Something to bring up with all the threats flying around…

Something needs to be addressed..and it has to do with firearms so pay attention….Somebody just brought to my attention (in a polite fashion) on my youtube that it “instills fear” in people that I carry a sidearm (Legally) on patrol & at events. In light of everything that has happened lately with Zeatman and personal threats being slung around like candy it made me realize this is a perfect time to bring this up. I carry a sidearm for protection, I’ve had my (And Lady heroes) well being threatened in the past. that’s all I carry it for. When you guys go (RLSH & RLSV alike) Threatening & telling to F*&^ off & accusing of all kinds of vile crap it appears to me that YOU DON’T REALIZE that this is the INTERNET. You have NO CLUE who the guy on the other end of that insult might be. The guy with the bed sheet thrown over his head with eye holes cut in it & “RLSH” spray painted on the front could be the next Ted Kaczynski. Or worse, some guy who thinks it’s perfectly fine to mail you a envelope full of anthrax. Any idea who Alan Berg was? He was a Talk Jock back in the 1980’s who thought it was funny to shoot his mouth off…repeatedly. Until one night two members of the American Nazi party showed up in his driveway with a Couple of MAC-10’s with the Sears Filed down & shredded him. They painted a nice big Swastika on what was left of him for his wife to find. Put things like that in the back of your head before you go harassing somebody on the web. I’ve been guilty of it too. Somebody says something to me & I’ve fired back. Then I’ve backpedaled & just avoided those people like the plague because I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THEY ARE. I just saw a buddy of mine get insulted on here who I know personally. The guy who did it probably doesn’t know the guy has a F*&^ing FACTORY & LAB in his garage where he fashions WEAPONS for people. For the LOVE OF GOD people THINK.
The bottom line is…think before you write. If they aren’t doing anything to you, they probably won’t. Poop doesn’t stink unless you stir it.
Think twice.


Menganno, the superhero who protects the Suburbs

mengannoMenganno, el Superhéroe que protege al Conurbano
Con traje y sin superpoderes, patrulla Aldo Bonzi para prevenir delitos. Cuáles son sus armas. ¿El verdadero Superman argentino?
Cuando empieza a caer la noche, horario en que la gente regresa del trabajo, el miedo a ingresar a los hogares y ser asaltado en la puerta preocupa a la mayoría de las personas del Conurbano, salvo a las que viven en Aldo Bonzi, partido de La Matanza. Parece que ahí los cuida “Menganno”.
Con un traje negro de pies a cabeza -decorado con la bandera argentina- y provisto de un escudo, casco y antifaz, el “Capitán Menganno” patrulla las calles a bordo de su rodado – la “MengannoMoto” – ante la mirada atónita de algunos y los gestos de reconocimiento y apoyo de otros.
A pesar de que su nombre verdadero es un misterio- o por lo menos conviene que así sea como en todo Superhéroe- se sabe que tiene 40 años, mide 1,84, pesa más de 100 kilos, conoce técnicas de Aikido y cuando no está luchando contra el delito es un comerciante independiente que reside en la zona sur. Pero regresa por las noches a su Aldo Bonzi natal, en donde jura que nadie sabe su identidad real.
“Soy un ciudadano igual a cualquier otro que quiere ir un poco más allá en materia de seguridad”, explica a través de Facebook, en donde además adjunta consejos sobre cómo prevenir asaltos y también acerca de la conveniencia de hacer la denuncia policía ante cualquier movimiento sospechoso.
Como la mayoría de los personajes de historietas, su origen tiene algo de fantástico. Según cuenta, dejar de fumar le alargó la vida 10 años y ese tiempo lo regala a la sociedad. Además, Menganno jura que a lo largo de su vida le tocó intervenir en varias situaciones límite y que la diferencia es que ahora lo hace con máscara.
Su armamento incluye un escudo –antibalas-, gas lacrimógeno, un bastón telescópico y precintos, por si debe realizar algún “arresto ciudadano”. “Mi único poder es llamar la atención”, asegura el hombre que empezó con su doble vida de servicio desde hace 4 meses.
“Denuncie cualquier asalto que sufre, para que la policía ponga mas atención al lugar donde ocurrió y se hagan mas patrullajes. No denunciar el hecho es favorecer el delito”, es una de las tantas recomendaciones que escribe en las redes sociales, junto con anécdotas y crónicas de sus patrullajes.
Considerado un personaje colorido para algunos y un loco para otros, Menganno continúa con su tarea de prevención y jura que la policía lo saluda cuando pasa. ¿Faltará mucho para la Menganno señal?
Translated from Spanish
Suit with no superpowers, Aldo Bonzi patrol to prevent crime. Cuáles son sus armas. What are your weapons. ¿El verdadero Superman argentino? “The real Superman Argentine?
When it starts to fall evening when people return from work, afraid to enter homes and being assaulted in the doorway of concern to most people in the Suburbs, except those in Aldo Bonzi, party La Matanza. It seems that there’s care “Menganno.”
“Captain Menganno” patrol the streets on board his shot – the “MengannoMoto” – To the astonishment of some and the gestures of recognition and support of others.
Although his real name is a mystery, or at least should be as well-known throughout Superhero who has 40 years, measures 1.84, weighed over 100 kilos, known techniques of Aikido and when not fighting crime is an independent trader who lives in the south. But back at night to his native Aldo Bonzi, where he swears that no one knows his real identity.
“I am a citizen like any other who wants to go a little further in terms of safety,” explains through Facebook, where he also attached advice on how to prevent assaults and also about the advisability of making any movement denounces police suspect.
Like most comic characters, their origin has something fantastic. According account, quit life handed him 10 years and that time is a gift to society. In addition, swears Menganno along touched her life involved in various extreme situations and that the difference is that now it does mask.
Its armament includes a coat-armor, tear gas, a telescoping rod seals, if you must perform a “citizen’s arrest. “My only power is to draw attention,” says the man who started his double life of service for four months.
“Report any assault that suffers, for the police to put more attention to the place where it happened and do more patrols.  No report it is to promote the crime ” is one of the many recommendations that writes on social networks, along with anecdotes and chronicles of their patrols.
Considered a colorful character for some and crazy to others, Menganno continues its task of preventing and swears that the police say hello when you pass. Is it much to Menganno signal?
Source:,-el-Superh%C3%A9roe-que-protege-al-Conurbano/, el-SuperH% C3% A9roe-to-protect-the-Suburbs / C2% BFquien-may-defend /
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