Saving the world on a sneaker string budget is what activists of all sorts and average Joes and Janes do daily without fanfare or, cynics accuse, impact.  My short hand phrase for such modest philanthropy is ” micro-good. “

While not as well financed as the United Nations or the USDA, micro-gooders nonetheless possess certain advantages.

There is no exacting, time consuming grant review process one endures until “yeah” or “nay” is heard. Micro-gooders decide with the aid recipient(s) before them and thus by pass bureaucratic inertia.Micro-good has the distinct advantage of operating beyond the clutches of big government and what I call ” big Givers ” i.e. well known charities whose paperwork pyramids delay service delivery to those in need.
I prefer micro-good because of its availability.
I regularly give food; small amounts of money and other iteams without awaiting permission from some distant home office. Other superhero themed activists alongside conventional micro-gooders offer on site help while big givers are inside far away service centers.
One model isn’t better than the other but the case for micro-good ( especially in this grinding Recession ) needs to be made. Big government and big givers don’t often visit doorways; libraries; abandoned buildings; alleys and confrontations to assist people.
The war against hunger and homelessness extends beyond budget debates; soup kitchens and EBT cards. Along with such large components are micro-gooders acting as frontline troops against persistent problems big government and big business haven’t conquered either.
Conventional Left/Right bickering doesn’t serve Americans whom the safety net perhaps hasn’t caught.
Into this void, undeterred by its enormity are micro-gooders who help when the offices of big peers are often closed.
Folks don’t worry about not being big enough to eradicate hwat has plagued mankind for millenia.
Micro-good is what free people do within the scope of their imagination; limited resources and network.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention & homeless outreach. [email protected] is where dollar super power can be sent to help me help others.

CAPT BLACK: (504) 214-3082

Nadra Enzi

Easter Seals Drop Zone event for 2009 September 15th

Message from Thanatos:
-I am a real life superhero here in Vancouver, dedicated to fighting crime and evil. I was inspired as a child myself by such great heroes as the Shadow, the Spirit, the Green Hornet, Doc Savage and others.
I wear a mask to hide my identity because who I am is not as important as what I do.
I fight evil by being a symbol to people everywhere to prove to all that ONE person can make a difference.
Helping Easter Seals help these kids with disabilites is my biggest challenge.
I am so proud to be a part of Easter Seal’s Drop Zone event. I have a special place in my heart for these kids. Fighting for them is one of the greatest challenges we can face.
Children with disabilities have always held a special place in my heart. I won’t go into the specifics, let’s just say I know from my experiences in the past.
These are great kids. Wonderful kids who deserve a chance to live and enjoy and just exsist like any other normal child. The fact that they have special needs and requirements to sometimes do even the simplest things we take for granted means we have to do more.
The United Nations has set forth, the basic human rights of a child. That’s right. A child. It dosent say only the rich. It dosent say only those who have two legs and can run. It dosent say only those who need no care.
It says a child. Even a child who needs help, who needs care. Who needs special devices just to live and move around.
These are the ones who need our help.
These are the ones we can reach out and help. Right now.
I am asking for you to back me in this. What ever your reasons. I would go farther than 20 storeys for these kids.
If I can do this to draw attention to what Easter Seals is doing, then you can be a superhero as well by donating and helping make a difference.
That is what it is all about. Helping to make a difference in the lives of these children.
Thank you on behalf of some very special kids.
I am asking everyone to please, help Easter Seals fight evil in a big way and help these kids. Last year I raised $760 to help these special kids out. I didnt get to do the rappel down the 30 story building but that’s OK. The rappel is just a perk and a good way to show the world that we, real life superheroes really do care. I am proud that I raised money to help them out and this year I am doing the same thing.
my goal is $1500 in order to rappel but I want to raise as much as I can for Easter Seals. it dosent matter if I make the goal or not. every little bit helps.
All I am asking is that everyone who reads this, everyone who goes out and tries to make this world a better place just donate $5. with all the members of these boards I should be able to go far beyond the goal and really help make a difference. You can make that difference.
go to my profile at
and give what you can. show the world we really are what we say we are.
Easter Seals does so much that I thought it best if youread their own words on what they do.