Hoveround DUI

I get some road cash at a ATM & head out up enterprise road.
There on the sidewalk is a guy parked in a Hoveround with his chin on his chest out cold.
“Oh S**T!” says the Superhero. “He must have had a seziure or something!” I whip the vette around and pull up to him. Now he’s awake & putting away up the sidewalk. I lean out the passengers window & say “Hey buddy! you ok?”
He swings his head around like he’s one of those bobblehead things you set in sports collectible stores & says “I’m fine man…”
Holy S**T! says the Superhero “He’s drunk!” So I decide to make a citizens arrest.
As I’m reaching for my door handle it dawns on me…
Yeah he’s drunk
But he’s on the sidewalk
He’s driving
But he’s not in a car.
“What the Hell do I do?”
So I did what every red-blooded American Superhero would have done.
I stuck my head out the window said “Ok sir you have a good night” and Drove off.
Is there such a thing as DUI Hoveround?