shopping malls every year, people dress as clowns regularly for birthday parties, etc, and they don’t hide it from their family- so why are YOU hiding it?
From: Nightwolf
Subject: rlsh
Message Body:
I am a real life super hero too. I do the same things that you do like give blood, feed the homeless, etc. but I do have a difference, I do actually “fight” crime. I go look for it, I stop it in action, and kick the crap out of anyone who commits it. I guess the question I have is why do you guys wear masks if you have no reason to conceal your identity? If you do good things like that then let people know that it is actual people doing these good things, not someone behind a mask. you guys are doing the right thing and I do stand behind you. I am looking for more people like me, I wish more people were to think like me and just put an end to the complacency and do something!

How to start a Neighborhood Watch Group

By the Eye
1.) Neighborhood Watch groups are typically set up for a street block section, literally the length of the block of the street you live on,bordered by the two cross streets at either end. For the next block down on your same street, there may be a different NW group, 2nd different Block Captain, etc., you get the idea.
The idea for this is that the best way for citizens to watch out for each other, is to have it be just one block, and both sides of the street, as when folks are across from each other, it is easier to watch for suspicious activity, etc.
So, the first thing you need to do is see if there already is a NW group for your street block. To do this contact your local PD’s non-emergency number, and talk to their Information Officer or equivalent, and see what’s what. If there is already a NW group for your block, the officer will give you the contact info for the current Block Captain, who will give you the rest of the info you need to join, and help out.
2.) If there is not a NW group for your block…guess what? Start one. The same Info Officer will send you things like sample letters, NW pamphlets, etc.,that you can send all the people on your street, announcing the formation of the new NW group. At this point, you will NOT be the Block Captain, but an interested party saying: “Hey folks, this sounds like a good idea, wanna join too?”
Wait for a couple of weeks for people to respond to the intro letter you send out, which should include your best contact phone number, best email contact address, and your home address. Some folks like to respond in different methods. Give’em every chance to respond. Once you get a list of interested parties (by this time the PD will have hooked you up with the Officer administrating the NW in your area), set up your first meeting, either at someone’s house with enough room, or at the PD auditorium itself (this is what I do). At that first meeting, they will elect by a show of hands or somesuch, who the first Block Captain for the first year will be. Usually, this will resoundingly end up being the person who started the whole thing in the first place, namely, you.
Also,at this first meeting, the NW watch officer will give the assembled group the NW introduction, etc., and encourage those who have not yet done so the opportunity to exchange contact info, etc.
3.) The first meeting will likely not have all interested attendees present, as you are starting this group out of the blue, and people will already have had their short-term schedules booked up. So, suggest that some folks take extra materials with them, to give to some of the other folk who could not make the first meeting. This usually interests them in making time for the second one. The NW Officer will have suggestions for meeting topics, such as Home Security, etc., to give you something to have presented at the next meeting.
4.) Keep things going by sending out to your mailing list (in between meetings), interesting stories,links to good tools, security devices, etc., to keep the group cohesive, and moving forward.
That’s about it for the basics.
In Seeing Justice Done,
~The Eye~

Portland Fun

By Dark Wolf
Lunar and I just got back from a patrol, and I am about to fall asleep…
Tonight I went on patrol with Antiman, Icarus, Lady Sapphire, Lunar Veil, and Trinity. We parked in the Pearl District, and then we paired off: Antiman & Trinity, Icarus & Lady Sapphire, and Lunar Veil & I.
Lunar and I walked up to Pioneer Court House Square (roughly 15-20 blocks), and we found a guy sitting on the steps with another guy standing over him looking nervous. We didn’t think anything of it, until we got closer. The man standing caught a glimpse of us, and then he hastily walked away. We thought it strange, and then heard odd sounds coming from the man sitting on the steps. It was a very hoarse voice, as if someone was trying to talk like a demon or who was suffering from throat cancer. The man was African, mid-thirties, and wore tattered clothes–transient? Lunar knelt beside him and asked him if he was okay; yet, it was very difficult to understand what he was saying. We caught random words such as, “giant bug,” and “the yellow man.” I gave him a quick oculomotor examination which he couldn’t do, I took out my pen torch and found that his pupils were extremely dilated, and then I took out my thermometer and found that he was running a fever. I didn’t have my cell on me at the time, so I asked Lunar to call 911, yet her cell battery was dead. He was sweating profusely, so I gave her an instant hot & cold pack, and then I went to get help. It was amazing…at 1.00 AM in the morning; there was no one to be seen. I decided to head for the car. Once I arrived at Pioneer Court House Square, it seemed that he had become a bit responsive. I asked him if he would mind if we were to take him up to a local hospital, and he refused. Lunar spoke to the guy for a minute, and then he agreed to go. We helped him to the car; he lied down in the back, and Lunar and I were in the front. The hospital was around 15 minutes away. Once we hit I26, he began to have a seizure. Lunar unbuckled herself and jumped into the back, as I kept driving. When we got there, I ran in and told the onsite cop that we needed help, and he came out with a medic. They brought a gurney, and off the guy went.
For the next 20 minutes, Lunar and I were being asked 50 questions from the cop. The great thing was that we went to the exact same hospital in which I work. So I tried to be as open as possible, with divulging as little information as possible. Hopefully no one knew who I was.
In the end, Darren (the guy we took in) had shot up with some laced or tainted meth. As we left and got into the car, I noticed that the back seat had a nice pool of puke waiting for Lunar to clean up. Oh, merry christmas to us.

EE.UU. duerme en paz mientras los superhéroes enmascarados combaten el crimen

Originally posted:{a303bc63-5bfb-4e15-8169-ed8033083040}#
Medios de Seattle han reportado sobre un grupo de hombres, los Rain City Superhero Movement, que patrulla las calles de la ciudad durante la noche. No son los únicos en ese país.
GASPAR RAMÍREZ Phoenix Jones es un hombre negro de edad indefinida que maneja un sucio Kia blanco por las calles de Seattle. No se sabe cómo se gana la vida, tiene al menos un hijo, usa máscara, traje a prueba de balas, por las noches combate el crimen y quiere hacer de éste un mundo mejor.
Y, claro, Phoenix Jones no es su verdadero nombre. De hecho su título completo es Phoenix Jones el guardián de Seattle, y es el líder de los Rain City Superhero Movement, un grupo de enmascarados que desde hace algunos meses vigila esa ciudad y que ha llamado la atención de los medios estadounidenses.
Inspirados en la estética y valores de los cómics -el bien triunfará sobre el mal-, los luchadores anónimos de Seattle son los más recientes de una tradición que silenciosamente se ha instalado en EE.UU.
Si Batman tiene a Robin, Phoenix Jones tiene a Buster Doe, su “sidekick”, como se les conoce en la jerga del cómic. “Desde que estaba en el colegio que combato a los abusadores. Supongo que en cierta forma nací en este ambiente”, dice Buster Doe a “El Mercurio”.
Los Rain City… no pueden volar ni correr como el rayo. Pero ¿quién necesita superpoderes cuando se posee entrenamiento en combate, artes marciales y primeros auxilios? No tienen cinturones con trucos ni armaduras, pero manejan tasers y armas similares. Phoenix Jones no se despega de su pistola lanza redes, una netgun .
Por unos vidrios rotos
Si a Batman lo picó el bichito justiciero cuando de niño vio cómo asesinaban a sus padres, a Phoenix Jones le pasó al revés. Su Kia blanco no pasa por el agua hace un año intencionalmente: quiere guardar las manchas de sangre que hay en él como un recordatorio de que en el mundo hay gente mala.
Hace poco más de un año volvía de un parque de diversiones con su hijo cuando a lo lejos vio que le habían destrozado el parabrisas de su auto. Corrieron, el niño resbaló, cayó sobre los vidrios y se hizo un profundo corte en la rodilla que dejó sangre en todo el vehículo. Ninguno de los curiosos quiso ayudarlos, señaló The Daily Beast en una nota sobre el héroe. Decidió que alguien debía hacer algo contra los maleantes.
Los enmascarados saben que salvar al mundo como Superman o los X-Men no es lo suyo. Por eso patrullan de noche, denuncian asaltos, robos, a veces tratan de detener a los maleantes, o simplemente alimentan vagabundos.
Héroes cercanos a la comunidad, no dudan en fotografiarse con admiradores e incluso policías.
Tienen claro que no hace falta kryptonita o un organismo simbiótico alienígeno para derrotarlos. “Sí, es muy peligroso. Hay que tomar ciertas precauciones; de otro modo podrías terminar en el hospital o en un ataúd”, dice el señor Doe.
La policía por ahora se ha tomado con humor la presencia de enmascarados, pero saben que pueden pasar por situaciones peligrosas y poner en riesgo sus vidas.
Los Rain City… incluyen además de Phoenix y Buster Doe, a Green Reaper, No Name, Gemini, Thorn, Penelope, Thunder 88 y Catastrophe. Y como se dijo, no son los únicos ni los primeros.
Real Life Superheroes (RLSH) es el equivalente a La Liga de la Justicia. Tiene entre 50 y 150 héroes reales activos en las principales ciudades de EE.UU. y en países como Gran Bretaña, México e Italia.
“RLSH es un movimiento de gente que crea personajes, usan disfraces y salen a hacer la diferencia positiva en sus comunidades”, dice a este diario el héroe anónimo que administra el sitio, una suerte de oficial de comunicaciones de la agrupación.
No podía obviarse la pregunta ¿por qué usar máscaras para hacer buenas acciones? “Para llamar la atención, si no usáramos capas y disfraces no tendríamos la repercusión que tenemos”.
Una frase común entre enmascarados es: “hacer del mundo un lugar mejor”. Lo dicen en RLSH: “con sus acciones pueden hacer la diferencia. Todos podemos hacer una diferencia”. Lo ratifica Buster Doe: “Soy simplemente un hombre con una máscara que sueña con un mañana mejor y persigue su fantasía de futuro”.
Esta Navidad, los niños de Seattle y de EE.UU. podrán jugar tranquilos porque afuera, donde el mal acecha, Phoenix Jones, Buster Doe y el resto de enmascarados patrullarán las calles con una sola meta: hacer de éste un mundo mejor.
300 superhéroes de carne y hueso se estima que existen en Estados Unidos, según el documental “Superheroes”.
Justicieros con capaA mediados de enero próximo se estrena en EE.UU. el documental “Superheroes”, “un viaje al interior del mundo de los cruzados con capa de la vida real”, según dice la publicidad.
La producción sigue el día a día de héroes como Mr. Xtreme, un guardia de seguridad de día y vigilante de noche que patrulla las calles de San Diego; o el New York Initiative, un cuarteto que custodia los vecindarios de Brooklyn. El documental se estrena en el Slamdance Film Festival.
Los justicieros de capa y máscara sin superpoderes han sido material de ficción los últimos años. Películas como “Kick-ass” (2010), “Defendor” (2009), y la chilena “Mirageman” (2007), con Marko Zaror, tocan el tema.
English Translation
As in the comics but no special powers:
U.S. sleep in peace while the crime-fighting masked superheroes
Seattle media have reported on a group of men, the Rain City Superhero Movement, which patrols the city streets at night. They are not alone in that country.
RAMIREZ GASPAR Phoenix Jones is a black man of indeterminate age who drives a white Kia dirty the streets of Seattle. No one knows how to make a living, has at least one child, use mask, bullet proof suit, at night fighting crime and wants to make this a better world.
And, of course, Phoenix Jones is not his real name. In fact the full title is the guardian of Phoenix Jones Seattle, and is the leader of the Rain City Superhero Movement, a group of masked monitored for several months that city and has attracted the attention of U.S. media.
Inspired by the aesthetics and values of comic books, good will triumph over evil, “Seattle anonymous fighters are the latest in a tradition that has been quietly installed in the U.S.
If Batman has Robin, Phoenix Buster Jones has Doe, his “sidekick”, as they are known in the jargon of the comic. “Since I was at school to fight the abusers. I suppose in some ways I was born in this environment,” says Buster Doe “El Mercurio”.
The Rain City … can not fly or run like lightning. But who needs superpowers when it has combat training, martial arts and first aid? They have no tricks or armor belts, but they manage Tasers and similar weapons. Phoenix Jones comes off his spear gun networks, one netgun.
For some broken glass
If Batman was bitten by the bug vigilante when a child saw his parents killed, Phoenix Jones went backwards. His white Kia does not pass through the water intentionally a year ago: want to keep the blood stains in it as a reminder that the world has bad people.
A little over a year back from an amusement park with his son when he saw how far he had shattered the windshield of your car. They ran the child slipped and fell on the glass and took a deep cut on his knee that left blood all over the vehicle. None of the curious wanted to help, The Daily Beast said in a note on the hero. Decided that someone should do something against criminals.
The masked men know they save the world as Superman or the X-Men is not your thing. On this patrol at night, reported assaults, robberies, sometimes try to stop the bad guys, or just feed homeless.
Heroes near the community, do not hesitate to take pictures with fans and even cops.
They clearly do not need kryptonite or alien symbiotic organism to defeat them. “Yes, very dangerous. We must take certain precautions, otherwise you could end up in hospital or in a coffin,” said Mr Doe.
The police has now been taken with the presence of masked humor, but know they can go through dangerous situations and risk their lives.
The Rain City … also include Phoenix and Buster Doe, Green Reaper, No Name, Gemini, Thorn, Penelope, Thunder 88 and Catastrophe. And as stated, are not the only nor the first.
Real Life Superheroes (RLSH) is the equivalent of the Justice League. Has between 50 and 150 active real heroes in major U.S. cities and in countries like Great Britain, Mexico and Italy.
“RLSH is a movement of people who create characters, wear costumes and go out to make a positive difference in their communities,” he told this newspaper the unsung hero running the site, a sort of official communications of the group.
I could not obviate the question why use masks to do good deeds? “To attract attention, if we do not use layers and costumes would not have the impact we have.”
A common phrase is masked, “make the world a better place.” RLSH they say in “with their actions can make a difference. Everyone can make a difference.” Buster ratifying Doe: “I’m just a man in a mask who dreams of a better tomorrow and pursues his fantasy future.”
This Christmas, the children of Seattle and U.S. can play relaxed because outside, where evil lurks, Phoenix Jones, Buster Doe and the rest of masked men patrolled the streets with one goal: to make this a better world.
300 superheroes of meat and bone is estimated to exist in the United States, according to the documentary “Superheroes.”
Caped vigilante mid January next year is released in U.S. the documentary “Superheroes,” “a journey into the world of the caped crusader in real life,” according to advertising.
The production follows the everyday heroes like Mr. Xtreme, a security guard by day and night watchman who patrols the streets of San Diego, or the New York Initiative, a quartet of Brooklyn neighborhoods custody. The documentary premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival.
Vigilantes and mask layer without superpowers are fictional material in recent years. Movies like “Kick-ass” (2010), “Defendor” (2009), and Chile “Mirageman” (2007), with Marko Zaror, touch the subject.

Grappling Hooks, Smoke Bombs, and the RLSH.

Of all the many different wonderful and fantastical devices that the big screen and all the different blockbuster movies on Super Heroes have have put in the public eye as the big “tools of the trade” that Super Heroes have on our utility belt, the two I get asked about the most are the “grappling hooks” and “smoke bombs“.
People new to the RLSH community – often people with no experience or skills – will often make the incorrect assumption that these tools are OK to use and should be carried around as part of the standard gear “that all RLSH must carry to be legit”.
This is incorrect. In fact the opposite is more true.  If I see a guy claiming to be a RLSH who uses smoke bombs I’m going to treat him as at best , a noob with no real world experience, or at worse, a poser who is looking for attention.
I can however understand why people would feel this way.  It is not hard to get the vision in your mind of Batman or other well known Super Heroes just oozing cool as they extend their arm and shoot a grappling hook into the depths of the dark skyline above them, the soft “clink” as it hits telling them to test the line with a soft pull before optionally speaking “the catch phrase” and then silently and quickly fading into the darkness above, all while a small smoke bomb obscures the view so it looks like they just vanished into thin air.
The problem is, it doesn’t work like that in real life.   As somebody who has experience with both of these tools and as anybody who has actually tried this can confirm, both of these tools are just not practical and will usually get in your way and make it harder to do good works.  And as somebody who actually does go out and fight crime I can say that in general these two items are more trouble then they are worth.
Despite the fact that I have been doing this RLSH thing since 1999 I find it odd that people still think I am being “lame”, “uncool” or even “a stick in the mud” when I attempt to give them the benefit of my experience and explain for the 9001th time why these two items are usually not even functional, and are in general not even considered legal to use.
The mythography of the grappling gun or smoke bomb is so ingrained in the american culture of “cool super hero tools” that you just cant get it out of many peoples heads.
Sadly, due to this fact a lot of people would win a Darwin Award if not for the advice I post here, so it is my hope that in this blog post I can better explain the issues involved, as well as provide a resource I can point to in the future for the people in the community who want to learn and do good.
First Item: The Grappling Hook
You see multiple versions of this in the movies or available to buy online. From really expensive to suspiciously cheap, a lot of smart retailers have learned that even if its not practical or even legal to use, they can still sell them to inexperienced people who have more money then brains and make a fast buck.   This ranges from buying the hook and everything separately, to half finished kits – sold that way to help mitigate any legal liability the company has when you hurt yourself – that require expensive to buy one-use gas cartridges to function.
A fast google search finds a lot of “ninja gear” packages when you type in “grappling hook”. Basically, since most people are uncreative and generally ignorant enough that they do not have the skills or experience to tell how bad quality these “kits” are, a large market exists for pre-packaged “You want to be a ninja? Buy our stuff and you will be a ninja.” tool-sets.   Most people doing this usually have no idea what the Ninja (Shinobi) really are, and even more people somehow along the way forget that Ninjutsu is actualy an entire education system that teaches its students much more then fightings skills, as even meteorology (The study of weather patterns) is taught.. but that is a different subject.
Looking at the kits I find in Google the breaking strengths of each hook varies wildly. You know why? Because they the sellers often do not know themselves.  Here is a direct quote from the marketing used by one of the suppliers:

Most grappling hooks are large, heavy, bulky, and risky to use because the breaking strength of the metal is largely unknown.

.. and every single one I can find online in a fast search now is from 1.5 to 3 pounds, or about as much as a half gallon of milk. So what happens when you are 100 feet up in the air – lets just say you are in shape enough to be able to do it – and the hook breaks? Looking at item comments on Amazon, I find that many such items that are sold to the inexperienced people who buy them break easily, and there are many stories of people falling or worse. Look it up yourself if you do not trust me.
OK so what about line? Rope is surprisingly cheap, but good rope that will take the weight of a large muscled guy, body armor, and the rest weights about 8 pounds. About as much as a full gallon of Milk. Would you carry a gallon of milk with you on patrol on your belt, on the off chance that you may need it?
But wait. Lets say you do not mind walking around with a gallon and a half of milk worth of climbing equipment gear on the off chance you “might” need it. Lets say you are very physically fit and have no problem scaling a smooth un-knotted rope while wearing full ballistics armor and all your other gear.  So how do you actually USE it without breaking the law or damaging somebody else’s property?
We all know that breaking other peoples stuff is illegal. If you break somebodies window, or crash into a persons car, you will usually end up paying a huge fine and possibly even going to jail as such acts are considered vandalism or even theft in the wrong situation. The same is true of peoples houses or commercial buildings, the building just costs more to buy or repair.
The biggest issue I have seen that keeps people from understand this issue is that people do not understand how a grappling hook actually works, and as such they do not understand that to function the hook must damage the property it is being used on in order to get a secure enough hold on the building that the person attempting to climb up has a good enough anchor to do so.
In order to function, the grappling hook has to “catch” on 2 (or of they lucky, more) of its hooks. These hooks dig into the stone (or whatever the buildings is made of) and sink into it with “teeth” in order to get a anchor. To work, this has to at least scratch up or otherwise damage the building.   In fact if the grappling hook catches the wrong thing, its entirely possible that the brick of a building will be pulled to the side enough that the very top pf the wall where it catches will break and come tumbling down on top of the person who attempted to climb. That really depends on how old the wall is, but do you really want to risk it?
A Real Life Super Hero would never damage somebodies home or property, so this alone makes grappling hooks just not worth the trouble. Add the rest of the issues I have discussed, and they become impractical to carry on your nightly patrol long before the issue is legality comes up. And yet because of the damage they do to property Grappling Hooks are illegal to actually use in most countries of the world, and for this reason and the fact that using them damages others property they are antithetical to the spirit of altruism and good works that a true Real Life Super Hero has.
Bottom Line: If you want to be a real life super hero, show others how cool and experienced you are by not even trying to use a graping hook.
Second Item: The Smoke Bomb
Smoke Bombs may look cool, but they are actually pretty toxic and can create great harm to innocent lives if the smoke is breathed in. While many will debate about exactly HOW TOXIC the smoke of different types is, the fact is we all agree that smoke is toxic and breathing smoke of any type is bad for you.
If you think smoke is good for you, or otherwise don’t think I am right, feel free to go ahead and ask a fire fighter or doctor – somebody who actually goes to training classes to learn about smoke/etc – what his or her opinion is.
Still think Smoke Bombs are a good idea? Let me ask you this: What happens if one night you use a smoke bomb to get away from a bunch of thugs you don’t have the experience or training to otherwise deal with directly.. and a baby on the other side of the window above where this all happens breaths in the toxic fumes and dies? They can not get away because statistically they are in a crib, possibly asleep. You would have murdered the baby. The same goes with peoples well loved pets (Birds are well known to be sensitive to smoke, and older pets of any type can not move as fast as they once did) the elderly or disabled (who may not be mobile at all), or anybody with a breathing problem, has weak lungs, or just cant get out of the way of the smoke. You could end up killing an innocent person or animal without meaning to.
Since I’m going to assume you want to fire smoke bombs at night, what about the people who are sleeping soundly and may not be able to wake before they suffocate to death because of your desire to “be cool” and use smoke bombs?
Tell me, would the crying mother who just lost her baby to smoke inhalation because you used a smoke bomb think you were cool?
But lets say you get really lucky and nobody gets hurt. Smoke bombs are also considered illegal under many local laws, and can be considered illegal anywhere in the united states if you do a strict reading of the laws, so you may get lucky and just be charged with a misdemeanor.  It goes on your criminal record, you have to go to court, you pay a fine, and then when the police look at you claiming to be the good guy they can print out your criminal record and tell you “no, your not your a criminal, its right here on your criminal record”.
A Real Life Super Hero would never knowingly harm innocent lives, so this alone makes smoke bombs not something you want to use as they are antithetical to the spirit of altruism and good works that a true Real Life Super Hero has.   Add to it the other issues I have discussed, and they become not only impractical to carry on your nightly patrol, but actively harmful to YOU and your efforts to be seen as the good guy or do good deeds.
Bottom Line: Smoke bombs are not practical, not worth the risk to innocent lives, and are often considered illegal anyway so they are not something a real Real Life Super Hero would ever actually use.

Team Justice X-Mas 2010