Appearances May Be Deceiving

Originally posted:
By Silver Sentinel
Have you ever seen Geist? In his photographs, and his videos, he’s flashy, he’s impeccable, and he looks just damned cool! He has spent a lot of time, and effort, crafting his appearance, and his public persona. But what message would he be sending people if he smelled like he hadn’t bathed in two weeks? Yeah, that would definitely detract from his carefully crafted image. (Fortunately, I’ve been told, he does not have an odor problem. I merely use him as an example here.)
Whatever our appearance may be when in our dramatis personæ, we should always maintain ourselves in a clean and presentable manner. Our costumes should be clean, and well maintained. The parts of us that are exposed should be well groomed, and clean. And we should be free of offensive odors. This not only adds to our public image, but to our self confidence as well.. which in turn adds to our public image even more.
If you expect to remain active on a long patrol, or perhaps participate in a day long event in the hot sun, carefully consider the use of deodorant, or even carry an extra uniform to change into should the need arise. For myself, my body seems to react badly to spandex, making me smell like a funky monkey after a few hours, so I have to take extra precautions, such as talcum powder, and changeable under layers.
Your image is part of your command presence. When you appear presentable and confident, you automatically command a certain degree of respect. If you suddenly needed to give emergency directions, such as, “Everyone please proceed calmly to the nearest exit”, or, “Remain calm. The ambulance is on the way”, people are more likely to respond favorably to you.
Waving your arms like a lunatic, looking like a crackhead, and shrieking on the edge of hysteria, will most likely make people think you’re nuts, and fail to obey you, even if it’s in their best self interest. You do not want to distract people from the seriousness of a situation. You want to carefully guide them to safety, and rational behavior.
A positive and confident appearance will automatically attract attention in a good way. Swaggering, boisterous behavior, and general bossiness will attract attention in a bad way. Carefully maintain your appearance in public, and amongst your peers. Let your composure and behavior reflect your message, and your beliefs. Let people know that what they see is what they get. That you can be trusted, that you can be taken seriously, and that you act professionally in this thing you do.