Tag Materials

Plate Armor

*From Beerio’s Manual
Plate armor was traditionally made of iron or steel in the day of the knight, however due to the use of stronger and better crossbows and bows and the damnable invention of the gun, plate armor became less and less useful until it was abandonned altogether.The main problem with plate armor wasn’t that it couldn’t be made bulletproof. The problem was to make it bulletproof it became too heavy to be worn for a reasonable amount of time during combat.
Today man has learn of new and better materails other than iron and steel.
To make bulletproof plate armor today there are a few materials recommended:
High density plastic
Kevlar or other ballistic fabrics incased in a resin.


spiderd3o11Developed by d30-lab, d3o is a soft and flexible material that hardens on impact. According to the manufacturer, d3o is produced by combining a viscous fluid with a polymer (both proprietary in nature). The molecules are weakly bound and move very slowly under normal conditions, making the material very soft and flexible. However, the distress of a sudden impact causes the chemical bonds to strengthen and the moving molecules to lock together. The material becomes a hard, protective shield. This process happens in less than one thousandth of a second. The faster the impact, the more rapidly the molecules respond.