Masked ‘superheroes’ patrol Utah streets for crime

Originally posted:

“Asylum”: Those movies have done more damage to the real-life superhero community than anything else

by Associated Press  ::  UPDATED: 13 October 2011 | 11:54 am  ::  in News Hawk by John McGlothlen  ::  No Comments
SHEENA MCFARLAND, The Salt Lake Tribune
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Dusk is descending upon Salt Lake City.

As the shadows elongate and the sun sinks behind the Oquirrh Mountains, they take to the streets.
The costumed avengers start at the Salt Lake City Library and fan out. Always in groups of at least two, they are on the lookout for trouble.
They happen upon a mother and grown son in a screaming match on their front lawn.
Calmly, the masked men walk into the fray, saying nothing.
The son backs down, gets in his car, and tells his mother he’ll be back later.
They’re not millionaires out to avenge their parents’ deaths and none of them has been bitten by a radioactive spider. Nevertheless, they say they are helping in situations like the one they described above.
Most of them are tattoo artists from Ogden who claim they are atoning for past lives that include alcoholism, gang life and being the muscle for drug dealers. Others say they do social work or lease apartments and just wanted a unique way to do service.
The group, called the Black Monday Society, formed about five years ago when founder Dave Montgomery, who started calling himself Insignis but recently has changed to Nihilist, had stopped drinking for about six months. He found the members of the Society through a website claiming to bring together real-life superheroes and met with some who lived in Utah. Within six weeks, they were roaming the streets.
“It was as addictive as any drug,” said Montgomery, who dresses in black leather with silver studs. “You fall into a whole other self.”
The name comes from the idea of being able to turn someone’s bad day into a good day, he said.
The group started with just two people, but quickly grew, peaking at 19 members, all of whom came with their own uniforms, superhero name and backstory worthy of any comic book. Nearly everyone in the society has a tattoo that’s given after completing a certain number of patrols.
But when it’s real life — balancing families, significant others and jobs — the burnout rate is high.
The group now has nine men who patrol downtown Salt Lake City at least a couple of times a month, but they are careful to distinguish themselves from what people see in the new Batman series or the movies “Kick-Ass” and “Watchmen.”
“Those movies have done more damage to the real-life superhero community than anything else,” said Mike Gailey, a 6-foot-1-inch, 245-pound man who goes by the name Asylum. “You can’t just go out and beat someone up for jaywalking.”
In the five years they’ve been together, they’ve never come to blows with anyone, they said. A check of Utah court records shows no criminal history for any of the members in the state.
Usually, they say, just their presence is enough to startle someone into thinking clearly again or calm down a situation where people are engaged in a shouting match or fighting. Much of the time, they’re helping a person passed out from too much drinking find his way home or bringing food to homeless people.
Gailey says the group serves as an extra set of eyes and ears for the police. They do carry pepper spray, high-decibel whistles and Tasers, but they’ve never had to use any of them, he said.
The Salt Lake City Police Department is familiar with the society and the work it members do. The department doesn’t look at them as criminals or vigilantes, said Detective Dennis McGowan, but also can’t vouch for them because they have not received the training that, for example, conventional Neighborhood Watch groups have received.
“We’ve never had a problem with the Black Monday Society, but it’s our watch groups that we know are properly trained and know how to alert police to a problem,” McGowan said.
Gailey claims he joined after serving as a man who collected debts across the state “one way or another” for drug dealers. After being the one called in to identify the bodies of three close friends who died in drug-related incidents, and losing a few more, he said he realized he needed to change. He made some of those changes, including starting a family, and began working with Montgomery at Frankie’s Tattoo Parlor in Clearfield, which serves as the group’s de facto Batcave, about the same time he joined the society.
“It’s my way to give back to people I had helped hold back,” he said.
Wally Gutierrez claims he left behind the gang life as a teenager in Kansas after his friend was stabbed multiple times and his mother decided to uproot him and his younger brother for a new start in Utah. The now-30-year-old has four kids and doesn’t see much time as Fool King anymore. The same goes for some of the other original members.
That’s where the younger generation comes in to play.
They are about half the size of their mentors, and they don’t share their troubled pasts. They just wanted to find a way to express themselves while giving back to their community, said Roman Daniels, who dresses his 5-foot-7, 150-pound frame as Red Voltage.
“We’re trying to do some good out there,” said the 23-year-old Sandy resident, who began patrolling April 2010 and often totes bags of bottled water, snacks and toiletries. He is now the official leader of Black Monday Society.
Another member, who didn’t want to be named for fear of reprisal at his job where he works with disabled adults, but dresses as Iron Head for his patrols, said he also will remove graffiti in his neighborhood in Kearns.
“A lot of us got into it because we’re trying to make up for something in our past,” Gailey said. “These guys got into it because they have a love of justice. They’re just great, pure-hearted guys.”
Daniels and his fellow society members have broken up their share of fights, including times when he’s had to call police to report a crime and detaining people who have committed crimes.
But alerting police to a problem as they patrol random streets is no longer enough for some members of the society.
About a month ago, Montgomery started what he calls a more “vengeance-based, tactical” branch named Doomwatch. They’re working with an official bounty hunter to learn laws and tactics, and they plan to be in high-crime areas so they can “take a more hands-on approach” and intervene in more altercations.
“I don’t want heroes just to be an urban legend,” Montgomery said. “I want people to see us and say there are real superheroes in the world.”
Information from: The Salt Lake Tribune,

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.

Salt Lake's superheroes patrol the city looking to fight crime

Originally posted:,0,6573619.story
By Aaron Vaughn


With their identities concealed and with names like Asylum, Fool King and Professor Midnight, a Salt Lake superhero group says they seek to enact justice.
The Black Monday Society is a group of men whose influence comes straight from the movie screen and comic book page. They are self-proclaimed crime fighters and good samaritans who patrol the city streets at night.
“How many groups do you want to do since there is eight of us, do you want to break it up into threes?” shouts the leader of the group, who goes by the name of Insignis and sports a metal face plate and dreadlocks.
Insignis introduces his posse to FOX 13 as they gather outside the Salt Lake City Library.
“This is Omen, he is one of our soldiers,” Insignis says, then gestures to another large individual in a skull mask with stringy white hair. “Ghost is better than bringing a gun on patrol. He’s our wall, he’s the one who will pick you up, toss you about if you need it.”
They all are dressed starkly different than the spandex-wearing traditional superheroes. And they are not clean-cut “boy wonders” either.
The hero “Asylum,” who wears a black head mask with a grotesque painted on smile, says he came from a sorted past. He says he sought out drug users who owed money.
“If you got so much in drugs and didn’t pay your money, I was the dude that showed up at 3 in the morning and beat you until you got the money,” he says.
And “Fool King,” who wears a jester mask, says he was an ex-gang member. He says he is making up for it by giving back to the community as a super hero.
Two of the heroes are fathers and most have day jobs. While one, who goes by the name of Professor Midnight, is a complete mystery and whose identity is unknown.
The super heroes patrol outside bars, clubs, and places most try to avoid — like dark alleys– for fear of what’s back there. They are looking for trouble in order to stop it.
On a usual patrol they split into groups of two or three.
“We call the cops if there’s a fight,” one of them says. They say they dress up as a means of intimidation.
Salt Lake police say they don’t condone or condemn the group’s crime fighting efforts and they have not had any problems with them in the past. The public treats them with mixed reaction while they are on patrol. Some respect what they do, or at least the boldness of dressing up. While some say their actions may interfere with law enforcement.
Police say they would investigate the group’s action if they were to receive complaints.

Slamdance Doc Offers Group Portrait of Self-Appointed Superheroes

Originally posted:
By Hugh Hart
They might look like comical Comic-Con exhibitionists as they patrol the streets of U.S. cities garbed in utility belts, homemade capes and jerry-rigged masks, but it’s no joke: The crime-fighters portrayed in new documentary Superheroes offer serious threats to urban troublemakers across the country.
Director Michael Barnett and producer Theodore James’ movie, which premieres Friday at the Slamdance Film Festival, sheds light on secretive guardians of the community like Zetaman, Dark Guardian, Master Legend, Lucid and Zimmer.
The clip above offers a glimpse of a San Diego-based caped crusader who goes by the name of Mr. Xtreme. Superheroes gets an encore Slamdance showing in Park City, Utah, on Wednesday.

Real Life Superheroes and Real Life Artist Team-Up!

Originally Posted:
By jaredevans85
If you know me at all, you know that I like superheroes. Like most children (and most adults if we just admit it), I have always wanted to be a superhero. Sure, part of that is the powers, as well as the snazzy get-ups, but I’ve always been in love with the idealism. Superheroes come from a world where good stands against evil, you know what’s right and what’s wrong, and you can stand up and do something about it. That may very well be the biggest fantasy of all.
I’ve been aware of the Real Life Super Hero (RLSH) movement for several years now. Citizen Prime (a resident of Utah I might add) was one of the first public faces of the movement, and over the years more and more people are making costumes and heading out to save the world. However, while many comic book heroes spend their time giving well-delivered right hooks to villains and ne’er-do-wells, these heroes are often more concerned with social projects, including helping the homeless, crime prevention, and charitable work. They all have different reasons and motivations for putting on a costume, but to me, however effective it may be in the end, it shows that people want to get out into the world and do something. The crazy costumes and code names represent the fact that we can be more than what we are, and we can always take another step up. While I won’t speak for all of them, it’s clear that the ideals of helping others and justice for all aren’t lost on some of these heroes, and they want to make a difference.
Photographer Peter Tangen, known best for his Spider-Man and Batman movie posters, has begun to document members of the RLSH community, creating vivid and stylized posters and portraits. The site,,has only been around for a few months, but already profiles a number of heroes, including DC’s Guardian, New York’s Life, and Rochester, MN’s Geist. It’s a brilliant project (I actually considered trying to write a book about it a few years ago), and Tangen’s work is very professional and engaging. Whether you agree with their ideals or their fashion sense, give the site a look. It’s certainly a fascinating subculture, and one that I expect we’ll only hear more from in the future. We certainly don’t need anyone on the streets delivering vigilante justice, but we could always use a few more helping hands.


All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.  ~Anatole France
A “Change Expert” (yes, people actually have titles like these in the business world) told me once, “People only have so much change they can handle at one time.  Some people have more, some less.  Eventually, everyone kind of pauses and says, yea, that’s enough for now.”
I never really thought much about it as changes – big changes – seemed a part of my life.  In fact, if I was not going through some sort of deep, life changing event, I was waiting for the next to occur.
Well, the next has occurred.  Citizen Prime has moved to Utah.
See, I talk so much about living a life full of heroic essence and finding the joy in life, yet I found myself slowly pulled into a life of struggle and obsessive goals and objectives; ignoring, for a time, the best route to my message for myself and my family. And as I live each day for my wife and son, as well as myself, I find their happiness is critical.  And they’re happiness – and mine, I discover each day – resides best in Utah.
Does this somehow affect the existence of Citizen Prime?  Yes and no.  I am always growing, I hope.  And, at the same time, I hold firm to the values that I feel make this country and this world great.  In fact, I’m rather proud of the fact that I am constantly searching for ways to make Citizen Prime relevant in our culture and send a message that people can become the hero in their own story and lead fulfilling, exciting lives.
Yet, along the way, there have been so many ruts to fall into.  It’s almost as if (and maybe it is) I am being tested. Not that I am in the same ballpark as he, but a story comes to mind of Buddha as he was tempted by a series of worldly traps.  He passed by each one successfully only to become more enlightened.  In my own small way, I hope I am on a path that carries the same message.  To evolve is to grow.  I saw another quote that reminded me of this.
It is not necessary to change.  Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming
So why Utah?  Well, both my wife and I are from Utah.  We have a great deal of family and many friends in Utah. And whether I’m Citizen Prime or not, my family always comes first – although I need reminding of that sometimes.  As for Prime and The League of Citizen Heroes, there is much to do to establish a presence here in Utah.  It’s a great time to apply some of the lessons I’ve learned over the last three years.  I’m looking forward to the challenge of starting anew.
Citizen PrimeAnd we’re coming out swinging.  A few people might remember the BlogTalkRadio show I hosted called, Are You Primed?.  Well, we’re producing new episodes and they’ll be as informative and interesting as ever. I’ll be producing a weekly vlog, as well, sharing thoughts and lessons on how to live a heroic life.  I got this idea as people were contacting me wanting to do more with there lives.  People have always had challenges with perception and reality when it comes to what I do and what I stand for, so I thought I would discuss how I reconcile that desire to do good and keep my feet firmly planted in reality – a lofty goal indeed and I don’t always succeed!
In my life, for example, in the last year, my wife and I had a baby, we got robbed, we moved states, I changed jobs, we lost three dear canine companions, I lost the Prime Armor in an airport (briefly), had an honorary patrol with both The Black Monday Society and Geist, and continued to build both The League of Citizen heroes, my “alter ego” career and, most importantly, keep my family safe, happy and whole.  And that’s nothing compared to what other people have had to endure; people who have contacted me and shared their stories of good and bad.  And you know what’s most amazing about those people.  They don’t give up or give in.  Those people still keep on looking to do Good and find Good in the world.  I know, from all this, that people can handle much change.
As to that Change Expert’s advice.  She may be right, but I know our limits are so far beyond what we think they are. It’s about staying in the groove, and moving forward.
Until next time, stay strong and stay heroes.
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