Tag Religion and Spirituality

just a note. . .

Welcome to my blog. . .i often ask questions. . .they are meant to make you think. . .to look seriously at your worldview. . .there are no right or wrong answers. . .in this world there is a tendancy to go along with the pack just because. . .well. . .i beleive that we are and need to be accountable for our own actions. . .and if that is the case. . .we should know why we beleive what we beleive. . .and be able to express it to others. . .no one is better than anyone else. . .but it is up to us to become the best ourselves we can be. . .people watch and learn from you every day. . .i only ask you think and talk about what they are learning. . .most of it is done without a word being said. . .thanks for stopping by. . .