Q and A: Mask- Saving Face

Mr. Jack
PostSubject: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:39 pm
I have been self-debating the pros and cons of mask wearing, and I wondered what the general opinion was. I showed my face once in Portland and it has had me thinking since about what good a mask really does. I personally love masks, but there has been a part of me questioning the functionality of them and I wanted to hear some other thoughts.
I’ll start out by stating my reasons and love of wearing a mask. I know that a lot of people say that there are detriments to a mask, but I find that my mask is one of my defining features. I like it better than my face, to be honest. The mask allows me to erase the man beneath and step into what I want. It siphons off the normalcy and individualism and elevates me. I find exhilaration when I wear my mask, and especially when I wear my full suit. I have always been one for dress-up. This goes beyond that. When I look in the mirror I do not see myself, I see Mr. Jack, and all the potential he comes with.
On a more practical level, masks allow anonymity, plausible deniability, and to not be caught. I’m not doing anything illegal, but activism has its costs, and in a small town like mine I would prefer not to be known.
I guess my whole thing is that the mask allows for a certain freedom that I could not otherwise obtain. By wearing the mask, I allow myself to become something different, better, courageous. To quote one of my Artists: “Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.”
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:52 pm
Well, I never really even considered one. But I know a lot of the cops in my town & they would have figured out it was me pretty quick anyway.
Also I have the Supermobile so anybody wanting my ID would just run the tag.
The pro of no mask is it’s given TJ the ability to be the first RLSH Non-Profit in history, as I can do all the paperwork, but protect everyone elses ID.
The Con is that I’m out in the open. I’ve made it clear elsewhere that the major reason I started packing wasn’t because of Supervillains, but because of so called Superheroes that befriended me for years then suddenly went nuts & turnned on me, thinking I was a Govt. agent or some such crap.
You’re real easy to find with a public ID. You just have to make them wish they’d never found you.
As for the mask itself, Somebody cranks it, you’re blind. They kick your ass. Although most places have “Mask Laws” you usually have to be in commision of a crime to be prosecuted. But most cops don’t care. They stop you & give you a cavity search anyway. you can’t go anywhere near a store, etc. etc.
there is a LOT to weigh in when deciding on a mask or not.
Silver Sentinel
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:54 pm
As long as you’re approachable, then wear the mask. I know that you’re one of the ones that wants people to be able to approach you and not be frightened off. Wear the mask. It’s part of your outrageous style! It gives you flair and panache.
My normal identity opens many doors for me, so the fact many people can identify me under the goggles isn’t so terrible. But if you prefer the anonymity, go for it.
By the way.. even without the mask.. the bright flashy suits are going to make “getting away” kind of difficult.
Mr. Jack
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:03 pm
I have a night suit that I use for that sort of thing, and as of late I have been going plainclothes. I use the suit for when I am out in the open, like at a meet or when I am donating. I try to wear the mask as often as possible, though.
As for self-defense, if anyone ever gets near enough to crank my mask then I have done something seriously wrong and probably deserve to get the crap beat out of me. I am more of a stealth guy. But still, you bring up a valid point, Superhero.
Dark Ghost
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:03 pm
Like you I wear a mask for anonymity plus and also like you when I wear my mask I feel a freedom that I have never felt before I feel stronger and like you more courageous. Now the other reason I wear a mask is due to the fact that alot of people in my area know my face. I like the anonymity because it keeps my family and friends safe.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:18
You know SS has a point, your look (like mine) is extemely “garrish” so people don’t really feel threatened by you. I’d imagine people would more than likely walk up to you in your Purple & Yellow & say “Hi! What are you doing here?” then be scared.
Even kids.
Color means a lot when it comes to masks.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:49 pm
Well, in my case. The Ol’ Red, White and Blue tends to help. I find way more people are receptive to it, than some of my past persona’s.
So, I don’t really get hassled about my mask. I’m actually working on some posters, and business cards (Check out the thread in the Drawing Board Section) thanks to an idea from a clerk at a gas station. Went in there to use their facilities and get a drink. Got to talking to the Clerk, who’s the manager there, wanted to know if I had a poster or sign that he could hang on the door, letting others know, that I come by there. Like that it’s under my watch. Told him, I’d see if I could come up with something.
I like very much, right now, that Patriot, is seperate from me. The mask allows me to go about without being recognized as everyones favorite star spangled bruiser. Although, once summer hits, this year I’m debating on a Smallville inspired uniform, with a much smaller mask.
I apologize if I rambled, but I believe I’ve given my piece in there somewhere.
master legend
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:39 am
the black does present more of a mean side.the good thing about black or red is that it don’t show the blood stains.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:42 am
Originally I wasn’t going to wear a mask. Maybe an eye one like Robin. Seems to me like it would inhibit my hearing and vision and make it harder to breath and understand. Every time I’ve worn a mask I felt annoyed lol. On top of all that, I have a giant head and fat cheeks. I’d look reeeeaaally silly in a mask. But now that I’m seriously considering becoming active, I realize I don’t want people to know who I am. I don’t go out much. When I do its to get something done. I guess I feel like if nobody knows who I really am, then nobody can stroll right up to my house and attack it or my family. What if I screw up and ruin my reputation as a good guy? I’d rather have my identity get blamed and just design a new one than have my entire town hate me. Maybe I should start designing a mask just in case… /worry
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:39 pm

DayDreamer wrote:
Originally I wasn’t going to wear a mask. Maybe an eye one like Robin. Seems to me like it would inhibit my hearing and vision and make it harder to breath and understand. Every time I’ve worn a mask I felt annoyed lol. On top of all that, I have a giant head and fat cheeks. I’d look reeeeaaally silly in a mask. But now that I’m seriously considering becoming active, I realize I don’t want people to know who I am. I don’t go out much. When I do its to get something done. I guess I feel like if nobody knows who I really am, then nobody can stroll right up to my house and attack it or my family. What if I screw up and ruin my reputation as a good guy? I’d rather have my identity get blamed and just design a new one than have my entire town hate me. Maybe I should start designing a mask just in case… /worry

Much like what was stated here, wearing a mask is for the benifit of friends and family, I personally think its a bit care less and selfish to persue and ,most likley, piss-off hardcore criminals, with no way of hiding your identity, because you are putting friends and family at risk, they are at risk because of YOUR actions.
And also, with a mask (hidden identity) it becomes easy to lay low for a while, after a serious investigation or serious event reguarding your ‘RLSH’ self.
Super Guest
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:43 pm

Vague wrote:
Much like what was stated here, wearing a mask is for the benifit of friends and family, I personally think its a bit care less and selfish to persue and ,most likley, piss-off hardcore criminals, with no way of hiding your identity, because you are putting friends and family at risk, they are at risk because of YOUR actions.
And also, with a mask (hidden identity) it becomes easy to lay low for a while, after a serious investigation or serious event reguarding your ‘RLSH’ self.

There is no such thing as a 100% foolproof way to ‘protect’ your identity. Only to hide it. And even then it could always be figured out. So pissing off criminals posesses the same level of threat to your family if you were to hide your identity, than if you were to not hide your identity.
The question is how effective could you be at putting them away so that even if they are pissed off, they can’t do anything to you. Or how influential you may be to making them not dislike you (if you make sure that if you patrol with someone else, one of you plays good cop, the other plays bad cop).
Cops don’t hide their identities.
And let’s assume you’re right, and that you piss off a criminal, and you aren’t wearing a mask. That just means 2 steps to tracking you down. Step 1- They find out where you live. Step 2- They get you.
Versus if you are wearing a mask. Step 1- They find out who you are, Step 2- They find out where you live, Step 3- They get you.
So it won’t stop the process from happening entirely, assuming they want to go after you bad enough. It would just delay it, perhaps.
Wearing a mask and/or just makes them want to go after you that much more. I think a lot of you put on a mask because you want to be like Batman. Deep down you love to feel like Batman. But the reasons you state are the same reasons Batman states “I must protect my identity, I must protect those I care about…” but if you really want to hide your identities that much, have any of you ever tried disguising yourselves as someone else entirely? Make-up, glasses, facial hair, wig, different clothing styles – perhaps making yourself appear to be the opposite gender?
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:21 pm
It does not pose the same threat level because they need to find out your identity, if you are making it THAT easy for the criminals to find out who you are (showing your face) then i dont understand how you are thinking about the saftey of your family and friends.
Step 1 is a big step, and depends on how skillfull you are, if you are skillfull enough to hide your identity from others, and patrol in a big enough place (like london) then hiding your identity from criminas isnt too hard, especially if alot of effort and thought goes into it.
The criminals dont hunt down cops because there are serious implications for doing so, the cops have the law on their side and it would be stupid to attack a cop and/or his family for ‘cop-related’ issues, and even then, you still hear stories about cops being killed and such be criminals because of past arrests or so…
I agree, it does make them want to go after you that much more, but no more than being a ‘RLSH’ in the first place, i would rather hide my face, then show my face with a different disguise, remember the serious criminals dont ask questions first, if they see someone that looks like a certain person has pissed them off so much, then that person is at risk, meaning that i can disguise my face with make up an glasses an such, but it still shows my face, and its really no more different to wearing a mask.
Super Guest
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:36 pm
All it takes is for one, or a few of them to pull off your mask and they could find out who you are. Now, it doesn’t always necessarily mean they can find out your name and info from there, unless they already knew you. But it makes it that much more easier for them. Now if the mask works for you well, and you don’t have any extra unnecessary problems with it, then more power to you. I would just suggest not letting it give you a false sense of security. Plan for those worst case scenarios.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:46 pm
Thats true, my point is that having a mask provides more protection than having none, im always aware of my mask and the fact that it could be pulled off, and believe me if I could go out without a mask I would (it would be alot easier to blend in and also not attract attention, as well as not affect my Peripheral vision) but I feel safer with one on..
Theres Pros and cons about mask issues, it all depends on the individual, if you have friends or family to worry about, if you patrol in a big area where nobody would recognise you without your mask anyway, if you feel that you can achieve more with a mask on.. etc,
But yeah, remember, its only an extra measure of protection, dosent really protect your identity fully…
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:57 pm
I think that a mask is a way to become more than just that guy who wakes up in the morning and drinks some coffee and goes of to work. You can become an image that is forever immortal and indestructable. Now obviously there are some down sides with wairing one, such as your vision being possibly obstructed. Nevertheless, If your identity is protected and overall, your personal wellfare and safety, a mask is an upside. Also, if its some kind of Domino, best to change your hair if possible.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:44 pm
What about masks for functionality? Protect the eyes from things like sand and the like. Perhaps something over the mouth to protect against inhalants (smoke, etc.). That’s where my head is at with to mask or not to mask. I suppose it depends on the community you’re in but where I’m at, it’s statistically improbable I’ll be recognized and later tracked down. No need for anonymity. Yes need for protecting my baby blues. Medium need for cool factor. I’m pretty badass on my own. Genetics.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:56 am

JohnnyVegas wrote:
What about masks for functionality? Protect the eyes from things like sand and the like. Perhaps something over the mouth to protect against inhalants (smoke, etc.). That’s where my head is at with to mask or not to mask. I suppose it depends on the community you’re in but where I’m at, it’s statistically improbable I’ll be recognized and later tracked down. No need for anonymity. Yes need for protecting my baby blues. Medium need for cool factor. I’m pretty badass on my own. Genetics.

Actualley, protection of my eyes is partly why I wear my mask, well the goggles anyway, im looking to get some new goggles that have a wider range of vision, early on last year i looked at gettin a mask to protect against harmful inhalants, and im still looking into that now…
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Mr. Jack
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:16 pm
I think she means monkeydungeon. Follow the link here if you dare (0-):
I think one of the biggest issues about mask wearing is the limit on visual field, but I am seeking to overcome that. My current mask actually does not limit my sight very much at all. And about the cranking thing, I am seeking a way to integrate my mask into an under shirt or anchor somehow so as it does not turn when pulled like that.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:10 pm
Quite frankly, for all of you who are actively seeking criminals, or anyone in particular, I’d make the face less recognizable. Don’t want questions to turn into answers.
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PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:38 pm
I wear a simple bandanna around my mouth and nose, as well as wearing sunglasses. I guess this does obscure my identity, but my “mask” is really a matter of practicality. I’m often picking up stinky refuse and getting my face down in the dirt and dust and stuff. Since I suffer from asthma, it’s better for me to not inhale that kind of thing and the bandanna helps with that.
Super Guest
@Samen. actually that is a practical way to do it. Any you can “lose” the “mask” in a big hurry that way.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:29 pm
Yeah, if it came down to it, having a bandanna and sunglasses is way less noticeable than an actual mask I guess.
the KnightVigil
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:56 am
I’ve gone with and without my mask depending on the situation… I typically wear my mask more so out of physical protection than to hide my identity… it has a totally different surface and offers about half a centimeter of padding, but its a bit hot on summer days… Also to me, the complete image of the mask with my suit in particular is more intimidating… I have been toying with the idea of redesigning a lacrosse mask so i can take advantage of the steel mesh, but we’ll see lol, might have to talk to Z about the best way to do that
Mr. Jack
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:28 pm
I have been toying with armor capabilities integrated into my mask, but I am worried about the bulk. If anyone has questions about masks, the guy to go to is definitely Z. He makes fine quality stuff and can get you what you need. You could also ask Victim, but I am not sure whether he does masks.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:10 pm
Protection is one thing, but from an identity standpoint, disguises are way underrated. Get some colored contacts, some rinse-out costume hair color. Make-up can be used to darken your skin tone, and even alter facial structure- and no, I don’t mean prosthetics, more along the lines of “optical illusions”; by lightening or darkening certain areas to give the effect of highlights and shadows, you can make parts of your face appear more prominant.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:42 am
I just explain what I am and what I’m doing and havent had any trouble yet even when doing my handouts to tht ehomelss. for some reason they seem to get the explanation I give and have taken to me because of it.
in stores I just explain and shrug off the strange looks. no one has called the cops on me yet, in fact most of the police seem to try to ignore me. guess they figure I’m just one more nut job out there and dont want to do the paperwork on it.
we went into a homeless camp during the olympics and while the salvation army, red cross and our police said they couldnt and wouldnt enter we had no problems. they all got who we were and we made a bunch of new friends.
PostSubject: Re: Saving Face Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:02 pm
as to superhero fashion shows; looked it up on youtube, this might “arouse” something…… just not your desire to go out in public like what I saw on the runway. unless of course you were those models…….. or looking to slap somebody with a sexual harassment suit.
also; some things you’re hoping are simply hoping to be superhero related….. aren’t. be careful what you click…… sometimes you simply end up with more questions, like “How can she be comfortable in that suit?” or “Why’d they post this and leave out the best parts?” my favorite is “do you think she can taste that?” alongside “Wow…. I thought they didn’t get that close to those parts of the anatomy on youtube….. isn’t there somebody making sure these videos are okay for kids? I mean… I can clearly see her hoo-hah.”
seriously tho; as to masks, I’m considering one for public things seriously.

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Peace and Pieces

By Mr. Jack
The word “Islam” is derived from the Arabic root word of “salema.” For those unfamiliar with this beautiful tongue, it means peace in the most general sense. Like all words, it has multiple definitions, which include purity, submission, and obedience. We hear these words in English, and we think power, we think control. This is not, however, the same thing. Submission and obedience in Arabic are more akin to the English words of humbleness and respect. In essence, the word Islam seeks to embody the ideal relationship that a person should have with god: that of reverent service and loving piety and peace.
Islam is founded on the Five Pillars of faith. Shahadah, which means to witness roughly as in the way Christians only witness one god above all others, Zakat, alms giving, Salah, which is prayer, Sawm, which is fasting to show devotion, and the Hajj, or the pilgrimage to the holy land. Together these five hallmarks embody the two ultimate beliefs in Arabic: love of god, and love of neighbor and family.
When viewed in conjunction with Christianity, which is what the majority of Americans believe in, it is quite simple to see the connections. Both share a devotion to god, a respect and honoring of neighbor, and a love of family and charity. In fact, Islam and Christianity are almost one and the same, having both gone off of the Torah with their own further interpretations. They are both Semitic in origin, and their cultures are inexorably tied together.
I point out these definitions because it is through a terrible great many traumas and issues which we as Americans have come to view the Islamic world as a world of hate, violence and control, which is rather what the Islamic world tends to also say about America. The most recent agitation of the feud concerns the actions of 19 men.
19 men. Radicals of a religion which few others would ever take to the same extremes. Vigilantes, who saw widespread injustice and sought to destroy it. Just a dozen and a half men who decided that enough was enough, and that they would make the ultimate sacrifice to prove that their faith, their countries, and their world would not be subjugated under might and power.
And then the towers fell.
And then the other radicals began to talk. Radicals of a politic which few others would ever take to the same extremes. Crusaders, who saw widespread injustice and sought to destroy it. Just a dozen and a half men who decided that enough was enough, and that they would send others to make the ultimate sacrifice to prove that their faith, their country, and their world would not be threatened by inferiors rebels and terrorists.
People forgot about the hundreds of Arab Americans who also died when the towers fell, who had come to this country peacefully with the same promise we all ultimately have. They forgot about the thousands of Muslim families in America who watched in horror as their beloved nation was attacked, and then turned on them with hate and blame. They forgot how both faiths, brothers in belief, had been born of the same love of god, man, and peace.
And suddenly, Islam meant hate. There was no understanding, no time to even think. There was only action, and anger, and pain, and suffering, and a terrible outcry about things which people could not quite define but had known to be for thousands of years. And then there was war.
Nine years after that attack we still have not healed. People of Islamic faith in America are looked down upon with derision and suspicion. Our brothers and sisters, who suffered as the Japanese Americans did in World War II for the same sort of incident, still suffer today. We look upon them as aliens, as conspirators, as terrorists. We do not recognize that they too are victims of an attack. An attack which struck their honor and the very hallmarks of all they believe. They are as us, and we are all still in pain and pieces.
And it is not right.
Today is a day of remembrance for the fallen, but it should also be a remembrance of those who still live on. We all live with a burden, of guilt, of loss, and of misunderstanding.
If we are ever to understand peace, we must understand our own hate first. We must conquer that general loathing we harbor wantonly, and realize that this was not just an attack on white, Christian America, but an attack on everything Islam stands for, everything the Arab world has tried to accomplish, and everything we have today. It was an attack on all of us.
As people who are attempting to be exemplars of society, we must not give in, no matter how deep our hate and no matter how great our pain is, to our desire to relieve that pain but dealing it out to those we feel have wronged us. The violence we deliver never heals. It will always leave a wound and always leave somebody else who then thinks they can relieve it with putting it on to something else. If we ever are to live in peace, we must bring the pieces of our wild anger into bounds. And we must love.
This day is a day of mourning. For today people still die because of that attack. People still burn books because of it. And people still cry for war because of it. Until that stops, and until we as progressing humans attempt to help our own hate and hurt end, there can never be healing.

Shadow on the Sun

I have had a hard time as of late. It could just be me, but I see stagnation in our community. This could just be a break in the constant drama we usually are consumed in, but I just feel like things are sagging. Maybe this is the summer feel, maybe it is something else.
I just feel hard to be motivated at this point. Down on my spirits if you will. I am working to get the rally organized and trying to do meetups, but there is just this burning itch that says it is not enough, that urges me to go on forward. But I do not feel it.
With the advent of the new Heroes Network comes and opportunity to build. There has been a tremendous amount of influx and reorganizing on RLSH.net as well, but despite this I still just feel that at this point, we have hit a level.
It is a time of regrouping, reorganization, and, in a lot of ways, rest. Many RLSH have retired from public eye, and the private organizations among us are coalescing in their own hidden ways. Meets are being organized, things are on the verge of occurring, but as of right now, I see very little actually happening.
This could just be my interpretation, but I believe that we are seeing a new growth in the way our wacky world works.
In the beginning days, we saw individuals all arising to the same idea: dress up, go out, and help people. With the information age fueling connectivity between people it was not long before we saw groups form. Small, private, and hard working, these groups set the tone and bars of expectation.
It was not long before these small groups gave way to larger groups, and all the drama and fragmentation we have seen from their formation. We saw things go two ways: private and public. One side embraced the idea of individuals, the other of community. Both brought different things to the table, but the fall of these two systems is once again imminent. Why is this so?
We are going mainstream.
Deny it all you want, but interest in whatever the hell you call what we do has risen to popular status. With the exposure brought on by the Mr. Tangen’s project, movies, ads, and general interest by the media, we are now stepping out of the shadows into a greater one: that of the public.
RLSH.net alone has seen a tremendous boom in users, and many are staying and contributing. Other sites are springing up, and as I have said before we are all starting new projects and paths it seems. We are at a new age of public involvement with what we do, or at least dangerously close to the cusp of such.
I do not state any opinion with this. This is merely the marking of a growth our lives. It is important to note things, and I believe that if anyone else feels this same stagnate quiet of reorder and growth that I do, then we are at a very interesting time indeed, my friends.
I will post tomorrow about summer patrols. In the meantime, reflect on where we are. As the old saying goes, you have to know where you have been to know where you are going.
Stay frosty.
Written by Mr. Jack
Original Content –  http://maskedmusings.blogspot.com/2010/06/shadow-on-sun.html

Masked Humility

Originally posted: http://maskedmusings.blogspot.com/2010/06/awareness-3-masked-humility.html
By Mr. Jack
The mask does not make you, you make the mask.
Sometimes in our little community of costumed crazies we sometimes come to think that we deserve more attention and respect than we actually deserve. Let us be very clear: you are a person who is dressing up in homage to fictional cartoon superheroes who goes out and attempts the delusional, yes delusional, fantasy of helping and fixing the world’s problem dressed as such. This is what we do. Nothing more, nothing less. Some of us do it better than others, some of us worse. Some of us actually were born to do it, while some are born to destroy what others have created. In the end, however, we all do this same one thing.
Sometimes, however, caught up in our great delusional fantasy we become arrogant, and desire more value of our person than is worth others. And the issue here is desire. Desire poisons that which you try to purify. Have any of it in your life, and it seeps into the vessels of your actions and ruins them.
For those of us with “secret identities” this desire is actually a great temptress, because while great things can be done by anonymous people in masks no one will actually care that you did it. Secrecy is a great tool in our trade, and can be employed and exploited. It helps us to be confident, keeps us out of many troubles, separates a life we wish others to not be involved with. But with secrecy we may also desire the possibility of power. Since no one knows you, you can act as you wish, do as you please, and belittle whomever you desire in your great quest for the greater good.
This is wrong. Again, the whole desire thing eventually ends up corrupting every aspect of your intentions until none are left. But there are times when we are so tempted to reveal, so questioned by everyone around you for your worth and responsibility that you may want to just drop the facade and admit what you do.
The offer is tempting, and the dramatic reveal of it all can be quite exhilarating. It is one of the greatest “up yours.” Someone gets into a fight with you about your lack exhibiting anything beyond normal functions, and you have that ace up your sleeve that you know will garner everyone’s awe and admiration.
But it is not worth it. If you have chosen to keep your identity secret it is probably for a very good reason, and things done in the moment with such brashness never turn out well. Besides, if you really need your work as a great big Real Life Super Hero to speak for your entire character, then you obviously have a long way to go to fulfilling yourself as a person. Deluded we may be, but help is what we do. And the absolute first person you must always seek to help is yourself. Not at anyone’s expense, not for petty desires, but because you want and know you can achieve that “something more” you may dream of.
If you are only noble and great while in the mask of anonymity then you are a fraud, plain and simple. The point of a secret identity should be to experiment and push yourself to new levels. Take the opportunity of being anonymous to really try and be kind. After all, you are not you. You have a blank slate when as an anonymous pseudonym with a mask and spandex. Take the chance to explore what you could be a little, and then take those things that your learn and try putting them in every facet of your life.
Getting back to the humility we all should carry, I would like to put forth a list of tips and things that all RLSH should follow when out working in order to help them stay within the reality of our fantasy, and to keep ourselves humble and others accepting of our cause.
Mr. Jack’s Masked Manners
-Always address police officers as “Sir” or “Ma’am.” Respect their authority! Show your fellow helpers (including firemen, doctors, technicians, etc.) your sense of respect for their jobs and you will get respect for yours most often. It is not a one hundred percent thing though, but it does help always in the long run.
-Greet people on the street. When out on patrol, say hi to everyone you meet. Make eye contact, smile, and tell them hello or good day. The power of such a simple gesture like a smile or a wave is one that can change worlds. If people see such a friendly figure dressed up, they begin to question their own masks that they wear. Win over your public not for personal desire for fame or the like, but because it will help you get your message across better and be able to help people and open new doors to love.
-Always maintain composure. A lot of things happen when you are out in full gear, and most of them revolve around people trying to put you down or try and break your focus and composure. Part of being on your guard revolves around not allowing things to get under your skin. When I was with Silver Sentinel, Zetaman, Dark Guardian, Meow, Hunter and Tothian in New York one of the biggest things I admired about all of them was how great they were at just letting things roll off their armor. Silver Sentinel is a great example, as he often plays into what people say. Remember “If you are going to tell someone the truth, you’d better make them laugh. Otherwise they’ll kill you.
-The customer is always right. In all honesty of you are doing your job right then you are basically the equivalent of a service employee, and as such, you must cater to the customer. I cannot specifically give an example for this because there are so many. If someone wants something, you have to do your best of fulfill it because that is the standard which needs to be held. By all means do what is right, but make it seem like it was the customer’s idea. Charisma helps.
-Right is right only when it is nice. Yes people need wake up calls. Yes, people need help to get off the street and be warned about the dangers that fill their life. But think about this for a moment: if you had some guy off the street come up to you and start lecturing you on errors of your way and the virtues of living right would you really instinctively give him your time and listen? Now add in that that guy is dressed in spandex and a cape and calls himself Justice Avenger Supreme. You now see the absurdity of it. Yes, our mandate is to help, but for gods’ sakes do not be belligerent and in people’s faces unless there is no other way. Rude and noisy should always be a last resort to the virtues of gentle, kind care.
-Hold yourself to the standards you seek of others. If you have unrealistic expectations then you are doomed to fail. In other words, if you think that you can go out and stop crime when you are publicly intoxicated or driving like a maniac or carrying lethal weapons without a permit then you are now the problem others have to help. Lead by example and you will most likely not be questioned for your worth of actions.
-Finally, and this is a small but big thing, look in a mirror when you are dressed up. Yes, it is nice to admire how awesome you look, but this is not my intention for this specific manner. Look in the mirror to see what others will see of you. If you cannot look in the mirror and trust the image you see then neither can anyone else. Appearance is one of the most paramount aspects we should worry about in our community, not again for personal gain, but to be symbols. We wear what we wear to draw attention, to inspire, to help. If you cannot trust who you see in the mirror, change it in some way to make it so you can.
Awareness Challenge 2: Think Before You Act
I mean this for every part of your life. Before you take an action, just take a nanosecond and think about what you mean by it, what it will actually do, and how it will be perceived. This sort of thought checking is difficult to maintain for a long time, but with practice it can become second nature. By just slowing down your thought process to “proofread” your action before it happens, you can determine a better course of action for it, which may indeed be the one you had already set. But never underestimate the power of such thought. It may be the difference between you making peace between two people or throwing the first punch. The choice, as always, is yours.

Superhero Captain Ozone Leads Green Power Rally

Originally posted: http://www.cbs8.com/Global/story.asp?S=12381294
BELLINGHAM, Wash., April 27 /PRNewswire/ — Captain Ozone allegedly started the modern-day “real-life superhero” movement when he made his debut in 1989. He’s considered by many to be the most phenomenal environmental activist of all time.
Captain Ozone is saving endangered species, promoting renewable energy and ecological art, and also teaching school kids how to become environmental activists on television.
The masked man claims to be from the year 2039 and he time-traveled to 1989 on a mission to save us from an ill-fated future.
To view a video documentary about Captain Ozone’s deeds, go to: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8597011024457745958#
Captain Ozone and Environmental Media Northwest are also leading the BIGGEST peaceful demonstration for renewable energy ever! It’s called “Green Power Rally” and it’s going to take place in many cities throughout the United States and Canada on July 31st, 2010. All are invited to participate!
Green Power Rally is not a cynical “up in arms” protest against the fossil fuel or nuclear power corporations. It’s an optimistic, peaceful demonstration to raise public awareness and support for zero-emissions energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal and hydro power.
Captain Ozone wants America to be the vanguard of the Green Power revolution and he’s all for Obama’s New Energy for America plan. To become a peaceful demonstrator for Green Power Rally, go to http://GreenPowerRally.org and follow the easy step-by-step instructions.
News coverage for Green Power Rally will help us gather many demonstrators and we appreciate any news about this event!
Listed below are nine other famous real-life superheroes who are leading their own Green Power Rallies in major cities throughout the United States and Canada.
Real-life Superhero Contacts:
Captain Ozone
Seattle, Washington
Ocala, Florida
Kiki the Eco Elf
The Okanagan, Canada
Mr. Jack
Portland, Oregon
The Conundrum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The High Peacestess
Hawaii, USA
Waterbury, Connecticut
Waterbury, Connecticut
Non-profit Organization Contact:
Mr. Michael L. Schutte
Environmental Media Northwest
[email protected]
(360) 676-7626
Green Power Rally
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