Crusading’s Downsides

By Captain Black
If you think crusading out in the open against corruption is all sweetness and light, have I got a rhetorical bucket of cold water for you!
It invites any number of attempts to discredit; dismiss and/or disconnect you ( from the economy where you live ). I caution all would-be crusaders to think hard about weathering the storm when home sweet home ceases being so.
We can be full of the strength of our convictions. Our eyes firmy fixed on the prize. Neither good intention stops the opposition from slandering and even starving those labeled rabble rousers. America recognizes freedom of speech but also punishes speakers running afoul of someone’s status quo.
There is a crying need for people o speak truth to power.
Actual real life super villains often don’t have gimmicks like costumes or code names to warn the public. Lurking behind respectable masks like chamber of commerce; community leader or the titles doctor; officer; mayor; father; mother, etc. is a rogues gallery to make fiction’s top worst green with envy. Once you cross the line and become a known dissident get ready for the hatin’ to begin.
I eat hatred like candy.
Negative feedback means my job is being done and done well. The trick is possessing an invulnarable identity, i.e a sense of self no amount of criticism nor dirty tricks can penetrate. Anything less and even the most idealistic will cave in. There’s an ugly side to activism that most folks see when viewing old black and white footage of civil rights marchers being beaten by police and mobs.
Lesser known abuse impacting activists are rumor campaigns and pressure to end employment; deny new jobs; clients and even due process when law enforcement is part of the insidious act.
America and Earth desperately need many, many more crusaders. It’s only fair to be up front about crusading’s downsides as well.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK is a super rights activist promoting wellness; crime prevention and self-development.