Tag Bill Clinton


By Mega-Rad
There’s this thing you can do in “the field” which basically amounts to making a quick educated guess about the personality traits of people you encounter. It was presented to me originally as “profiling,” but it has nothing to do with ethnicities or figuring out the mindset of hypothetical serial killers.
There are two reasonable ways that I know of to do it. One involves using the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). You basically observe the person briefly and make some snap judgements about four personality dimensions they exhibit.
Are they Introverted or Extroverted, iNtuitive or Sensory, Thinking or Feeling, Perceiving or Judging?
Then you come up with a result, like for me I’m an “INTP” leaning toward “ENTJ.”
Why this is valuable to you, and you have to do some studying to make it so, is that each of the possible 16 types have common characteristics and can generally be dealt with in ways that consider those characteristics.
A way to make the typing faster and aid in understanding how to approach people is to have a few famous examples of each type in your head and basically guess which famous person an individual is most like. For instance, if someone gives off a “Bill Clinton” vibe, you might assume they’re an ESFP and deal with them “how you would deal with Bill Clinton.”
This is not so hard as it seems and you can kind of assess people in like 12 seconds or so after a while. You’ll make errors, but it’s systematic and can help sometimes. The more you read about the MBTI and the more you practice the better you get at it.
The other system I’m aware of is simpler and is used by some airlines in flight attendant (or Sexy Stewardess, as I like to call them Razz) training.
Basically you decide whether anyone you encounter is most like a Panther, Penguin, Dolphin, or Owl. Then you deal with them according to your experiences in dealing with similar people. I’m an Owl.
I imagine bouncers, cops, and such must have something similar. If any of you do I’d be very interested to hear about it.

May I See Your ID?

I could have made Capt. Black a separate identity.
Given the flak previous activism stirred that would have been bright. But I LIKE BEING CAPT. BLACK ALL THE TIME: in the supermarket; at the drug store; walking down the street. Cap is me and I am ” he.”
This isn’t another self- it’s my best self with a flashy name tied on like a bow. Comic book, pulp novel and many real life super heroes hide who they are for very good reaons, retaliation being the main one.
Despite my philosophical bent and love of RLSH writing, I’m also a fighter who refuses to run from anyone, anywhere, anytime. Anybody who doesn’t like what I do has a personal problem, one he’s well advised to keep to himself. I’m big on de-escalation and threat management so if you ever read I had to touch an opponent, rest assured it’ll be justified.
That said, secret IDs make alot of sense.
Most people take pains to avoid potential 24/7 confrontation. Another identity, where you’re not sticking your nose in others business, is a smart move.
Strategically, some RLSH need to have public identities simply to avoid hassles with law enforcement and others likely to have problems with masked citizens.
California’s Mr. Extreme encountered this barrier when trying to attend a community meeting inside a police station. While I think they over reacted, government has that tendency when we don’t march in lock step.
My reasons for not wearing a mask are myriad: eye sight ( I’d need prescription lenses; shades or goggles to make it work! lol ); being Black and masked in my hometown of Savannah, GA- not a good idea; Fictional inspirations like Doc Savage; Mr. Fantastic; Luke Cage, Powerman and Buckaroo Banzai bare their faces to the world and last but not least, real life inspirations from the civil rights Movement went unmasked.
It’s my way of telling society’s bullies someone isn’t afraid to stand up and show who he really is.
I’m not knocking secret ID RLSH. If you have kids I understand. Why bring all this heat down because some percentage of RLSH will have stalkers or violent opposition to our do gooding.
That should be factored into everyones game plan.
Our web presence plus movies like Kick Ass and being featured on 20/20 means more attention, good and otherwise. Keeping a safe, seperate other life is worth the trouble when weighing the odds of harassment.
I’m used to being hated. It means I’m doing my job right.
Comes with being big, Black and vocal. Look at the warm receptions Bill Clinton or Karl Rive get from varied factions and you don’t always have to be big and Black to be hated! lol.
Hatred is someone else problem, not mine. If the hater attempts to make his problem mine then I respond with all appropriate measures. Most haters are cowards and wouldn’t attempt harm even if they stood before you.
The violent minority amongst haters have to be dealt with decisively. Anyone making the quantum leap from jealosy to assault needs some sense knocked into him.
Whether pre-RLSH or RLSH, I’ve known that standing up and being vocal invited more hostility than sitting down and shutting up.
When or if some hater gets worked up enough to attack me then I’ll answer this article’s question, ” May I see your ID? ” with a reply that’ll make headlines!
Obviously other RLSH are to deal with this in their own manner. My task was to outline some of the unlikely consequences being creatively good to create.
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development. http://www.captblack.info