Captain Ozone leads Green Power Rally

Orignally posted:
April 27th, 2010 judy
Now THIS is interesting news.
Apparently, for the past 21 years, the superhero world has had a member I knew nothing about. His name is Captain Ozone, and he has been saving endangered species, promoting renewable energy and ecological art, and teaching school kids how to become environmental activists on television.
I received a press release today that informed me Captain Ozone (“considered by many to be the most phenomenal environmental activist of all time.”) allegedly started the modern-day “real-life superhero” movement when he made his debut in 1989.
The masked superhero apparently claims to be from the year 2039 from whence he time-traveled to 1989 on a mission to save the world from an ill-fated future.
Unfamiliar with Captain Ozone, I decided to view a video documentary about his superhero achievements so as to be better informed. If you want to follow suit, click here.  I think it is worth the visit.
If you check out the video, you’ll notice that Captain Ozone isn’t as svelte as some other superheroes you’ve seen. And his high-tech equipment is reminiscent of stuff you probably watched Maxwell Smart use in the “Get Smart” TV series in the mid-1960s.
While Captain Ozone is similar in some ways to other costumed crime fighters, he is unique in others. Those interviewed in the video describe him as “an artist, a scientist, a sly jokester, and a noble defender of natural resources.” He also is oddly described as a “bean eating flatulating superhero.”
Make of this what you will.
According to the press release, Captain Ozone wants America to be the vanguard of the Green Power revolution, and he is “all for Obama’s New Energy for America plan.”
So with that said, I inform you that Captain Ozone and Environmental Media Northwest are leading what they claim will be the biggest peaceful demonstration for renewable energy ever! It is called “Green Power Rally,” and it is going to take place in many cities throughout the US and Canada on July 31, 2010.
By definition, Green Power Rally is to be an optimistic peaceful demonstration to raise public awareness and support for zero-emissions energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and hydro power.
Hung up a bit on getting to know Captain Ozone, I didn’t look into the actual rally, but you can if you like. And if you want to become a peaceful demonstrator for Green Power Rally, you can sign up here.
Oh, and if you want to contact Captain Ozone directly, you can find him on Myspace listed under CaptainOzone.

Green Power Rally

Environmental Media Northwest, Captain Ozone and a group of local citizens are organizing a public demonstration for renewable energy known as “Green Power Rally” which will occur on Saturday, July 31st, 2010.
This will be the very first demonstration of its kind in America, raising public awareness and support for renewable energy far and wide.
Green Power Rally is not an aggressive protest against the fossil fuel or nuclear power corporations. It is an optimistic, peaceful demonstration to support zero-emissions energy.
The demonstration will teach local citizens the following:
1) Green Power can make all nations energy self-sufficient – eliminating wars over limited supplies of foreign oil.
2) Zero-emissions energy will never cause climate change.
3) Green Power can create millions of new industrial jobs – boosting our global economy.
4) 12 ways to be a Green Power activist.

Captain Ozone is looking for other Real-life Superheroes who wish to become lead public demonstrators in their home cities for Green Power Rally.
Wearing your superhero uniform, you will be leading a small group of your friends and family who will be demonstrating for Green Power with you in your local community. Your superhero uniform will act as an attention-grabber for your local media!
If you’re interested in becoming a lead public demonstrator for Green Power Rally in your home city, please contact Captain Ozone at
~Captain Ozone

Green Power Rally will take place on Saturday, July 31st, 2010.
For more information about this demonstration, go to