Expand Self-Defense Law In High Crime Areas? Asks Capt Black?

Nadra Enzi
Thought Experiment:

A compassionate federal government passes revolutionary legislation creating ” Enhanced Self-defense Zones ” or ESZs where  ” Stand Your Ground ” transforms into ” Defend Your Turf ” for inner city; Mexican Border and rural communities with extraordinarily high violent crime rates.

Imagine the feds considering citizens grown enough and moral enough to mow down thugs foreign and domestic on our own?

Naww, couldn’t happen. Government prefers otherwise able-bodied adults depend upon the handful of local; state; federal and military personnel to do the heavy lifting.

An uncomfortable truth for some is there will never be enough government protective employees to serve as each American’s personal body guard. Into this void willing citizens can step but obviously shouldn’t unless current law is radically re-envisioned.

Gun owners who follow the rules aren’t the ones using city streets for target practice. Thugs often aren’t even supposed to have guns because of felon status; clearly have no rules of engagement and obviously don’t inform authorities of what they’re stockpiling or its illicit purpose.

The ESZ concept smacks of state-sanctioned vigilantism but actually is a cry to recognize just how brutal thugs are becoming in certain parts of the United States.

Don’t be surprised if the day comes when a future President; Congress and US Supreme Court unite to craft and uphold the constitutionality of such a measure.

We can choose now to reduce thugs reign of terror by squashing racial; ideological and other beefs in favor of supporting unbiased policing and prosecution of professional predators, individually and as organizations.

Failing this, bills like my ” Enhanced Self-defense Zone ” could eventually become reality. Expanding self-defense law in high crime areas maybe seen as civil rights legislation equal to anything Lincoln; LBJ or Nixon signed.    

New Orleans is where I live. It would be a prime test city for such policy.


Thought Experiment over.

NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK, THE HOOD CONSERVATIVE promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082






Ballistic Politics

car0358The Arizona political shootings offer an opportunity for the Administration to either defend free speech ( including that which it bitterly opposes) or criminalize it using this event as a pretext.
Any president would be sorely tempted to brand his foes enemies of the state and history tells at least several did.
I’m being intentionally vague because enough gasoline is hitting this particular fire without by brand of high octane propellant. Folks with impulse control problems on all sides of the issue don’t need more provocation to go postal.
Conservatives wonder when the speech codes will be unveiled? Conspiracy theorists on that side expect government surveillance and dirty tricks to exceed Nixon in the wake of this attempted assassination of a sitting Congress woman and murder of a Chief federal District judge among others.
As a security person and political observer I think we need to recognize the pressure cooker of the last few years is causing some to reach their boiling point. That doesn’t mean that prevailing conditions; talking heads or policy makers can automatically be blamed when these eruptions occur, but they are mitigating factors. Study and preemptive action may head off some of these tragedies.
Ballistic politics are occasions when we need to look closely at just how much we believe free speech is worth. In some instances the price can be life itself.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info