At the back of my mind as I go about my anti-crime activism is a very serious question.It’s as serious as Bernhard Goetz fusillade years ago which forever labeled him, “The Subway Vigilante. ”

Bernard Goetz

It’s as serious as the hundreds of thousand’s of Pay Pal-donated dollars to George Zimmerman’s legal defense fund while prosecution for killing Trayvon Martn unfolds. 

This serious question ask, ” Is vigilantism the only option in liberal-led cities where street criminals rule and citizens suffer? “

Lest you think this inquiry biased here are some Black examples:

In the 1980s a man named Samuel Mohammed torched a crack house he couldn’t get police to shut own.

Members of the late Yahweh Ben Yahweh Hebrew Israelite sect manhandled crack dealers out of run down neighborhoods they renovated.
Democrats govern the majority of America’s unsafe cities.
While unfair to assume these mayors and governing bodies have remote controls to use against criminals it’s wondering  if embattled citizens should take the law in their own hands and take their chances in court afterwards?
Some predict Black citizens could one day select vigilantism as a new, troubling form of civil disobedience. This presupposes a civil right movement the likesof which America has never seen: Black citizens breaking the law to save themselves from community criminals???
In the face of more thug violence and less safety in liberal-led cities this question, disturbing as it is, needs to be asked.
Some theorize our male civil rights model may morph into Black versions of Bernhard Goetz and George Zimmerman. Dismiss it as revenge fantasy or embrace it as futurism elected leaders of liberal-led cities will find their hands quite full.
If they rush to imprison these vigilantes it will be fair to ask why they couldn’t do the same to ever-present thugs and gangs?
Hopefully this scenario will never come to pass.
Nadra Enzi
Cap Black Anti Crime Activist
NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

[email protected] is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my citizen patrol efforts which support civic duty and due process.…




Black men are routinely portrayed as crime figures- not crime fighters! Those choosing criminality and promoting it culturally ( in music; videos; clothing; etc ) now face rising opposition.
Detroit 300 is a very proactive, majority Black male citizen patrol working with police in a no-nonsense manner to get more chocolate Klansmen arrested!
HURRAY! AMEN! ALL PRAISES DUE TO GOD!!! These groups ( MAD DADS also immediately comes to mind ) represent the natural next step in the civil rights movement- opposing inner city violence without excuse nor apology.
We hae a Catch 22 regarding American public safety. Selective silence on Black homicide is seen elsewhere as support of crime.
Conversely too many Black men opposing crime would invariably prompt cries of ” vigilantism” from alarmed White observers more comfortable with perceived inaction.
While operating within the law, some Detroit 300 members and unaffiliated posers have crossed the line. Thankfully no George Zimmermans have emerged from their ranks and I don’t expect one to. They do a good job policing their own and are vital to culture change where they live.
Their legal war against rogue shooters; rapists and thieves is where the mainstream civil rights alphabet soup should be- fighting destructive elements within Inner City America.
WARNING: Black vigilantism is no better than vigilantism classic. Black versions of Byron Dela Beckwith ( activist Medgar Evers murderer ) and Bernhard Goetz ( New York’s Subway Vigilante ) represent horrific steps backward in advocacy.
Black male citizen patrols don’t have the luxury of violating rights or targeting suspects for summary assassination for at least two reasons.
POINT ONE: Vigilantism is wrong- no matter who does it.
POINT TWO: President and Attorney-General aside, we do not have enough clout among police; prosecutors and judges to provide ( illegal ) cover the way White vigilantes have until relatively recently.
Now, accused vigilantes of any color get tough treatment from the criminal justice system.
It’s against this back drop that the Detroit 300 and other Black male citizen patrols navigate with the danger of vigilantism allegations waiting in the wings more than other concerned citizens doing the same thing. Detroit 300 initial press conference footage.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention and homeless outreach. (504) 214-3082