Giving Til it Hurts!

I advocate generosity.
As a self-diagnosed extreme altruist, I give until it literally ( emotionally and economically ) hurts. I don’t recommend this particular trait but do at least admit to it. lol.
Giving til it hurts requires embracing someone else dilemma as your own. It’s the polar opposite to dismissing a matter as somebody else problem.
Obviously courting financial or relationship ruin isn’t the most healthy assistance strategy but extreme altruists are nothing if not persistent.
Giving til it hurts is either a testimony to selflessness or self-destructive, depending upon who you ask. This trait is outlined here simply to unmask a condition common to do gooders of all kinds.
While wholeheartedly advocating generosity, I caution folks about giving til it hurts because the consequences can literally be life altering.
We need to tear down walls separating people but mustn’t tear ourselves apart in the process. This can be a tough balancing act but all worthwhile things usually are a handful to manage.
Don’t give til it hurts unless you absolutely have to. Believe me, I know.

X-ALTS: Extreme Altruism Examined

I’d like to thank Zero ( the original Z ) for creating a phrase for those of us within what the media labeled the real life superhero ( RLSH ) community who may or may not quite fit that colorful brand.
“X Alts” or extreme altruists is his commendable contribution to the lexicon.
Yes I have a code name but I’m a bit costume lite compared to most. Yes I’m a member of this community of creative activists; glory seekers; actual crime fighters and ” visionaries ” but Zero’s new term resonates with me on many levels.
I’m a very creative concerned citizen- that’s it. I’m not a vigilante nor a naive do gooder. I’m simply a highly socially concerned member of the public. Being part of a mobilized, passionate public has been my goal from Day One, along with using my lifelong interest in things super heroic to inspire others.
Zero is a serious thinker about our emerging field of activism. I’m not surprised he coined this phrase and will undoubtedly produce a body of work that will go a long way toward explaining the various tribes under the RLSH umbrella.
Some of us see ourselves as superheroes come to life. Others are creative actvists paying homage to a genre that allows folks to soar above the commonplace. Still more have allowed fantasy to overwhelm their grasp on reality.
Wherever you fit on the RLSH spectrum, we should all thank Zero for his invaluable input!
NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development through creative activism. Whether his outreach is RLSH or X ALT is up to the beholder. (504) 214-3082.