Tag Philosophy

Giving Til it Hurts!

I advocate generosity.
As a self-diagnosed extreme altruist, I give until it literally ( emotionally and economically ) hurts. I don’t recommend this particular trait but do at least admit to it. lol.
Giving til it hurts requires embracing someone else dilemma as your own. It’s the polar opposite to dismissing a matter as somebody else problem.
Obviously courting financial or relationship ruin isn’t the most healthy assistance strategy but extreme altruists are nothing if not persistent.
Giving til it hurts is either a testimony to selflessness or self-destructive, depending upon who you ask. This trait is outlined here simply to unmask a condition common to do gooders of all kinds.
While wholeheartedly advocating generosity, I caution folks about giving til it hurts because the consequences can literally be life altering.
We need to tear down walls separating people but mustn’t tear ourselves apart in the process. This can be a tough balancing act but all worthwhile things usually are a handful to manage.
Don’t give til it hurts unless you absolutely have to. Believe me, I know.

Captain Black on Silver Sentinel

Silver-Sentinel-RLSHAnyone who’s read my articles or knows me is aware of my love for real life superhero ( RLSH ) philosophy.
One day I see it being an authentic academic field. If we do our job well hopefully it won’t be beneath heading, Abnormal Psychology ( lol ).
I enjoy work examining what we do. Beneath the fancy names is alot of deeply intellectual, even spiritual subject matter.
One of the best articulators I’ve encountered is a gentle giant named Silver Sentinel.
Ironically he keeps a low profile but the depth of his insight is attention getting. We’re part of the RLSH who are usually plain clothed while on patrol. He does have a Silver Sentinel outfit for special occasions while I possess a few theme t-shirts. The outfit hasn’t been a big priority and I enjoy seeing what fellow members wear!
Silver Sentinels’ two main contributions to the literature are spot on analysis of parameters we should operate within and purity of purpose that even earns kudos from real live super villains ( RLSVs )-our biggest critics and unlikely supporters.
A varied background as thinker; security professional and spiritual person informs his writing. It offers a balanced vision of how to practically pursue this dream without crossing the line into vigilantism or egotism.
Silver Sentinel has quietly emerged as an important voice for a Movement quietly stretching the boundaries of creative concerned citizenship.
There’s so much more to this than merely eccentric exteriors. There’s a world of internal treasure awaiting patient exploration.
Silver Sentinel’s writing offers as good a road map for navigating the real life superhero ( RLSH ) world as one can find.
Do yourself a favor, read his blog and postings on http://www.reallifesuperheroes.org. He really is a RLSH philosopher king in his own right.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info.

Entropy's Forgotten Factor

A conversation between Big Simon and Tiny Terror on doing good
Big Simon: Tiny Terror… I’m callin’ you out!
You’re fond of pointing out how we’re fighting a losing battle, how the notions behind the theory of entropy describe a situation in which we are little more than hindrances to a certain outcome. I’d like to take a moment to point out a flaw in that idea.
Entropy is the measure of increased disorder in a closed or isolated system. In a system with no change in variables, chaos is the rule. The common example is that you cannot put the ingredients for a cake mix into a bowl, seal it shut, and expect it to make itself into a cake. Order doesn’t come from nothingnesss – in fact, it’s just the opposite. With no outside force working on those ingredients, the liquids will soak unevenly into the powders, and eventually you’ll just have a big, gloppy mess.
On that point, I think we agree. But that’s as far as your theory seems to go.
What it’s missing is that there is an outside force. Us. People doing good things. I don’t care if you call them “Real Life Superheroes”, “Costumed Activists”, “Crimefighters”, or “Good Samaritans”, these people are the ones who mix up the cake mix, who slide it into the oven and bake the cake, who take it out and frost it, then serve it up to the rest of the world. This force, this human force, doesn’t just consist of people in this movement; it consists of everyone who believes doing good things is right; it’s made up of uncorrupted cops, daring firefighters, brave soldiers, caring nurses, precise doctors, teachers who challenge their students, and students who take their challenge. It’s made up of next-door neighbors, complete strangers, open-source programmers, faithful missionaries, honest politicians (as rare as they might be), lawful judges, and courageous public defenders. It’s the essence of the most positive side of human nature, and it’s real and alive.
The world is a better place than it was two hundred years ago. It’s more complex, not less so. It’s more ordered, not less so. We have better communication and a more widespread understanding and acceptance of our differences. No, we’re not perfect, but we’re closer than we’ve ever been in all of history.
We may never reach that perfect utopia, but we aren’t getting worse, because we’re not a closed, isolated system.
All it takes is a little hope, and a little more action.
Tiny Terror: Don’t head off to Ponderosa just yet, Big Simon. After all, it’s open ’til 10 PM at the very least and although you might miss the lunch buffet, you certainly won’t miss dinner.
Just in case no one gets the joke, Ponderosa is an all-you-can-eat buffet in Pennsylvania.
Anywho, I’m aware of my flaw in arguing on behalf of entropy; a flaw I’ve ignored up until this point because no one else seems to be capable of pointing out the fact that we do not exist in a closed-system…Where entropy doesn’t have to be the norm. I can admit that things have gotten a heck of a lot more civilized since our days as mammoth-hunting neanderthals and I can also admit that things have become better regarding levels of violent crime and hate crimes and all of that.
How interesting, however, is it that you’ve gone and proven that the RLSH’s existence is one that is fleeting?
Things are better, A LOT better, than they ever were in the past even if they could stand to make continued leaps forward. And this is a trend that has carried on regardless of you folks doing what you do. The world becoming better does not weigh upon your shoulders so much as it weighs upon everyone and I think the general consensus is that things have not become worse.
And as far as our caring for fellow man goes, it continues to get better.
Innately, we’re driven to sadism and altruism…Although that other side of us exists, we seem to be suppressing it quite well in favor of treating one another with more generosity and kindness than we have displayed in the past.
Yes, I was wrong and flawed in my arguments for entropy. Congratulations on being the first person to either look it up or recognize the flaw first-hand. However, noting the world continues to get better and has continued to get better, showing a trend, does sort of dispute the RLSH’s existence. Why have such a movement if things are getting better?
Big Simon: Just because things are generally getting better doesn’t mean there are pockets and places that couldn’t use a helping hand. We get better, on the whole, because people are inspired by the actions of others. Scientists become scientists because somewhere along the line a teacher really grabbed their interest. Firemen become firemen usually because something – or someone – in their lives convinced them of the need to save, or the raw goodness of saving, lives. Same with paramedics and EMS workers. We may not all stand on the shoulders of giants, but most of us have been given a leg up by someone who provided a catalyst for change, a challenge to be better.
No, the RLSH movement isn’t necessary. But you’re right at one point: It is fleeting. This moment, this tiny chronological span, is the only time it would work. The American entertainment industry has created for us (and the world!) a new mythology, an distinctly American mythology. Superheroes have gone mainstream, due to big-budget films like Iron Man, Spider-Man, and The Dark Knight, and it’s created an environment in which people who wish to stand up for their communities can take on the semblance of the inspirations they had long before the new mythos became a public phenomenon. I won’t say everyone in the movement was inspired by comic books, but a large number, even the majority were, and if they want to do their good deeds dressed like those fictional characters who instilled in them at a young age the desire to to right, now is the perfect time to do so.
But we live in a thirty-second society. We like our McDonald’s. We like our news served up in soundbites and flashes of pre-edited video. We like our short speeches and catchphrases. Nothing holds our attention for long, and the RLSH movement will be the same. It’s fleeting because in twenty years we’ll have stepped it up. Maybe we’ll move to a whole different mythology. Maybe people will see the need to do this sort of thing all the time, and there won’t be a purpose to do it with a costume and a mask. Maybe they just won’t care anymore.
Yes, the RLSH movement is fleeting, in the grand scheme of things. But people inspiring others is not, and that is what is going to be the legacy of the movement, if it’s done right. That is what will be remembered.
Tiny Terror: Mm, fair enough.
Not much I can say in regards to this, save for the fact that I hope you’re right. I hope inspiration is the legacy of the movement.
On the other hand, its legacy could be one of crazy, if not civil-minded people that liked to play dress-up. Make sure that people remember what you were fighting for, not who was fighting.
Other than that, curse you Big Simon, for pointing out the flaws in my argument.
I’ll be back, hasta la vista, foiled again, and all of that other, villainous jazz.

Entomo on Rational Reality

Saturday, 12 May 2007
Superhero Saturday: Entomo the Insect-Man
This is my life. I can’t permit other lives, people who chose different paths, to interfere with my path. We’re connected, but still independent. It’s a delicate game of balances. Welcome to human existence.
– Entomo the Insect-Man
This is the beginning of the first ever regular feature here at Gnack Attack. Every Saturday I will be adding an interview with a real life superhero. If you’re already confused, you should catch up by reading my initial superhero post. I have approached a number of real life superheroes for interviews and due to time zone differences, among other variables, the style of each interview will likely be slightly different. Some interviews will be done in the style of a questionaire through email. Some will be done in a more true-to-form interview style through chat software. This, my first superhero interview, was conducted by email.
The first superhero to be interviewed is Entomo the Insect-Man. To find out more about Entomo, you can visit his MySpace page. Before I get straight into the interview I’d like to express my gratitude to Entomo for agreeing to this interview. His answers were concise, sincere and well-thought out. So thank you Entomo! And now, without further ado…
First things first, lets talk pseudonyms. Your superhero name is Entomo the Insect-Man. Tell us a bit about why you chose this name.
The name has born in my mind about 4 years ago. Now that I think about it, it was in the middle of 2003. I was studying anthropology at the time. Well, the name just sprouted from my thoughts, spontaneously. I was trying to define myself, trying to understand more about myself. At the time, I didn’t know anything about the [Real Life Superhero (RLSH)] movement in America, I never even suspected that it existed. I only knew of Super Barrio Gomez in Mexico, and that was about it.
When I first thought about the “Entomo” Superhero name, it was like: “Great. That’s myself, truly. If one day I’d become a Superhero, that will become my nom de guerre. But that day is impossible”. I discarded the idea as soon as it was born in my mind.
Now, that day has come; nothing is impossible.
You have asked that I recognise you as an ecologist/activist/animalist first and foremost. It seems as though you have a very general interest in helping not just humanity, but the world in its entirety. This is something that many people respect but few act on. You have acted – why?
The desire to help the entire world was always with me, since I was a kid. I was just too weak to perform my role as a child. I started to “build-up” my persona and my physique when I turned 18. So it was a gradual process, still on-going. Now I’m strong enough to make the difference if given the chance. It’s something you “sense” as being inside yourself, a mechanism.
Without such incredible mechanism, I couldn’t work.
I could not care that much about humanity as long as our world has been rendered uninhabitable by its inhabitants. I mean, our Earth is a living being. We must treat our world like a person.
The life of a superhero is often shrouded in mystery and secrets. Are you particularly worried about hiding your identity?
No Superhero group at the time, I’m thinking about assembling potential Italian Real Life Superheroes and start one myself. It will take a lot of time, but I don’t care.
My “civilian” identity is just an enhancement of the most human part of myself. Of course, only my girlfriend and some friends (two so far) know about it. They are very supportive. Basically, my “civilian” identity is just an overplaying, but not a mystification. It’s not like Clark and Superman, to draw a parallel with comic books. Clark is a carefully constructed disguise.
My two lives are not separated. I just live twice.
Many superheroes claim to have powers or talents that the general population rarely shares, what about you?
As kid, I didn’t realize the whole thing. I lacked focus, of course. They are not “superpowers” in the strict meaning of the word, but not “ordinary” faculties either. This is Real World, and I’m in the middle.
They are a natural part of me, like breathing or sleeping. I just let them grow in myself as time went on.
Well, if I have to describe what I can do, that’s tricky. It’s like I’m in tune with something greater than me, what I use to call “the spectrum”. Every time I interact with life – and, for instance, nature – something “vibes” in my physique in total harmonical conjunction with the “spectrum”. My insect-like features are just physiological answers to dozen of questions life poses to my body in a day. My faculties are all enlisted here: http://entomo.wikispaces.com.
My “talents”, as you wisely put it, are many. Let’s say I mimic some qualities belonging to the insect world. Sometimes, I am myself amazed at what I can do. My principal weakness is that “I” come and go, in the sense sometimes I’m broken and my faculties seem to have vanished. As an intermittence of some sort.
It seems as though it is standard practice for superheroes to go on patrol looking for crimes to solve or people to help – is this something you also do?
I’ve just debuted. I did some patrols in the past, as a civilian. I’m more a “watcher” than a crimefighter, but I can fight… and very well. Give me a worthwhile opponent. I think the whole purpose of the patrols is adverting police at the right time, and do some of the work by yourself. It’s a collaboration, you know. I’m going to collaborate with police as long as they collaborate with me. It’s a mutual affair.
If you have one chance to tell the entire world one message…
“If you don’t care for this marvellous and unpredictable planet, then you’re not caring for yourself.
All small and big lives are connected to the pivotal life of this globe. All small and big pasts are connected to the pivotal future of this globe.
Don’t act as a parasite… act as a worthwhile life.”
The message speaks for itself.
A lot of people are going to write you off as a crazy guy in a costume.
I don’t care. This is my life. I can’t permit other lives, people who chose different paths, to interfere with my path. We’re connected, but still independent. It’s a delicate game of balances. Welcome to human existence.
I have a mission. The costume is just a part of said mission. An integration.
I have no trouble with wearing my costume in public. Somehow, it’s part of me. It’s the better way to be “exposed”, because I’m actually “exposing” the most important and fascinating part of me.
Every superhero has to have a nemesis, a supervillain counterpart, even if this supervillain is simply crime itself.
I don’t know how to answer to this. I don’t know if, at this point, I “need” an archenemy to focus myself even more… we’ll see. I’m ready to go.
I can only say that an “opposing” counterpart is a natural progression of the resonance we have in the world around us. It’s exponential.
You, like any superhero, have a costume to go with your superhero persona…
My costume is partly green because green is the most incredible manifestation of nature. Even many species of insect show green in their chromatic palette, which is a true miracle. I still wear what I call my “Beta Version Outfit”, or even “First Bite”. It’s a prototype. I’m going to wear a more sophisticated mask and suit in the weeks to come.
My symbol is a stylized capital sigma resembling an hourglass; representative of the summation of insect-like features I incorporate into myself – into my genetic code. An hourglass because it’s time to do something; time needing to be spent doing something to make the present state of the Earth much better than what it is. Additionally, some species of black and brown widows present on their abdomen the shape of an hourglass.
One of the most engaging things about any good superhero is their flaws and weaknesses – their ability to appear so very human to us.
I agree with you. Being a Superhero is just… well, a magnification of human nature. Not a re-arrangement, or a travesty. It’s a magnification of something that is already present in human nature.
I have flaws, but they are part of me. They aren’t “mistakes” to fix, rather natural “losses”. I can deal with them.
Finally, I thank you because you’re an exponent of the bright side of the “new generation” of young people out of there, and I’m honoured to promote my movement among you all.
I inject justice.
Posted by Nick at 12:45 PM
1 comments: Jesse said…
Good one, guys.
This … fine specimen of Eye-talian studliness has been very upset at the way he and his colleagues have been characterized over at www.rationreality.com.
Check it out …
6 July 2007 5:22 AM
Real Life Spider-Man”.
It was a blog I wrote on ANOTHER (possible) Real Life Superhero here in Italy, whose appearance is identical to famed comic book character ‘Spider-Man’.
I’m not ‘Spider-Man’, neither I pretend to be ‘Spider-Man’. He doesn’exist, you know.
And I’m not located in Milan, definitely.
But wait… everything seems good in order to have fun, right? It’s the philosophy behind the new generations.
What are you CREATING? What are you DOING with your life?
This blog. “Hate” is the only thing you know.
We’ll keep up the good work for you anyway.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 4, 2007 at 5:42 am
So you hate us THAT much. Are you earning from it? What’s your satisfaction? Tell me. I think your article is even more disrespectful than the original one.
My question is: why? What’s the point?
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 4, 2007 at 1:28 pm
It took me 5 seconds to find that disrespectful comment. I can sacrifice such an insignificant amount of time, do not worry.
It’s not fun at all. We’re fighting the good cause, not playing to a silly ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ play table (like someone among you suggested) or whatever you call that. We’re not delusional “nerds”, but very balanced and skilled people set to make the difference in the world.
On a side note, I did NOT insult you. When I talked about “ignorance”, I talked about the undeniable fact you were not willing to learn about our movement. Apparently.
Still, I’m learning to not bother much with such (disrespectful or polite) attempts to destabilize and/or “invalidate” our movement.
This is my last post. Good luck with your lives. I wish you the best. If given the chance, I would save your life.
That’s the purpose of my existence. That’s my path. That’s my mission.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 4, 2007 at 6:26 pm
In all regards,
Your digging might have been wrong, since nobody in the community I belong to ever considered me as being a “joke”. Said that, I do my patrols, risk my life when given the chance, and I’m also going to do some charity appearances in orphanages as well. It’s just that my debut was in May, I’m relatively “new”.
Now, Bagel. I’m going to submit an article for RATION REALITY. I’ve also offered my MySpace friendship to you all, including your husband. Hope it’s the beginning of a collaboration in order to promote OUR activity. Ok?
(ouch, that was supposed to be my last post). (wink).
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 5, 2007 at 5:25 am
ON A SIDE NOTE, I contacted Jesse yesterday. I didn’t get any answer from him… yet.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 5, 2007 at 5:46 am
I’m in the process to slightly re-write my piece on the movement. Could you wait just a little bit? I live two lives, and sometimes extra-time looks like a luxury.
Good ol’ language barrier. I’ve to refine the article, that’s for sure.
I repeat it: ‘Real Life Spider-Man’ was (supposed to be) a NEW Real Life Superhero here in Italy, it’s not ME. And I live and operate in NAPLES. Why don’t you fix that? (wink).
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 5, 2007 at 5:56 am
I wasn’t rushing you, take your time with the article, so long as I have it within the hour *wink*
This is Jesse’s post. I prefer not to edit my authors’ works once they’ve gone up. I’ll pass the word on to him.
We are a 4 person writing team. If you wanna see the things that I write, click my name. (Some things there were posted by me because they were contributions from outside writers, but they clearly state such).
Bagel of Everything
July 5, 2007 at 6:15 am
Good, Bagel. I’ll read something written by you when I come back home. In the middle of night.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 5, 2007 at 6:29 am
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
Bagel, you’re turning us into celebrities. There’s no need to fill the net, really.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 5, 2007 at 7:25 am
You don’t know anything about Naples or Milan. You just ridiculize yourself this way.
Line crossed. Goodbye.
I inject justice.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 5, 2007 at 2:01 pm
I know plenty about Naples. That’s where the US Sixth Fleet is based.
I was in the Navy, remember?
Jesse Custer
July 5, 2007 at 2:12 pm
I’d really like to hear some opinions regarding tothian’s threats against me
Somehow, it doesn’t seem very heroic to threaten a lady. I didn’t even do anything!
bagel of everything
July 5, 2007 at 2:22 pm
It’s why I dropped off of Heroes Network. My cop friends at the gym were none too thrilled about it. They have even told me, “You see, THIS is why we get along with you. YOU don’t cross the line, YOU are actually trying to help.”
July 5, 2007 at 4:00 pm
@Entomo: How’s the progress with the article you’re writing?
You are still going to write it, aren’t you?
Silly of me to ask…I mean, you gave your word and you’re a superhero, so I’ll try and be patient.
bagel of everything
July 6, 2007 at 1:02 pm
Soylent Ape,
So we have a little bit of blood in common. BARI is a splendid city, however. You should be proud of your roots.
(on a side note, BARI is also a very wild place to live in.)
Let’s assume for a moment I might give you the permission to issue that article on your site. Fine. And then? More uproar from BOTH the crowds. More fights to come.
I say: let’s stop this now.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 6, 2007 at 5:18 pm
Entomo: I’m sorry, I must have misunderstood you.
“Now, Bagel. I’m going to submit an article for RATION REALITY”
I thought you were one of the good guys, but apparently even superheroes break their word.
(also: If you’ve seen any of our contributor posts, you’ll see that the only editing I do is the layout (getting the pictures hanging straight and such), and fixing misspellings. I do not change the content without permission of the writer. If you write an honest piece, I can’t imagine how an uproar could begin.
bagel of everything
July 6, 2007 at 5:30 pm
“Now, Bagel. I’m going to submit an article for RATION REALITY. I’ve also offered my MySpace friendship to you all, including your husband. Hope it’s the beginning of a collaboration in order to promote OUR activity. Ok?”
Doesn’t really sound like a “promise” written on stone and signed in blood, but more like a “proposal”.
I wrote this message when everything was STILL pretty much contained. Then it went downhill from that point.
I’ve now a point to ponder, and still feel tired because the patrol I did yesterday. That’s what you can call “tribulation”. I call it “routine”.
By the way, Bagel, who are you? What’s your job? Just wondering.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 6, 2007 at 5:40 pm
Final verdict:
There’s no need for a contribution.
My personal MySpace profile page is packed with useful infos. Just read them, and don’t misinterpret them anymore as the original poster did (”Real Life Spider-Man” what?).
I inject justice.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 6, 2007 at 5:48 pm
Superhero: I would very much like to see an article from you! You see, the majority of our readers never see these comments, and therefore are only seeing our side of the issue. I don’t want this to be a one sided rant. I am not running a personal soapbox here.
I’m sad to hear that you’ve taken so much shit from your colleagues. Frankly, you’re the only one who has helped me to open my mind about your movement. I wish I could make every one of our readers see these comments and learn more about what it is to be a superhero, but that’s just not how a blog works.
I’m also sorry to hear that Entomo cowers from others. Perhaps he needs to inject some courage?
Seems it’s fitting that he is an insect man, as I’m don’t feel like he has much of a spine when he takes back his promises like that.
Anyway, submission details are here. Please use your correct email address, incase I need to discuss any changes with you.
bagel of everything
July 6, 2007 at 5:53 pm
Entemo: Most of our readers do not click links and they do not read the comments. Thousands of people read our posts everyday. Only a handfull of those click the links or read the comments. If you aren’t serious about opening minds, then don’t worry about it.
I’m more worried that you lied to me than about any article. Did I deserve to be lied to? What kind of justice do you inject for liars?
bagel of everything
July 6, 2007 at 5:59 pm
I’m a Real Life Superhero, not a soldier. You should know that I’m totally independent and free to opt whatever solution I feel as being the best.
I have nothing to worry about, as far as my collegues are concerned: you, Zetaman, Tothian, Master Legend, Stargazer, Prospect, Nostrum, Squeegeeman, Eye, Huntress and many others.
We’ve developed a strong and unbreakable bound of comradeship and friendship.

Entomo The Insect-Man
July 6, 2007 at 6:03 pm
Insects are provided with an exo-skeleton which is basically much more proficient than humans’s inner skeleton.
COURAGE is something totally un-related to Internet, trust me.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 6, 2007 at 6:07 pm
Oh, I didn’t see this one, sorry:
“Now, Bagel. I’m going to submit an article for RATION REALITY…Doesn’t really sound like a “promise” written on stone and signed in blood, but more like a “proposal”.
Sorry, again. I misunderstood.
To me, saying I’m going to do something is the same as promising it. When a person’s word is good, promises are superfluous.
bagel of everything
July 6, 2007 at 6:08 pm
@ Entomo, I appreciate that. But I Have & Do take flak from a small percentage of our coleauges for how I opperate.
@bagel, I’ll try.
July 6, 2007 at 6:12 pm
Jesse, that’s the scary part. some of these guys Do think they are the punnisher…
July 6, 2007 at 6:15 pm
Uh oh…I think I can only do DOC. that’s what Word makes isn’t it? what do I do?
July 6, 2007 at 6:27 pm
Jesse Custer is filling the whole net with his “Technorati” and a good deal of disrespect towards us.
I don’t care about Internet that much. I just think to the criterium behind the action, you know. It’s a matter of principle (Which is a very different concept from “pride”, a mere exercise in self-vanity).
People can found every info they need on OUR MySpace profile pages.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 6, 2007 at 6:27 pm
@ SH-
Most publishers require .RTF documents, and Bagel fancies herself a publisher … so …
Go ahead and send it to me as a .DOC. I’ll reformat it and pass the file along to her.
@ Entomo-
You’re like a five year old kid who’s just found out that his puppy likes the neighbor’s kid better than him. Seriously, get over yourself.
People aren’t clicking the links to go to your Myspace profile. In the last two days, more people have come to Ration Reality by searching ‘Entomo The Insect Man’ and ‘Entomo Real Superhero’ than have clicked to your site from ours. Hell, more people have come to Ration Reality by Googling ‘hannukah music torrents,’ ‘communal baths – germany,’ ‘naked delivery girl’ and ‘dumpster whores’ than have clicked away from our site to visit your Myspace profile. Bagel’s right – most people don’t read the comments or click the links. I usually don’t read past the first, hell, ten or fifteen comments. Sometimes more, if they’re really funny or interesting.
Write something to present a more balanced view of who and what you are. We will post it with no commentary aside from a brief introduction saying that you’re a guest contributor to the site.
I will advertise your guest article on Technorati and Digg!, just as enthusiastically as I do my own posts, and I will do it in a respectful and polite fashion. This is the best shot you’re going to get, Entomo. People right now are seeing only one side of it. Give them the other side. The feedback emails that we’ve been getting right now have been running pretty heavily towards ‘wow, Superhero is a pretty cool guy, so’s Zeitgeist. That Entomo is a whiner, though. What’s wrong with him?’
You want to stop that from happening? You want to change that? You’ve been acting like a little kid here for the past few days. You want the puppy to like you best again? Smear yourself with bacon grease, write a post here and act like an adult. Do what Mr. President Tothian wants you to do and make your community look ‘badass and cool.’ Right now, except for Superhero, Squeegee, and Zeitgeist, you don’t. Well … maybe Nostrum, too. He seems to be a pretty stand-up guy, but the jury’s still out.
But either way, get over yourself.
Jesse Custer
July 6, 2007 at 7:07 pm
@SH and Jesse: I don’t do .docs because I don’t use Word. I hate Word. I can reformat it, no worries. Include some links to photos too, if you wish. I like a few photos 🙂
And where the heck is Squeegeeman? I love me some Squeeg! Is he too cool for us?
I wonder if Entomo wouldn’t have been a better choice for our contest than Tothian? I mean, its really what’s worse: Threats or Lies?
bagel of everything
July 6, 2007 at 7:15 pm
Squeegee man is like a enigma…wrapped in a burito or somethig. I’m sure he’s out walking for cameras or aids or squeegee-itis or something. just go to his myspace and say hi. Oh and fyi he NEVER drops the gimmick.
July 6, 2007 at 8:39 pm
It’s done bagel. jesse has it & pics.
July 6, 2007 at 8:42 pm
any other pics, just yank ‘em off my myspace.
July 6, 2007 at 8:55 pm
K, kids.
We’ve got us two submissions by our RLSH friends. I haven’t yet worked out the logistics of when they’ll be posted, but I’m thinking early next week. Probably the first will go up tomorrow or Monday.
They will be on the front page here at RationReality.com
Thanks folks!
bagel of everything
July 7, 2007 at 9:50 pm
“Jesse Custer”,
Please, grow up. If you are so attached to the “internet popularity” concept, then become a blogger. No wait, you’re already that.
Have fun, man. That’s what you want. Taste your freedom. It’s just Internet.
I inject justice.
Entomo The Insect-Man
July 9, 2007 at 6:11 pm
Entomo, don’t you ever check our front page?
The conversation has moved here.
bagel of everything
July 9, 2007 at 6:50 pm
New post here:
The World Needs Heroes
bagel of everything
July 12, 2007 at 4:54 pm
Sleep if you need that.
I inject justice.
Entomo The Insect-Man
August 1, 2007 at 5:56 am
Hey Entomo. Still searching for yourself, I see? One of these days you’ll find something worth looking at, I guess.
August 1, 2007 at 10:33 am
Good times.
I’m glad SuperHero turned out to be a cool guy.
Horray for SH!
I kinda miss Entomo tho. He was fun
bagel of everything
August 24, 2007 at 7:02 pm
If I had to sum up what a RLSH really is (at least for me), I would have to say that when people ask why we wear costumes and create “alter-egos” to whatever degree we do, it is simply to draw attention in a colorful way to the idea that anyone can be “super”, by virtue of going above and beyond their day-to-day norm to help others. Run-on sentence thusly ends…
That’s really all there is to it.
You don’t need a costume to do what we do. All you need is a genuine desire to help, whenever and wherever you can, in a world that needs it heroes. The hero or heroine…in *everyone*.
In Seeing Justice Done,
~The Eye~
The Eye
November 9, 2007 at 12:10 pm
‘you don’t need a costume to do what we do’
Ok, so why the need for a costume? I understand uniforms for our military,police,fire fighters- they are earned. As are their titles. What torturous labyrinth are you subjected to before you don your spandex? What oath do you swear by? Nothing against you, Superhero, I admire your work. But it seems that some of your brethren are in it for the glory. The world has its heroes and they don’t wear costumes. Humility and Integrity are manifested in action, they are qualities that need no marketing. Again, Superhero, I have served my country and I appreciate the service that you are doing. It is noble and just. I am simply giving others something to think about.
November 9, 2007 at 12:24 pm
Eye: Do I have to do what you do to wear the costume? Cuz I like dressing up, but I don’t actually like helping people.
KW: Because it’s freakin hot! No, wait…that’s why girls like yaoi.
bagel of everything
December 9, 2007 at 2:53 am
When I was 4 years old I watched Mary Poppins. She was my hero.
I grabbed an umbrella , opened it and jumped off the roof and it fucking hurt everywhere.
Then I saw her tiitties in Victor Victoria. That just fucked up everything.
December 9, 2007 at 3:11 am