Phoenix Jones says he's sorry

Originally posted:
By Jennifer Kuglin Jul 24, 2011
Phoenix posted this note on his Facebook page about Hope 2011:
“Hope 2011 is an event run by Razor Hawk that will be taking place in California. At my request, a news publication that recently featured me provided a majority of the funding for Hope 2011. I assumed I would be able to attend the event and be able to help with the homeless outreach but I am the only superhero that has been banned from this event. I’ve never communicated with Razor Hawk directly, but I’ve heard via a third party that I am too controversial because I confront criminals directly and detain when necessary until the police arrive.
When I first became a superhero I was excited about joining the RLSH community and was quickly disappointed when I was banned before I ever even had a chance to make a post. I was notified by email the reason for my exile from the online community is because I lie about my deeds and there was no proof I was actually fighting crime. I would be fine with that if everyone else on the site had to prove their actions as well, but they are taken at their word. In the past few months through news media sources, guest patrols with other RLSHs, video, Phoenix Cam, and police it has been proven I patrol on a regular basis with a purpose to fight crime and stop acts of violence.  I am offended that I am still ridiculed and put down by this community. I have more documentation and actual crime interventions than any other ‘superhero’ other than Master Legend of course.
I have not participated in the online bashing and gossip that consumes a lot of superhero’s lives. But there has been media publications quoting me saying less than favorable things about certain members of the RLSH and of that I am guilty. Most of the comments I have made come from feelings of resentment that have arisen from being so discriminated against by the community. I have identified myself as a Rain City Superhero Movement member as opposed to an RLSH for three reason: 1, Certain members of the RLSH hacked my FB and deleted it and told me not to use the RLSH term because I was not one. 2, Most of the RLSH I know focus on humanitarian work and crime fighting second. 3, RLSH is a broad term and I wanted something more city specific to what we needed in Seattle.
I have always felt that the most effective outreaches are done in safe environments. I know a RLSH in Seattle who was robbed of his handout food during an outreach. If they would target him, I can only imagine what they do to the people receiving the food after I have left. If I am able to take away the violent offenders in these areas our homeless outreaches will be a lot more effective.
The point of this message is that we are all masked human beings trying to better the environment that we live in, each in our own specific areas of expertise. Hating each other, bickering and slandering, and banning people from events is ridiculous (I will enclose links that support my statements). It just minimizes our effectiveness, corrupts the message, and takes up valuable time that we could be using on the streets. I have tried my best to stay out of this drama but from this point on I am not participating in any way, shape, or form. I think its important to live your message, so here it is, I AM SORRY.
I am sorry if I have said bad things to you directly, I am sorry if I have sad bad things behind your back, I am sorry if you haven’t understood or were offended by my crime fighting methods. But most of all, I am sorry that we had to make this public. I forgive anyone who has said anything bad about me. From here on out all slates are clean as far as I am concerned. We are fighting each other when we should be fighting the evil in this world.”

H.O.P.E. 2011

Razorhawk is organizing a massive homeless outreach event at Comic Con 2011 in San Diego

This will hopefully be the most massive outreach to homeless people in Southern California on the weekend of ComiCon 2011. We hope to get 50-100 heroes and hero support together to reach out to the homeless with food, water and supplies. hopefully making an impact that will be felt everywhere!
Updated information can be found at-
The event will go from 10PM July 22,2011 until 12 or 1 am and will recommence on Saturday afternoon July 23,2011 at Noon and run for 4-6 hours. We are also acceting donations and sponsorship that will help us get more supplies so we can help the maximum number of people.

Further Information
From Atavistik
“Hope alone gets nothing accomplished… you must have the will to make that hope a reality.”
July 23rd (Saturday) 2011 is a day that members of this community will meet at the San Diego Con to both attend the Con and to participate in a joint outreach effort to aid those in need in that area. while the odds are that a large group will be in attendance, many community members will not be able to participate. as such, we kinda figured that it would be cool to supplement the group effort in SD with as many other such handouts as possible anywhere and everywhere we can. anyone interested (I’m even leaning towards non-RLSH and non-gimmick people here) could take the 8-9 months until getting ready to do as much good as they can….. that doesn’t mean you have to save it all up til then either. think about the prime package possibilities people! {sorry, couldn’t help it} and what’s the point? because alone, at best you are seen as a costumed eccentric (not in most instances though Rolling Eyes ) at the Con, Raz and those guys will be people in costumes…. at a Comic Convention Rolling Eyes ……. that do some outreach. in costume. if we hit on the same day from the west coast all the way to Lady Liberty, from Tenochtitlan to Barrow and anywhere else that you couldn’t possibly walk from here (okay. so the Statue of Liberty is on an island and most people think Montezuma is a tequila} but you get my point) doing outreach with a flier about the HOPE meet (okay, so I’m not sure HOPE is all caps…. but I like it that way) and a simple explanation thereof, well…… then all you need is contact info and informational links.
since Raz said he’d work up a pdf flier and I have a bigger mouth than my little brother, I’m posting the sign-up sheet. I say “sign up sheet” because people could be interested in helping out, if there’s someone from here already doing this in their area we can direct that help in their direction. if there isn’t, maybe that interested person could get something going anyways…..
in short; outreach/handout, July 23rd 2011, in your town (it’s up to you)……. interested??
More information at: