Tag captain america

The World Needs Heroes

By Citizen Prime
From Ration Reality
Today, the world needs heroes more than ever. In 1945, being a good man meant standing up for your neighbor as well as your country. It meant doing the right thing, and everyone knew what the right thing was. World War II was, arguably, our hour of greatest need and it bred men of amazing conviction and character as they fought against Hitler and what was called the Axis Powers. Today we are being attacked by a modern day axis of evil that threatens all freedom loving people.
The axis of disillusionment, fear and greed. These three powers have taken our culture by storm, infiltrating into every TV, radio and internet browser. And on the other side of this war lie the people of heroic character. They still exist. Yet, when heroes are mentioned, people are as likely to laugh as be combative. The tales of heroes, like our current war heroes, seem an exaggerated mythos to those who cannot conceive of the conviction it takes to do the right thing. And it is conviction at the heart of the matter. Yet, heroes do exist today and they exist all around us. Need proof? Zach Petkewicz’s quick thinking during the Virginia Tech shooting spree saved lives. Debra Boyd saved two people — a mother and her daughter — when a tornado hit the school where she worked. A store clerk talks with CNN’s John Roberts uncovers a plot to attack Fort Dix. See www.cnn.com/heroes for more about this brave souls. And these people are the merest tip of the iceberg. The honest truth is the hero is you, if given the right opportunity and you make the right choices.
So, how do you react when faced with those choices? Do you risk and possibly sacrifice your own well being to help someone in greater need? Imagine what it would be like if we all felt such kinship. Even today’s career criminals are not entirely immune to this concept of camaraderie. The genesis of gangs was an effort to protect and serve one’s own. That noble origin might be a far cry from gang activity today. As disillusionment in society, fear of harm or death and greed to get whatever one could sets in, the concept is entirely lost to decadence. But ironically, their roots were about family. What if we could all broaden that sense of protection for what we perceive as “our own” until we literally had no outsiders left?
What if we could learn the values of tolerance, understanding and treat everyone as we do our inner circle? Imagine the future we could offer our children. And I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want a better life for their children.When Sen. Barack Obama asked his daughter what we are here on earth for, she replied, “To help each other get through this.” As children, we have that natural sense of community. Somewhere along the way, we get disillusioned about that communal instinct. Convinced that we can’t flourish with such “naive” standards as universal acceptance and brotherhood. So, we come to the adult stance of “might makes right” and “if they want something, they take it.” Whether verbal, social or physical, it all amounts to the same – bullying. In a way, that’s okay.
We have to find the bullies. We can’t discuss the issue unless we know who to discuss it with. Only then can we have a meaningful dialogue with them about what it really means to protect themselves and protect their families. We could start with a question: When did you lose that natural sense of brotherhood and sisterhood? What straw broke your back? Was it the constant fear of growing up in a bad neighborhood? Was it the disillusionment of friendship lost due to hard choices growing up? Was it a friend who turned his back to us for a payday? Whatever it was, it was not any one thing or person. It was those negative values we live with in this era of free thinking. Fear, greed and disillusionment. The current Axis of Evil.And the one thing that has been around, since World War II – since forever – is the inspiration of heroes that are larger than life to illuminate values we want to emulate in our lives. Whether it was Zeus, Superman, or Captain America, its easy to see why we find the myths compelling. They live above the moral spaghetti bowl we deal with and cut wide swaths through their problems with unbridled powers and clear conscience decisions.
And the question of the day, of our day, is do we want to focus on the fear, greed and disillusionment that surrounds us? Do we want to add to it by attacking and belittling each other? Or, possibly, do we want to emulate those traits of heroes past and present, real and fictional, that stand up for what is right? Do we want to have the moral fiber to stand against a bullying onslaught and respond with rational kindness and strength of character? The answer is in our actions and it is those actions that define us as hero or not. Regardless of your choice, throughout human history, one thing has remained constant. We all absolutely need to have heroes. Today, the world is in short supply. One exists inside everyone. Bring it out. Be the hero in your own life and I assure you, you’ll soon find you are a hero to many.

Progress …

While I continue to patrol, hopefully inspire, and help organize the hero movement, I think it’s important to share updates on how my rig is progressing.  Every little thing seems to take so much focus; from the Citizen Prime logo to the under armour to the actual armor.  I think I have my logo exactly as I want it and I have to thank one of my fellow superheroes, Kampfhund, for his invaluable partnership in co-creating this iconic image with me.  I posted this image of my symbol on the Under Armour that I will wear as part of my rig.  I have my boots and greaves taken care of.  I went with a athletic boot and greaves model, instead of just boots to afford me a maximum ability when out on the street. The chest, back, thigh, and shoulder armor is all being simultaneously constructed as is the leather/steel helmet and protective gauntlet/gloves.  I am choosing to add a cape, however, I am designing it in such a way as to keep it out of my way, when necessary, and allow me to use it for concealment or additional protection when required, as well.  My utility belt, while I have been playing it loose and fast up till now, will undergo a legal review to see what is legal to carry in my state and city of Phoenix, Arizona.  Without being too specific, I currently carry one set of handcuffs, a “bunch” of a Ziploc ties for various purposes, cell phone, passport (better than a driver’s license, in case I get overpowered and bad guys take it – no address and if I report it lost its basically useless for travel), cell phone, an ARMA 100, stun gun, pepper spray, video camera, lighting, and 20 bucks.  I also carry my license in my car as well as many other things but those are the mainstays on my “utility belt”
In my new image I maintained the January 5 deadline for the launch of Citizen Prime.  I still think that’s a realistic goal.  Until then, I’ll continue to patrol, inspire people where and how I can through medium and continue to play whatever part I can in organizing the community, and providing resources for other heroes, if I am able.
So, to those who have gone before me and to those who will follow after, I say this.  Heroes and superheroes are real and they patrol the streets of our fair cities.  They come in all shapes, sizes and demeanors but the one thing they have in common, is the need to help.  I salute those who are currently out there.  And I ask those who have not yet made “the leap” to consider all the options available to you as a private citizen to help take back the streets of your city, your neighborhood, your world.  Join hands with your family, your friends, your community and if everyone who considers this only takes back their street or their block from the bad element, what a safer and more joyful world it would be for the kids on that street and for the people on that block to live in.
Superheroes exist.  The dawn of a new age is upon us.  Be prepared to be amazed.

Super League of Superheroes Contact Information

Contact Information!
Mail the Super League of Superheroes!
The Super League of Superheroes
P.O. Box 1029
New York, NY 10009
Have a Submission for our Website? Have a Question for the SLS? Want to Ask for Help? Commend Our Service?
Email the Super League at
[email protected]
Want to Book the SLS for an TV or Radio Interview, Public Event, News Story, Feature Film?
Email the Public Relations Department Peter Magellan at [email protected]
Email Squeegeeman directly!
[email protected]
Want to ask Captain Xavier Obvious about a Thing You Should Know? He’ll answer, he promises.
[email protected]

Superleague of Superheroes FAQ

F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q. Why do you do this?
A. Because we are superheroes, this is what superheroes do.
Q. How do I report Crime and Grime to the Super League of Superheroes?
A. If you know of crime or grime that needs superhero attention please send us an SLS.
Q. How would I join the Super League of Superheroes?
A. You would first have to be a superhero and in order to be a superhero you would first have to be super, so if you are not super joining is out of the question.
Q. Can I join the Super League of Superheroes on a mission?
A. No, our missions are far too dangerous for the ordinary person. If you are a member of the press and interested in following members of the Super League of Superheroes around please CONTACT US
Q. What can I do to help the Super League of Superheroes?
A. Being a superhero isn’t a profitable profession, and just like ordinary citizens, we have bills to pay. You can support the Super League of Superheroes by buying merchandise from our store. This will help us support our website and fund future missions and patrols