Tag hero coalition


One of the few Canada-based real life heroes, Noble is a vigilant youth who patrols a large area around Ontario cleaning up the streets, as well as breaking up fights, which sometimes involves entering them. Trained in Goju Ryu martial arts, as well as Dragon Kung Fu, Noble is also an expert acrobat and gymnist, having spent years training as a circus acrobat.
Training and patrolling a regular part of his schedule, Noble stumbled onto the RLSH community while nursing a cold, and has been an active member ever since. Noble’s uniform consists of a black trench coat, black face mask, and black fingerless gloves. He is currently training with a round shield, 30 inches in diameter, to help him gain a defensive edge while maintaining an acrobatic style. Noble hopes to help the Superhero ‘movement’ become ‘mainstream’.

Miss Amazing

Miss Amazing is a masked superhero from the Lowell, Ma area. She has kept a low profile for the last five or so years while working behind the scenes to bring about changes in her city. She patrols mostly at night at different times and has made numerous calls to the police to stop crimes that are in progress.
This coming year she will be taking a more active role in her community and even taking more of a stand by actively stopping crime as it happens herself. She has numerous protective devises that are being added to her uniform and will be out and about even in early evening hours when the most happens with muggings and other trouble that are caused by the youth of her community.

Paragon Prime

Citizen Prime (formerly known as Paragon Prime) is a real-life crime fighter. His identity is guarded but not secret. He first appeared in Phoenix, Arizona in early 2006. Citizen Prime, or Prime, claims no superhuman powers. Prime’s experience and training make him an excellent tactician and creative problem solver. He is practiced in Ninjitsu, Tiajutsu, street fighting and Okinawan Karate. He is well versed in various armor technologies and nonlethal weapons. Prime has an excellent understanding of business, finance and technology.
Prime is a founding member of the non-profit Worldwide Heroes Organization and serves as the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, among other duties.
Prime’s armor (to be completed in January, 2007) provides Level 2 and Level 3 ballistic, stab and blunt trauma protection to 70% of his body while providing complete flexibility. His armor can contain various non-lethal weapons including 130 db alarms, Pepper Spray, various stun technology devices (including Taser, hand held and pen stun devices built into the armor), the ARMA 100 device, etc.. HIs armor and equipment is in a constant state of refinement. His helmet and armor contain communication devices and recording devices, including voice amplification.
Future planned developments: Night vision, fire proofing and electrifying the outer structure of the armor.
Prime typically patrols in an unmarked car, in disguise, or on foot. His investigations center around local issues such as lost children, local drive by shootings and the like.
As of this writing, his real life investigations and encounters remain sealed for confidentiality.
Prime also hosts a podcast on Prime.Vox.com narrating the journey to become a superhero.


A 23 year old southern california resident, blitz is the creator and designer of the Hero Coalition site, located at (link)www.herocoalition.com
Blitz is also one of the founding members of the W.H.O (Worldwide Heroes Organization).
Designing graphics and web pages in his spare time, blitz has many years of computer expeience doing everything from hardware to hard-coding.
“I don’t claim to be a hero, I just want to do good things. I built the Hero Coalition because there was a need, and I think inspiring people to be heroic is a very good thing.” –Blitz

Herocoalition on Wikispaces

It will take much work to create and maintain, but this eventually could become the easiest resource tool for use by heroes and superheroes alike. Please become a member, and contribute if you are able.
As pages are added, be sure to update the home page and nav bar to reflect the changes made.
blitz Sep 27, 2006 4:28 pm
Post anything you like here, building a wiki specifically made by heroes/superheroes, for heroes/superheroes.
re: New Wiki
Prime Sep 27, 2006 5:15 pm
I think the first order of business should be everyone post themselves.
re: New Wiki
Liberator-X Sep 27, 2006 5:39 pm
This can really come in handy alright, posting info for especially new heroes wondering what bodyarmor is and what threat levels there are, etc