Birth of a Blog

Location: The Blog Scrap Yard
Time: The Dawn of Today
The wreckage of the Blog Scrap Yard was silhouetted like a hair-tangled, mish-mash against the vapor of an orange horizon. New daybreak heated the misshapen pyramids of discarded blog-scrap, simmering the sunrise in silent anticipation.
A movement. A tumbling of conjunctions skidded down a piled high blog-heap. Then a low, steady rumble. Seagulls bolted, echoing iron shreeched warnings in the morning expanse. The ground shook. And shook again. Then silence. For a heartbeat.
BOOM! An explosion of noun, verb, and adjective shrapnel flew like hot metal across the abandoned Blog Yard. The largest mountain of tousled prose bubbled up, spitting out volcanic verse, sending whole sentences tumbling down the mile high blog-rock face.
Then the tip of something, just visible through the wreckage, reflected with borrowed light from the ascending, curious sun. A liquid, mirrored blog-thing rose and formed and flew from the scraps, humming with power, to streak like a bullet high above the yard. It shot into the morning sky, blazing with light and sound. It bellowed like a cosmic foghorn in the expansive firmament.
Neighbors scurried out of their houses in robes and t-shirts, squinting up at the clarion colossus, the thunderous broadcast now emblazoned on its vast obelisk form.
And everywhere, around the blogsphere, the name echoed like a new promise.
Under the unimaginable pressure of countless, forgotten blog tonnage, a new blog was formed, with a promise to be different. With a promise to change everything.